In this true crime movie, based on real events, there is a young man, who is from a wealthy family, but a good kid, with a cute girlfriend of two years, who is working away from home for the summer, earning money for college and school, and I just did a typo, with a "U" in it, and yes, this high school student, reminds me of not only the way, I would react to this situation, but, the way I probably would have handled the whole thing, from start to finish, other than I never had sex, before marriage, so maybe not, but if I had, and I got pregnant, this probably would have been me. But, while the girlfriend is gone, the boyfriend, has been faithful, and around the last weekend before school, is to start, he has a few guys over to his parents' home, while they are out of town, and as things go in high school, the word gets out, that there is a party, so a bunch of people show up, alcohol comes with the territory of many kids' parties, but, things are under control, as, the camera, goes up to the parents' bedroom, while a new girl, at the high school, is checking out mom's jewellery, noting the wealth of the family, looking in the garage where the new Mercedes is parked, where she finds the boyfriend, getting more beer.
The new girl, much the personality of the fraud broads, sees a good thing, and wants to make it hers. First she finds out, that the kid has a long time girlfriend, who is away, she listens to the kid's friends, say, how are you going all summer without sex? She catches his response, and the plan is hatched, she goes for the kid, his parent's wealth, and getting out of her terrible home situation, with a mother who abandoned her and her father, and a loser father . . . pregnancy is the key. So, the kid and this temptress, are both in the garage, he is drunk out of his mind, playing the good host, getting more beer, and he offers her one, which she takes, and wants to share with him, already way beyond, rational limits. Then she comments on the new car, and wants to get in the car and check it out, which he lets her do. She asks him to get in the passenger seat, while she is in the driver's seat, and then, she crawls over onto his lap, and he tries to stop her, but, he has the beer in his hands, protests, tells of his girlfriend, and that even makes her want him more! They have quick, almost un-consensual sex, in the front seat of the car, and the kid is so out of it, he is almost not able to stop it, her unzipping his pants, and climbing on him.
The chick from the poor side of the track, is estatic, because, this was her plan all the way along, and she had tried to pin a pregnancy on some rich kid, at her last high school, as girlfriend tries to find a way out for her boyfriend and the father of her baby also. Blood tests come back, positive for him being the father. The parents of the young long time lovers, are upset, but, the girl's parents, fell into the same situation, when they were in high school, and they made it work, loved each other, loved their love child, and this girl too, from the same union, and they are very rational and supportive in their approach to the whole thing, while worried about the kids getting through college, and getting good jobs, they know that with the parents support and help, the kids, will survive and they are happy for them, or at least the girl's parents are. But, the schemer, chick, is a pain in the ass, and she uses, this good kid, raised to take responsibility for his actions, to get her clothes, things for the baby, while the girlfriend's parents, are taking care of her, until the kids decide what to do, or get married after graduation. The mother of the boy, can see right through this little tramp, who has trapped her son, while drunk, taking advantage of his state, now of his families wealth . . . mom, good intent, goes to the girl's father, and offers him $100,000 to take care of the problem, and leave her son alone.
The dad, takes the money, and ditches the pregnant daughter, leaving her with nothing and nobody to turn to, but the kid, and his family. This whole time, the loved girlfriend is being taunted, teased, and tricked, by the conieving chick, over social media, with her taking pictures, selfies, even making up, texts, that show, her with the father, many doctored and manipulated. He is trying to do the right thing by both girls, but it is getting hard and harder, and he can't help but favor, his long time girlfriend he loved! The other chick, is always, right in the middle, meddling, interfering and taking advantage of really nice people. When the boy sees the horrible conditions, and the shack, his baby, from this one night stand, it going to live in, asks his parents to let the girl, move in, with them, until the baby is born, and then he announces that him and his girlfriend, due the same time, will be staying in the town, getting an apartment, and he will get a job to support them, while he attends college. The other girl, they will help with an apartment, and expenses . . . she is jealous, and in true symbolic fashion, her last name is Henderson, symbolic to me, because, Shelley, wanted to live in Henderson, Nevada, where I believe, she sold books, or took over a route, for either Gumdrop Books, or Scholastic Books for kids, where she hooked up with the mob, I believe. Shelley hooked up with, or tried to hook up with every guy, I was ever with, from Jerry Owens, on down the line.
Old Boyfriend Trouble for New Chick, Competition from Girlfriend
An old boyfriend from the wrong side of the tracks, shows up, and wants sex with his girlfriend, knowing her well, and knowing, that she had faked a pregnancy before, to hook a rich kid. She rejects her old bow, and he decides to blackmail her, through, stealing jewellry and other family valuables, which would get her blamed for, the thefts, and he knows it, but birds of a feather, flock together! Hot little tramp momma, gets pissed that her old squeeze is going to ruin everything for her, so she kills him, and dumps the kid's body, at her father's now abandoned property. On a field trip with the school, she shows up, where the long time boyfriend and girlfriend are . . . it ends up, that the girlfriend needs to use the bathrooms, and the jealous girl, follows her, tries to stab her too, but, both pregnant girls fall of the side of a cliff, and the girl, who is the mischief maker, like Kay, reminding of her devious character, always making trouble, for me and mine, interfering in relationships, as does Shelley, seeing everything as a competition, goes into labor, and she is screaming for the girlfriend, she almost just stabbed, to help her, which she does, and delivers the baby.
The young couple, decided, to give their baby girl, to the older sister of the girlfriend, because, she could not have a baby, and had, many miscarriages . . . but in the end, when the young parents, hold their baby, and the older sister, who actually acts, like a sister, rather than a jealous rival, sees, how much, the baby, looks like her baby sister, and who, hard it is for the two, to give away their baby girl, and she tells them to keep the baby. Then, both parents, show up, to see the new arrival of the two very good kids, but the interesting thing is that, the parents, of the boy, so opposed to both babies and girls, for their son's future, are carrying his, or their son's new baby boy, loving and accepting him, regardless of who his mother is. So, there is now, one big happy family, all gathered around, this new baby, and arrival, that has brought the families together, prematurely. We come to find out, that the other girl, is being charged with her old boyfriend's murder, and she will be in jail for at least 20 years. Through, good parenting, smart kids, responsible kids, after the fact, all turns out well, because, everyone made sure it did! But, how much better, is it for the two young lovers, to have waited, gotten through college, then parented. Although, Shelley went to her high school reunion, '73, Bountiful High School, and she said, the only couples not divorced, in her class, were the ones who got married in high school, generally due to an unplanned pregnancy.
Tricks to avoiding getting in this situation: (1) abstain from sex before marriage; (2) if you decide to be sexually active, with anyone, use birth control, condoms, protections; (3) avoid parties and sexual activities where alcohol is present, and your resistance is low; (4) don't have casual, not committed sex, because, there are men who would trap women and girls who would trap men into pregnancy, and it may not be the person you are in love with; and (5) abortion is legal in the first trimester, so, that is also an option, depending on your religious beliefs, and your ability to handle this or that. This is a 2015 film, so it is timely and a good lesson, and might work to warn, or be aversion therapy for kids! Consult your parents who love you first! They were not born yesterday, and they can be involved in your decisions, and these are people who care and will be affected.
This is also a newer movie, I believe, 2003, but times don't change, being human doesn't change, what was good advice, to follow, 100 years ago, is just as good today. IN this movie, you have a handsome, alleged, Italian, rich boy, who is looking for a girl to marry or at least love and have a long term relationship with. But, his game was, to lure women to him, get their love and their confidence through romance, then get them to invest in his bogus, schemes and business, really a ploy to live off other people's money, then kill the girls. However, in the end, it was all a scam from start to finish, with a Bonnie and Clyde team, looking for lost vulnerable, women, with money, good jobs, or access to money, heiress to fortunes, the charmer, trained by this deadly woman, who was willing to share her coached and created man, was in on the money making scam, even befriended the woman, who started to get onto the guy, when she showed up, unannounced, to get out of the relationship, due to her daughter, and worried, that this guy was a fraud, and had murdered several woman. The news even showed, this dark temptress as one of this serial killer's victims, to further the plot, and frame her charming, play Italian playboy, boyfriend, using her own death, to set up, not only the death of the next rich or someone with money access woman, but to frame her man for the murders, that she inflicted, due to jealousy and greed.
In both movies, the dark haired, vixens, the sirens, were manipulative, little trouble makers, smart, determined, and controlling, even beyond their ages, but, it shows the type of character, Shelley, Kay, and even Rachel, are, vindictive and revengeful, even when, a guy, or a fortune, or a work, belongs to the rival, who is deserving, of the attention, or even the love, but is denied her rightful, spot, due to this woman's envy and rage. At one point, in this movie, the seduced woman, who lost her husband, and the alleged serial killer, who is noticing her change her behavior, walk passed a sign, that says, YOU HAD . . . I took that, as, I had been set up, by Kay and Brett, Shelley and these two, joined in and bound by CRIME, and crime, against me and my family. I believe that Elliot's band, was originally the target, although, my resume, gave all the credentials and deference, that these fuckers needed, therefore, they had been using my I.D. and riding on my laurels for YEARS, and they got used to the lifestyle, and they were not going to let me come back on the radar screen, they intercepted and deflected, all attention and recognition and put it on their heads. Like I said, these guys are psychopaths and sociopaths, and one is bad, if you get them in your life, but two are horrible, three are almost impossible! THESE GUYS ARE BAD NEWS!
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