There Is ONLY ONE! I Am Not Susan Southwick Shit, check Bountiful High, Utah, 1974 . . . Watching Chris Matthew, HARDBALL, MSNBC, chick named, Margaret Carlson, looks like Sue, 13 Months Younger Than Me, February 1956; FBI, You Have NO FUCKING RIGHT TO BE IN LAW ENFORCEMENT, If You Can't Even Verify, Who is Who!
I am fully aware, that, oh, God's intel, a truck just went by, a Miller High Life or Genuine Draft, telling me, that this picture could be seen as Shelley, as well as me . . . I will put another one, at the bottom! Shelley does always, put a big ass, water mark, "DRAFT" on her shitty work, because, in all her insecurities, trying to pretend to be me and the lawyer, she protects herself, by putting that across, like this is just a rough draft! Local resident, and one of the feds undercover, assholes, who "WEAVED" me and Shelley together, Tony Osthemieir, lives down where I used to rent from him, across from the old mayor, down on Hartman, 251, I think, that was two summers ago, and Tony also, a convert to the Mormon Church, Harvard Engineering grad, and ranch owner, up at the foot of the Mission Mountains, in St. Ignatius, who had me to the ranch, and then, switched and brought Shelley up, so aerial surveillance could start to WEAVE the bitch or think she was me, and he started to bring Shelley to the water compact meetings, after taking me to one in Pablo, the confusion, then started, once I did a lot of the work, and then like Satan, the great deceiver, Shelley, maybe Rachel, or Sue, they switch and change us out, all the time to keep people dazed and confused, or as the need arises, so I can be with my law degree, but, doctored to reflect the feds position on everything, keeping the ORIGINAL ORGANIC ME, HIDDEN, FROM THAT POINT ON! Shelley is at least 5'10" or so, I remember all the big sisters, they are relying on their height, to be bigger, are all 5'9" to 5'11" and I can't remember which one is the tallest, Rachel has size 11 feet, and I have size, 7.5 feet . . . big ass difference! One time my father, in reference to me, hinting that I knew he was using, his other more compliant daughters to be me, just blew it off, and said, Oh, you girls all look alike . . . NO, SCREAMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!! LOL!
Now, I know, that ANYTHING, I say, can and will be used against me, and also, might reveal my secret hiding place, since, leaving the Poverello Center, a month ago, on my 30 day out, letting me know, that I can SURVIVE WITHOUT THEM! Too many spies, too many, undercover agents as staff, two many set ups, so, now I am making the cops work for what they get, not being a sitting duck, in one place! And you will notice that, they had to bring in 200 FBI agents to help! The more these fuckers, try to control me, the more free they make me, starting with: (1) taking two houses and one cabin, free to roam, not locked into states, cities, counties; home on the range; (2) fucking with 5 vehicles . . . upside, too easy to kill me in my own car, now I take boats, planes, trains, buses, shuttles, or walk! Now think how much more versatile, when I ditch the tails, hit the bus, my ride, I have generally, 6+ buses to jump on at any given time, with probably, 50 or more stops I can make, given my options; however, the buses have surveillance, so, the element of surprise is best! LOL! (3) the CIA chick took my cell phone battery, and that was the most restful, day or so, cop wise, I have had, a big fat "zero" during that day or so, until she returned it, and I heard that, the cops can now, trace your phone, whether you call or not, or whether the phone is on or not, and now it seems, they can trace or track me, from a disconnected battery! NO THANKS . . . I told my son, Chris, last night, my cell phone is going to be ditched and out of service for a month! I have had at least 20 phones over the last few, to ditch, fuck with, and distance myself from the NSA, and the cops they serve, or the local servers who can also track me--don't like it, don't want it, don't want you asses being entertained by my conversations, don't need enemies, pretending to be law enforcement, doing all HARM TO ME, they can inflict! Go lick the girlz club, I can't stand your fucking attention! (4) from a million dollar home, fully furnished, all paid for, to a backpack . . . sometimes I miss my houses and cabin, but it is rare, maybe, once, in every hundred or so days or night, mainly, when I am cold and wet, and with no place to sleep and cops cruising all over shit and back, like this morning, feds tried to own the night . . . but, the best thing the cops did, was tell the staff, last time I got to town, that I had my 30 day out, and new standard from past application and policy, coming ten minutes, after picking up cigarette butts, while cops, ambulance, firefighters and staff were securing the building so I could not escape, while I was standing in PLAIN VIEW! So cool, great escape, never moving or leaving the building while total mayhem was running amok around me! LOL! I have said, many a time, that if you set a trap or snare, the scriptural term, for someone, you will fall in it yourself! Now God is using cops, to reveal, the fact that other cops are coming, through different means! YOUR WORKING AGAINST EACH OTHER BOYZ! LOL! ALWAYS THE TEACHER, EVEN TO COPS, BEST MONEY CAN BUY, ALL FREE, LIKE THE NEW TOYS YOU ARE PROMISED WITH MY MONEY, THROUGH THE SISTA, SHIT ATTORNEY CLUB!
There's a Bad Moon On the Rise; Bad Company (CIA) Until the Day You Die; Don't Go Out Tonight, Might Cost You Your Life! 3 Scary Songs in a Row? What's Up, God?
At an undisclosed location, while in the bathroom, after getting off the bus, and having a black undercover cop, riding the last shot with me, this one, acting to be injured by the local sheriffs, but there is no action on his case, until I drop back in town, much like the lame ass, plotted and planned bull shit case, in St. George, where, nothing has happened for 4 fucking years, until I hit town, because, I sell newspaper, and all of the sudden, I am trashed in the press, two days in a row! Nice . . . but, I just consider the source, all fucking jealous, losers, stuck in their lame ass, boring lives, with me as the agent of excitement, and fame, with their names, connected! LOL! Whatever makes you feel like a rock star? So, dude, in a not so subtle fashion, is telling me, that, he slept until, 6:00 P.M., sleep all day, and he will be up all night. And your point? He is making this big deal, and he is out and about, not going to the Poverello Center, which is where I know him from, when i come to town, he arrives! LOL. The Invisible Man . . . no three of your co-harts, and one token white dude, tried, hey, we know you, where you staying tonight, you missed check in? Not telling. Same when, Mr. Civil Rights, attorney, maybe, FBI and CIA, need attorneys and this guy is smart, but I am smarter . . . but, he says, where are you staying? Like I would invite him to my secret chambers on the streets, no, I am not a Montana gal, I don't need dick tonight! I told him, I am not revealing my secret spot. Oh, he suddenly had to go to the bathroom, and disappeared, over to the Pov, after hours?
- so, these three songs are playing, one right after another, in a series, so something is up, but what? I had deflected the FBI or CIA sting op earlier . . . oh, I forgot to tell you, reader, that bitch, Mary, the chick that showed up in the middle of the afternoon, looking LA like, for a Friday, night on the town, seeing the big city lights, shows up, three years after the fact, and I am just remembering, I think, I first met this same chick, way back, right when I was asked to help with the WATER COMPACT!!!!!! That just hit me, as I addressed the presentation of the contract by Senator Tester? I told you, there were dirty players, going from the start to the finish, and Mary is involved, was from the start! So, a CIA, sting op, and having to do with the compact, and Washington, D.C., trying to take OUR WATER . . . I WAS NOT BORN IN MONTANA, BUT I GOT HERE AS SOON AS UTAH KICKED ME OUT OF THE STATE FOR EXPOSING THEIR CORRUPT SHIT! I attended the December 2012, meeting and tried to get back to the Flathead, attending, I believe the January 2013 meeting of the Federation of Republican Woman's Flathead County Chapter, so my second meeting, is when, Carolyn Solomon, a rancher's wife, or someone effected by the compact, asked me to help with the fight against the compact, and Mary, had, invited herself to sit by me at that, maybe even the first, or second meeting? whatever, but, Carolyn asked me to help and Mary heard our conversation, and I was shocked, to find, Mary, also working on the water rights issues, and seemed to be competing with me, as to who, would get the information to Carolyn first, and being the smart, former, research assistant of RAY JAY DAVIS, one of the nations most noted WATER LAW EXPERTS, back in the early, 1990's when I was attending BYU, I worked on his water rights and law, article for the I think, OHIO LAW REVIEW. Now, think, if Kay, CIA, is presenting herself as me, she almost flunked Mr. Davis torts class! tells you the difference in the two of us, from the get go . . . I was not only Mr. Davis, main research assistant for two years, but also, I was his legal writing assistant too! And I taught him a thing or two, this Harvard law grad, professor at Columbia, University of Arizona, BYU, and later, he went to BYU HAWAII! See of Kay knows this . . . the Break was basically empty yesterday, before the feds came, now the place is full of little, more appropriately dressed, baby FBI agents! LOL! WHATEVER . . . Mary was probably there to protect Kay, and cut me out of the water compact, by beating me with the research . . . NO DICE. Mary knew, I beat her, and I raced over to Sykes Restaurant, where Mary and the leaders of the Flathead County Republicans were having dinner, and gave her my research, I believe, after the initial, help, she then asked me to help fight at the legislature, which I did, and again, remembering, MARY'S FUCKING UGLY FACE, was tracking me at the 2013 legislative session! I know the leg only meets every other year, so I might have the years wrong, but I don't think so . . . I testified, on the WATER COMPACT, before the JUDICIARY COMMITTEE, I believe, in April, when I came back from Utah, and stopped in at the legislature unannounced, but saw several familiar faces, Clarice Ryan and others from Kalispell, who were there to testify also, and the Montana Capitol Building looked like the second American Indian Wars! I testified, exactly what I just wrote in my title, right now . . . Shelley may have been in Montana, and I am sure she was, because, I signed up for a ONE MONTH, trial, at FUEL FITNESS, and by June, I found that someone, pretending to be me, had used 5 months on MY DEBIT CARD, making me short on funds, to pay for a week, at Jorensens Hotel, where ELLIOT, bass guitarist, for God's Revolver, drove me to Montana, after the Iron County Sheriff's stole my truck, locked me up for borrowing my client's car . . . how the fuck, do you think I got the KEYS, GENIUSES? God, GRAND THEFT AUTO, JUDGE LYING ON WHEN I WAS RELEASED FROM JAIL, IN FOR AN ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT, I DESERVED, BUT IN LIGHT OF STEALING MY TRUCK THAT MORNING, I SHOULD HAVE HUNG OR SHOT THE FUCKERS, MUCH LIKE TAKING A MAN'S HORSE IN THE OLD DAYS, AND TOOK MY TOOLS OF THE TRADE, WHICH IS AGAINST THE LAW! But, my cute son, drove me all the way to Montana, made sure I was safe, and drove back to be at work, at the Blue Plate, where he just went back to work . . . I will love him forever, for helping me out of the state, that was trying to jail or kill me! Just where I am @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ right now! So this intelligence briefing will make sense!
- three songs, and I walk cautiously, not really knowing what to expect, as I leave, but know the feds are pissed that I not only got away, but wrote about all their agents, and the FBI, field trip around town! LOL! But, quickly, I noticed two men, walking toward me from the far side of the parking area, kind of in the dark, I believe, there was also a maroon, older sedan, that either had a chick in it, or was a distraction, to make the think they were not there to take me out . . . but, I ditched, behind a pillar, and covered my head, with my hoodie, tied the strings to make me look really nerdy, and I had my backpack, they probably didn't see from their vantage point, that, when they saw me emerge, they seemed taken back, probably thought they were groceries and I was a different chick! It is amazing what, putting on glasses or a hat, or hoodie will do, to change the dynamics of the assassination! At first the guys, just walked toward me, but, then they turned, and started, acting dazed and confused, and made their way back to the car, where, there was a third person, I think female? BAD COMPANY, CIA AVOIDED! Oh, I saw a James Kennedy look-a-like watching me at the Southgate Mall . . . much too calm! LOL, not jacked up on coffee, hair cut, but definitely a cowboy, or a pretty good mock up of one, not the Roman nose, not wild enough, but close, I had to take a few second looks, but then I added the characteristics . . . Kennedy NEVER could have sat still that long! The guy, was there right after, I came from the bathroom, a pretty safe bet, as first stop, whether I need to go or not, I never pass a good bathroom, because once I start writing, I am in another element and zone altogether! But, he came over, near the Information and Tourist booth, the place I was sitting, when I came to Missoula for the first time, when I had wheels, met with SENATOR TESTERS STAFF, Tracy Manning Stone, now assistant to the Governor, all in the family, I think she left Tester's office and became head of the EPA in Montana? First I was on the couch, the comfortable new cream colored ones, but I could not get wi-fi, sucking off Caffe Dolce or Herbergers, but, while I was trying, the Kennedy double, was looking at me over his shoulder. When I moved, over closer to the two feeding stores, some dude, stole me normal seat, so I was more out in the middle, which I don't like, but, Kennedy II, moved, over exactly where I had been sitting, making me wonder again . . . DON'T FALL FOR IT, AND KENNEDY WOULD NOT CUT HIS HAIR! Kennedy is a ball of nerves, and can't sit still for one fucking second, this buy, was cool, calm and collected, NOT KENNEDY. Then some guy, walked passed me, with a walking cane, and I cringed, hoping that Kennedy healed up, well, after getting shot in the ankle, taking a bullet for me, I love him for that! But, hope the crippled god, walks right again . . . feel guilty. To say the least, I would help heal him, if I knew where he was, but this guy was not him, and God confirmed that, with the poor dude walking with the cane, which I hated seeing, but go the message! God's intel . . . GEORGE'S truck, one of my signs for the CIA, son-in-law, George, had to go to Langley for something, while I was visiting in D.C., and I said, I knew you were CIA, and he denied it, but brought me back an official CIA coffee mug, and cover, way cool, back from Langley that day, CIA headquarters! Of course, if you see that sitting on Shelley's desk, along with all my stolen furniture and bar certificate from the 10th Circuit with a cool eagle and lightening, that is MINE, so is all the furniture, Shelley has NO TASTE! This place is CRAWLING WITH 25 to 35 MALES AND FEMALES, FBI, SWARMING THE BREAK . . . YOUR ON MY TURF ASSHOLES! Better hurry, short info
- potty break about 3:30 A.M., totally uninviting, but necessary, and not as cold, so, hot steam, hot pussy, no, making things a bit better. All of the sudden, some cop car, screams down the street, like God it telling me to get the fuck up and out of dodge! I hurried, walked briskly, going to the Oxford, only place open, but I had lunch there yesterday, and didn't dig walking, not awake yet, but concerned, songs ringing in my head again. I looked down at my feet, and there was a can, near my toe, as if God, told me, to can, walking and going to breakfast, the coast was clear, but right as I turned and was well in the sight of this dude, I just froze on the sidewalk, wondering if I should cross the road, into the dark? No, I picked up my backpack and headed toward him . . . said hi, recognizing him from, yesterday morning! He just said, STAY DRY . . YOU TOO! I thought, undercover cop, but was expecting a car, not a walker. I could not go back to sleep, so I just laid there, and just as I sat up again, another cop car, cruised down the street below me, cross street, so I wondered if God was telling me, yeah that was an undercover cop . . . next thing, I saw was a Sheriff's SUV, speed down the street I was on, right passed me! SHIT, this place is crawling, I better get up and get going! Shit it is only 4:20 A.M., but the bus will be here in an hour, so I will put on my make up and do some stretches, to straighten out my body and relax it, plus fill the time well.
- I go to the bus shelter and some poor, wheelchair bound guy, is slumped over, sleeping, so I decided to go to the other shelter across the street . . . another white police car went by, looking at me, and slowed down, shit! Next a highway patrol car came by, with the cop's face showing up in the computer screen, giving me the message, that he saw your face or you! God using cops, to rat out cops . . . oh, several trucks went by . . . (1) a Pabst Blue Ribbon, like God, saying, that was first place, blue ribbon stuff, you just did, all okay, and you followed perfectly . . . (2) Bud Light truck, showing me, that, Shelley is up again, banking on MY BLOGS, two yesterday, and with her 200 back up FBI agents in town, sure as shit, she is up . . . my TRUCK IS COCA COLA, RED IS POWER COLOR, Lord Coke and I drink Diet Coke, my beverage of choice, Shelley is a big time coffee drinker, little details that will distinguish us, I have NEVER TASTED COFFEE! But, nice warning; (3) Next was American Foods . . . Feeding America, the stuff of America, training the masses on the law and other issues, the elections, cops, political activism, etc. I was in the middle of putting on my make up, but, when the MHP went by, I knew, more cops were probably coming if not tracking me, with my GPS, ROBO GEAR IN MY BACK KNEE! (4) ANGRY ORCHARD truck . . . I grew up above, Orchard Drive, in Bountiful, Utah, runs in front of my high school, Bountiful, Utah, so this reminds me of my parents, my family, my youth, and the connection to ME, my family, being the second daughter, Kay was a friend, ex-friend, who was brought in by the Bushes, my family is Republican, big time, big time cop supporters, big time Bush lovers, hate the U.S. Constitution; therefore, my family hates, me, as a constitutional law attorney, so they brought in someone who doesn't know jack shit, never referred to the Constitution, in her practice, in Utah and California, and who is a PLANT, a "W" solution to ME . . . my mother hated me for killing asset forfeiture, because she is a health and P.E. teacher, who would have D.A.R.E. officers and their hot cars, seized from alleged drug dealers or those who smoked pot, or who just happened to have a hot car, that would make a fun D.A.R.E. car with the cops and prosecutors, slowly taking away rights, protections, due process, jury trials, etc., once someone alleged you use drugs, like a hateful neighbor or revengeful family member, as in framing you . . . they took my house, $1.4 million, all my furniture, etc., payback . . . Shelley's brat, asshole, Isaac, brought a gun, marijuana, and whatever, in a set up, while his lazy ass mother, sat her fucking fat ass, doing nothing but undercutting me with cops and prosecutors, setting up, the change in identity, never leaving the fucking house, I took care of her and her lazy ass fucking leaches, children, and grandchild, not her fault . . . she is a baby. I had cases in 5 fucking states, working 22 hours a day, almost 7 days a week, supporting 10 lazy people, then coming home on the weekends, cleaning, doing the yard, decorating, dealing with teenage interests, and troubles, protecting Rachel's kids from getting pregnant or impregnating someone, which has happened since Rachel took her own kids back and over, trying to be a fucking friend, rather than a parent! NO, this is the Cinderella daughter, always was, always has been . . . I just politically differ from my loser, Mo ass GOP family! YUCK!
- I was less worried about the poor dude sleeping, because he was awake by now, and he left when I joined him and cheerfully asked him if he stayed warm last night? Whatever . . . glad he left! I think the whole fucking 200 agents are here, near the Break! Anyway, a cool sign truck went by . . . a new one, Nature's Most Affordable Food! God, is that YOU? LOL! Two cops, one after another, probably checking to see if I was still on the other side of the street went by, this was about 5:15 A.M., because the bus uptown, first run, comes down from Phillip and Shakespeare or the bus center, down Scott, at about 5:30 A.M., and it was not time yet, so I put on the rest of my make up, but two more cops followed hot on the other two cops, heels . . . too good to be true, that cop is going after dirty cops? But, I was damned glad, I crossed the street . . . the next truck or the other side of the one, said, Nature's Best Food . . . HOT INTEL!!!!!!!!!
- the bus, picked me up, and I got off to go to the Ox, but, some dude, coming from there, on a bike, one I had never seen, said, going to get coffee? I don't know this guy from Adam, and I thought he might be a cop, so I stopped and sat on a bike rail . . . he was trying to do figure "8's" on his bike to see where I was going, because all I said, was going to get a Diet Coke, don't drink coffee . . . meaning BUG the FUCK OFF! He watched me looking him, down behind the building, he made another loop . . . signs to air cops? But eventually, he could tell, I was watching HIM, to see if he went to the cop shop, he went down the street, and seemed to stop, so I went in the back door of the Oxford, but that fucking DAVE, undercover asshole, over the Poverello sting ops, pretends to be maintenance, show up at fucking 2:00 A.M., or anytime I am there, pretty sure bet, with the only 24 hour place open at that time, that I will wander in . . . but, as soon as I saw that fuck, I left, came to the Break, but, walked over a strange a different way, hoping that he would turn his head! It looked like there were at least two agents or feds at the Break when I got here . . . stacking the decks against me!
P.S., Huffington P.O.S.T., on trying to figure out where I am sleeping at night, now that I am out of the Pov., try the "real" law on for size, rather than the fake law, you created yourselves . . . people at the Poverello can sleep in their cars, or outside, or in a park, or downtown, as long at they are not disturbing the peace, and to arrest, site or fine someone, on disturbing the peace, the person has to have fit one of the definitions, for that law, and they are listed. The only one I would run a foul of, is, swearing, but I do that in this blog. If you don't believe me . . . check out, MONTANA ANNOTATED CODE, 7-1-111, POWERS DENIED TO CITIES, AND GOVERNMENT ENTITIES, with that law, including, 7-32-4304, denied any powers to enact ordinance prohibiting or penalizing vagrancy!
I would suggest, you and your boyz, leave me and my homeless friends along, unless, they are disturbing the peace, under the statutory definitions!
An ANGRY ORCHARD truck just went passed the Break! Let's Pretend We're Cops! Okay! or Attorneys! Okay!
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