The six daughters of Richard and Helen Chamberlain Southwick: (I am, JoAnn S. Secrist, J.D., Poverello Center, now on the streets . . . go figure . . . my blog, matches, where I am . . . blogging at the Missoula County Library, Missoula, MT., 253 P.M., Mountain Standard Time!)
Shelley Jean Southwick Anderson Yemen, whatever?
- dark brown or black hair, hazel eyes, average build, between 5'9" to 5'11", age 62, date of birth, September 13, 1953
- 4 children: Jesse, Isaac, Alexandra and Tyrone
- bachelor of science, biology, Utah State University
- jobs, Barnes and Noble Books, Gumdrop Book Dealer, Mortgage Refinancing, business helping pro se litigants, protect their mortgages (I did the legal representation, but only in court)
- Cache County Chamber of Commerce
- I have no idea what Shelley is doing, after leaving Utah, in 2012 . . . I have my suspicions
- lurking around Montana, shadowing me, taking credit for all my work in the state, and pretending to be an attorney, may even be a justice court judge . . . connections
- she would give her eye teeth to be me, and if not me, take away every iota, or scintilla, of evidence, I ever existed, let alone practiced law and had 4 great kids
JoAnn S. Secrist Owens, Stuart/Stewart, Bess . . . I have never gone by any other name, but JoAnn S. Secrist, my professional name, and the last name of my kids!
- blonde hair, dishwater blonde to golden, blue eyes, overweight, but cute, 5'7.5", age 61, date of birth, December 17, 1954 . . . took Shelley's baby crown away too fast, jealous since birth
- 4 children: Greta, Nicole, Christian, and Elliot Secrist
- B.S., English Major, Communications Minor, with a Secondary Teaching Certificate . . . many scholarships, honor societies, honors and awards, Weber State University, Ogden, Utah
- Juris Doctorate, J.Reuben Clark Law School, Brigham Young University, 1993
- internship, Americans United for Life, Chicago, Illinois; staff attorney, Utah Prosecution Council, Criminal Enforcement Division, Utah Attorney Generals Office; assistant attorney general, administration, health and drivers license divisions, Utah Attorney Generals Office; staff attorney, Utah Division of Aging; general counsel, Utah Medical Association; professor of argumentation and research, English Department, Utah Valley University; professor of family law, Child and Family Studies Department, BYU, and Family and Consumer Studies Department, U of U, both undergraduate professor . . . distinguished as the toughest grader on the entire U of U, campus, law and medical schools included, with the highest student approval rating, hard to achieve, but I never worked for it, never knew the award existed . . . always just did my job
- 8 years out: diagnosed to die, with Pick's Disease, terminal brain disease . . . how do you get rid of a smart female attorney, who is always protecting, preserving and defending the Constitution, at the time the Patriot Act, is on the table? take out the smart attorney, with an alleged brain disease!
- second legal life switching sides, doing civil rights, criminal defense work, family law, real estate law, administrative law, naturalization law, being noted as #2 in the nation, in 2010, for civil rights defense, working my way, from the Utah State Bar, to the U.S. Federal District Bar, to the 10th Circuit of Appeal Bar, and on to the United States Supreme Court Bar, for Brock et al vs. Herbert et al; Cheek et al vs. Garrett et al.; Thomas G. Vail vs. Law Vegas Review Journal, state of Nevada, Pioneer Insurance, etc., lots of other cases, while practicing in Utah
- third legal life, in Montana: (1) medical marijuana work; (2) constitutional analysis, testifying before the Montana Legislature, analyzing the Hellgate Treaty of 1855, and whatever, on the Salish-Kootenai Water Compact; (2) wild horse and burros legislation; (4) abortion legislation; and (5) trying to get a record clearing statute or expungement law passed, I talked to a guy today, who had his last charges, 33 years ago, and when he left prison, he was told that all his civil rights would be restored, and they have not, because, he can't get his records cleared, now he is being refused medical care, has been blocked from better apartment living, sending him back into the criminal elements, etc., with tons of issues connected to his 33 year old record!
- fourth legal life . . . my love, my passion, my delight daily, my blog: bad ass con law chick blog . . . or the 8 other versions, like bad as con law chick; bad con law chick; bad constitutional law chick . . . all the same blog, making about $1 to $5 million per day, at one cent a hit, for a billion to 5 billion per blog post . . . enemies take all the money, I get NONE!
Susan Elaine Southwick Schmidt:
- brown hair, turned grey now, average build, large hips, stands 5'10 or 11", blue eyes, February 13, 1956
- kids: Sarah, Sam, Margaret, Annie and Stafford
- housewife, Mormon Mission, allegedly to Turkey, I believe participated in both the water compact, after me, pretending to be me, and working on other legislation
- B.A., History and Political Science, University of Utah, started a masters at William and Clark, dropped out, after one class
- school teacher, English, South Davis Junior High . . . where my mother taught
- basically has been a supporting role for Kevin, Sue's husband, who traveled a lot, so did Sue, and was very involved in the Mormon Church, as a bishop, stake president, and just getting home from a mission . . . or so they say?
Marcie Ellen Southwick Nelson
- brown/gray hair, hazel eyes, average to thin build, stands 5'7 or 8", November 8, 1960
- kids: Kelly, David, Katherine or Kate, Joseph and Tipper
- housewife
- some college, home decorating, cooking, cross stitching
- her husband is a dentist, Mark
Rachel Marie Southwick, Hickey-Moosman, Kennedy?
- blonde, dishwater blonde by birth, platinum blonde most of her flight attendant career, 5'10 or 11", September 19, 1961
- kids: Stephanie, Matthew, Emily, and Scotty Hickey
- Physical Fitness, B.S., Southern Utah State University, Cedar City, Utah
- Flight attendant, United Airlines, 17 years, until furloughed, after 9/1; private eye, for David Doddridge, St. George, Utah; Dillards; Levine's Bridal in Logan
- Bloomington Town Council, put up city sign, flag and pole, tree lined Pioneer Parkway
- political aspirations: Sarah Palin 2008, V.P. for Senator John McCain
- JoAnn S. Secrist, J.D., or wanna be, attorney, politician, blogger, NOT! FALSE FLAG JOANN . . . I Love Boobies! Cops get the boobie prize!
- may be working in law enforcement?
Tiffany Lynn Southwick Harris
- blonde, golden brown, hair, blue eyes, stands about the same as me, 5'7.5" or she may be a bit taller, at 5'8", May 19, 1970 (?) . . . I might be the shrimp in stature, but a giant in character and law!
- kids: Glenn, Jennifer, Jessie, Bridgette, Jedediah, and Lucy
- EMT, almost a college graduate, cheerleader at Colorado State University, recess monitor, basically a housewife, unless she is involved with being me . . . as I get thinner and don't age, I move from sister to sister, until there are none left
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