Today, Hillary Clinton, will be speaking to the Circle of Mothers, organization, symbolically speaking, a tell tale God sign, that yes, my circle of sisters, also the attorney, Kay, they replaced me with, are doing all in their power to cover me, pretend that they are the mother(s) of my cool kids, so they can take credit for everything from my sons, rock and pop, electronic music, including hard rock band, of 2008, God's Revolver . . . now, the Ditch and the Delta, just getting ready to record a new CD, the seed money fro this band of thieving Mo Muffins and my father, FBI, CIA, NSA, Mitt Romney, the Brits, trying to take over elections to the world! Remember the new $4.4 battleship, that was just purchased by the USS Navy? found just last week, in Bath, Maine? that has been manned by sailors, for two years? Come on, think, connect the dots, think, think, think . . . my blog makes anywhere from $1 to $5 million, based on about 5 billion hits, in all languages of the earth, on every .com, .org, .net, and the first 3 to 5 entries . . . . I am fucking everywhere, and they just scan it, easy, or dunk it in the CIA created deep internet or dark web, made for the intelligence agencies, all involved, with at least 70%+ Mormons, stealing all my money, going under the radar, not taxed, not connected to anyone, because the way it works, is that it leaves my IP number and computer, goes underground so to say, and can be divided, driven under the radar, off the grid, coming out, in the fraud broads IP numbers, connected to their computers, making it look like they wrote, all of my almost 1,000 blogs, when they have not written ONE!
At the time, I announced to my family, the Southwick Mo Cult, and crime family, all my circle of sisters, mothers, that I was getting a divorce, giving my kids to their father, after much consideration, and study, having been a master's student in family and human development, also getting accepted to law school, in the 90 day, mandatory, and statutory waiting period, in Utah family law, I was told, that if my children, ever became famous, and at the time, they were all 13 and under, so, a sight in the future, I as a mother, could not take credit for them? What . . . you have two choices, a parent who spent her time building her husband's career, making $80,000 a year, or should I put my kids in poverty, making $14,000 per year, the starting salary for a school teacher? Dads are the family and children, launchers, kids raised by their fathers, tend to have less teen pregnancies, run away, lower levels of drugs, alcohol, smoking, suicide, and school drop out rates, I did what was in the best interest of my children, and I was with my children, several times a week and with them every weekend, almost without exception, probably with my kids more than my housewife sisters! LOL! Globe trotting, card playing shoppers . . . I was just with my kids!
My Mormon Mafia, patriarch president, who didn't claim my kids, when they were younger, with one uncle, saying he would not let his kids, walk across the street to meet their cousins, my sons, after my divorce, feels now, that they have turned out better than any of their Mo cousins, feels that he has the right, to take my kids and reassign them, to keep their military service, stellar records, rock and rap/pop music, which they have stolen for fucking 16 years, for Elliot, starting with his little big band, Parallax, connected to the four kids, lead singer, Blake Donner, murdered in the Provo Death Cave, just as the band was kicking out CDs and getting recognized back in the grunge rock and metal days, underground and off the radar music, again making it easy to steal their music! Just like the cult break off of the Mormon Church, the polygamist cult leader, Warren Jeffs, considered a prophet, takes families, mixes and matches, if he is pissed at some man, most of the time without reason, he takes his wives and children, and simply gives them to another man. Women who buck, polygamy, which I have been very vocal, and have written, in my pocket sized, Utah Constitution and Fun Facts, calling polygamy, just what it was and is, a problem then, back in the beginning of the Utah territory, stopping statehood for 50 fucking years, to now, with welfare, wife, child abuses, off the charts! Women like me, not compliant and obedient, not SWEET, educated, and too smart to stay in the church, or go with their bull shit polygamy, whether in this life or in the next, with every fucking miserable Mo male, including members of the intelligence or counter-intelligence community, all believe, if they can wait, in polygamy . . . why do you think they don't want a HILLARY CLINTON, or female president, they fit hand in clove with the controlling Republicans, who want to control female reproductive services and laws, forcing them to be the vessels of the children of MEN!
So, you have the Mormon maifa mantra, YOU ARE DEAD TO ME, coupled with the polygamist idea of taking children, of disobedient women, trashed in their religious communities, and their children are reassigned to other mothers . . . case in point! FUCK THAT SHIT! MY KIDS ARE SMART BECAUSE THEIR MOTHER IS SMART, COOL BECAUSE THEIR MOTHER IS COOL, AND PROGRESSIVE BECAUSE THEIR MOTHER IS PROGRESSIVE! I TAKE FULL CREDIT FOR THE KIDS, I RAISED, AND THEY HAD "NOTHING" TO DO WITH! No, I will not let the little women, the circle of mothers, take credit for my amazing kids, who were on the phone with me, yesterday, trying to plan a family reunion, up at Glacier National Park, in a few months, to celebrate, son, Chris's birthday, and my grandson's, birthday, getting together from sometime at the end of July, to the first of August . . . and NO, I AM NOT NASTY SHELLEY, WELFARE QUEEN, who got all acceptable, when she started to steal MY IDENTITY, with the help of the family, MO FUCK SHIT ASS CHURCH, SHIT FAMILY, FBI, CIA, ATF, NSA, liars, thieves . . . they don't want to claim her shit kids, nor do I want them foisted off on ME . . . she has drug dealers, Jesse, loser, dead beat dad, Isaac, pretending to be Elliot, teenage mother, Alex, at fucking 15, and Ty, who, I have no idea what that poor boy is doing? shit life, raised by EVERYONE, but his mother, Shelley Southwick Anderson Yemen, polygamist wife of Brett Todd Stuart, Stewart, assassin of Allan Rex Bess, married to the government double, Frank of Interpol, both pretending to be me, JoAnn S. Secrist, J.D., and Allan Bess . . . NO I AM NOT THAT BORING BITCH MARRIED TO THAT BORING MAN! YUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
P.S., BAD GRANDPA SOUTHWICK, is taking his NO NAME BRAND DAUGHTERS, and replacing his one, BRAND NAME DAUGHTER, with the what the fuck ever chicks? the DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES, who have a passion to work, but not enough to START where they would have to start, they want to start at the TOP on MY NAME, MY BRAND, MY RESUME, and fucking be ME! LOL! Same with the NO BRAND RED HAIRED BITCHES, SUE'S UGLY NAGS, SARAH AND MEGGIE, trying to take the place of my daughters, WHO SERVED THEIR COUNTRY, BOTH HAVE MASTER'S DEGREES, have been all over the globe, both asked to be members of the WORLD LARGEST HONOR SOCIETY, one doing it, being sworn in, at Constitution Hall, Washington, D.C., and the other one, declining, at this point . . . Sue, is a political science and history major, taught English, unqualified, but, because the nags, lived in Pennsylvania, they WEAVE, not only MY LIFE, with that butt fucking SUE, who has been butt hurt, since birth, in MY SHADOW, HER WHOLE BORING MO MUFFIN LIFE, but she wants HER UGLY DAUGHTERS, to be considered my red-headed Son, Elliot, ROCK STAR, to be seen as Sue's son, or Shelley's, anyone, they can JUSTIFY STEALING HIS MONEY FOREVER, and say that the red battle axes, are my thin, blonde, smart, cool daughters, not your BYU sweet spirits, who had to bribe someone to marry them, with Sue's one focus is to get her daughters married, knowing that would be a chore, while they were at BYU! LOL! Sue's daughters, have a master's degree and a law degree . . . Greta has been ACCEPTED, but has not gone, to law school, but they are MENTALLY HOUSEWIVES, like their mommy, and MY DAUGHTERS ARE MENTALLY ATTORNEYS, LIKE THEIR MOMMY, ME!
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