Monday, June 2, 2014


Good Thing, We Got Our Guy Back, Bad Thing, Taliban Could Use That Exchange to Take More Men as Collateral

I have a particular interest, in Afghanistan, having worked with a group, called the St. George, Utah, Think Team, who submitted a 4 point plan to our newly elected at the time, President Barack Obama, who was being bombarded with questions from Congress, as to why, they should, (1) commit more troops to Afghanistan, and (2) allocate more money to the war or the peace keeping effort.  The plan, again this was 5 years ago, so my memory fades, but I believe we called the title of the piece, Afghanistan it like a Tiger: the USA Better be Careful when it Gets on, and Careful when it Gets Off!  Or something to that affect.  This was a group of female professors, under the PBS discussion efforts of the program called Great Decisions . . . my cousin, Edward Southwick, got me into the group, and the country should be grateful to him for that invitation.

As we divided up the discussions, from the table of content, I was interested, not only in leading the discussion on Afghanistan and Pakistan, but using this group of very intelligent women, and their male counterparts, in my case it was the male who got this former college professor, involved, but the 15 of us, in a collaborative effort, took in the experts, knowledge and information in the Great Decisions, manual provided for such study groups throughout the world, along with DVDs, of world renown experts in all the areas of discussion, so we had a foundation.  But, I think the thing that shocked me the most as the group embarked on this venture of creating a plan for the military and the new President, was the fact, that the previous, Bush Administration plus the other members of the G8, or the world super powers, failed to invite the Taliban, who at the time, was ruling over a great majority of the 354 tribal regions in the country, but were not invited to the meeting on what to do with Afghanistan!  WHAT?

Just A Not So Small Oversight, I Assure You!

Come on, serving G.O.D., Gold, Oil & Drugs, in typical Bushian and imperialist fashion is one thing; however, totally, ignoring the Taliban is another!  Afghanistan, has long been a buffer zone for Europe and the EU, if not for America itself, protecting us and our allies, from the eastern block countries, so no small role, in the bigger world, scheme of things.  Not only was this a horrible mistake of the G8, deciding to step in a tell the Afghan people what was going to happen to them, they were entirely left out of the discussions! I am well aware of the fact that President Karsai, was the one to involve in the meetings, however, I can't remember if he was even involved . . . but the government was corrupt, riddled with opium, making up 92% of the countries GNP and the world supplier of the drug, no jobs, or legitimate way for the people to make a living, legitimately without the help of the CIA putting Karsai's brother, the biggest opium dealer in the country on its payroll . . .

As any group, in charge of at least 2/3rds of the country or tribes, they should have out of courtesy, been invited, or at least an attempt to involve them in the discussions, might have been appropriate.  Then, we went in on the peace keeping mission, expecting Pakistan, as an ally, to turn all the member of the Taliban and Al Qaeda, over to the Americans, but these alleged terrorists, would bomb American troops in Afghanistan, and run to hide in Pakistan, and the Americans would bomb the Pakistani people, causing a civil war in that country!  

Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, was interviewed, while a POW, by Rolling Stone Magazine, in 2012, and happened to mention, that he was embarrassed to be an American . . . this was not an Anti-American statement, he had probably been listening to the Taliban's side of the story, and truly was embarrassed, by the actions of the Bush Cowboys, going into the country, like a bull in a China shop!  We simply cannot do this, as a method of foreign policy, nor international relations.  The group of intelligentsia I worked with on the plan, had been career Marines, fighter pilots in World War II, had children, currently over in Afghanistan, trying to set up education for the countries girls, so no group of uneducated people on affairs in the country. The members of the group that were not involved at a personal or career level, read every book on the customs, the religion, women, education, problems, possible solutions, that experts had come up with.

So can the State Department or the Secretary of State, look at what this young soldier said, and in anyway, concoct a viable argument, or drum up some type of charges against him for his personal opinion after spending 5 fucking years with these guys--hell, I think 200 Taliban for our one soldier would have been worth it!  Now, whether this is a good move or bad, remains to be seen, depending on how both sides handle it . . . and that, nobody can predict.  

Basically, This is What Happened

Five year captive from Afghanistan war, Sgt. Bowe Begdahl was freed in exchange for 5 Guantanamo terrorist detainees in a swap that is stirring debate in Washington, the entertainment capitol of the world, over whether the U.S. should have negotiated with the Taliban over prisoners?  Officials said the Taliban signaled to the U.S. in November they were ready to start fresh talks on issues of detainees.  After the U.S. received proof that Bergdahl was, alive in direct talks began, with Qatar sending messages back and forth.

I think an example may demonstrate how this can work out well, or negatively . . . only we can determine the outcome, there is something called projection and quantum physics, Einstein's theory, that you can manipulate one entity, and that there are unseen connectors, to the other, psychic type stuff, connecting us, to the other, that depending on the way we react, the other side will act accordingly.  Let me see if I can better explain that to the reader . . .

Projections--We Are A Mirror of Ourselves--If We Are Trustworthy, We Will See Others As Trustworthy, or the Opposite

In a communications class at Weber State College, University now, our professor divided up the class into pairs, on the very first night.  He gave us three minutes to interview this other person, we didn't know, and then write three words to describe this person . . . I talked to my other classmate, and wrote down that this person was happy, outgoing and friendly!  The professor said, what you have done, is a projection, of yourself, onto this other person; you didn't have time to make any kind of assessment of their nature or personality, but you did project what you think of yourself.  And I would say, that still describes myself, never really got to know the other student.

Let us take the micro-cosmic application of this same principle, and project it onto the macro-cosmic situation when dealing with world events . . . we don't know the Taliban, nor the Al Qaeda, but we do know ourselves, we made a statement to the alleged terrorists, I am with the soldier, who got to know their side of the war, that we went in and made assumptions about the people, the dynamics, and we projected our imperialistic, less than noble aims and goals, and projected those onto the Afghanistan people and their leaders, tribal or not.  I believe that CIA, was less than honest and worthy, in inducting allies that were actually hurting the cause, rather than helping, and the Bush Administration was totally self-serving!

There was a great cartoon, the other day in the Missoulian Newspaper, of a guy who looked, CIA like, sunglasses, pin-stripped suit, more mafia looking, but hey, I call them the legal mafia, they just have a badge and are far more dangerous than the regular mafia, who they usually tolerate as long as the dudes get a cut of the drug trade.  But anyway, this was dealing with the alleged Chinese military leaders, 5, seems like the magical number in this blog, who were spying on American companies, stealing trade and technology secrets, but the interesting thing is, the Wanted poster, had a picture of the guy hanging the picture . . . like America is not totally exposed to the world, for even spying on our allies!  Come on, isn't this calling the Kettle Black?  Oh, I guess it is okay if America does it, but if another country does it to us, we go after them?  Is that it?  Talk about a projection of ourselves!

Another great cartoon, showed a very small man, with the title, Senate Intelligence Committee, on his shirt, trying to control, this rabid slobbering, huge dog, with saliva dripping and teeth gnarled and exposed against its owner . . . perfect, and it had the dog tag or the NSA written on it, we still haven't been able to reign in the NSA from spying, not only on foreign officials, but on our own citizens.  Someone told me, the spy systems are so invaded and compromised with spies of all countries, that everyone knows every one's secrets these days, with technology, good luck!  I can see spying on terrorists, but your own citizens, me?  REALLY?  All I have is not only America's best interest at heart, but the world, for a the goal of a beautiful new world, that I think by exchanging soldier for terrorist, was an equal exchange we value our people more than the Taliban seems to, but I am the ugly American!

Quantum Physics--We Can Only Change Ourselves, But In Acting Honorably, We Just Might Get Respect Back, Another Step for Humanity!

Do you seriously think, that Sgt. Bergdahl, just sat there for 5 years and never said anything, never learned anything, it sounds to me, like he learned plenty, and didn't like what he learned about America, it wasn't the saintly nation he thought he signed up to serve, and got disgruntled by what he heard and learned from his captives, now he may have been brain-washed, got the Stockholm Syndrome where kidnapped victims or POWs may, actually sympathize with their captives, kind of like what Patty Hearst, the heiress of the Hearst Fortune, who was kidnapped by the Lebanese Liberation Army or whoever the hell she was taken by, but often, if someone hears the other side, they will sympathize with them, just like I did, when I read about the G8 taking over the country of Afghan without the major players, at least invited to the table, the war may never have happened!

Anyway, back to quantum physics--Einstein and crew, had these simple wood boards with matching green and red lights, one board wasn't connected by any wire or evident thread or anything; however, when the programmers would do a series of red and green lights, the other side would light up, in almost the identical pattern.  You could liken it to telepathy, like when you think about a friend and out of the blue, this friend calls you, after a long period of time, without talking, and just when you think about it, they call.  This works kind of like that.  Like in a relationship with a significant other, or a spouse, you can't change them, but you can change yourself, affecting a change in them, simply by changing yourself, you act different, they act different.

Why Don't We Project Trust, Respect, and Even Love

What is wrong with that, these people have similar goals, they want to be loved, they want their country to succeed, they want their children warm at night, they are the world's largest purchasers of cell phones, so come on, they are catching up to speed rapidly.  Let's try trust, it is only 5 guys, even though people are saying they are the worst of the worst--do you really think they haven't learned a thing or two, hopefully, President Obama gave them plenty of time to forget the water boarding policies of the Bush administration . . . in violation of all war crime treaties!

Maybe they suffer from memory loss . . . come on, we have done our fair share of terrorism in their country, just like they have in ours.  This problem with the VA, comes on the heels of two wars, with I think 3 million soldiers, whoops, we forgot, that fighting two wars, simultaneously, was going to bring home Vets, who were going to need services . . . it may not be that the VA, so much delayed, services, but had so many Vets to serve, they couldn't, seriously get to them . . . I am sure their systems were gutted with return vets, more so than at any time in history, so . . . what the hell, look at what the country has been involved in for years!

We are just getting out of the longest war in American history, Afghanistan, barely out of the Iraq war!  What in the hell, do you expect, the docs and nurses, hospital administrators, may have nothing to do with it, other than having more Vets than they can possibly handle . . . I haven't been following the new much in that area, just know there are problems in Arizona, now other parts of the country and now the director just stepped down, like he is there to oversee every hospital in person?  Superman couldn't do that . . . we need to be realistic as to where the country has been, own up to our mistakes, and mover forward, in a more peaceful world, maybe this is a first step to declare a cease fire on war, between the two nations, the terrorists, and just let bygones, be bygones, and start fresh!  What a refreshing change!

I Need to Drop My Personal War Against the Tits & Ass Girls, THEY SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES, OR THEIR MEN SPEAK FOR THEM, BUT NOT IMPRESSED!  SORRY, CAN'T HELP IT!  I Expect World Leaders, To Be More Mature Than I Am!

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