Only Had Teasers of Bozeman
The first time I came to Bozeman, was just shortly, real shortly before the 2012, presidential elections, while I was hiding in national parks, in four states, after being run out of Utah on a rail, with a choice of death, or eviction! LOL! I have been kicking it around Montana, for two years now, and love the whole damn, state, the people, the scenery, the politics, the towns, the adherence to the Constitution, avid believers, backed by actions of Christianity, and a sincere honesty, and humility, with willingness to change, if there is something, that I might know about, and it is amiss, boldly and blatantly admitting to either being too poor a state to remedy the issue, or a we'll git-r-done attitude . . . so fucking refreshing!
I am actually sitting at the sight, I first came to, to get on the library computers, seeing that the Mormon, NSA, with 30,000 electronic spies in Utah, that I ratted out to the world, seeing a cellmate of one of my clients, husband, was actually one of the building contractors on the building the, 4th amendment, law breakers, are housed in . . . hey, but don't bother, Utahans with the U.S. or their state Constitutions--they are right there with Bush and Cheney, stop waving that piece of paper in front of my face! Just a minor speed bump to greater violations of federal and state, statutory and constitutional rights, but, what the hey!
Anyway, I had purchased a computer in Helena, earlier in the year, right after coming to Montana, at the Target Store, on Montana Street, that I got to use, twice! Once Mitt, got the Republic, or Mormon, nomination, the Salt Lake Tribune, who eventually, endorsed Obama, with no little role by me, due to a front page headline, that had Romney's mugshot on it, and the words, A Mormon Moment . . . not a conservative moment, nor a Republican or American Moment, but a Mormon Moment, and that is precisely, why I wrote an email to the citizens of the United States, warning the people of the Mormon agenda, they would be subject to . . . causing a huge brew-haha, in Utah, especially on college campuses, where all revolutions start!
I got the first email out, but lost all my 700 email contacts, however, I always sent copies to my four children, and so I got, one of my sons, to forward me a copy of that email, so I could get my contacts back; however, that was to no avail, because the second time, I wrote a huge letter, or email, or some correspondence, prepared for general service and exposure, and when I got read to send it to the world, the last thing, I wrote, to the spies, watching everything, thinking it might make them think twice, silly me, that the FBI, CIA and NSA, are not above the law, ask Tricky Dickey, President Richard Nixon, who was impeached!
That went over like a led balloon, my computer was immediately shut down, a total black out, and when I finally, rebooted it, my USER NAME HAD BEEN CHANGED TO NIXON! Not only was I totally shocked at the blatant display of abuse of power, and access, but I tried to think of every password, connected to the Prez., like Watergate, Democratic Convention, Patricia, G. Gordon Liddy . . . not luck, fried, beyond, even the highest tech diagnostic machines, hackers, and computer professionals, with 5 attempts, my computer got an early death, used twice, only successful once!
Play That Funky Music White Boy--Just On--Always Wanted God's Revolver, Son's Band, to Kick Off Their Montana Statewide Tour, in Cowboy Country, Bozeman!
So, my first exposure to Bozeman, was the library, brief, but enough to wet my whistle, coming back after writing several blogs, letting all you wild ass cowboys and girls, down here in the cite of the college, agricultural center of the state . . . or at least that is my impression, that Kalispell based, Fresh Life Church, would be coming to set up and Church campus near you . . . and I made sure that I came to that Church kick-off. I even thought of coming early, to start some missionary work, starting in January, before the target date, of March 9, 2014, if I am not mistaken.
The second time in the town, even made me more and more determined to check out this town, better than just a vacation, or casual stop for some other reason, to visit. So, just like I had done in January, returning from Seattle, and laying over in Butte, with time to decide to go right or left, to Bozeman, or to Missoula or Kalispell, with frigid temperatures, I opted for home turf, but always wanted to come back. So, when a friend of mine and I decided, we were going to come to the Beartooth Mountains and Yellowstone National Park, in July, in my normal free spirited approach to life, decided about one hour before the shuttle left Kali, to hop aboard and head to Bozeman . . .
I did have a brief moment in the 4 hour wait in Missoula, after talking to my cousin, in Vegas, that I might, opt for the glitz and glamour of Sin City, but instead, opted to turn to Bozeman . . . all I remember, the first time I came to town, was, some hotel or restaurant, with a bucking bronc and rider, lite up on a main street . . . didn't see it at 2:30 am, when I arrived by bus last night . . . to be discovered!
Gas Station Attendant, Tried to Discourage Me, Send Me Back to Helena or Missoula . . . Been There, Done That . . . New Beginnings
I bought both newspapers, from Billings first by accident, then the Bozeman Chronicle, jobs were plentiful, rents high, but opportunity knocks, so here I am, freezing my ass off in front of the library, I choice the outdoors, over being in a structure or building, anytime, anywhere . . . but, right now, I am hoping to wonder down Main Street, and check out a coffee shop, or mom & pop, greasy spoon, to get some breakfast! And to get warm!
As I walked away from the gas station, I thought, I wonder if that is an undercover cop, planted to bring tales of woe, and sent me running the other way . . . California owns this place; well, I was born in California, so the Prune Pickers, don't bother me, sort of one of them . . . by birth, but not marriage! LOL! I love both rural and urban influences, and I find a combination of both, plus, a liberal and conservative element to politics, puts this raging constitutional law attorney, about where she likes to be, right smack dab in the middle, cheering on the battle between to two sides, and special interests, coming to a must be compromise, getting a better product, than had everyone been one party or the other!
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