Monday, June 23, 2014


A Pope After My Own Hearts, Drops the "F-Bomb" and Excommunicates all Mafia Members Automatically!

What in the hell does the establishment clause of the United States Constitution mean, and how is it applied. Just recently, there was an article in the Kalispell, Montana, newspaper, the Daily Inter Lake, editorial or opinion section, of someone, very clearly, dividing this country, into oath keepers, or non-oath keepers . . . and I could not agree more, it used to be Democrats v. Republicans, or back in the day, of the founding fathers, when there were 12 different political parties, and war between ideologies, vying for power, influence, political favor, and fighting over special interests that would benefit, their particular view of the way, legislation, politics, or power should go; however, to day, those battle lines, have taken on a totally new line of demarcation, that of those who support, preserve, protect and defend the United States Constitution, and those who do not, either for ideological reasons, origins, orders or secret societies . . . and I would say, we better start figuring out, what lays beneath the man or woman we are putting into office . . . they are either for or against the majority of Americans view of the foundational and contextual framework of what this countries goals are, not only for the nation itself, but for the role the United States should play in the world . . . and those ideas and political agendas that are so foreign and contrary to the basics of the U.S. Constitution, should be exposed, ratted out, and eradicated, not in a violent way, but through exposure of true motives! 

I absolutely loved the fact that Pope Francis, who oversees, 1.2 billion Catholics, worldwide, got so pissed off, that he ripped the cover off mafia members, automatically did a wholesale, excommunication, after a young innocent boy was gunned down in Italy, going after the culture of violence behind the slaying, taking out any connection with those members, who often claim belief in the Catholic Church, tout its teachings, but blatantly violate, the very basics of God's 10 Commandments, in particular--THOU SHALT NOT KILL--and somehow, justify, hits, ordered killings, tests of loyalties to mafia bosses and families, ruling neighborhoods, towns, cities, regions, through violence, so contrary to God's laws, with mafia families, who now are found in the Russian, Romanian, Italian, Mexican, etc., mafias, with close ties to the Catholic Church . . . fucking, good for you, Pope Francis . . . would to God, all religious and spiritual leaders, would denounce actions from groups that claim religious affiliations, yet, boldly hide behind the cloaks, clothes, temple garments of their given religions of birth, baptism, yet conduct their personal lives, so contrary to any God, sanctioned activities, that truth makes reason stare!

The Vatican, that is a country, in and of itself, with roots, centuries old, and didn't have to give due process, and neither does the Mormon Church, but in the case of Kate Kelly, who is awaiting her excommunication from the Mormon Church; however, Mormons claim to be the only world religion, that is truly an American Church--although, Joseph Smith, founder of the American Church, was a 33 degree mason, with secrets and a society, that is roughly 6 thousand years old, so there may be a split loyalty, but just for the sake of argument, let's say there is not; therefore, you will see, elements and concepts of the U.S. Constitution, coming into play.  So, Ms. Kelly, was called into a church court, but she refused to attend the bishop's court, basically, an ecclesiastical court, where feminist women, such as herself, go to have a hearing, with a presentation of her alleged issues with the church, with one member of the ward, god-head, arguing for her, the other one representing the church, and the bishop, having the final say, as to whether she is excommunicated for believing that woman, should be ordained as clergy in the patriarchal male oriented church.  Men, on the other had, go before the stake presidency, with at least, 15 members, with the presentation of the charges, 7 speaking in favor of the church defendant, and 7 speaking on behalf of the errant male, with the stake president, rendering a decision, after all have spoken, and he thinks or prays about the decision, that is to protect the church from members who fail to adhere to doctrines of the church. 

Kelly, has thousands of supporters from members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, or the Mormon Church, with a worldwide membership, who held a vigil for her the other night, during the hearing she refused to attend, she claims, she has always been a Mormon and always will be, no matter what the outcome of the hearing is, over her church membership.  Kind of like the motto for Las Vegas, What Happens in Vegas, Stays in Vegas . . . What Happens in the Church, Stays in the Church . . . basically even the U.S. Supreme Court will not step behind those closed doors, and dictate, what the church can and cannot do . . . that is called a separation of church and state!

Under A Secular Government, Like America, Ms. Kelly, is Free to Believe Anything She Wants, Including, Ordaining Women to the Ministry or Clergy--it is Only, When her Beliefs, Cross the Line, to Actions, that Violate the Laws of the United States, that She Would Ever Run A Foul of the Constitution!

Now, why, the male patriarchal order, that runs the Mormon Church, just doesn't seem to get that principle, when it comes to polygamy, is beyond this constitutional law attorney . . . you can believe you will have 10 virgins, in heaven, but that violates the laws of the land, right now . . . so, don't try to circumvent the law, by saying, well, Muslims get more than one wife, or if we get Mitt Romney, a Mormon in the presidency, we get to rule on that matter, or if gays get marriage rights, we should get polygamy; therefore, Mormon males should be able to practice their beliefs and their religion . . . however, on a scale of 1 to 10, I can guarantee, which belief, is more egregious to the average American, just like it was during Utah's fight for statehood, back between 1847 and 1896, when a provision put right in the document, itself, as a condition of statehood, right in the state constitution, the only section of that nature, forbids POLYGAMY, FOREVER!

And the only way, Utah or the Mormon run state, can get polygamy or the ban on polygamy lifted, or taken out of the state constitution, is to get a 2/3rd vote in both houses of the Utah Legislature, and it must go to a vote to the people, and have the approval of the United States . . . pretty stiff hurdles to overcome, so fucking kiss your spiritual wives or sister wives, away . . . now, you can still believe that, but you can't practice the principle or the covenant!  Even if you go out on the Great Salt Lake, and continue to perform marriages, thinking you are doing it under Maritime or Admiralty Law, circumventing the US Constitution!

Double Standard--Which Belief, if Not Sanctioned Belief, is More Offensive?

There was a Mormon Manifesto, that was revealed by Prophet, Woodrow Wilson, or was that the president of the country?  Anyway, there was a revelation the alleged prophet, got in 1890, stating that the principle of polygamy, was no longer the practice of the Mormon Church; therefore, members who chose to practice it, in contravention of the laws of the United State, would be excommunicated!  That turned out to be just something the church used to get the feds off their back, to get statehood,while every red-blooded, horny, Mormon male, still believed he was entitled to more than one wife, as they do today, enough to manipulate, desecrate the state constitution, treat, it like any normal statute or law, rather than honoring the contractual agreement to become a state, under the Union of states, called the United States of America . . . and they want to excommunicate, Ms. Kelly . . . for her belief, that women should be ordained?  HMMMMMMM?

Good luck, Ms. Kate Kelly, you and I both know, there is a double standard in the Mormon Church!  And how do I know so much about the excommunication process . . .  been there, done that, for fornication, my male counter-part, was just going to get disfellowshipped, a lesser sentence, still in the fold, while I was going to be excommunicated . . . until I spoke up to the stake high council, I am sure, Jerry Owens, wished he had not invited me to the hearing!  Same crime, same time, boys!  I was perfectly happy, not being a Mormon, not having a church job, let alone, being ordained, not only, no, but Hell NO! But under my secular world of citizenship in the United States, under the dictates of the separation clause . . . you can believe, women should be ordained, just don't include me!  LOL!

I re-entered the waters of baptism, not a new creature, but one forced to make my parents feel good . . . you can see the truth, in the pictures taken on the fateful day . . . I kept telling the bishop, I didn't feel sorry for what I did, therefore, I was not forgiven . . . both he and my father, who had double jeopardy on their minds . . .  protecting the Mormon double, didn't care, what I thought, I had to be a Mormon, with that resume!  Are starting to get the picture of what was the driving force, behind, my less than sought after re-baptism.  My roommate, recently asked me, as a convert of the Mormon Church, how I got out of the Church . . . I just stopped going!  You can do that?

Yes, the the other part of the establishment clause is . . . okay, I need to back up, and put this in context . . . Congress shall make no laws respecting the establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof . . . including, not having a religion!  There is a new law, coming under the false flag legislation of Mormons, that anyone who converts, a child under the age of 21 away from their religion of birth, is guilty of genocide and can be charged with a crime; and if any church with a membership of less than 500, not a member of the council of churches, gets their tax exempt status yanked!  Hey, fellows, why not strip any church, that is a front for a political party, with close ties to the CIA, FBI, and NSA?  

With a 70% membership, within the ranks and file of the government, seems like there should be some conflicts of interest, especially, when there is a member of the predominant religion of the alleged intelligence community, running for office, and an alleged attorney, who is very opposed to the candidate, after being targeted by the very agencies, with a huge interest in my money, and the outcome of the elections, to fucking with the situation in Benghazi!  One month before the elections?  With President Obama, knowledgeable of foreign affairs, and Mitt, not knowing jack shit!  Really!  And we can't figure this one out, CIA reporting from the field, briefing the Prez., and CIA within the State Department, changing the talking points, really, with a presidency at stake, and world domination by Mormons, who are perfectly aligned with the one world order crew, really, so hard to see . . . no borders, access, access, access to missionary, standing armies!  Swallowing a fly, and swatting at a flea!

Good Example of Violation of Separation of Church and State--Wasatch High School, Year Book!

I have been waiting to comment on this situation for some time now, a few weeks . . . every high school has a dress code.  So when several girls, got their year books for the end of the year celebrations, and a picture that would go with them throughout their lives, coming back to either haunt or thrill both sexes for years to come as high school reunions, come around ever so often, bringing back memories, not only of those days, but what was in fashion, or what your personal fashion statement was, back in the day, so no small thing!

Well, several girls, graduating, or at least attending, Wasatch High in the Heber/Midway area, got their year books back and found, the tattoo on their collar bone, that they specifically wanted to show in their pictures, with a bit lower, necklines, had been computer doctored, not only to make their picture more modest, along the standards of the predominant religion, Mormonism, but also, digitally brought the necklines of their shirts of choice . . . not in violation of school dress codes, but religious codes, came above the collar bone, to cover the cherished words of their tattoos!

When the altered school pictures that would stand the test of time, were discovered, the girls were given copies of dress standards as suggested in a Mormon produced booklet, called Especially for Youth . . . to be handed out at church, so what is up with handing that out at school, a secular school, not a church school!  That is what the US Supreme Court, would say, violates the separation clause of the first amendment, and crosses the line between church and state . . . blatantly, unconstitutional!  And coming from a church that has no qualms allowing elderly gentlemen, marry young brides, with parental consent or through polygamy!  It is okay to fuck'em underage, marry'em, but hell, cover up those collar bones in high school year books!

The interesting thing was, the doctored photos, were only done to certain girls, and not to other equally, riske', probably non-Mormon girls, and the Mormons, who are actually getting taught dress standards in school, are free to wear what they wanted . . . could be a form of religious discrimination, or discrimination against girls who don't practice any religion, but are a minority in the town!  Not only a violation of their 1st amendment rights, but also their 14th amendment, liberty rights!

The School Never Said They Were In Violation of School Dress Codes!

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