Corporate Prisons--Don't Let Them, Get Away With This!
Last week, while in Missoula, now in Kalispell, sorry just the life I live, not more than one of me, just on the move all the time, but, it came to my attention that there was a new private prison in Havre, Montana, but now I am informed that is in Shelby. I immediately got online, and tried to figure out how to get a hold of the Havre City Council, or whomever could tell me what is going on, so I could make my public comment. And this email below is what I briefly outlined as some of the objections, I have, not only having worked from both the prosecutor's side of the isle, to the civil rights side of the justice system, but also as a defendant, and twice, without warrant, charges, phone call, or any notice of what I had done, within the locked jail cell, all the way across the state, nobody knowing where I was, both counties lying about my whereabouts, the county that picked me up, and also the county that held me, on 24 hour lock down, or solitary confinement, allowed out one hour a day, to shower, and watch some TV . . . this was allegedly for contempt of court, but from my perspective, from CONTEMPT FOR COURT . . . I was arrested under the new, 210 page training manual, taking the U.S. Constitution out of the American Courtroom, I was the fucking attorney on a CIVIL DIVORCE CASE . . . and had appealed the judge's decision, which is not only my right as an attorney, but my client's right as a citizen, the judge or the court didn't send the whole file to the Utah Court of Appeals, where the case was currently under jurisdiction of that court, and the judge was trying to cover his ass, for EXTREME PREJUDICE AGAINST MY CLIENT, A FORMER, PLAYBOY BUNNY CENTERFOLD, in a $28 million divorce settlement!
This can happen to you, and is happening all over America, under the Patriot Act, or the Unpatriotic Act, which more clearly defines what the act is about, taking away all your rights, now they are going to make a profit on you and me . . . and the sad thing about Montana, is they don't even have an expungement statute, to rectify past, possible egregious errors, not only by the cops, but the prosecutors, and the judges, who are just the second prosecutor, in most cases! From my humble opinion, as a former, staff attorney for the Utah Prosecution Council, in the Criminal Enforcement Division of the Utah Attorney Generals Office, in the group, while the groundwork for some of this was in the workings.
I remember, sitting in a SWAP MEETING, or the State Wide Association of Prosecutors, when the state of Utah, was asking the Utah State Legislature, to authorize legislation or money, appropriated to build larger jails, through out the state, the police state, I might add, of Utah . . . there is a reason, there are 30,000 spies, working for the NSA, or the National Security Agency, in Utah . . . like is attracted to like! I was generally, the only woman in these meetings, and the lone voice of reason, and I asked the guys, why are we building so many new jails in the state, and in small towns, and the response, not only shocked me, but was a precursor of what we are dealing with today, and I am writing about . . . the answer, was build it, and they will come!
You know, from the Kevin Costner, baseball movie, Field of Dreams . . . now baseball is one thing, but dreaming of prisons and incarcerating everyone is quite another . . . so here you go! Get informed . . . here is the email address, so you can contact, an organization in the Shelby area, that is fighting for the humane treatment of prisoners:
Privatized Prison in Havre--Is that true?
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Jun 11 (6 days ago)
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If you are taking public comments, while I am not a member of your community, I am concerned for the following reasons, as a constitutional law attorney:
- sheriff's deputies, who run county jails, are liable under Title 42, Section 1983, civil rights violations for state officers, county included, for constitutional and statutory violations, acting under color of law, while performing their official duties
- this seems like an attempt to thwart or circumvent any possible lawsuit for violation of prisoner's rights--but that is not true, the United State's Supreme Court, has held companies in the alleged civil arena, liable, if they are acting as arms of the state
- criminal law is always an arm of the state--if you see an information a prosecutor gives, or has the sheriff deliver to a defendant, or alleged criminal, it always has a party, STATE v. Smith; therefore, and sentencing the judge does, to a jail or prison, is working with or an arm of the state
- you do not want privatization, or for profit jails, working with inmates . . . this is not about money, it is about justice, don't think it would stand a constitutional challenge, if it were challenged
- it is not right to profit from some one's misery
- prisons are abusive enough as it is . . . a school of social work, did an in class experiment, and found that within 3 days, those students, made guards, became abusive to the other students, who were assigned to be prisoners, the had to stop the in class project.
- it is in the nature of man, that if you give him or her a little bit of authority, they will, and I underscore, will abuse it, and it has been proven
- just last night, I watched the movie, with Jean Claude Van Dam, called In Hell, the guards were taking money, to let prisoners, from mafia gangs, rape new inmates that didn't happen to look like they could defend themselves, for money . . . many in for minor crimes, put in with hard core criminals, that are murderers in some instances . . . it is hell, we don't want to make it worse than it is
- private corporations are in the business to make money, that should not be the driving force behind our prison systems that are to protect society, look out for their health, safety and welfare, until such a time as jail, prisons and judges, feel this person is rehabilitated and able to go back into society
- often the weak are the ones hurt, who take the brunt of the punishment, when you have dirty jailers, and this system will be encouraging it
- these are the ones that don't belong here in the first place, and they are usually the abused, don't do well, and sometimes are innocent, with our system ignoring the presumption of innocence
- many Montanans don't have money to pay and attorney, often public defenders, or public pretenders, are chosen by the prosecution, because they will not fight, and they plead out everything
- this system will encourage that type of behavior more than it already does
- I have seen too much of the criminal justice, if you want to call it that, be able to pull of anything it wants, through tricks, games, threats to witnesses, juries, and even the attorneys, jury instructions can be messed with, and judges, already are coming from a prosecutorial background, becoming the joke of all defense attorneys, who refer to them as prosecutor #2
- as someone who has been staff attorney, for the Utah Prosecution Council, an assistant attorney general, in the Criminal Enforcement Division of the Utah Attorney Generals Office; a criminal defense attorney, and a civil rights attorney, all the way up to and including the United States Supreme Court, this is a bad idea!
JoAnn S. Secrist, J.D.

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Jun 12 (5 days ago)
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Not Havre, Shelby.
It's CCA.
Correction Corporation of America.
Both Barry Beach ( innocent) and John F. Lance II ( innocent ) have been sent on "diesel therapy" by Montana DOC to CCA private prisons for profit in TX ( Spur, TX ) and TN and then to Shelby.
Both innocents were prosecuted by Marc Racicot, Deputy and then Attorney General and then 2 term governor, then chairman of the RNC, then head of the American Liability Insurers, then director of BNSF RR, and he was a founding shareholer of CCA.
He prosecuted innocents to get 100% cell occupany rates for his fellow shareholders of CCA!
He also got payoffs from civil opponents of both men in the form of campaign donations.
Racicot is a RINO.
He's somewhere between "statist" and Marxist.
His father was Union shop steward in the Johns Manville Libby vermiculite quarry .
Both his brothers are union school teachers.
Scumbags that take other peoples' money at the point of a gun ( taxes ) .
And put innocents in prison.
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