History of this Blog--Thanks for Reading--Done
I started this blog out of frustration, the day, I was tracked by Indian trackers, the train station was stationed with tons of feds, pretending to be tour guides, trying twice to get out of East Glacier, Glacier National Park, going over to the station at 10:30 pm, to find a man and two blood hounds, tracking my scent, all night long--I finally decided to walk out of the Park and the Blackfoot Indian Reservation, about 4 or 5 am, in the morning when I could finally, kind of see, hearing coyotes bothering a cow, that was mooing in the distance, but not the far distance. After riding a BMW motorcycle, down the canyon, after walking about 15 miles, on a Saturday morning, if I remember, not much traffic, this man on a motorcycle, who looked a hell of a lot like the guy with the blood hounds, but I was happy to get the ride, with another 87 miles, walk out of the canyon, but I tried to take out my frustration, in an email, but both my old Gmail and Hotmail, accounts had been shut down . . . surprise, surprise, surprise . . . a night of terror, blood hounds on my trail all night; however, dodging the Indian tracker, all day, left a twisted, winding, ditching, fucking up trail, that even the Indian, nor the dogs, could follow . . . thank God!
I am barely operable on the Internet, cellphone, or about anything technologically oriented, having missed 8 years of computer technology, so getting this blog up and on, was a miracle in and of itself, let along, getting 1.5 million readers the first week, 5.5 readers the next, and 13.5 million, the third week, when the blog, was then redirected, to a new and secret account, that was all very evident on my setting history, Google account redirected . . . I had written a blog on the lawsuit between Google and the federal government, that Google had just lost that day, but informed my readers that I would not take money for this blog . . . it was to be a gift to the American people, sharing the knowledge, I had gained, not only in the last 20 years of practicing law, focused, primarily on constitutional law, but imparting, what knowledge or lack of knowledge, I had also gained through the SCHOOL OF LIFE!
I remember hitting, what was obviously not the high, but hitting 155,000,000, with a combination of God's Revolver & Maraloka, plus adding a 30,000,000 hit day, when I wrote about the fact that nothing could separate us from the love of God, through Jesus Christ . . . in an attempt to help people in the Ukraine, being threatened by Putin's Russia . . . I hit that number twice that day, so not a mistake! Shortly after that, while having to start over, hit and count wise, every time I published a blog, but, it seemed like I had to start from 0 each time, rather than an accumulative number of hits, but, it appeared, that 130,000,000 hits were siphoned off, that day . . . Sunday might have been a clue where the hits, were redirected to, but a worthy source, and more than willing to share.
I Am Sitting In Your Electric Chair
Now, anyone who has read much of my blog, especially, on a Sunday, when I return from Church, generally, Fresh Life or CrossFire Churches . . . I try to worship God, by writing something about the messages I got at church, for all you slackers, who slept in, went hiking, golfing, boating, or just spent time with family, friends, or lovers . . . hey, I am all about all of that! But, I noticed, Pastor Levi, of Fresh Life, seemed to have read my blogs, and somehow worked them into his sermons, or so it seemed . . . I can just listen, connect dots, and assume or speculate, so I can't absolutely say, that he did, but, I write on some pretty dicey subjects, that are not common dialogue or discourse, in the normal walks of life; therefore, one could assume, that they were coming from this source, my blog.
I had written the scripture infused, blog, with the power of Jesus Christ's love, and the blog exploded that day, when many told me I was going to see the blog tank . . . but I was not ashamed of Christ, because if we are ashamed of him now, he will be ashamed of us, at the judgement seat before God, and then we are fucked, because he is our advocate with the Father, and I know how important an advocate is! But, right after that, Levi made that statement . . . I am sitting in your electric chair, he started a blog of his own, and the next lecture series, was SORRY, NOT SORRY . . . he talked about not feeling bad if we do something, and someone else takes it over, if it is all for Christ, nice cover!
I wrote about the possible theft of hits, ideas, killer teachings, and as if, a back handed, admission, his next series was called, a Controlled Burn, and that, it had been . . . only he and I knew, but if he is doing the work of the Lord, I am cool with that! Next thing I saw was his, cartoon picture of his pockets on fire, new equipment, and the very plain stage, being amped up a bit, with lights, new sound equipment, new filming, stage, and radio shows . . . Google is suppose to pay, one cent for every hit, after a blogger reaches over 200,000 hits, so, that would amount to about $150,000 per day, from my friends, math . . . if there is one thing I do worse than technology, it is math. But, anyway, I was looking at it as a gift to the world, so if he could bring more to Christ than I could, have at it!
Bad Ass Con Law Chick Blog was SPLIT between that Original Name and Bad Ass Con Law Chick Blog--the Word Ass was Lightened--Nice, and Took 7 of Every 8 Hits! Really!
So, my hugely successful blog, is denigrating and disintegrating, right in front of my face, day by day . . . so when, the NSA, Mormon Church kids, in Utah at the point of the mountain, you know the 30,000 newly hired spies, in the National Security Agency, the one, Edward Snowden ratted out, are running, reading, have access, and controlling my blog hits, the names, the re directions, and the bull shit! I had to threaten Google at least 4 times, they would temporarily fix the hits, but not the split in the blog and names, acting like they were censoring the "ass" out of the name that had been read by 155,000,000 readers, twice in one day, starting completely over? What's up with that . . . cover-up!
It used to be, before the split, that I could just type in bad ass . . . and my blog would pop up, then the other version, bad con law chick, started popping up, instead, with just bad con . . . and the other blog, you had to know the whole blog spot name, in its entirety, to get it to come up, and that was after having to hit the blue, magnifying glass! As of yesterday, even the government, mafia, thieves version, writing about the assassination attempt, one world order activities in Montana, and other threatening issues, like who is doing this, and also, the theft of my grand-daughter, kids, and whatever . . . I just accidentally in a typo, that I sometimes will see as messages, the word, KIND . . . like, the thieves, who are getting billions worth of free money, fame and name, not to mention getting attributed my family, my knowledge, and my writing . . . always easier to be the ones being UNJUSTLY ENRICHED, rather the ranting, raving lunatic, that is constantly being robbed, trashed, hunted, tracked, hijacked . . . and losing everything they have lived a lifetime to create . . . I guess being kind, justifies and covers all of it!
Anyway, as of yesterday, well, rather, the day before, when I published at 8:30 pm, not a common time for me . . . slipped under the radar! LOL! But, now you can't even get either blog, with similar names, same author, same person, same articles, same swear words, and same titles . . . these fuckers, couldn't even write one of these blogs . . . my style, we will see, if they can pull it off without the slave labor! LOL . . . have at it! I will check daily, to see what you guys do, it will die or your readers will die of boredom . . . because all your writers are downright, fucking boring! LOL! They may claim my life, my writings, but it is the journey, that makes the fun ideas, the tracking, the run, the assassination attempts . . . you don't get that from the NSA hijacking my work! LOL!
Ideas By JoAnn, Money By JoAnn's Writings, Money Laundering, Via the Illuminati! The Charismatic Movement--Given $$$$$$
Last night, I was watching a video, on YouTube, on a man, who had been in the Illuminati's Council of 13, who became a Christian, but had to hand over up to $35 million to preachers in the charismatic movement, like Joel Oberstein, or whatever his name is . . . what is the Illuminati, and organization that was started with 13 families, from Italy, I believe, around 1776, so it was started around the same time, that America was getting up and running . . . declaring Independence and writing the US Constitution! It involves, mafia, Freemasons, Mormons, CIA, world bankers, and about anyone who wants to sign on, or who will fuck with America, and use it, like the Yale, Skull & Bones, Bushes, Clintons, John Kerry, is a member, and many other prominent and powerful people in the world, who want a One World Order . . . including the fuckers, who have gone after me, and who are stealing this blog!
WARNING: The alleged founder of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, or the Mormons, Joseph Smith, around 1841, was a 33 degree Mason, I was a bit alarmed, when I saw a framed, photo, and the note, marking predominant dates, and occasions, for Fresh Life Church, formerly Skull Church . . . but after church last week, I read all the noted dates and occasions, and noticed that, on a picture of the Salt Lake City, International Airport Picture, Levi, got the idea for the name of FRESH LIFE CHURCH!
At first, I thought, that is awesome, since, I feel that both Utah and the Mormon Church, are in a state of unconstitutional apostasy, with no separation of church and state, running the state, little focus on Jesus Christ, and whatever, up to trying to kill me, steal my name, and use if for their purposes, using doubles, after the thefts, and whatever! I have often said, that scripture says, that the gospel will roll forth out of the mountains, and Montana, means, mountains, and the rock will, gather speed, as it spreads around the earth . . . and Fresh Life Church has grown, exponentially, which I am glad about . . . I just have a problem with THOU, SHALT NOT STEAL? Oh, well, what is 130,000,000 hits?
But, then, I thought, which I had previously, had my enemies, funded the Church, Fresh Life, and Pastor Levi, very charismatic, not necessarily, speaking in tongues, but being very hip, funny, cool, wearing all the latest fashions, and same with his family, plus great vehicles, trendy life, etc., sounds, like just the type of guy, my enemies, family, Nemesis, thieves would attract . . . like is attracted to like . . . but funded, previously through, God's Revolver, and now, stealing my blog, as if he wrote it, or all the religious stuff, and being called to Salt Lake City, headquarters of the Mormon Mafia, and Church, if you can call it that? Capturing the minds of the new generation . . . undercover CIA, preacher man . . . it takes all types, to take over the minds, hearts and freedom of Americans, the goal!
Illusions--the Takers
Just like in Hollywood, they get the alleged, beautiful people, actors, to play the parts of the real heroes in life . . . they are the imitators, but so is Satan, the great imitator! CIA, has a long history, since the Iranian Hostage situation, and ever since, they and the FBI, have used actors, and they are in my case too, while I think, by far, selfie, I have a far prettier face, definitely smarter, a bit fluffier, but, that is correctable, using, the illusions, the scintillating stars, if you will, to play a role, of a person, who is still kicking major ass, writing like crazy, helping Montana, with water compacts, expungement, medical marijuana and other laws . . . but the twisted believers, would rather have, say, lie, promote the illusion, of the real, rather, than buck up and deal with the real person, a bit intense, and rightly so . . . but to side with the takers? REALLY?
I would have thought, Montanans of all people, would be different . . . but that has not seemed to be the case, not at the legislature, with elected officials, or even the cops, who now, know, in some cities, who I am . . . they still prefer the takers, the fakes, the illusions . . . bigger tits, smaller ass, but dumb, dumb, and dumber! Even people, like the tax payers, clients, friends and neighbors, will lie, fabricate, and tell the investigators, that I am, the replacement, what is the harm, other than, it is a bold faced lie! I guess, in this one case, thou shalt not lie . . . has some escape clause, or if you got a grant, or a kickback, or let off a criminal charge, or got paid, that commandment is null and void!
Come on . . . everyone, wants the alleged, more, alleged, beautiful actor, don't we . . . no, some of us, like truth, honesty, hate a liar, don't dig pledgerizers, poachers, thieves, and that class of people, regardless of how, scintillating they appear to be . . . when in reality, they are no big deal in their own lives, to their partners, who have ditched, divorced, cheated on, or kids who have disrespected, and whatever, just like everyone else, but the government, is going to use my brain, and their looks . . . I vote for brains, smarts, over money and looks any day . . . the smart people are going to win this war, for the ideological battle of America, the one stop before the One World Order is implimented!
Pure Christianity & Pure Constitution at RISK!
I have long said, the two things that would protect both America and the world, from the one world order is, Christianity and the US Constitution! And both are under attack! This is the pattern the Illuminati, a conglomerate and collective of many people who all collude to take over the world . . . have a pattern of things, that they use, to become the heroes in all areas: (1) they cause chaos, (2) through the nation, economy, world, home, in to a mess, fabricated at times; (3) they buy up companies, with our money, bankrupt them on purpose; (4) then come to the rescue, and buy them back, or merge, give a new name; and (5) save the nation, America or the world, but we are all beholden to them . . . the reason for the problem!
Whenever there is a fight in Congress, or a national disaster, or something horrible, like 9/11, there will be a new law, or piece of legislation, like the Patriot Act, or the Federal Reserve Act . . . that is manipulated through the system, without the usual battle, or players, public comment or fight! Beware, some people would call them FALSE FLAG ATTACKS . . . but here is always, pending legislation, taking America one step closer to the one world order, world domination of the few, or promoting agendas of Skull & Bones, or the Illuminati, that have had designs and plans for America, ever since its inceptions. George Washington, or one of those guys, signers of the US Constitution said that it was a miracle that they were able to deliver a democracy to the people, but that would all depend on the people keeping it . . . did know the enemies, and the challenges back then? I believe he knew damned well who the enemies of freedom and democracy would be . . . just who they are!
I have a vision of a BEAUTIFUL NEW WORLD, BASED ON FREEDOM FOR ALL CITIZENS, BUT RETAINING NATIONAL IDENTITY, CUSTOMS, CONSTITUTIONS, RELIGIONS, BUT having some type of agreed upon world constitution, that we fight, just like in countries, like America, looking at history, potential conflicts, and hot topic areas, deal breakers, and fighting points, keeping in mind human rights and protections, from genocide, racial cleansing, and persecution! Over 100 countries have adopted some form of the United States Constitution, in part or in whole, could we look at the world government as the federal government, with express powers and responsibilities, allowing each country its own sovereignty, like the states, in America, keeping their unique politics, religion, culture, treasures, and people, but using the nations, kind of like we do now, to lead in some areas, and follow in others, but trading, working together, for the betterment of the entire world, no ruling elite, but justice for all, prosperity for all, happiness for all, voting for all, and work on happiness, not ego . . . right now we all rise and fall together, we saw that in the economic, false flag attack from banks, created to take America and the world, one step closer to recognizing their saviors, not Jesus Christ, but the chosen actors!
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