Friday, June 13, 2014


Once Again, CIA is Sanctioning Murder, and Going After Me for My First Amendment Rights!

I have a new icon on my computer, from the pictures, Katerina the second, sent me of my new or now one year old, beautiful granddaughter, who her CIA, mother has tried to block me from seeing for an entire year, we are talking the CIA double for the original Kat, who my son, without a name, loved . . . but he is the son, that my former, FBI/CIA husband knows is a worry, because he will help his mother, so he needed to be compromised, and even worse with a baby now.
Brett, who is now with Kay, aka, JoAnn S. Secrist II or VII, who, in reality, me, myself and I, is currently sitting up at the Sunnyview Cafe, in the Kalispell, Regional Medical Center, Kali, MT, just here, typing my daily blog, after eating breakfast as Flow's, or the Salvation Army . . . that is always good for breakfast or lunch, Monday through Friday, and she is a true Latter-Day Saint, as are the rest of the staff at God's Army, practicing true religion, taking care of the homeless, the poor, the widow and the fatherless.

. . . something the fucking Mormon CIA, wouldn't know about!  Smacks too much of Christianity for these boys and girls, that are blood sucking, gold digging fuckers, feeding off the tits of God's Revolver and now, Maraloka, or my cases, my house, my personal belongings, my blog, or whatever, had their way worth billions, as they have used the Mormon Church network around the world, 60,000 strong missionary force, is a force in deed to reckon with!  They don't call, Utah the network capitol of the world, for nothing, branches out all over the world, due to the missionaries, CIA, FBI, and now the Mormon NSA!  

Are you getting the picture here, brothers and sisters!  You see, with these Mormon, born and bred, regardless of their location around the world, the sin, is not in doing the sin or the crime, it is in getting caught!   I just love, Montana, the USA, too damn much, to do what Edward Snowden did, go to Russia . . . I have had people tell me over and over, to go to another country, fuck that . . . God Bless America . . . I love it and am willing to die for it . . . guess you could tell that already!  They know that, they just use the backdoor man approach, fuck you from behind, or within your own family system, with three of my four kids, marriages, being infiltrated with enemies, with the job 100% of the time to dis, their partner's mother, promote the CIA, FBI, NSA, with in the CIA, FBI, NSA, Mormon version of JoAnn S. Secrist . . . Kay, Shelley, Sue, Rachel, Kelly, Marcie, Tiffany, and about anyone as me, but me . . . you can send 20 FBI agents, right here to the upstairs of the Medical Center, fucking handcuff me right here, and I will scream bloody murder, you mother fuckers!

No One Said, You Had to Let Them Hit You

It is poetic justice, or so ironic, that the one time, while I was married to Brett, who is technically still married to me, refused to divorce me, because he would have to divorce Kay, who is the stand in mom, so he can get to my son's music . . . Google, God's Revolver, Scratch Dealt Me a Dirty Hand . . . check out the guy that stands about a foot taller than anyone else, that is the devil himself, with the out of place Mohawk, my, whatever, still married to me, through . . . blood, no, sex, not really, proxy, stand-in, substitute . . . that would imply that I agree with the bitch, pretending she is me, that my kids are hers, and now my grand-daughter, is hers . . . oh, fuck NO!  

You think you had a war before over my son, try my grand-children . . . your DNA is as ugly as your own gay (no offense to other gays), fat Buddhist, sons, Christopher, not Christian, and Danny . . . you see this knowing your enemy, works both ways, Kay!  Just because your kids will never, never, never give you grand kids, so you think you are going to steal mine . . . I will go for your fucking, skinny, shriveled, weak, little, frail, 80 year old body, face, and the juggler vein in your scrawny, chicken neck, take credit for your own fucked up kids, you, Brett, Shelley, Rachel, and the proxy crew . . . I wouldn't claim those kids either, and I feel sorry for your children, that you raised them, and were so focused trying to steal mine, that your ignored your own . . . no success, if you want to call stealing it, as success, replaces failure in the home!  That is why my kids turned out so well!  I realized that!

Hey, CIA, FBI, NSA, let's see if you can do your fucking job, and catch the real criminals, the buddy sitting next to you in your office, or your idol . . . Brett has one kid, that he claims, or might claim, with a girl he met in Salt Lake City, about 20 or so years ago, I think that is how old his son, in Phoenix, Arizona would be or a bit older, who was whisk away by the mother, to be raised and spoiled by grandma and grandpa, who have money.  Kay's kids, are Christopher Brown, from her first husband, Tim Brown, and her other son, Danny, is the son of David Buttars!  My son's first name, which he told me I could use, is Christian, named after his great grandfather, Adolf Christian Ulrich!  Chris and Elliot's, real dad's, grandmother's second husband, after her first husband died during the flu epidemic of the early 1900's . . . bet you guys didn't know that!

Words Cut Sharper, Than a Double Edged Sword

So how is that for using familiarity against you, rather than against me, you two, loser parents, you just hire doubles, or Dallas and George, got in on the get-go, and were matched with Greta and Nicole, but Chris was not, so the in-laws are hired to say that you, Shelley, Rachel, Sue, or whatever pathetic substitute you have for me, all are embarrassing as mothers, and also as women . . . disappointing, fake, liars, frauds, misrepresented, and whatever other horrible adjective I could find to describe, what is considered tax payer, supported, cop work!  Brett doesn't have much contact, if any with his kids, Kay's are weird, Shelley's, Jessie and Isaac are total criminals, the only reason, Alex, survived, is she got pregnant at 15, and Cliff was a decent guy, and Ty was rescued by the family, his whole life, all mutts, Mitt's Mutts . . . the dog shit bags, you get at parks, and that about says it all, all four kids from different fathers, and the first, Don Anderson, of Smithfield, told me, he didn't even think that Jessie was his!

Rachel's kids all have issues, especially, Scott . . . both girls have eating disorders or did, Emily would have been pregnant, had I not moved in Rachel's old house and taken the kids, Matt would have gotten a girl pregnant, and Scott would have committed suicide, had a special aunt, who actually say he was falling through the cracks, and really cared, loved him, drove him to school, gave him $200 to stay in school, and helped him purchase a small motorcycle . . . 

Pay Back for Actually Caring About, Their Kids

Holy Shit . . . and this is the thanks I get, for taking care of Shelley's kids, Rachel's . . . they want mine!  Good God, I pray for their kids, criminals as moms is just not cool!  Oh, but I guess I am the criminal, because the boys and girls club of the CIA, FBI and NSA are making it appear that I am actually, fucked up, Shelley, and that bitch, is me . . . and she has the help of all my former, rejected love thoughts . . . it all started with Jerry Owen, of Midway, Utah; followed up by Brett allegedly of Logan, but the real one, may have been substituted out, shot, and the FBI, double took his place, who knows; Allan Rex Bess, or code name, Frank, could be Allen Dulles, first director of the CIA; John (Jack) King Strode or Ware, of Kalispell; Michael Willis and Tony Ostheimer, could be a double for the ranch in St. Ignatius or house in Polson, both of, allegedly Missoula!  They, will all lie, to fuck me over!

Several of these, east coast blue bloods, Harvard educated, or with an ambassador to Ireland, wife, and big shot in politics, with a family, the Wares, of Pennsylvania, who own all the water rights in Lancaster County or something like that, worth billions, former father-in-law, a state senator, well, that is not enough, because their children are average kids, which, there is nothing wrong with that, but famous, smart, cool, educated, fun, beautiful kids, that is better, and builds their east coast snobbish egos . . . but this very, average income, mother, from Utah, of all places, actually, listened to the advice of the Mormon hierarchy, and followed it, plus sought degrees and knowledge, in family and human development, and sought, above all else, smart kids, rather than just having fun with them, being their friend, like Rachel, the fun mom . . . but parent, NO!

Oh, and I am very, happily, single, Rachel is married, or was to Christian Hickey, it just dawned on me, that they are saying that my son, Christian, got his name from that low life, dead beat dad, Chris Hickey, that didn't pay a dime for his kids, barely talks to his daughters, it too cheap to buy the kids food, and goes after the sister, who stepped in a did his and his wife's job, and tried to save their kids!  Rachel's misguided kids, are Stephanie, Matt, Emily, and Scott--both boys are fat boys, not phat boys in cool, nor are they the strikingly good looking boys of mine, Chris and Elliot.

And that fucking, attorney, friend of his, Brian Adamson, specialist in asset protection, really, from what I saw, laundering home titles, and gaming the whole, short sale thing, washing dirt through his Law Firm, then his Justice Firm . . . Seth Foote, was given his head and Chris's heads on a platter for mortgage fraud, but hey, who am I to help the FBI, who is after me, such a big time criminal . . . surprise, surprise, surprise, who also, teamed with, magically, Misty and Dennis Cheek, on Haylee's case, don't think that was a mistake, but a line-up, planned, and strategic, match up, as was Kelly Ann Booth, both attorneys, if you want to call them that, have a case of professional jealousy as big as the state of Utah, and the Mormon Church, but are both, totally shitty attorneys . . . Brian took $5,000 retainer, and didn't even show up to the first hearing for Haylee, so I stood in; Kelly Ann, was late to every hearing I ever saw or attended, but hey, as the Mormon Church prophet's grand-daughter, what do you expect, from a Mormon judge, and prosecutor?  That is the way things roll in Utah!

Talking About Kelly, Her Comment, I Don't Owe You Anything . . . Really, Bitch?  Why Don't We Talk Professional Standards of Ethics & Professional Responsibility?  Let's Talk About the Cheek et al v. Garrett et al Case, Shall We?

In the law, and as attorneys, there are set of professional rules of ethics and professional responsibility, and I am sure, that Kelly Ann, violated more than several in what she did, as did Judge Ted Stewart, who became, Chief Justice, after, I took Judge Tena Campbell, out of the position, or it seemed to be connected to her lack of knowledge of the Utah Constitution, so I asked for her disqualification on the Brock et al v. Herbert et al . . . my other multi-million lawsuit, among many, that was part of this whole conspiracy against the only true blue, law abiding, citizen, lawyer, both ethically and legally faithful to the law, and not Mormon . . . the 5th District, federal district, and the Utah State Bar, were all compromised on these case, as well as allowing, non-attorneys, to practice law in the state and in their courtrooms, for money, influence and professional jealousy . . . all were paid off, big time, plus they made a shit load of money off my online filing, people dig my writing, even after splitting my blog, I got an up-tick of 17 million!  My fun filings were just as popular, made the court system hundreds of thousands . . . firms, private attorneys, and financial planners across the nation, following the case and paying to get the briefs, the second I wrote, and same for the Cheek case, followed big time for the criminal, civil rights case . . . $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

Fucking NSA just joined the blog . . . they get up later than I do, always try to cut in, but I figured out how to cut the out!  LOL!  

Back to the unethical, if not criminal, Kelly Ann Booth, related to the prophet, who actually did get special treatment, and took over the Cheek case, in a hostile takeover . . . you dumb ass fucking cunt, you didn't get a brief into that court, for about a year and a half as I could see . . . I not only wrote the complaint, and every brief for the first year, did the court appearance, before your sorry ass even knew you had to be a member of the bar, federal bar that is, have you gotten beyond, influence of the Mormon Church and knowing the Judge, who should have recused himself, or refused to let your dumb ass, unethically in the case!  

Iron County Attorney, Scott Garrett, was the King-Pin, at the center of the conspiratorially orchestration, against the three plaintiffs in the case . . . Shane, Haylee and Travis, and Haylee's sworn enemy, the reason for the lawsuit . . . Garrett was using vindictive prosecution, malicious prosecution, and showing up at arrests, before warrants were served, at hospitals, during forced cathederizations, long after hours, and what is ever, reasonably expected of a prosecutors . . . he was out to get all three plaintiffs . . . and, how did Judge Stewart let him out of the lawsuit?  Bribe, insider trading, direction of the FBI?  What the hell?  He was Haylee's nemesis, hated and despised . . . so, can you explain, Ms. Booth?  How in the hell, did the feature, premier, player, get let off the case, could we say the word, bribes . . . these are high crimes and misdemeanors!

I answered 8 briefs in one weekend, , which Misty and Dennis not only didn't pay me for, but asked me to go visit Haylee in jail, when I had no gas, but took some out of their lawn mower, to go visit her, while they were going to their newly acquired, paid for in cash, homes, in Las Vegas, just about the time, you, were brought in on the criminal case, you bitch, before you were even brought in on the civl case, at my objection, not to mention, writing the complaint, and the reply to the government's answer to a law firm that was probably paid $1 million to do the little they did, while I did Shane, Travis, Haylee's criminal and juvenile cases, plus the civil, for barely $9,000, and carried the case, even covering your ass, while you were trying to get your fucking, stupid logo, on the alleged, amended complaint, after the deal was cut . . .

You, Ms. Booth, Can Never Even Be a Little JoAnn!

When Misty approached me, at a defense attorneys conference at the hotel in Bloomington, I believe in February, with a hearing on the docket, in March, Misty talked to me about letting you join the case, allegedly, you wanted to be a Little JoAnn  . . . and learn how to do civil rights cases, which I admit, you didn't know how to do, and were totally incompetent, but, hey, you knew the judge and clerks, personally, as you strutted into court, the first time, with your amended complaint, that took a year to get approved as I could tell from the docket--

Feds, if there is actually anyone going after the Mormon mafia, may want to check the actual person who filed every brief of merit, up to an including the request for a settlement conference with a federal magistrate, knowing Stewart was compromised, and with the case at a standstill, due to Ms, Booth, and me, by this time, just representing, Travis, with all parties, jumping on board--until, what happened, I was run out of the state, and both cases were stolen?  I even put my picture ID on that brief, and I believe the Brock filing, I also did that day, having to drive from Parowan to Salt Lake, with the FBI, running into the Frank Moss courthouse, just minutes before I did, the day I filed the briefs, and yanking the IT personnel out, so I couldn't get my e-filing account fixed, because that belonged to Shelley by know, with the Utah State Bar, complicit in the deal . . . and on and on, because I knew the bar and the court were fucking with me!  If you knew the judge, in other states, that is called, a conflict of interest, and generally a recusal is warranted, or your ass, never should have been in on the case . . . I told you I didn't need you, and there was no reason for your fucking existence!

Don't Let Ms. Booth, Know, the Case Had Been Around, a Year Before She Humiliated Herself, by Not Knowing She had to be a Member of the Federal Bar!  Mob, Doesn't Need That!

But, hey, I don't want to confuse your stupid ass with the facts or the reality of who's case it was, even up to and including all parties being on board, or demanding to get in on the settlement conference . . . that was never scheduled, for some odd reason, you, the fuckers that should be on this like flies on shit, but who am I to tell you what to do, actually getting and bringing the real criminals to justice!  Fuck You, why don't you chase me, jail me, and hunt me down to as late as yesterday!  Fuck YOU!  Check the goddamn docket!  You will see who did what . . . but I guess you don't have hundreds, if not thousands of US assistant attorney generals, that can actually read the briefs, the docket, and see this was a fucking cover up, for Scott Garrett, Kelly Ann, the Cheeks, everyone benefited from the case, except, the one who made the case possible at GREAT PERSONAL SACRIFICE, OF WHICH INCLUDES, BEING ALIVE, YOU ASSHOLES!

Big Sister Shelley Sat Her Ass In My House For 8 Month, Bribing Clients!

While I was off, making money, to support, Shelley and her motley crew, up to 5 losers at a time, and taking care of Rachel's drama show with Chris and Brian Adamson, I was also doing about, 20 other cases, going to the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals, or the United States Supreme Court, on Brock, or going to Colorado, on the Levin v. Levin case, or going up to the state prison on the Jared Lameroeaux case . . . also stolen, and on and on . . . Shelley was working her bull shit with my clients on the home front!  Misty and Dennis, Kay Lynn Reilly, Hope Carlton Levin, little mafia, hit man, from Vegas, can't remember his name right now, Tom Vail, Hank Brock, meeting, scheming, and working with Rodney Yanke, a paralegal from Vegas . . . to not only compromise all my clients, and it continues to this day with Georgeana Darrow Hartongue!  

This is as easy as A,B,C . . . I had clients, Shelley was home, 24/7, Ms, Congeniality, would bring the into the Southwick, Mormon, Utah fold . . . offer to pay them off . . . future husband, Allan Rex Bess, Frank . . . all working the backdoor deals . . . even taking over my identity, for my October 29, 2010, Halloween party, the day I was doing the 16 hour trial, in Iron County, going from 8 am to 1:00 pm . . . planned, so Shelley would look like the hostess with the mostess, (Rachel might beat me as a hostess, waitress in the sky, flight attendant--LOL--shshsh--she thinks she is an attorney, LOL!) the one who decorated, the one who featured two photo artists, catered the party, had a band, and entertained 250 guests in the home, and, Judge Westfall, made sure, that I didn't get home for the party, I got home at around 2 am, in the morning . . . at least they cleaned the house!

Rachel couldn't give me fast enough, to take her kids and a few extras, to get away from Shelley, who later, teamed with Rachel, when I dared, cross their little princes and princesses, for either locking me out of the house, I took care of, paid for, and took care of 10 other people at times, or paid all the utilities for two parents, plus welfare chick, Shelley, who never helped pay for anything . . . turning on fans, opening doors, and running the air conditioning all at the same time . . . my pay back, was taking all the furniture I paid cash for, and saying Shelley was me, and covering the girls, $33,000 court judgement, that came out of now where, while Shelley and Rodney stole my e-filing account, clients, because, God's Revolver, was just coming out with a new CD, under contract with Sony, or Translation lost . . . and the vultures were waiting . . . getting attorney, mom taken care of was all part of the plan! 

If You Are Not Part of the Solution, You Are Part of the Fucking Problems!

Whatever, the FBI is in on it, so is the CIA, the NSA, and all other powers that be, to fucking stupid, after three or four years of spoon feeding them this information!  And we wonder why we have problems in this country, these fuckers are in on the money laundering, the thefts, the deals, the cover-ups, the fake bands, the fake chicks, the lying alleged credible, jilted lovers, who were set up from before I met them, the Marine and NORAD, teaming or telling local police and sheriffs, where the bear shits!  They are using the highway patrol, that lost me and John, yesterday, when I took off out of Missoula, without warning, on the spur of the moment . . . LOL, while Tony, was, most likely up at his, or some one's ranch in St. Ignatius, fucking Shelley, the dark haired bitch, with the blond wig, that even fooled Judge Westfall, who had seen me in his courtroom for an entire year and a half, if not more, Scott Garrett, defense and local attorneys, they all fucking know damn well who I am, but one of my client's girlfriends, who I actually was put in jail with, told me she saw Shelley in court, but, hey, CIA and crew have her back! 

Let's Train Little Shelley, Welley!  Good God--What Have We Come To? 

Guess it's okay to stand in as proxy, give the girl some court time, so she can catch up with JoAnn, and better serve the steal of identity, this bitch couldn't even open her mouth in court, when I helped her on her alleged mortgage business, attorney in training program--Shelley would get the cases up to dismissed, then pull me it and I would save the house! The Utah State Bar, just switch the complaint against her shit, put it under my  name and went after  me, Rachel steals my driver license, gets a DUI, and I get my license yanked, after the feds or whoever, paid the DMV to steal my license I left in Great Falls, or they just picked it up after I left, and now I can't get my birth certificate, that was intercepted, by another paid person, or stopped in transit . . . fucking amazing, when she stood in for me, practicing law without a license, but, hey, law license are cheap these days, we hand them out like candy . . . oh, and if mine doesn't work, Kay has one, she would throw in to screw me . . . all these women have bad blood on a woman to woman issue, their men only want them, to fuck me!  LOL!

And the fraud, on all counts continues, that pussy must be good . . . I was in Missoula, and I could tell the heat was on my ass, so I ditched into the Catholic Church just around the corner from both the hospital and the Poverello, homeless shelter . . . I should be worth, a minimum of $200 million, for my contingency fees on Brock and Cheek, but I was invited, after the Tuesday, services, down in the basement of the church to have coke, or chocolate milk and toast with the crew . . . on of the ladies, a regular at the church, asked me if I had taken a communications class at the University of Montana . . . I said no, that I was a communications minor, in college and an attorney who went to court, and did public speaking.

Attorney Taking Communications Classes, Undergrad Classes at Dixie?  I Fucking Taught College, Was a High Demand Speaker at Governor's Conferences, etc., So Who is Standing in For Me at Court, In College Classes?  Someone Who Is, Sure As Hell, Not Me!  Oh, I Guess It is Just Too Hard to Send an Agent Into the Sunnyview Cafe, Right Now, While I Am Writing--yes,  wrote all, almost 200 blogs too . . . SURPRISED?

She told me of a woman who looked exactly like me . . . Rachel, Shelley with a wig, and she said she was also an attorney . . . training camp for the girls?  I assured her, I was not the one at the class, I used to public speak to thousands in a give week, either through the attorney generals office, or my private anger management company, in high demand in both, and covering the ass of the AG, when she didn't want to speak, or upstaging her, and getting top billed at conferences, until she nipped this popular speaker, and would not let me do my anger management presentation, to the statewide PTA, of 2300 listeners!  Why in the fucking hell would I need speech lessons . . . give me a mic and I will talk on any subject, hell I taught at three colleges for at least 7 years!  New flash boys, the pussy riots will never catch this chick, never, no how, no way, never, never, never . . . I can beat the shit out of any one of them any day, including that cunt, Kay!  LOL!

I had Kay be a stand in for me at an anger management seminar, I couldn't make, and also had her teach one of my classes at the U of U, she performed both miserably!  I never asked her again, and finally gave up trying to have a stand in . . . could be a hint in here somewhere . . . she can't be me!  I also discovered that someone at Dixie State College, before it was a University, was attending classes, under my name, only spelling it Joann, with a small "A", using my birthday, and my social security number . . . this plan has been going on forever . . . I would say, starting back around 1998, when Shelley ratted out the mafia . . . Alan Wolfson and David Yeman, her former boss and former husband . . . the government snitch . . . and I was a the bane of the government, for taking out asset forfeiture, and going after the fraud unit boys, for the feds, Medicaid/Medicare investigations!  Not a hard one . . . FUCKING WRITING IS ALL OVER THE GODDAMN WALLS, SHIT EVERYWHERE, AND THEN ADD IN GOD'S REVOLVER, $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

It Is Amazing That a Billion Dollar Heist is of No Interest to the CIA, Who is Over Financial Crimes--Maybe Because They are Stealing the Financial Planner Case for Kay?  Split the Proceeds, If the Real, JoAnn Wins, CIA, Doesn't Get A Fucking DIME!

Billions of dollars stolen, no fucking crime . . . REALLY?  Now, what exactly am I running for?  All I know it there are a hell of a lot of people who are going down, if I am successful, getting one, fucking honest cop, fed, attorney, judge to see what the hell is in plain sight, on court dockets, unless the pros have doctored everything, but on the website of Leagle, that popped up while I was just browsing the Internet wondering what former clients were up to, Shane, in particular, and the Cheek case was being featured, asking for the person who was lead counsel of the case . . . with, the docket, totally having my name of the briefs I filed . . . No, Kelley, this is NOT YOUR CASE . . . you took the money and ran, but this is not your fucking case . . . famous because of me, not you!  BITCH . . . you owe me everything and I hope you get fucking prison time for this . . . but I am sure all players were given full immunity to fuck me!  Unbelievable!

And I Am the Criminal?  WOW! 

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