Thursday, June 12, 2014


I Can Educate You, But I Can't Think For You

Yesterday, while I was waiting for the bus, which is great, the Mountain Line, picks me up at the top of Madison and Front, every morning, or the mornings I don't want to walk, and that is 90% of the time, and I take a nice little cruise around the city, watching the hustle and bustle of Missoula, leaving the stress of the morning commute to the bus drivers, love it, city looks great in the morning, well most of the time.  They call this Garden City, at least that is what I have assumed, but it may just be a nursery or a local business, but the title fits it well, there are fucking flowers everywhere . . . total garden and flower freak.

Even the Oxford, that is a local hang out, open 24 hours a day . . . nothing I like better than an early, greasy spoon breakfast of eggs, toast or pancakes, bacon, hash browns, and I substitute the more healthy morning drink of orange juice for Diet Coke, for a breakfast of champions . . . has one of the most beautiful displays of flowers, in pots, half whiskey barrels, and some plants right in the soil that is right in the cement . . . absolutely eye candy, as is the entrance to the Southtown Mall, at least I think that is what it is called, by Red Robin Restaurant . . . gorgeous.

My Intel tells me, you still think I am Kay, landlord got paid off?  Picture still in Independent Magazine . . . I am sitting at the Break Cafe, and it is 8:50 a.m., got up early today.

A Beautiful Yard Is A Citizen's Gift to the City--What a Joy!

Even my neighbors, living in the 11 unit townhouses, in a cluster, have wonderful flowers, waterfalls, I walk out my door, as I did this morning at 521 Hartman, and the wind had blown over a cool, green sun umbrella, but Teresa, who I talked to this morning, had plants, flowers, shrubs, and garden decorations, all over the stairs, that she is going to plant, amongst her already, annuals, that are in bloom, whites, purples, yellows, Garden of Eden . . . and Missoula's former mayor, Dan, don't know his last name, has poppies, peonies, and a great variety of flowers and colors, and I think he is competing with the woman up on the corner, who also has amazing flowers, both have extended their landscaping to include the side of the hill that the city, clear of vegetation, for some reason, and they are actually landscaping across the street and up the street, almost touching in the middle, with scrubs, to catch rainfall, but also to beautify, with stepping stones, flowers, and clearing the weeds--it will be interesting to see, the finished product.

Back to the Mundane--CIA, DEA and Such . . .

As I was waiting for the bus, I was just doing what I do best, thinking, pondering, analyzing, and just kicking clods, while I waited.  I was think, that I have been in Montana, off and on, for two years, in various places around the state, certainly enough time to actually meet a Montana cowboy, my goal, among others . . . now I don't mean for reasons of sex, or a romance, or even a relationship, I just want to actually meet one.  I see the license plates, the rodeos, ranches, farms, western outfitters, but I never really meet a cowboy, have met plenty of cowgirls, dig the hell out of these chicks, keeping it country and redneck, love it!

So, while I was pondering the mysteries of life in Montana, I walked up, and the second car on the side of the road, had a license plate that clear as clear, said, DEA, there were some numbers, but, I laughed, they would want to control me, my first clients, Shane and Travis, who were probably undercover cops, or are now, but the three of us, once I busted them out of jail, were going to track us some DEA agents, that all three of us, knew, for a fact, were the ones growing the marijuana grows in Washington, Iron and Garfield Counties . . . Travis even video taped the evidence, pine trees shaved up 6 to 8 feet, covered from airel views, propane tanks, extensive drip systems, even cooking stoves . . . way to sophisticated for the 4 Hispanic guys blamed for the grows . . . that is why they wanted Travis so bad, he may still be fighting them, drove me out of the state . . . happy about it!

Do you remember that movie with Jim Carey, called Bruce's World, or something like that, Carey's character lived in a sphere, with every character he met controlled, even the traffic, nothing happened by chance . . . well, that would to some extent explain why I haven't met any cowboys . . . I meet wanna be cowboys from Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Boston, California, Arizona, Washington, D.C., etc., very strange indeed!  Limited pool, in the FBI dating data base, since I have been through their whole inventory of guys.  I have a double standard . . . much like men, I can do what I want, look like I want, but they can't . . . turn about is fair play, comes naturally, generally, not interested.

I Am, Kind Of Into, the Catch & Release Program

I really dig, catching the big fish, getting that hook into them, heart, mind, and maybe body, but hat is not my main goal . . . brain is the largest sex organ, they are hooked, while they are looking at the 19 year old college student sitting next to us in the Break . . . they leave for a while, just saw a wanna be cowboy, allegedly born in Utah, but adopted to a couple in California, who raised him on a ranch, but he is a documentary film producer, doing one on Homesteading and the Cowboy Heritage, but I am sure he is undercover . . . one of the REDS . . . Retired and Extremely Dangerous, he is back trolling the waters, in front of the Break, guess the college girl had a bit more to learn, and the cowboy, learned it!  LOL!  Keep going girls, you will get their about the time your body runs out, but hey, the mind games are way more rewarding . . . love playing in the mind field!

The thrill is in the hunt, the wait, the watching, and the catch . . . it is not in eating the fish, for me, but the challenge of the catch, the hook, the reeling in, looking at the fish, and saying na, and takingS that hook out and releasing the big fish . . . now the greater the challenge, the bigger the fish, that is lured into the game . . . so with each one, there are higher stakes and a bigger pay off!  So while nearly, 60 going on, 35, I have plenty of time to play this game.  I read bought this book from Walmart, last year, how to take, like 25 years off your age, after getting my picture taken for the Independent, and realizing the fat faced me, really does look like my sister, double . . . scream, that was motivation, enough . . . instead of my two inch high quiche, brownie, and unending Diet Coke, I have a jar of water.

Not too exciting, but I do like my face, to be my face . . . and no one is more qualified to be me, than me . . . and during that 8 years I thought I was going to die, I am somewhat responsible for putting myself in the situation, where I looked like my, much uglier sisters, Kay, doesn't look at all like me, but hey, what I wouldn't give to live in the world, they live in, that she fits in my family, is allegedly me, and had my cool, kids, all with chiseled faces, not the flat, round, brown eyed, dull, look . . . sorry, you just don't cut it for me, maybe Michelle Phieffer, but you, oh, hell, NO!  I am insulted that they considered any of you, allegedly scintilating stars, really?  Just way, the cameos will be gone, the big fish hooked, and I will get back in shape, and their is no way in hell, any of them will ever get to lay a hand on, me . . . their balls are sagging, their minds slipping, and they used to rule the world, save those for the substitutes, the beauty will be back!

Spooked Out of Three Gyms This Year--FEAR THIS

I am going to the Beartooth Mountains, with four, 40 year olds and under . . . more my crowd, so my friend, John, who keeps asking me, now how old are you . . . he knows I am older than he is, and we are just friends, so he need not lie or try to flatter me, because I have told him, many times, that I am 59, but he always looks puzzled, and shooting for a high of 49 years old, was the last age he guessed.  So, I am doing a week, water diet . . . I actually, read about the week, fast from food, in Gentlemen's Quarterly Magazine, why read woman's magazines, I already know what they think, but I have wanted to do it since I read it several months ago . . . well, my very unflattering picture was a reality check.

One of the main problems with having been poisoned at the ripe young age of 46, like I was, thin, gorgeous, if I don't say so myself, a verbal selfie, if you will, is that my mind, age, mental image of myself, got frozen, at that age, but I have gotten younger since then . . . and it was like driving your car, going into a fog, and coming out of it, almost 10 years later, but like a body frozen, my mind, for some reason, stayed at that body image . . . so if this fat chick, but still cute, has attitude, it is that I see myself, as I was almost 14 years ago, and I am in complete denial, that this body, I don't recognize is me . . . I saw this sticker, of a stick figure woman, not my goal, but, the sticker said . . . Fear This . . . and they do!  Spooked me out of 3 gyms, would blow their plans and they would like me better than they already do!  LOL!

Now, 007 is Not Use to Being Rejected by Women

The other day, at the Break Cafe . . . the totally cool place, a much younger version of my third husband, almost a younger man in the express image of Brett Todd Stuart/Stewart, married to Kay, former best friend, and whom you have come to know and love, as me . . . came in a sat at the table close to me.  He had the cool jeep, the trendy clothes, touseled jet black hair, perfect face, legs, and body, if I was about 100 pounds thinner, getting there and inspired . . . however, he had a gold wedding band on, so, totally off limits, but had a hard time not looking, but I walked out on Brett, was I crazy . . . hell no . . . his "Don't hate me because I'm beautiful . . . was only funny once.  Once a cheater, always a cheater, Kay is perfect for him, fucking opposing counsel, right after taking depositions, not my style, but obviously Brett's . . . just wish he would let go of my good name and credentials!

You see, these guys egos are too big for Kay, plain little Kay, or Shelley, or Rachel, Sue, Tiffany, my younger self, if I pull of the 25 year, de-aging program . . . daddy Southwick has a daughter for all my stages, but none are as educated, smart and fun as I am, he will have a hard time replacing that . . . they all come back.  I wouldn't be surprised, if that is one of Brett's proteges, in training, to see if I would have taken the bait twice . . . not only no, but hell no!  I thought back to his, winks, as he walked through a grocery store, flirting with Kay at her Sand Trap, or something like that address in Jeremy Ranch, with her 22 ft. speed boat, that she could park in his garage anytime . . . the line that I gave him to Kay!

Most of these guys, have known of me, since 1997, while I was an assistant attorney general, and got on the feds radar screen after killing asset forfeiture, and then later, going in the federal fraud unit, going after my doctors . . . so they know what I can look like, and there in lays the problem, I am hands down prettier, and they already know, I am smarter, or they would have used the cover-girl's resumes . . . guess bottom feeder in the legal field, wasn't enough for egos, nor was the biologist, the historian, the flight attendant, the normal attorney, the EMT, mother of 6 . . . nor was giving up my resume and accomplishments an option for the great and terrible dad!

The last time I saw Brett, he was walking slumped over, he always goes for shorter girls, like Kay, Nancy or can't remember the other chicks name, both in the theater department at the Utah State University.  Actually, the real Brett, was probably shot, and the government double, I saw directing traffic, while the feds killed the Branch Davidians, at Waco, TX, was most likely the one I was dealing with, not my husband . . . just like my son's wife, the one I can't name, why does he think, he was kept out of the house with bogus charges, for three months and the charges dropped the day before trial?  Brought in the sub, had to get new mom and child used to each other.  Then after that was accomplished, bring you back and get rid of the child, that is not her's . . . all the judges, the guardian ad litem, were all told what to do, regardless of the legal briefs, the arguments, etc. . . . why do you think, she never got to see Donny, she didn't want to.  Not her kid!  Why do you think, she wants my relationship with baby, to be on skype?  Her parents are not in Bulgaria, they are around the corner!  Alienation of affection, started the second, she got rid of Donny!  Your Kat was murdered!  You were out of the home for that reason!  Games they play!

Watch the movie, Einstein Brothers . . . through the donuts, if you will, symbolic of cops, federal cops, same as CIA, FBI, ATF . . . look deep, look at your brother-in-laws . . . the mind control techniques, the alienation, the isolation, the distancing . . . think, my dear sons, brilliant minds were all I wanted, think, think, think . . . conversations past, Southwick family, Shelley, that fucking little Isaac . . . get your drunk, frame you for a crime, they could blame on you?  Think! Isaac is Shelley's blood . . . loves serial killers, loves Sopranos, Jessie, wanna be cop, Jared Southwick, cop . . . think!  You music was worth a fucking fortune, I knew it, and so did they . . . they had the network the power, and the  power to frame you and get you to turn it over to them . . . you are dealing with InterPol, CIA, FBI, secret, and still in operation, Office of Strategic Intelligence . . . but you, are smarter than all of them, put together . . . because your pure, they are not!

Readers--Think of the Movie Arco, Won Best Movie--Iranian Hostage Situation--Actors Used--You Got It!

That CIA rogue officer or agent, pretended that the hostages were part of a film crew, and was able to sneak them out of Iran . . . do you think the spooks are going to stop using what worked?  No, they use it ever day, but, they kill a lot of people in the mean time . . . Allan Rex Bess, now Frank, InterPol, collecting his social security and veteran's benefits, plus took his families fortune, his son's life, so he didn't expose him, and guess what, there is not death certificate for who I thought I married, Shelley took over my life, with the help of the NORAD and Marine crew, who were brought in to take me down . . . Allan and Isaac, were totally tight, the fake Allan, why, they had toured with your music, but under the name Remember the Alamo, Jerry Owens was in on it, grandpa, ma, cousins, aunts, uncles, clients, friends, hell there was enough to go around . . . remember, Ty's dad, Jimmy Robinson . . . music mixer for the Doors, who were you compared to?

This conspiracy is wide and deep and branches out, at ever encounter, every new friend, every new client, just like cancer, the cops are trying to take over the world, one rich person at a time, putting in the actors! Lousie Freech, or however you spell it, the FBI director, before Mullen, or whatever his name is . . . he actually started to use actors on the witness stand, make better more composed witnesses, lacked veracity, credibility, but what the hell, they played their role and won the case!  So who cares, right?  Well, any ethical person, gives a flying fuck!

Identity theft, fraud, fraudulent representation, plagiarism, misrepresentation, lies, deceit, the normal public doesn't like it, we don't dig it, cheating, killing, threatening, framing, setting up, intimidating, terrorizing, substituting . . . so not cool, and neither are you . . . phony, fucking losers, who can't do it themselves, so they feed with the bottom feeders of the world, the drug cartels, mafia, hit men and women, Mormons, the Illuminati, Freemasons . . . they are all full of shit, and you should all hang!  You have stolen billions, you fucking assholes!

Take Your Counter-Intelligence Agents, And Get Them The Fuck Out of My Family!

Don't believe me . . . Check out the Monarch Project . . . mind control, sexual and physical abuse, drug experimentation . . . read Fleshing Out Skull & Bones: Investigation into America's Most Powerful Secret Society . . . Bushies?  Heaven forbid, stupid . . . Fighting for G.O.D. (Gold, Oil, & Drugs), Jeremy Begin and Lauren Salk, and Rigorous Intuition, by Jeff Wells, great books, well researched and thought out, documented, verified evidence, the Bush/Cheney regime is horrible for America, my in-laws are horrible for my family . . . using mind control, Dallas, working against me from the get go, Shelley is more his speed and morality, or mental level of Rachel; George is at least a provider, but both Dallas and George are cheaters, just like the culture they are out of . . . think when the President was in Columbia, secret service was sleeping with prostitutes, Mormon polygamy, swingers, cheaters, all part of the game . . . You are assignments, my children . . . handle this the way you want!

I won't call you, you call me . . . Kev makes a mean dinner . . . son in law, Karl Rove look a like . . . maybe happier in the Southwick fold, the cops fold, but quantum physics are going to kill you, they may get away with murder, ID theft, but their souls will be like cancer . . . will come back to bite you in the end . . . see clear, don't cover, don't deny . . . Dallas has had you support his sorry ass, you married grandpa, the lazy fucker, evidence of his federal pay check all over the place, three tripods, shoes, backpacks, he is constantly shopping for himself!

You Are Either For Me, or Against Me--No Half Way!

P.S., both Richard Southwick and Jessie Anderson are still alive!  Richard so righteous, go live polygamy, raise another family, you know that exception to polygamy being an abomination to God!  Jessie is most likely an assassin for the government, wanted to be a cop, or his was shot for Shelley's sins, ratting out the mob--play with fire, get burned, consequences to our actions, like uncle Jared.  Righteous Tiffany chose the net, the mob, spineless girl!  Too bad!  I had hope for her and Jared, Marcie was a lost cause a long time ago . . . shop til you drop, Marc!  LOL, the church ladies!  

I Can Never Go Home Again--Thank God!  Jeremiah Wright, President Obama's Wild Ass Black Preacher Said it Best:  White Man's Greed, Runs A World in Need!

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