Greatest Monster Mysteries--A Great & Terrible Pa!
Imagine, if you will, Ann Coulter, being the daughter of Dick Cheney . . . only they were on opposite sides of the political, religious, social, ideological spectrum, when it comes to the Constitution, the role of women, child rearing, bigotry, racism, and about everything else in life, that is me and my dad; however, he has 7 other children, so in a big Mormon family of 10, 8 children, one daughter, is no big deal, children are expendable! ESPECIALLY, ONE WHO SEES THE WORLD TOTALLY OPPOSITE OF GOOD OL' DAD, FATHER KNOWS BEST, YOU KNOW!
This battle of wills, started when I was 3 years old, and has not abated since. My 6'4" father had little blonde haired, blue eyed, daughter JoAnn, over he gigantic knees, and was intending to make his point and force it into his daughter's head, that she had in fact, done something wrong, hours earlier, something by this time, in her 3 year old brain, she didn't remember . . . so dad, started to spank, me, and I would not cry, so he spanked me harder, that didn't work either, the hand was not good enough . . . so he picked up, one of those rock hard, old plastic dolls, and started to hit me with that, well, that didn't make me cry either.
So finally, realizing this was a fruitless and frivolous attempt at punishment, he let me up, and in my little determined, not to cry, way, I brushed off my bottom, with my hand, symbolic of what my young spirit was doing, and said, as I walked out of the room . . . I just brush it off! By the next morning, I was black and blue, from my shoulders to my knees, in modern days, that would have been felony, prison time, and my grandparents wanted him turned into the cops, but I am sure that my mother with at least 2 other children at that time, was more practical and need a father, the support, and the help disciplining the other 3, who were much more compliant with father's wishes. He has never relented in his effort to make me cry, and I continue to just brush it off . . . so the abuse continues!
You Might Say, I Was A Child of the Streets Back Then
I was born on Port Hueneme, Navy Base, in Orange County, California . . . although, I can't get a birth certificate from the government run, Vital Statistics . . . that would prove, I am still alive, heaven forbid . . . Dick Cheney Southwick, both dicks . . . has several other daughters, a few family friends, and the prophet's granddaughter, as replacements! I think the battle grounds for this not only family war, but church war, and even political war, began the day I was born! My parents, their parents, and their parent's, parents, were all born in, Utah, and very into the Mormon Church. I however, was born on a Navy Base, while my father was in the Office of Strategic Intelligence, the intelligence arm of the Office of Strategic Service, now the CIA! Is this making any sense yet?
From birth, in California, to now, my allegiance has been to God, Country, and my immediate family for four wonderful children, who have had their families, compromised by infiltration, making it both easier in some respects, the FBI dating game, did a pretty good job, but splitting the allegiances between spouse and mother, and their allegiance is to the CIA, not the country, so daddy is the big boy, may or may not have been in the CIA, my entire lifetime, but, needless to say, they are not my friend, because, as in former CIA director, Allen Dulles, who brought Nazi's into this country, after the defeat of Germany, with Prescott Bush, who funded Hitler's war on the world, dad and grandfather, of two presidents, who had leanings toward, China, and Zeitgeist, or Homeland Security, patterned after Hitler's SS Men, with DHS being the world policing agency, under the UnAmerican activities of the Patriot Act, and their covered agencies, immune from prosecution, and liability, for bringing in drugs, aiding and giving comfort to our enemies, clandestine, if not mob activities, up to an including murder . . . so the daddy, scenario fits with both the mafia and the Skull & Bones Boys of Yale! But it is the Mormon Church who will rule the world, not the world bankers!
You see, the Constitution, both controls and dictates, what these bastards can do, is it any wonder, that they would hate a constitutional law attorney, like me, who is continually, throwing that damned piece of paper in their faces! My father has much the same leanings, thinks that the Constitution is just created for criminals, any law abiding citizen doesn't need it . . . really, dad, as you, the courts, the cops, and the boys up north, all jealous of hell, took my house, my furniture, my vehicles, my art collection, my computer, my law books, my cases, files, evidence, and two over sized briefs, with 521 pages of evidence on the Brock et al v. Herbert et al . . . with Henry S. Brock, being in your Mormon ward, the day before I was to argue in the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals, didn't even have my clothes, let alone my briefs, to fly to Denver the day after the raid, theft, and government taking without compensation of about $200 million, the worth of just two of my multi-million cases against the government, with clients lined up from around the country! Can't connect the dots, to hard for the CIA, or Office of Strategic Intelligence . . . because they were all in on it, yeah, the FBI, the Attorney General, judges . . . YOU STILL HAVENT' BEATEN ME YOU MOTHER FUCKERS!
The Cover-Up is Always Worse Than the Original Crime
Hank Brock and Jay Rice, on the Brock case, along with Thomas G. Vail, this dumb-ass just outright admitted he just had lunch with the CIA, before screwing me out of 1 1/2 years free help, almost, on about 6 multi-million dollar cases, and Misty and Dennis Cheek, white supremacists--truth is a defense, on the Cheek et al v. Garrett et al . . . have claimed that I am not their attorney, so great, there is no attorney/client privilege . . . yahoo! Hank Brock confided in me, not his attorney, that in this state of no separation of church and state, that he fondled and sexually molested on of his daughters, you know the expendable ones, in those big Mormon families, and he confessed, both to the cops and his Mormon Bishop, and thought that he was being targeted by the Utah Division of Securities, because of the sexual assault of one of his daughters!
He went on to tell me that one of the son's of an general authority for the Mormon Church, Pennoch, I believe, when Hank was rocking the securities world in Utah, as president of the Financial Planners Association, had his own radio show, and just going around the country, marketing and going to book signings, on his book called, Your Complete Guide to Money Happiness, which I have read, and it is great, I will say, best part is in choosing, look for healthy neighborhoods and sick neighborhoods . . . but Hank, chose the one with my dad in it . . . so you opted for the sick?
Man, how do I know this much about Hank's personal life, if I wasn't his attorney? Now, the CIA, the Mormon Church, my family, even my children, or family preservation, clients, friends, and anyone who can benefit from money, which is everyone, and the gifts and bribes are not small, will bit, or have false charges against them, or be killed, to put it gently . . . that is how they get away with this bull shit. They will say, that I am Kay Bitch, Burningham, whatever the hell her CIA name is, aka, JoAnn S. Secrist . . . they say, owners of pets, start to look like their pets--she has a Siamese Cat, I hate them, she must also own a Shiatsu Dog! LOL! And they try to pass this bitch, government whore off as me, and the mother of my children . . . chiseled face, she is not! DNA, genetics, for all you boys who just want to ignore the laws of science and think my children, look remotely like Kay, Shelley, pancake face Rachel, or Chinese eyed Sue! Oh, simply vitamins . . . people are just not that stupid!
Dick Cheney Southwick and his witch wife, who goes along with all his fucking bull shit, have 8 children, Kay sticks out like a soar thumb, other than her ideologies, morals and values . . . one of the money, she sure as hell fits in, way better than this child of the streets, who would rather hang with the guys and gals at the Poverello, that most of the materialistic society that we live in, trace the money and you will know the motive! Christ said, who is my mother and my father? He who doeth the will of the Father, not Dick, but the Father in Heaven . . . that is my Father . . . always has been, always will be! No child of Dick and Hellen, have brought more honor to their parents, than I have . . . yet, due to poison and thinking I was going to die, I put on weight, you don't take a workaholic and give them nothing to do, tell them they are going to die in two years, tell them they will never work again, etc., it is called the placebo effect . . . and it is powerful!
YouTube Video--I Hate My Mother Because She is Fat!
Really, rather than looking at what made her fat . . . I weighed 116 lbs, after having two children, less than I did when I was married, was an avid exerciser, runner, not dieter, but most of my children's life, I weighed somewhere between 116 and 140 lbs. which was what I weighed at the time the government decided to take me out of the game! There is something in the law, called, the totality of the circumstances . . . you don't take events, or evidence or crimes in isolation, you put them in the contextual framework of what events, circumstances, and parties involved, took place . . . hell, I wasn't suing the fucking BOY SCOUTS OR GIRL SCOUTS!
For the last twenty years, I have fought for the Constitutional principles and concepts, that have kept you, shallow fucking ingrates free! Good God! What the fucking hell is wrong with YOU? When they say, FREEDOM IS NOT FREE, FUCKING BELIEVE THE, YOU DUMB ASSES! Ask yourself, if you want asset forfeiture back, which is the cash cow for cops, which is legislation that I killed single handed, after giving the legislature the right stuff! That spread to 27 states, on ballot initiatives, that had been going unchecked for 10 years, with nobody noticing! And guess what folks, I am not in a position to catch them this time, it is up to you!
You think there are a shortage of doctors now, well try the government goon squad going after all the docs in the country, alleging, not proving that they were upcoding on their Medicaid/Medicare billing to the government, then charging them with prison time and fines up to $100,000, at the same time HMOs were taking over the hospital systems . . . you think you have problems with docs, now, had I not been there, done the research to stop this total bull shit, this whole Obamacare would have been worse, fewer doctors . . . that docs were telling me, that they would never, at that time, encourage any of their children to go into medicine . . . we all rise and fall together. Asset forfeiture is rising its ugly head and so are investigations . . . this is like the meta-data gathering of the NSA, taking a wide swath, and hoping to catch someone, pfishing expeditions, looking for something wrong!
Financial planners nationwide, you can thank me for the Brock case . . . I may not have been nice, had size 44 DDD fake tits, nor been the Modest Mouse, Shelley was, when they stole the Brock case . . . nor could you make me photo shoot ready, but smart is the new sexy, and you better thank your fucking lucky stars that I was around, there wasn't an attorney in Salt Lake, in 10 fucking years that would take the Brock case, not even touch it, so fuck all of you that either were protected and saved by my BRAINS, YOU ASSHOLES! A little bit of respect is due, here, and on about 20 other areas of law, that I have made a difference in that has benefited this country, that would have been a very different place, had this little attorney, not lived, had the guts, and persevered in light of total opposition, poison, imprisonment, false warrants, charges, having ever dime, she rightfully earned stolen, chased, tracked, traced, followed, stalked, etc. All the while, the tits and ass replacements of daddy, CIA, Mormon Church, FBI, Attorney Generals, cops, judges . . . FUCK ALL OF YOU, GO TO GODDAMN HELL!
Governor Herbert, and Utah crew, trusted the dumb chicks, but their boobs, but their butts, but their jewels, but, but, but . . . to the tune of costing the state of Utah, about $3 million or more, showboating fees, for following bitches, who know jack shit . . . Kay is a fucking personal injury attorney, Shelley is a biology major, Sue is a History major, Rachel is a physical education major, a flight attendant, Kelly couldn't make it to court once, never even knew she had to be a member of the federal bar, before practicing before the U.S. Federal Court of the District of Utah! LOL, great choice, Misty and Dennis!
But they are nicer, cuter, softer, sweeter, bigger boobs, thinner, not any of these qualities that I would chose in a lawyer! LOL. Attorneys are modern day Gladiators . . . you chose your best, and you go for it! Men, need to distinguish between the bedroom, where you may want this type of woman, and the courtroom, where you definitely should go for fucking smart, dumb asses! LOL! Didn't you learn anything when you chose, Sarah Palin? Holy Shit, you are so stupid and I don't do stupid! SMART IS THE ORDER OF THE DAY IN COURT, FOR GOD SAKE!
You Have Heard It Said--It Is Not Over Till the Fat Lady Sings--I've Sung!
Montana gets what they deserve, Utah is getting what they deserve, Hank, Jay, Misty, Dennis, Tom, Shane, Travis, Haylee, etc. and all the others who went with heels over head . . . you fucking get them! LOL! And the JOKE is on YOU! When I started out as an attorney, I listed saving the world as a goal, if you learn, nothing else from this blog, learn, the new sexy is smart, whatever shape, size, color, religion, that comes in . . . there are no short cuts to success, cronies, their babes, don't cut it when you need, hard-core, constitutional law analysis, interpretation, adherence and fidelity to the law!
I was going to stop writing this blog, on Mother's Day, I thought, my kids had finally arrived, that they could take up the baton, in this rely race to retain freedom, liberty, rights, votes, representation, etc., but true to my statements, made above, I follow God, believe it or not, swearing or not, I follow, he tells me to jump, I jump. As most of you know, my blog have been stolen, blocked, split, shut down, I have had to threaten to sue Google, started a new blog, called, Internet Sheriff: No Country for Stupid Men & Women--Tradition, History and Intent . . . but that was stolen too, and they gave me back the old blog, but where the info goes, who knows, I do, however, see evidence of my teachings show up in YouTube Videos, or on the streets, people quoting my stuff to me . . . so that is good, but I would see empty white pieces of papers in odd places, on desks near me, the day I was going to quit writing, in my drawer I never use, but opened, blank pieces of paper, so I kept writing!
Today, I intended to start a what the reason for the blog was, to train people on the Constitution, but I have done that, as issues arose, I tried to teach and train you one the concepts, the principles, values, morals, and ideas behind the Constitution, and maybe that was more effective than actually teaching it article by article, rights or amendment by amendment . . . it is your turn, struggle with it, fight for the knowledge, Wiki, is a good starting point, for those who don't know the law, or US Supreme Court cases, read the newspaper, watch the news, try, there are study groups . . . just make sure, you don't get the Yale, Skull & Bones guys, who are there working with the CIA, to cause chaos, confuse, pay for both sides of a lawsuit, to fuel the issues, keep you distracted! Yesterday, Pakistan, whom we have not heard of for sometime, was back in the news, random attacks, guess the world bankers, couldn't get the Ukraine and Russia into a war, Syria, so they are going back to the hot spot of Pakistan!
Follow the Money & You Will Know the Motive! I Am Officially Stopping This Blog, At Least for Today!
Yesterday, or recently, the same people who, know darn well who I am, asked me to write the constitutional analysis, that helped get the legislature both to postpone for two weeks originally, then for two years, to get this water compact right, came to me with the piece of shit, the tits and ass girls, did on the water compact and the Kerr Dam, and asked me, after getting little more than a history lesson, void of all legal analysis, all constitutional analysis, which is exactly what will protect Montana irrigators and 350,000 water users on the Flathead Lake, but we don't want to know about that, you were not humble, you swore, you believe in abortion; therefore, we want Dick the dicks other daughters, the MODEST MOUSE OR MICE!
They are nice, and they will humbly take our suggestions, and conclusions, right or wrong, we want what we want, not what was intended by the Hellgate Treaty of 1855! Irrigators, I am hear to tell you, you don't get all the water, nor do the Indians, that treaty is amazing, and I posted on this blog site, my analysis, that I did for Senator Verdell Jackson, who has gone to the dark side and thought with his dick, rather than his head above his waist . . . follow the foundation of the treaty, the time period, the intent the history, what the reality of the American Indian War was . . . you can't rewrite history, on either side . . . anyone interested, read the blog, back a few weeks, I posted what I, Me, Myself, and I wrote, back in about September, the date, I believe is on it . . . if you don't believe me, come and I will let you copy it off my hard drive on my computer! LOL!
I am sitting at the Break Cafe, writing this, so come on in, probably leaving by next Wednesday, so hurry . . . maybe Wyoming is smart enough to take a gift horse, and keep the gift, especially when it saves the tax payers, $55 million, oh, for free, hell no, we want the diamond wedding band, the limo, the clothes that came from my other cases, and constitutional analysis, or my son's band money!
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