Tax Payers, You Are the Jury--$ for Homeland Security or for Veterans? Not Even A Tough Choice, at Least for Two Constitutional Law Attorneys! $ for Those Who Protected Our Country, Not Those Who are Destroying It!
News wise a very interesting morning, plus a visit from Senator Tester, Montana (D), meeting with Kalispell veterans and the community, over the current problems with the Veteran's Administration & Hospital System, over time to wait to get services, corruption within the system, denial of services, bonuses for staff, doctors, who are inadequate or old, review boards, that have no connection or background in the medical field, etc. Home building is rekindled, showing signs that the economy is on the rebound, a wonderful sight around the valley; the Small Business Administration said that Obamacare will not hurt small business, but actually help them provide benefits and affordable health care, helping employers, retain good staff, with the latest activities of Al Qaeda, over in Iraq, and President Obama asking Congress to approve sending a contingency of 300 military advisers over to the country, Montana's Congressional delegation, from both sides, is saying no, the USA got into Iraq on false pretenses, and there is no reason to spend more money and send more military into a country who, not only doesn't understand freedom, but may not even want it!
The most exciting news of the day, is that there was an article in the Kalispell, Daily Inter Lake, Sunday, June 22, 2014, Section D1, called: A standing army . . . Is Homeland Security itself a threat to the nation? I join, author, constitutional attorney and author, John W. Whitehead is founder and president of the Rutherford Institution, says, as I would, as a personal victim, because I was and am, a constitutional law attorney, who reports the constitutional and statutory violation of civil rights, and the Bill of Rights, that are constantly being violated, daily, generally addressing the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 9th, and 14th amendment rights, under attack all the time . . . but his argument, is that: If the United States is a police state, then the Department of Homeland Security is its national police force, with all the brutality, ineptitude and corruption such a role implies, then although the DHS' governmental bureaucracy may at times appear to be inept and bungling, it is ruthlessly efficient when it comes to building what the Founders feared most--a standing army on American soil!
Veterans Offered to Pay the Ultimate Price for Freedom, DHS Getting Ultimate Budgets to Take Away the Freedoms Vets Fought For!
If I ever feel sorry for myself, losing everything at the hands of DHS connected activities, even under the guise of being a homegrown terrorist and enemy combatant, for preserving, protecting and defending, the U.S. Constitution and state constitution, to exactness the oath I took, in becoming an attorney and officer of the courts, faithfully, doing so, right up to and including the United States Supreme Court, whether, others working for Homeland Security, covered agencies, like the FBI, NSA or CIA, get credit for all I do, or all I write, through, alleged threat, in some tangentially, bogus, connection, between exposing government activities, often acting in the capacity of domestic enemies, attempts to curtail and deny, you and I, my clients, citizens', or WE THE PEOPLE'S RIGHTS, I just have to think of the sacrifices of our service men and women, many wounded beyond, normal repair, suffering long after the wars are over, even passing on genetically modified genes, to their children, that the soldiers picked up from handling missiles or nuclear weapons, and being exposed to Agent Orange . . . that could have, should have, been prevented, simply by wearing the rubber gloves, that could have prevented the contamination, and then I realize, I don't have anything to complain about! Freedom is not free!
In a day and age, when our Congress, better start making the hard choices, having priorities, value various departments and governmental agencies, one more than others, we have to look at, down deep, what are these agencies, doing, what is their goal, what is the impact, what rights are we violating, what statements are we making, to whom are our allegiances to, Halliburton or the lives of the men and women, who actually braved the storms, invaded the beaches, piloted the air crafts, left no man behind, gunned down the gooks, the spooks, the rag heads, or MONEY FOR the multi-million or billion dollar, military complex, making a shit load of money, on American blood!
We do not need, want, desire, or care to be the world police department, as promoted under the Department of Homeland Security and the alleged Patriot Act! We are not working for the world bankers, who fund both sides of a war, to make money on both sides, we should investigate the motives of the Bush/Cheney administration, with the Obama administration carrying on what was started, possibly as carrying out the orders and wishes of Daddy Bush's, One World Order . . . that is so closely connected with the Yale, Skull & Bones, motives, and loyalties to the British, Prescott, making money and funding Hitler, our enemy . . . come on, there are enough books out there, to totally substantiate, these secret societies, who are not loyal to America! Impeachment, charges for treason are in the U.S. Constitution, and the definitions are not that hard to read, understand or see!
We Are Still the Greatest Nation on Earth, and We Have the Greatest Generation, Right Here, Right Now!
We have just come out of the longest period of war the nation has ever been engaged in . . . thank God, both sides of the isle, are seeing the reality of the wars, what the driving motives were . . . Condie Rice, working with oil, Bush an oil man, Cheney a Halliburton man, Obama, wants to be a despot or king, suspending the US Constitution and initiating MARTIAL LAW . . . and secret societies ruling, building an army, not to go against our enemies, but to go against US! If the world bankers, the one world order freaks, like the Rockefeller's, the Rothschild's, the Bushes, Bildebergers, and the guys, most, that made money, on opium trading, or other illegal activities, now, want to make money through military conflict around the world--FUCK YOU AND FORGET IT!
Their goal, is to lower America, to the level of a third world country, making life so miserable, horrible, controlled, that a one world order, will actually seem like a relief . . . I say, we go back to the future, get our rights back, cut the hell out of the budgets of useless agencies, that we get little protection and payback or bang for your buck, NOT . . . we can see what the army did with the Boston bombing, fucking nothing! The citizens were responsible for the capture of the brothers, through cell phone pictures, and seeing blood on the boat in the backyard, and guess what, that was free!
Let is be understood, that WE THE PEOPLE, obvious from the stories and sacrifices of veterans of several wars, in representation at the meeting with Senator Tester, (D) MT., care about the country, about both national and international affairs, understand the idea of allies, friends in common causes, that at times, call for American troops, we also understand countries that have total hatred for America, for freedom, hate their own wives, children, and want war, they are blood thirsty butt fuckers, that we need to let kill each other! We are enabling them, to rely on us, rather than caring enough for their own country, their wives and children, their cities, their own defense, and we don't want to get involved, with centuries of conflict, that we will not solve with fighting, guns, tanks, and troops.
Thank God, nobody, stepped in to fight the American Civil War, with more casualties, THAN all the other wars and conflicts America has been involved in, even up to an including the last 14 years of war in Iraq and Afghanistan! Sometimes a country, needs to go to war to get to peace . . . Iraq is not there yet! Let them fight on their own soil, with what ever means, methods and whatever, and maybe they will be ready to join the rest of the civilized world! That goes for Syria, Pakistan, and wherever else, they just want to fight, we are battle weary and war torn, we can't do it for the world, nor do we want to be the world police, we need to focus of taking care of our vets, rebuilding our economy, with homes, benefits, services, rights, rather than weapons--and what looks like what might be intended war against citizens, on our own soil.
To Some, A Great Teacher, To Me, the Son of God, Once Said, Blessed Are the Peacemakers . . . in the Last Days, Weapons are to be Beaten into Ploughshares!
P.S., I finally figured, out how, DHS, NSA, CIA, or FBI, steals my blog, and redirects it to several other sources, therefore, hiding the original writer entirely . . . some of the nice little things, covered agencies, under Homeland Security, Patriot Act, or other intelligence agencies, do . . . I write the blog, and when I go to publish it, instead of going directly onto the web and my blogspot, it is intercepted, through an instantaneous scanning devise, that then, re-routes the writing to other IP numbers, divided by categories, topics, speciality areas, etc., or persons, with alleged qualifications, and is deposited in their blog, account, or bank account, for Google to pay them, the spy agencies to check for content, correct spelling, and take out swear words, whitewash it if you will, and even use my name, you have grown to love and trust, I am sure, selfie, and use my credentials, to lead you astray, or to a party line, or one world order, march down the primrose path to destruction . . . I am getting more and more adept, I think at catching them, and thwarting their efforts!
I am seeing good stuff, like this article happening; therefore, some of my stuff is actually making it to you, untainted, untampered with, and you are doing great things to help the cause of freedom! Oh, the book, the author of the newspaper article, wrote is called, A Government of Wolves: The Emerging American Police State! Save an Elk, Shoot a Wolf!
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