Thursday, June 26, 2014


Pods, Alias, CIA Hunters, Boats, Planes, Buses & Trains

I just got back from a great, but harrowing trip to Bozeman, Montana, currently sitting at McDonald's, Golden Arches, on Liberty and Broadway, in Missoula, Montana--always have to write where my 40 is--that is a term used in the military, to let your troops, or commanders, know your location, because, usually these Zip Trips, are my attempt to skunk out my doubles, without them knowing, at least for an hour or so that I am gone, so I through off their 24/7 shadow, covering my actual identity, with 1 of 7 or more woman at any given time or location, with Me, Myself, and I, the only one who has to make the purposeful movement and motion, hoping to God, that someone, within a cop agency, who is watching me, who might actually believe my story, that is so outlandish, that I would have a hard time, believing is myself . . . until I factor in a billion dollars, jail time, heads rolling up to the highest level of government and church!  Then it all makes sense!

Hackers are attempting to cut in on my blog, right now . . . that is another ploy they use, when I write, they hack, steal the blog, scan it, making an instantaneous switch from my computer ID by means of my IP, that identifies what I am doing, plus, my locations, if, well, now that cops are illegally, unconstitutionally, and criminally, using the new technology of Stingray, warrantless searches and seizures of your cellphone and computer location, using technology, that is contradictory to Supreme Court case law . . . I might not mind, if they actually used it to solve a crime, rather than using it to break the law, and promote the very identity theft, that has been going on for 14 years, since I was poisoned, allowing my sister, Shelley, now many other sisters, and attorneys, use my ID and name, while stealing all my ID, through the Pod People . . . the cluster of team players, who have formerly been lovers, associates, clients, friends, landlords, bosses, judges, cops, bosses, and family members, if not children and their spouses, giving the thieves a 360 degree of protection, and me with a 360 degree threat!

Pods Are Bought & Paid For

Since I am heading to Kalispell next, I will use that pod of people, who started out as friends, clients, clients kids, friends of clients kids, girlfriends of clients kids, and their friends, could be pizza delivery boys, who just happen in once and a while . . . so, you have an army at any given location, who will lie about who is who. So here is the Kalispell pod . . . John or Jack King Strode (Ware) hits on me the first day I am in Kalispell, now given the fact that he seems to be able to show up out of thin air, should be some kind of a clue, because, I have purposefully, come and gone, to catch him with his pants down too . . . too far away to get back, so he is in an extended stay at a remote hospital, just moved, not taking calls.

Sam Farmer, Jack's cover boy, substantiates all the cover up lies, explaining his wear abouts, allegedly a 10 year friend of Jack, while other contacts of mine, report, that they barely have known who he is for maybe two years, if that, and that is a bus driver, until she too, is compromised.  Then as my circle of influence and acquaintances, spreads, the circle of bribes, does too, following the pattern exactly, and rapidly.  Next, Georgeanna Darrow Hartunge, I met a the church that Jack tried to get me to go to for 5 months, who became a client, then their is the pastor and his wife, Dennis and Debbie, got to cover all your bases, one slip and the fraud is toast, and believe me, when the penis is involved with the double, they protect their sex interest, while, even more vehemently going against me, who has not only sexually shunned them, jilted them, but is now telling bus drivers and friends, to warn me, when they are on the bus . . .

At Least the Sisters are Consistent, One Puts Out for the Government and Their Men--One Kicks Shit Out of the Government and Their Men!  Not Hard To Figure Out!

What complicates most clients, is that I allegedly don't exist, the double is me, but I jumped into the case, before the double had a chance to cover their asses, but the big boys, with their dicks in their alleged golden pachangs, have a personal stake in the game and cover-up, so they even bring in CIA judges, have predetermined court outcomes, that don't reflect for a second what actually happened in court, nor are reflected on the court transcripts, you know, just some of those things that should make it clear to even the greenest agent, but somehow, all of that, goes missing to the cognative processes, like DNA testing, lie detector tests, and some instruments and tools, that would be part of any routine foundation for any case . . . but never in this one!  It is so simple to prove who is the mother of my four children . . . DNA!

The pod circle expands, as my contacts expand . . . other members of the Kalispell pod, David Hartonge, son of Georgeanna, trying to pass him off as mine, God forbid; then John Bagby, Jen, and Jen, Dave and John's girlfriends, Meryl, Roger, roommates of mine and Dave's . . . then Jen's new squeeze, Mark, to Georgeanna's husband Ron, and her daughter, who was a Flathead County Sheriff for 7 years, bringing in the cops, and the pod grows, all substantiating the lie, and sticking it to me . . . hot deals, money, perks, favors, and pay offs!

Cluster of Pod People

Southwick family, with spouses of children--hackers are getting desperate, as I expose their most ardent supporters, my sons and daughter in law, LOL . . . best way to hurt the big boys, is hurt their most vulnerable, who have much more than money to lose!  Extended Southwick family, like cousin, Edward, and the other roughly 150 members or more, church members, neighbors . . . those upstanding Southwicks, and that rebel daughter, always causing trouble with the church, fighting polygamy, Mitt, Utah, and all we hold sacred and dear!  Not hard!

Deep dark secrets, formed long before I came on board, connecting sister Shelley, to Utah Division of Securities, and Department of Commerce, was a rat for the government, but sister, JoAnn, has the skills needed to pull of the coup of the century, the Brock/Rice securities heist . . . fleecing the American tax payers, and state, who, would not support Mitt Romney, no way, no how, with judges in Utah, double docketing the case, win outside of Utah, lose, for me personally, case terminated, with no reason, after winning 7 ways, and at all levels, so Clark Waddoups, just up and closed the case!

But a lose is not what the nation of financial planners is seeing coming out of the Utah courts, a win of $357 million, with only 6% of that payoff, coming from the Utah tax payers, and fans of Mitt's, however, the other states, through a nationwide, insurance pool, to disperse the cost and loss of one state's lawsuit, making all states share in the damages, because all states, benefit from the win, due to improving the securities system, but the other 94% comes from the rest of the state, that, had they known the gamesmanship, from some smart financial planners, CPA's, using the amped up brain power and knowledge of one constitutional law attorney, number 2 in the nation for civil rights defense . . . but bringing the cover girls, to sign the deal, wigs and all, because, hell, they already took over my e-filing accounts at the US Federal District Court, in the District of Utah, giving a non-attorney, Shelley, with the help of Kay Burningham, access, with the aid and comfort of the FBI, taking all IT people out of the building . . . can you see how easy!

I bet the states who supported President Obama, Democrats, would be furious, to know, that in my opinion, was a staged case, with a predictable outcome, giving a slush fund of $118 million, with federal courts in Utah, in on the gaming, not that I didn't deserve the win, but the means don't justify the end, especially, when the key player, the attorney, ME, was cut out of the contingency fees, so bad boys, Hank, Jay, Mitt, the Southwick pod, all get a cut, but they knew damned will, I was too moral to go that way . . . just like Clint Eastwood, in the movie, TROUBLE WITH THE CURVE . . . attorney daughters, with professional and personal morals, just will not go along with the plan, just a part of the used and abused!

Bozeman Cowboys & California Movie Stars--Great Town!

Last night, I attended a block party, to raise money for a local clearinghouse for the needy and elderly--absolutely magical, up to an including the local cops . . . no babysitting the crowd, and the crowd didn't give any reason for a presence, very refreshing!  The party was creatively advertised through, chalk notes, on the sidewalks of Main Street, Block Party, $10, Blue Grass, bring your Mom . . . 6 to 10 . . . no arrests for graphitti, no charges for destruction of public property, cops know that will wash off with the first summer rain storm!  Holy shit, someone legalized freedom!  How awesome!

This appeared to be a team effort of the 20 to 30 crowd, all pitching in, boyfriends, friends, band members, restaurants, local photographers, who let young professionals, get their kid on, with costumes, for picture taking and lovin on friends, kids, girls on girls, guys with arms around old friends, that have become family through college and now, apparently running the parties, that are so cool, doing what chic girls, and cool guys do to help, those less fortunate in their community!  What a party . . . I would guesstimate, about 700 to 1,000 came and went, responsibly drinking, eating, laughing, dancing, goofing around, and hanging around to savor the fun of the evening, that combined good deeds, with good clean fun, for all!

To My Surprise and Delight, There Was No Cop Presence--No Offense, But You Can Damper any Party!  LOL!

I got off the bus, at 2:30 a.m., cruised around the streets, un-bothered, not stopped, without probable cause, just to harass, stopping me, just to let me know I am on their radar screen . . . like in so many towns, that seem to be forewarned by the cop mafia, that I am heading to their jurisdiction.  I didn't even see a cop, until after the party was over, about 11:30 p.m., while clean-up was taking place, but with several local clubs, still raging to the music, and drinking, when a police, peacemaking presence, might be warrented, and even wanted, as young co-eds, and others walk home from a fun evening.

I stopped by, I believe, a local business, with one in Helena, and Bozeman, the Pita Pit, which to my fun shock, was open until 3 a.m.!  For someone, who frequents towns, after a long bus or train ride, arriving hungry and at odd hours of the night, it is nice, that someone, besides, Motel 6, leaves the lights on for you, and the grills on!  I made a comment on how cool the cops in the town appeared to be, and the excited to brag, Bozemanite, said, oh, that is nothing, tomorrow night is the weekly streetfest, with music and drinking . . . the cops, actually rope off a large section and open container laws are either suspended, or frozen, for all the people who want to listen to music and drink!  WOW . . .

In Whitefish, at the Winter Festival, this year, in typical Nazi style, the local cops, walked up to festival goers, and literally stopped the fun, by even asking coffee drinkers to take the lids off their coffee cups, so the Gestapo, could check to see if those coffee cups, were really a cover for alcohol!  So, hats off to you officers, keep the faith, Whitefish PD, you don't have anything on Iron County, Utah . . . a girl got thrown in jail for 83 days, for having an empty bottle of Vodka, she was saving in her car, to use as a house decoration, was originally stopped for failing to signal for the full 2 seconds on a lane change . . . 

Really, you can, seriously, time that, Ms. cop with the pink handcuffs, who ordered the victim out of her car, when all her husband's work and legal paperwork, on none other than the new, NSA building, in Lehi, jumped out to chase the papers in the wind . . . and was arrested for resisting arrest and an officer, later was poisoned in jail, almost causing her to go blind, because she wouldn't testify against Haylee Cheeks!  One of my 3 plaintiffs in the civil right suit against the cops!

Grade A+ on Bozeman for First Impressions

A lively downtown area, clean, charming, old time western feel, bare back, bronc horse, decor on Main Street, no empty buildings, flowers, lamp post flags, fun windows, sidewalk cafes, restaurant smells, wafting from the locally owned and operated shops, a free bus service that gets you up to 30 miles out of town, beautiful setting for the town . . . gotta go catch a bus, will be back, maybe permanently!

Obviously, Very Impressed!

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