Seems to Me, These Western Rough Riders Have A Choice to Make--And It Will . . . Be Pretty!
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I love where Utah has found itself, while bragging about the all Mormon, all Republican, all controlled by the Mormon Church, with a few exceptions, voting on a bill that would, now, hold on to your britches, buster, force the federal government to turn all land controlled by the United States, over to Utah . . . LOL! Did you really get that much muscle out of the Mormon, Clive Bundy Ranch deal . . . or are you following his constitutional law lessons, provided, courtesy of the posse comitatus? LOL. Holy Shit, only in UTAH! National fools in the spotlight again; gay marriage, now being challenged in court, after a U.S. Supreme Court ruling, now this? Really?
Maybe you ought to go to the bottom of Clive Bundy's blog, and see who's blog is powering his . . . hello, you got it, mine! I am sure that the Mormon controlled NSA, with 30,000 Mormon spies watching my computer, phones, and comings and goings, to protect, twin sister, with a size 44 DDD chest, courtesy of a plastic surgeon, oh, sorry, it really was simply vitamins! LOL! Who would have guessed that going to a meeting, I didn't know anything about, would lead to looking under the covers of why all the western states, Mormon colonizer, Brigham Young, sent families, many polygamist families, who could multiply like rabbits into, would lead to a connect to the current land dispute with the federal government! LOL!
I call it poetic justice! Try to convince me, that women in Utah, and the Mormon Church, are not property or chattel, you just hooked Cliven Bundy up to my blog, without even having to use a password! Really, so much for privacy, 4th amendment, copyright laws, the Digital Millennium Act . . . ratcheting up the lawsuit, that is just ready to pop out of these, flying fingers that type faster than most of you, MoMo's read! SHOCKINGLY UNCONSITUTIONAL, BUT HEY, SO IS POLYGAMY, THAT WAS FORBIDDEN FOREVER, as a condition for statehood . . . THE MORMON LEGISLATURE CAN TAKE CARE OF THAT, JUST DO WHAT YOU DID WITH THE BROCK AND RICE, SECURITY CASE, UP AND WALKS AWAY!
i mean, get serious, didn't my Southwick parents give me birth and raise me, didn't the Mormon Church teach me the gospel, didn't the J. Reuben Clark, Law School at Brigham Young University train you in the law? The better question is, obviously, I didn't listen to my very Mormon parents, the Mormon Church, or BYU, or I wouldn't be writing this, and they couldn't have stolen my life, up to and including this blog, trying to capitalize on the knowledge that for the most part, I gained on my own . . . do you see any other Mormon attorneys, standing up to the Mormon Church, with 70% of the CIA, FBI, NSA controlled with total access to all I write, and having infiltrated almost every level of the federal government, fighting this patriarchal bull shit? NO, they are too brainwashed and qualify as useful idiots, promoting Mormon doctrine! Mitt Romney, may you never rest in peace!
My Sordid, And Rather Colorful History With Polygamy
As a child, growing up in Utah and California, mostly Utah, Emma Smith, wife of the first prophet of the Mormon Church, Joseph Smith was rarely talked about, rather questionable lady in the decades past, as was polygamy, a hush, hush topic. So I neither knew or thought much about the doctrine or the subject of polygamy, that is until I got married! I moved with my husband, Richard Clifton Secrist, after he graduated from the University of Utah, to Arizona, to get a master degree in Urban Development, him, of course, not me . . . I was the 19 year old wife, baby by 20! The Prophet said, don't put off your family for your education . . . so like the useful idiot I was in those days, I got pregnant, two weeks after I got married, and between the two of us, it took us 14 years to get both of us educated, and four kids. Law school came after the divorce, I would attribute to the fact that we never saw each other for 15 years, due to church callings, city and county commission meetings, school, family, and no time to get to know each other . . . he is, however and wonderful man, and contributed amazing DNA, to my four off the charts, cool children!
But while in Arizona, the best thing that happened to me, I was around Mormon women, who were pregnant and getting their PhDs in physical education, or didn't have kids, getting their law degrees, or already educated. I thought I had to have 6 kids and bake homemade bread forever! Yahoo! So, while my husband was getting his masters, he encouraged me to work on my undergraduate degree at the University of Arizona . . . that changed my course of life, not only for education, but for my views on polygamy. It is that before those years, I never thought about sharing my husband with another women, and I am of the Emma Smith, leave me in Missouri, marry a non-Mormon, blow off Brigham Young's advances, and tell the brethren of the Mormon Church to stick it, Joseph, her dead husband had put all the furniture in the Mansion House, in Emma's name, and she was keeping it for the humiliation Joseph had caused her, doing much was FLDS prophet, Warren Jeffs, leader of the polygamist sect, recently convicted of raping a 12 year old child, when a tape of the 21 minutes of Jeffs grunting and heavy breathing, ended with an, Amen, followed by three women, probably one was her mother, and one of his spiritual wives, just like her young daughter being raped on the tape, is being broken in to be, chiming in to say, unanimously, Amen!
Just a side legal note, Utah overturned Warren Jeffs conviction, for an issue of jury instructions, leading the jury down the primrose path to a conviction, a reversible error, or a planned protection, by the patriarchal system that still believes in polygamy, protects, and nurtures it, with former attorney general, Mark Shurtleff, pretending to get rid of it, while refusing to allow prosecution without another crime connected to polygamy, a felony, but hey, it is easy to prove welfare fraud, child abuse, sexual abuse, and a myriad of other crimes, but, we really are going to look the other way, don't you love that show, Big Love or Sister Wives . . . man those guys are lucky, on day we will get our 10 virgins promised in the Doctrine and Covenants, or we can convert a bunch of Muslims, and then say, see he can have 4 wives, and then refuse to do it under the auspice of religious freedom!
Thanks God, Texas fried Warren Jeff's ass, with a body guard stating that Jeffs, who no more lived his religion that fly to the moon, stating that Jeffs had up to 180 wives, all pining away for him, trained to be sweet, were told that they were not righteous enough for him, repent, while he is in a Hawaiian shirt, using followers credit cards, driving and SUV, and riding around with wild women in his car. Utah didn't apprehend Jeffs, the Attorney General, from Arizona, hired a private investigator, who teamed with a woman from St. George, who helped women escape polygamy, who eventually caught the guy! Polygamy is like cancer, spreading its insidious tentacles, going from state to state, but it is the original state colonized that are suffering for the penis!
Mormons Are As Threatened By A Thinking Female, As Is the Taliban, the Nigerians, or the Al Queda
We studied Church history, at our student ward in Tucson, Arizona. Now there was a singles ward, that met in the same building as the married student's ward met. I also took an institute of religion class, as nights on Church history . . . the professor, prefaced his remarks, with telling anyone with a weak testimony of the Church, they might not want to take the class . . . those two experiences, changed everything. I actually started to think, what if I had to share my husband, could I, would I be faithful? The more I thought, the more pissed off I got, the more I read, I started to enter the fast and furiously pissed of level! I started to debate with all the male members of the ward. Finally, one philosophy student, married, and our best friend couple in the ward, called me one day, and asked me if Zeke, what I called my husband, a childhood thing, grew up in the same neighborhood, could attend the singles ward with him . . . not funny, FRED!
i studied the roots of polygamy, read the Old Testament of the Bible, with Sarah offering Hagar, her hand maiden, the root of all conflict between the Israelis and Palestinians today, to Abraham, her husband to bear him children, until she had one at 80! Then kicked Hagar out, but found favor from the Lord; however, God was pissed and Sarah for starting this! Then you have King David, who had 700 wives and concubines, and still cheated with Bathsheba! What the hell . . . so the Book of Mormon, Jacob 2, states that polygamy is an abomination to the Lord, and he hears the tender cries of the wives and children of men, wanting more than one wife . . . and God forbids it.
However, there is always and exception to every rule, and Mormons love the exception, to raise up a righteous seed . . . and they will lie, cheat, steal, rob, kill, to appear righteous, and put down those who they feel are not righteous, like myself, and then they will sub in a Mormon muffin, who is actually worse, but I do swear, but she has bigger boobs, so she gets to be me, because people like the militias, conservatives, and liberals, alike, dig my writing, or blog, so just power your Mormon agenda that I hate with my blog, take the money, while I won't, and build the kingdom of God, allegedly!
I just couldn't, as a young, very faithful Mormon, rectify the difference between a loving God, finding polygamy and abomination, and attending the tears of the women and children, telling men, they were to have one wife, and concubines, none, for hell sake, look what Sarah caused! What, 5000 years later, fighting over who has the birthright or gets the Dome of the Rock, or the Temple site? Come on? To the Doctrine & Covenants, Section 132, current Mormon scripture, stating that if a man finds 10 virgins, he can marry them, and if they don't bear the vessels of men, they will be destroyed! Sounds like the current, Republican Party! Needless to say, I was not digging this study, and the outcome; therefore, I looked to the Bible, the universally accepted gospel of Christ . . . it said that a bishop can only be the husband of one wife! So there you have it, in a nutshell, a Mormon Bishop is to only have one wife!
As I Continued My Intellectual Pursuit of Knowledge, Getting More and More Ammo to Use Against the Male Patriarchy, My Husband Banned the Subject in Our Home, but ONLY after He Heard that Women Were Encouraged to Marry Up in the Church and Could Be Sealed to More Than One Man!
There is a Mormon, intelligentsia in the Church, believe it or not, the September 7 all got excommunicated, as is the path for all good seekers, but a group meets at the same time of the Mormon Church holds education week at BYU, so the intellectuals, myself included, or used to, head to the Sunstone Symposium, held in Heathenville, in Salt Lake City . . . the sight of God's first university, where the University of Utah is located, with a strong anti-Mormon faction, and a few Democrats, and now the Gay Capitol of the U.S.A., they asked for it!
The Mormon Republicans, actually, entertained the thought, that if they allowed gay marriages in Utah, that might get rid of the Utah Constitutional provision that said, marriage is a contract between a man and a woman, and might open the door for polygamy! But . . . no, they decided to stick to their guns, and file suit or rather, an appeal, against the federal judges finding that a ban on gay marriage was unconstitutional under the 14th amendment.
Things were calm in our home, with a balance of power, that I too, could take on an old high priest, over an elder in the Mormon Church, and his grandmother, who was married to an asshole, married to another woman, got pissed one day, and had the Bishop marry her to a dead lover, as his wife! You know, proxy baptisms and marriages! Check out, the Colbert Report on Mormon Proxy Baptism of the Jewish Holocaust Victims. LOL!
Me and my husband, moved to Provo, birthplace of the Church's, wanna be, Harvard of the West. I started a master level, degree in Ancient Scripture Studies, wrote a paper on Mother in Heaven, her divine presence in the Book of Proverbs . . . while God created the earth . . . I was there, before the foundations, check out the Biblical Wisdom, always female! I know that would blow the male ego that God only has one wife! LOL! Christ already told you not to have more than one, side stepping the twin relics of barbarism, slavery and polygamy! Too bad, modern Mormon men and women, sorry to say, support polygamy, but only if you consider yourself, you know elite, righteous enough to live the principle . . . that is why I am making sure you know, I am not righteous, as far as I can get . . . don't even look this way guys, not going there!
The Utah Constitution Days; Tarp Money, and the Utah Legislature, Dealing with Polygamy . . . God, Lord?
So, I was taken out of commission for 10 years, an attorney now, but either poisoned or an alleged genetic disease, going after this woman's brain . . . nice target, boys! But, at least, I was not dead, luckily, unlike, many others who take on the government, as I had . . . the males still found some level of fuckability, in the hot, 46 year old they poisoned, so I lucked out, but time if running out, Hooters is most likely winning. LOL! An aging, brainless beauty, maybe? But, I came back like a Mormon male wrecking ball, unlike Mylee Cyrus, I kept my clothes on . . . but the effect was the same!
I had used the Utah Constitution once before, to take down the cops and prosecutors, with asset forfeiture legislation, that spread to 27 states; therefore, I had time, once I recovered from the alleged, terminal illness, and I am sure they regret, not just shooting me, at this point, but hit Utah politics hard, with partner, former civil air patrol, and civics teacher, Patricia Kent, a Tea Party member, from St. George, and printer, we put together a pocket sized copy, with legal contributions to show and train people on how the federalist system of republican form or representative form of government worked, complicated stuff, same stuff we are dealing with on the land issues, to help people, elected officials on the local and state level understand how the federal and state constitutions work together.
I got permission to put the Official State of Utah Seal on the cover, and Patricia did a marvelous job of designing a uniquely, Utah looking book, that resembled a Mormon Relief Society cookbook . . . way cute and totally, Utahan. A collector's item by now, because, with the piece I put, that was originally a slam to the then, Utah Attorney General, Mark Shurtleff, who was a friend, and also asked me to run his campaign in 2000, if I wasn't going to run, wanted the new or 4th Congressional seat, that Chris someone got, 16 years after I purchased a home in St. George to set up residency, knowing that would be the region or the gerrymandered area, as the most conservative part of the state, that at this later date, after I recovered from my terminal, brain disease, was not electable, I didn't have a cocktail, with me, even though, all the great things on my resume were done while I was single . . . unelectable in Southern Utah!
But, my Mormon sister, with 6 kids and a husband was a possible candidate, are you fucking kidding me, I have to have a dick attached to me, wouldn't I be more available to do my job, Shurtleff, who was anticipating running for Governor, would consider putting me in a cabinet position, or I would have to start at the city council level to even be looked at . . . I told the Republican women leaders, who were freaking out, due to the fact that it was the YEAR OF THE WOMEN IN POLITICS, that I just might be the Republicans opponent in the upcoming election for U.S. Congress, but I also found out that there were already 4 males to fill that position . . . so forget that!
So, I busied myself if other critical issues, like the plan, me and 15 St. George residents put together to get troops out of Afghanistan . . . I am sure my doubles have long claimed that one, since Hillary Clinton and President Obama, actually did get a copy I faxed from the Dixie State College, now University (?) fax machine, due to the fact that I hadn't touched a computer for 8 years, so I got to use the colleges computer lab, not bothered, since I did two free presentations for the college, one was filmed then dubbed over with my thinner twins body, but my teaching, Survivial Grammar, I learned while an English major at Weber State College, now University, but with the same college President, now Mormon general authority, pay off or the cover up? I discovered another Joann S. Secrist, registered at the college, using my birth date and social security number! This conspiracy is large and wide, no one in Utah, no involved, getting that way in Montana, a lot of Mormons here too, stepping on toes in Helena, Kalispell, Whitefish, and Missoula . . . about anywhere in the western U.S.
I Discovered, Polygamy Was Unconstitutional in the Utah State Constitution--Monumental! Yahoo! Total Ammo Against the Principle!
Excitedly, I approached, the then speaker of the House of Representatives, David Clark, Vice President of Zion Bank in St. George, sure he would share the same enthusiasm as me, seeing our attorney general, ran on the Republican ticket, and was going to clean up polygamy, the 70,000 just in the Salt Lake Valley alone, so I thought, wrongly, this would be great news and help the legislature and law enforcement proceed against the law breakers . . . In Utah, Church runs deeper than state, deeper than the constitutions, both of them, and you are starting to see my drift, Clive Bundy's upraising, and Utah founding fathers, who couldn't get the benefits of the Union, of the United States of America, unless they got rid of polygamy, which is forbidden, or was forbidden forever, but now removed from the document!
I naively approached Speaker Clark, a former BYU football player, about getting some new TARP money to fund a printing of the state's constitution and fun facts, providing copies for all members of the legislature, the city and county, governments, that should be using it as their bible for running state business. I pointed out, what I think was Section 22, banning polygamy and also one banning the other relic of barbarism, enslavement--which are both elements of polygamy . . . he, like all good Mormon men, who believe like Muslims, that they are entitled to more than one Mormon pussy, just sat there silence, asked for a copy, which I provided, even before printing, thinking he would approach the legislature about funding copies for all elected officials, or at least give copies to the legislature at the opening ceremonies, as a monumental event, honoring our Utah founding father . . . no only no, but HELL NO!
Just when I thought I had the polygamy issue killed, dead, as the Great Salt Lake, with no outlets to the see, so all marriages officiated and sealed out on the Lake under allegedly Maritime or Admiralty Law were null and void . . . the answer from Clark came back, no, why? I had no idea, it threatened the very fabric of the Mormon Church, the Mormon belief system, and God only knows, Heaven itself! And that dastardly email, I converted to print in the Utah Constitution, Polygamy a Problem Then & a Problem Now . . . referring to the Warren Jeffs, FLDS, polygamist group in Texas, the XYZ Ranch, currently in the news, was the reason, many people happy to get their hands on this cute book, wanted their money back, when they read the actual history of statehood, the Reynold's case that challenged the clause as unconstitutional under the 1st amendment, freedom of religion clause, they lost, the Mormon Manifesto, the scepticism the nation had, not trusting the Mormon run Utah to clean up the problem . . . never did clean it up, it just went underground, to Mexico, Canada . . . and tunnels, like the ones just discovered out in the west desert, were created to hide Church and other leaders, who continued the PRINCIPLE, long after either the Manifesto, or the state's Enabling Act in 1896!
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