Sunday, May 18, 2014


Simple Church--Love God, Love Fellow Men & Women

I'm in love with Montana.  For other states, I have admiration, respect and recognition, even some affection.  But for Montana, it is love . . . John Steinbeck.  Montana, means mountains--the gospel is suppose to come from the mountain tops, and run down hill, like a rock, gaining speed . . . let's take this viral, for Jesus Christ!

There are churches for a new generation of those who want the truth, straight and simple, online, or in a one hour meeting, where the women can wear pants, a place that teaches about Jesus Christ--the only true salvation of the world, even in a modern world.  The first time I wrote about Jesus Christ Superstar, Not Just a Rock Opera . . . months ago, my blog jumped 30 million hits in one day!  That should be an indication of the thirst and hunger for a true healer, beyond the arm of flesh, but a power that reaches Heaven and our God, in whom we trust.

Shockingly enough, Montana, has a stone tablet with the 10 Commandments carved on it . . . right on the Capitol Building grounds, with all the challenges over the years, courts demanding judges, cities, and other take down their 10 Commandments . . . Montana, slide under the radar, and is on the east side of the front law, or the left side, if you are looking at the Capitol Building!  To me, that makes a powerful statement, not only about the state, but the people, and the role Montana can play, in turning the hearts of the children, not only back to the founding fathers, but to our Heavenly Father.

As I have stated before, the enemy to a one world order of oppression, totalitarianism, a ruling elite, enslavement for the masses, if not leaving enough of the common folk, just enough to serve the oligarchy or the despot and the regime that supports their way of thinking, is Christianity and the U.S. Constitution, or constitutions with similar principles and concepts, based on freedom, liberty, rights and a republican form of government, through representatives, elected by the people, for the people and of the people.  Over 100 countries have adopted some form of similar constitutional protections.

I have often said that the Preamble of the United States Constitution, to me, is nothing more than God's gospel in law . . . a goal, not just for this country, but for all of mankind, if we will follow the instructions in that inspired writing, that is an ideal, the United States has yet to reach, but we need to keep the mark in front of our faces, hearts, pocketbooks, religions, lives, etc.  Both adherence to the principles and concepts of Christianity, and the U.S. Constitution, seen as patriotism, take a lifetime commitment to the basic tenants of the foundation of the bedrock ideas, defending, protecting and preserving the ideal for generations to come.

States or Providences Within the Ukraine Are Just Looking for Sovereignty or a Bit More Self Rule, Under the Umbrella of the Ukraine--Even Pro-Russian Protesters are Not Willing to Go As Far As Going Back Under Russian Rule, And Russia is Not Wanting to Take Them Back, So a Little Respect Is All They Ask . . . So?  What is the Problem?

As we watch the situation unfold in the Ukraine, Russia, over Crimea, Odessa, Donetak, etc. with pro-Russian forces, first taking over government buildings, then the billionaire, hiring militia like men from the Ukraine to take back the government buildings that were occupied.  The thought came to mind, why don't they operate the Ukraine, with eastern states or Providences, wanting more say, independence, sovereignty, while not make those areas, like sovereign states, under the United Ukraine, with a federalist system, or some revised version of something that is working in some other country, not necessarily patterned after the U.S.  There might be too much pride for that, but the scriptures say, pride cometh before destruction; you are coming with limited bloodshed, let Switzerland help you, they operate  under peace.

Why do we have to be so suspicious of President Putin, he wants to be a cowboy too!  President Obama and President Putin, both photogenic with their shirts off, can get along if they want.  It was Russia, who warned the U.S. about the Boston bombing and wanted to work closer with the U.S. to fight terror, so what the fuck is wrong with that.  We live in a world that is changing, more reliant, closely knit, and we better start to look for other solutions, than going back to the days of the Cold War.   One of the biggest issues in modern centuries, is trust, whether that is country to country, or business to business, husband to wife, parents to children, bosses to employees.  Don't you think it is about time, we got our morals on?

As for the Terrorists or Rebels in Nigeria, Who Took the 278 School Girls . . . Something to Think About--Jesus said, Anyone who harms one of these little ones, would be better to have a milestone wrapped around their neck and drown in the depth of the sea!

Every time I follow the teachings of Jesus Christ, I win, or I am protected, or I grow closer to someone, or to my goals, or to him; therefore, it would behove all of us to at least try Christianity or some form of religion that teaches peace.  And as for the atheists, the teachings are good, whether you believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, or just a great teacher . . . the teachings have stood the test of time, so look at it as a new philosophy, that will bring you and your family joy.  

As far as most religious scholars go, we are all just at the base of a mountain, with a Christ figure at the top, so why not start trying to get to the top of the hill together.  The teachings in the New Testament, in the Book of Romans, even states, that there are those without the law, that are better than those with the law . . . so just be a good person, doing random acts of kindness.  Just yesterday, a friend of mine, went up to Starbucks, to get a coffee, and when he approached the window to pay for his coffee, the window attendant, said, oh, you don't owe anything . . . the car in front of you paid for your coffee--good will!

God, I Want to be Your Man You Want Me to Be; Lord, Don't Give Up on Me!

Do you really think money, Halliburton, the world bankers, can get your child off drugs, put our marriage back together, heal your mother of cancer?  We have a better way of doing things.  People have been bitching and moaning about Obamacare for at least 3 or 4 years now, to hold the cost down, why don't you try faith healing, laying on of hands, belief in the powers of the great physician?

Just today, the pastor of the Crossfire Church, Kalispell, Montana, told us that her mother had a cancer tumor, that was reported to the church a few weeks ago, and the church prayed for her.  She had to wait for about a month to see the doctor, which she was worried about.  The mother finally got into to see the doctor, and when he took the ex-rays, that were to admit her into the hospital for chemotherapy, or whatever treatment was going to be recommended, there was not evidence of the tumor!  Did the first doctor make an error in diagnosing cancer, to a woman who has smoked her entire life, or did the faith of the prayers of the church heal her, through the name of Jesus Christ?

My other pastor, from Fresh Life Church, beamed into the church in Kalispell, Montana, from Texas, after the church, along with several other churches held a H2O Experience, with some 5 million viewers from around the world, via iPod, computer, or whatever, beating out Texan, movie star, Matthew McConnaughey (?) , for number of people tuning into the Podcast!  Actually, I bet Matthew would be thrilled and glad he was beat out.  I can see him big the fact that over 7,000 people committed themselves to Christ and a life of purity.  Hallelujah!

Two Great Court Cases Came Out This Week!

There is a statue of Jesus Christ, on Forest Service land, up at the ski resort, can't remember the name of the resort, don't ski now days, up at Whitefish, Montana, and a group of secularists sued to have the statute removed from the resort and the forestry land, for infringing on their freedom from religion or right to religious freedom.  The court decided against the secularist group, stating first that the statue did not infringe on their rights to not practice religion, the Knights of Columbus, I believe a Catholic organization, put the Christos up decades ago, and it was more used as a place for people to meet or take picture, not a place of worship . . . hey, a win, is a win, by any name!

I believe the next one, came from out of state.  I should have payed more attention, but I didn't, so you can get the big picture of what the, I think, U.S. Supreme Court or a state supreme court, held that the county commissioners could start their county planning or commission meetings with prayer . . . previously, the court had struck down prayer in similar meetings; however, as in good statutory construction, the court should first consider the plain language of the statute or law, the intent of the founding fathers or legislature, and then turn to history . . . which is what the court did, and found that this country was steeped in both a tradition and history of belief in God . . . even our money has, IN GOD WE TRUST!

So, I guess if you want to get technical, you can worship God and money, if you trust in God!  Worship or love of money is the root of all evil . . . American greed, lies, sex and video tapes, but true, take the money out of most equations, and laws, corruption and fraud would end!  Having money is great, if you do the right things with it, good works, good deeds, and blessing the lives of many, as the good book, the Bible, admonishes!  It is statistically and practically true that the more money someone makes, the less they give.  The average billionaire gives one percent of what they make, and the average person who makes less, gives an average of three percent of their earnings . . . explain that one!

Being Rich In the Things that Matter!

To be happy, one needs good health, time and sufficient money . . . not much more!  Yesterday, my friend John came a picked me up in Missoula, Montana; we had a great gyro or Greek sandwich, at Gyro One, just off Orange Street and 5th, in Missoula, great food and the fries are great too.  After our lunch, up the Rattlesnake Canyon, park, we hit the walking and biking trail, with in minutes found a cool little resting place, near the rushing river, before walking up the mountain, with every inch of shear beauty, ever step of the way.  On the way to Kalispell, we drove past the Mission Mountain Range, snow covered peaks, majestic, massive, awesome, lush green pastures, black cattle to contrast the rich green of the grass lands.

We had John's stereo blasting awesome, fun music, we both enjoy, cruising up past Flathead Lake with all the elegantly pine covered islands, the boats, small harbor towns, orchards, landscape that inspires, smiles, fun conversation, breathtaking beauty, and freedom.  What could be better than this?  Neither one of us could think of anything we would rather be doing today . . . health, healing, love, camaraderie, and friendship . . . the things that matter!

In the sermon, I listened to both last night and today, the visiting pastor, was interviewed by a guy who was writing about riches, and interviewed this guy, who has 7 kids and wife, and lives on a pastor's salary, but considers himself the richest of men, blessed beyond measure.  This man, works for several billionaires, helping them manage their wealth.  The pastor asked this guy what it was like, and if he would want to be that rich.  He said, absolutely not, that it was took a lot to manage, and was a tremendous responsibility, a weight and a burden, that took a lot of time, and no, he said he would never want it, and said it without hesitation.

Why Don't All the World Leaders Follow This Simple Song

Jesus wants me for a sunbeam, to shine for him each day,
In every way try to please him, at home, at work, and play.
A sunbeam, a sunbeam, I'll be a sunbeam for him . . .
Jesus, wants me for a sunbeam, I'll be a sunbeam for him!

This is a primary song, I learned in Sunday School, as a child, but I think, it is worth a try.  I know this sounds elementary, ridiculous for a powerful world leader, but really, people, all over the world, just want to ultimately be happy.The gospel of Jesus Christ is simple . . . hangs on two great commandments, to love God, and love your fellow men and women, plus children.  Now, seriously, is that hard?  I think this is within the grasp of even the most simple minded person, just be kind, care, do something everyday, that generates good will.

Christ said in the last days, weapons would be beaten into plowshares!  Why don't we just skip all that shit the world is suppose to go through, like the four horses of the Apocalypse, the woes, the plagues, moon turning to blood, fish and birds dying . . . that is just telling us, what our actions will cause, we will make our Mother Earth groan from our wickedness, this is not what God wants to do . . . men are that they might have joy!  That is his goal for humanity!  We have to do our part, and one by one, we can change the world!

Take One Baby Step, For Mankind This Week!

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