Thursday, May 8, 2014


Radical Peace: People Refusing War

Quotes, and thoughts, from the cheerleader, turned, enemy of the state, from a fellow, enemy of the state--you keep it up girl . . .Judy Davis, former cheerleader, fired by the school board, for being considered, an unsuitable influence and deviating from the curriculum, implying that she was deviant, and according to the norm, she was.  Ms. Davis taught that USA foreign policy has provoked terrorism, that what the USA has done for decades in the countries in which we now have terrorism, she taught the students to think critically, pull the covers back, and see the connections and who was sleeping with who in this tangled, devious world, where the global rich act in their won interests regardless of nationality, and how this keeps the majority of the world in poverty.  We are not going to have peace until we stop this.

Men in charge aren't going to let us build anything really different; they'll do everything they can, no matter how vicious, to hold on to power, and they have too many on their side now.  Planning a new society a this point seems to me to be just daydreaming, spinning fantasies.  First we have to break this system's power, otherwise our descendants will still be living under it.

Guerrilla warfare will gradually defeat the empire overseas, prevent it from expanding.  So it'll turn inward and start squeezing its own people more.  Sine it's inherently unjust, that's the only way it can maintain itself.  When we revolt against that, it'll turn fascist.  In a couple of generations we'll overthrow the fascism.  That's a long ways away, and we have a lot to do until then.

This war has already devastated the economy.  Taxes and the national debt are maxed out.  They can't go higher.  If costs continue to rise and we continue to lose, he only solution will be to pull out the troops.  Mass murder has become a luxury he USA can no longer afford.  Thousands of small acts of citizen sabotage will help pull the plug on war.

They have become masters at recruiting women to serve their interests.  Most women politicians are offering us the same old system dressed up in a new outfit, just patriarchy with perfume.  Patriarchy has robbed women of out power.  That's why so many of us feel incomplete and inadequate.  The culture tells us we need a man to fill that void, but we gradually and painfully learn that this traps us in dependency.  It isn't fair to the men either, because we've given them the responsibility for making us whole, which is something another person can't do for you.

Nigerian Rebels, Fear What 200 School Girls Might Become

Much of the world, fears westernization, because of the rights it gives to women; however, the USA still lags far behind the idealistic goals of the 14th amendment, especially for women,  We still want to pay women less for equal work, educated women, in America, are just as harshly treated as in many third world countries, and I am first hand proof of this.  The powers that be want to lie, steal, cheat, take cases, money, houses, vehicles, use character assassination, force, to get someone like me and Ms. Davis in line with their male agendas . . . or as in my case, they will use less combatant females, even if the original is right, and bring in the tits and ass girls, who will promote male interests, and they reward them, and trash the less obedient women, who don't go a long with the program.

Educated women raise the bar for men, they are not as likely to put up with the shit other women will, to keep or get a man . . . the higher the educational level of a women, the less likely she is to stay married, or get married . . . the opposite is true for men.  Educated Afghan women, refuse to let their children join the extremists groups, like the Taliban and Al Quaeda, and I am sure that goes for all women across the earth, they can read between the lines, and see the hidden agendas, and much of it depends on controlling women, whether through reproductive means, like vaginal probes, rape, denial of abortion rights, birth control, while more than willing to allow insurance to pay for Viagra and Cialis!

At some point in my life, I remember, hearing that the Spartan women, the ones in movies like 300, or in real, finally got sick of the warrior mentality, deaths of their fathers and sons . . . so they denied men sex, until the wars ended!  Not a bad idea!  While equally sexual, women don't have to think with two heads, so they are in control of this aspect of human rights . . . so use your power women, let's get this bull shit done with, a shoot for a beautiful new world, not the one world order of militarization and death, but life, love and laughter in our children, rather than bloodshed!

Leave the Ukraine Alone to Elect Their Officials--You Got Crimea, Don't Try to Take Odessa, You Can Subsist As Good Neighbors!

After months of turmoil in the Ukraine and surrounding areas, President Putin withdrew troops off the eastern borders of the Ukraine--hell of a thanks from the world, great Olympics, now, a cool show of peace!  That makes you more of my hero, than an Olympic gold meddle winner!  FUCKING AWESOME!  We can do this, we can have a peaceful world, with peaceful elections, with a calm transfer of power, and respect of people's roots, cultures, customs, languages, and history.  Fuck the sanctions, Russian people don't need it, their economy doesn't need it, you don't need it.  So, why?  We get the point, Mr. Putin!

Now the Ukrainians, have the other side of the good neighbor policy, don't mistreat those of Russian descent, appreciate what they add to your country, be an eastern block, melting pot, and all the better for it!  I fucking love Mexican food, German cars, Italian sunglasses and fashion, Japanese technology, don't drink, but Russian Vodka is a big hit here . . . there is a Spartan Sprint race this weekend, up in Big Fork, Montana, and there are representatives from 131 countries, including the Ukraine . . . way cool.  We need to be, worldwide, like the Native American Indian Tribe, known as the DREAM CATCHERS . . . they looked at all the other tribes, and adopted the best of all, they lived longer, happier, and contributed more . . . well, the world is getting smaller and smaller, we need to adapt and grow, work together, not destroy the earth or the peoples of the earth!

$60 Billion Per Yer on Intelligence--We are Not Getting Our Money's Worth, So Bag it . . . Can't We Just All Get Along?

I don't dig the thought that I have a choice between relying on a man, who might be married, or whatever, to prove that your little male power trip, goal of polygamy, or whatever you are doing to deny me my accomplishments, my due on formerly won cases, homes, furniture, law practice, etc., to try to force me to my knees, so I would have to rely on men.  I know that even after you poisoned me, took everything I had, took credit, or gave it to the government hookers, many of them my own sisters, under my father, who used to be a member of the Office of Strategic Intelligence, or now the CIA, what I refer to the epitome of counter-intelligence . . . the alternatives you have left me with, a man to support me or death, is not acceptable to me, and truly a fucking joke, to say the least . . . game over, get a life, leave me alone!

Just yesterday, some guy was sitting next to me in my favorite coffee shop, well the only one I have ever been to, or hung out in much, but I love it, way better than Starbucks, the Break Cafe in Missoula, Montana, I offered a part of the newspaper, the cafe so rightly provides to keep and educated customer base, each morning, that I hadn't read . . . he not only was rude in his comments on the regular customers, but refused to read the newspaper, and get less ignorant, but I introduced myself to him, and the second he heard my name, I thought he was joking, he said, I am getting out of here before I get sprayed with bullets!  And he seriously got up and left, so I shortly followed, as if he knew something, that I didn't, but ought to . . . I knew those 4 military helicopters that landed at the hospital two days earlier, just might be loaded with feds, to take me out, since the local cops, either don't want to deal with me, or have just given up . . . I DASH!

It is not everyday, that gets some fed walk up to her on the streets of Salt Lake City, after a client, who was taken down and robbed by the Federal Trade Commission or FTC, to defend him against the feds, has someone stop and tell me, while I am sitting on the grass waiting for my son, or friends who don't even know I am in town, that I better stop doing whatever I am going to do against the feds, or I would be put in prison . . . I told him, if they are corrupt, I will go after them, and he responded, then you will be killed!  REALLY, FOR WHAT?

Stop playing gods, little and stupid as you are, and start getting with the trend, the rest of the world doesn't think you are cool, sophisticated, I can read you guys like a book, so stop it!  Your cracking me up . . . the day of the fighting man is over, and it is time for the female brain to take over!  There was a great article in the Missoulian, newspaper, about mothers, being the guardians of the future generations . . . we are tired of the fighting man, women will save civilization, we don't have competing heads!

Beads of Legend . . . Native American Women's Basketball Team, Plays at the 1910 or so, St. Louis World's Fair, Discriminated at Half Time by Commentators and Sport Attendees, Great Coach, Great Players, Beat Both the University of Montana, and Montana State University Teams!

I can't imagine, what female, Native American athletes had to endure by way of discrimination, to fight their way all the way to the World's Fair, and after fatigued by the game, put on their beaded dancing dresses, and performed at half time to get donations to cover their travel and equipment expenses!  We are now a century later, and I see what I have had to endure, and I can't even imagine.  Instead of being threatened by women, their educations, their reproductive powers and choices . . . embrace women, and what they contribute to civilization, the world, culture, religion, the work place . . . 

We need to look at the concept of the Japanese or Chinese, sorry the ugly American, of the Ying & the Yang . . . or the complimentary parts of the male and the female, and only together, do with create a world of good, peace, love, laughter, prosperity and happiness, no just for an alleged elite few, but for the whole world . . . we can do this!  Let the 200 school children go back to school, and value, not fear what you can't control, but respect and watch the wonderful contributions women can make to humanity!  

Think, the Powers Behind this Kidnapping Are Just Bucking to Get the World Into Another Conflict--Radical Peace, People Refusing War, Militarization of Police Forces, Fascism!  Freedom, Liberty, Rights--Good Model, Switzerland!

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