Berkeley Law Scholarship Repository
The Price of Admission: Causes, Effects, Patterns of Conditions Imposed on States Entering the Union
Thanks to my darling, and very smart, daughter, Greta Secrist Hyland, who just got accepted to the University of Montana School of Law, not her mother, the constitutional law attorney, found this article and sent me this excellent review of why Utah and other western states were given conditions for entry into the Union, thus invoking the retention of 20% to 90% of the states land, reserved under U.S. control, with the title in the title of this new blog post, from Berkeley Law, reiterating the fact that the United States, was concerned with Mormon loyalty, patriotism, social and moral consistency with the Union, and whether Mormons could actually pull off statehood under the United States Constitution, along with the main objection, that of polygamy, forcing the separation of church and state and other constitutional principles and concepts, that seemed to be at odds with the basics of statehood and inconsistent with the social engineering of the day, post Civil War Era!
Last Friday, after hearing a presentation by Carl Graham, formerly of Montana, now of the, Utah based, Sutherland Coalition For Self-Government in the West, presenting at Jake's Restaurant, in Missoula, Montana--great sirloin stakes--I wrote a blog on the cause of the problems in the west and with self-government, that the second prophet of the Mormon Church, Brigham Young, considered one ofthe great colonizers of the west, who sent the alleged saints, into all western states, and Mexico and Canada, taking polygamy with them! I mentioned the fact that in the conditions for statehood, the United States, forbid polygamy forever . . . seeing it as one of the twin relics of barbarism, the other being slavery, as seen by the Evangelical easterners, and Europeans, watching this new country unfold.
Every year in my family law class at the University of Utah, God's first and only university in Utah, I always had a class on polygamy and invited speakers, either form the polygamist community, or from students who had been raised in polygamist communities, or from women who had escaped from polygamist communities in Utah, Arizona or other western states that have to deal with the cancer of this insidious disease--97% of the time I am right, and the other 3%, I don't care about! I relish, every second of this, seeing that Utah, who is allegedly leading the battle, totally has egg on its face, and may, in fact, be the reason, that other western states, got their lands taken in the first place. LOL!
The great thing about this whole movement, Governor Gary Herbert, taking monies from the Utah School Fund, to pay for the lawsuit, frivolous as it is, futile, seeing that polygamy is not asleep in Utah and the Mormon Church, it is alive, well and kicking, rearing its ugly head in the Utah Legislature, who summarily took that section, prohibiting polygamy, out of the Utah Constitution, regardless of the express conditions to ever remove polygamy off the hit list of the U.S, with a requirement that 2/3rds of both houses of the legislature vote for a change, with a vote of the people, and the approval of the United States . . . who would never, never, never, lift that prohibition, lasting into forever . . . perhaps, that includes marriage for time and all eternity . . . probably a jurisdictional issue there. LOL!
Former, Utah Attorney General, Mark Shurtleff, Who Ran for AG in 2000, Expressly Ran on the Platform of Getting Rid of Polygamy, but He In Fact, Did the Total Opposite and Actually Facilitated the Spread of It!
Attorney General, Jan Graham, my old boss, a democrat, just before I left the inner sanctums of the Utah Attorney Generals Office, and the state of Utah, government, formerly being an insider, there was a movement afoot, to eradicate the practice of polygamy from the state of Utah, or at least get it under control, and stop the spread, with numbers, at least that were known, at around 70,000 polygamists in the Salt Lake Valley, alone . . . who knows about Southern Utah, or the normal looking Mormons, who were practicing, the principle, and nobody, including their families knew about it!
Case in point, a high school acquaintance, JoAnne Jordon, daughter of Dr. Jordan of Bountiful, Utah, where I grew up, was on vacation in Hawaii, and happened to be on a boat ride with a couple, who when they heard that she was the daughter of Dr. Jordan, expressed their condolences to JoAnne, about the recent death of her mother, who had just died of cancer. JoAnne, said, my mother didn't die? The woman said, well, isn't your father, Dr. Jordan. She affirmed the fact that he, indeed, was. Both women looked at each other and realized, they were talking about the same man; however, the wives, were different. Dr. Jordan, had an entirely different family, with 6 kids, over in Hawaii!
I am not sure if Mark was asked to head up the polygamy task force or if he just took up the cause of his predecessor, but he ran on the platform of taking care of the mounting concerns over the issue, that were creating problems for the state of Utah, through rising welfare, child abuse, food stamps, and other social ills, including murder, from warring polygamist cults, like the Allreds, the LaBarons, Laffertys, and the Jeffs . . .
Two of these groups were at odds with each other, and several of the LaBaron boys were in prison, for slitting the throats of their little brother's wife, Brenda, and his baby daughter, when this educated woman, fought for her life, and eventually lost it after a brutal slaying, in her Salt Lake home . . . my first day on the job, as an assistant attorney general, in the Criminal Enforcement Division, all the hard-core prosecutors wanted to shock their new little female colleague and showed me the evidence tape from the Lafferty murder, absolutely, horrifying, shocking, totally violent, with her body being slammed up against a wall, and dragged across the floor, showing the fight for life! The issue of the brothers' competency to stand trial was at issue around that time, which was about 1994 or 1995, lest one of my sisters claims that day, with the help of the Mormon Mafia!
Prior to My Departure From the AG's Office . . .
While I was the manager of the department and person over the Victim Assistance Program, in the Attorney Generals Office, when I was brought in by Jan Graham, interesting that Carl Graham, was the presenter a week ago, related, planned, a plant? But, a case came to our attention about a man, who had I believe four wives, three were living in the house, but one was living in the chicken coop, or the garage, and it was winter. This man, would sit home all day, and watch his wives and children, with surveillance in all the rooms in his house. Each wife was suppose to bring home, $1,000 per month! This was not uncommon, the wives were to compete on jobs, looks, sex, children, favoritism, physical attributes, etc.
You see, when you get an abused woman in a monogamous relationship, normally, the domestic violence shelters, can help them in about 30 days, get a job, get housing and transportation; however, they told me, when they got a woman from the polygamist community, they needed at least 2 years to help them, if they could help them . . . they had to undue all the brainwashing, fear of the outside world, and fucked up teachings of people like Warren Jeffs, the alleged prophet of the Fundamentalist Mormon Church, or FLDS. This morning, I was discussing the evils of polygamy with a friend, who was not born in the Mormon Church, but was converted, or forced by her grandmother who was Mormon to be baptized, after she was taken from her mother, by the state--but she said, or referred to the FLDS, as born again, Mormons! LOL.
No, they, the FLDS, never abandoned the principle of polygamy, nor followed the 1890, Manifesto of the Mormon Church that allegedly prohibited it, for statehood, or by divine manifestation, really, but the Mormons didn't either, but the issue is given life, or born again, by taking that forbidden forever status out of the Utah Constitution . . . all the while, Mark Shurtleff, Attorney General, stood by and watched it go, or was involved, as the number one law enforcement officer and attorney for the state of Utah! Mark, would actually go down to Southern Utah, where the polygamist are rampant and blatantly liver their lives, unhindered by the Utah Law Enforcement community, with the sanction and approval of the Attorney General, and I am sure, that was protected by now, bebunked, hand picked, John Swallow, who had to step down, after only 11 months in office, and where to you think, someone so new, learned all their tricks, from the old AG, Mark!
In the Pocket Sized, Copy of the Utah Constitution & Fun Facts, Patricia Kent and I Co-Authored, A Problem Then, A Problem Now, A Section, That Was Actually, An Email, Converted to Text, Was Written to Mark!
Once, I came out, or started to heal from my terminal brain disease, aka, man-made poisoning, or gum from a poisonous, African tree frogs, I stared to key into politics again, and got back just about the time, Arizona attorney general, through the help of a former detective and St. George, activist, finally apprehended, alleged prophet, Warren Jeffs, FLDS, but protected by Shurtleff, I got word, from the underground, and swelling woman's movement, who detested polygamy, that AG, Shurtleff, would actually go, and meet with the polygamist communities, and literally, ask them what they needed by way of help from him, and UTAH!
These people were depleting the welfare sources in Utah, and our attorney general, if you can call him that, was facilitating their fraud, and illegal activities, and actually protected these communities, who had no fear whatsoever, from prosecution. In fact, Shurtleff, at I believe, the direction of the Mormon Church, was being told what to do . . . and I think this would implicate, the current Prophet of the Mormon Church, President Monson!
Back at the time Utah was trying to become a state, Gentiles or non-Mormons within the state, who opposed Utah becoming a state, clearly protested, based on the fact that Brigham Young, who at times, was both Prophet and Governor, regardless of the later title, was the sole dictator of the Utah territory, with absolute rule and control! That is true for today. Everything that was said, over 150 years ago, applies today, all concerns by the United States, is just as relevant, raw and real, today, or even more so, with 70% of the CIA, FBI, and NSA, Mormon, plus we almost had a Mormon President, who every bit as much today, wants to establish a Mormon version of the Kingdom of God on Earth!
To the UnKnowing Citizenry of the United States, Polygamy is in CURRENT, Mormon Scripture, And All Mormons Believe it will Come Back!
These women in the Church, are just as bad as the men, look at the principle, as suffering for Christ's sake . . . for in the early days, only, allegedly, the very righteous, top 2% of Mormons, actually were allowed to live it . . . except for the ones married on the Great Salt Lake, the ones hiding in the caves in the West Desert, or the ones in Mexico, like Mitt Romney's ancestors, or those who moved to Canada to live it . . . with even post-Mormons, believing, in the principle, even though they reject the Church, go figure.
I presented to the group of Post Mormons in St. George, at the old Holiday Inn, now, the Lexington Inn, after the printing and distribution of the Utah Constitution & Fun Facts, was getting out and about. I remember looking into the audience of my peers, intellectually and professionally, and seeing the uncomfortable bristles, eyebrows raised, and jabs in wives, and friends ribs, when I mentioned the fact that under the Utah Constitution, polygamy had been banned or forbidden forever! I also told this stodgy group, that were hypocrites, for rejecting the beliefs of the Church, but acting pissed at me, kill the messenger, for telling them, that they now only would not, but could not have polygamy.
And, after seeing their disbelief, and rejections or objections to what I was telling them, I mentioned in defense of their wives, who I am sure still live under the totalitarian control of the priesthood, even inactive members of the patriarchy, that and I smiled, if it ever gets taken out, or rescinded and becomes not forbidden, that this little constitutional law attorney, will force the 14th amendment, call for equal protection and uniform operation of law . . . and I would have more than one husband, or polyandry!
I went on to inform this groups of gray haired, pot bellied, soggy old boys, that if they thought for one second, that I turn the other way, or that I do not get hot, when some hard bodied, hunk, walks by, and they think I would not climb on them, they were crazy! The women smiled and laughed, jabbing their unfaithful husbands, for they all are, just thinking about polygamy, if you want to go with the 10 Commandments, which states that a man should not covet his neighbor's wife, but Christ said, He who looketh at a woman, and lusteth after her, has committed adultery in his heart!
Try that one on for size, not only do these good ol' boys, lust, they actually start to pick our their spiritual wives, before hand, just in case the Utah Legislature is not found out, to be even so boldly as putting future constitutions in the Utah Code Annotated . . . perhaps, your dirty little secrets will be revealed to the world and your sins, shouted from the roof tops . . . as stated in the Doctrine & Covenants, current Mormon scripture, allowing a man to take 10 virgins, if he can find them, might be as hard as finding a righteous person in Sodom and Gomorrah! LOL!
I Am Actually, The First Female Bigamist in Utah, Married to Two Men Simultaneously, and Proud of It!
What is good for the goose, is good for the gander . . . I wasn't however, living with both men at the same time, but I could handle that, I dig men, all of them . . . that is why I am single, I can't make up my mind; in any given ride between Utah and Montana, I will think of 4 different men, and if God said, JoAnn, you can have any man you want, just tell me which on you prefer . . . I couldn't decide; therefore, God, I want more than one!
I just can't find one that fills all my various facets of my personality, I need one for my brain, one for my hobbies in politics, all for sex, of course, one who is a great cook, one who likes to garden, and all to support me, due to high financial demands . . . now, does that sound absurd to you, that is how these men justify their lust, desire, and wanton wishes for polygamy! But, hey, if you want the plain facts of it, Masters & Johnson, did a sex study, to see how many partners a woman could satisfy without getting tired . . . she did 16 guys, and they stopped, a woman can satisfy an unlimited amount of partners, not so for a man; therefore, with today's economy, and need for fewer kids to feed right now, with a need for two incomes to survive, and with the Mormon Church calling all mothers home from the factories, the offices, and the schools, a policy statement should be, that right now, it is more practical for women, not men, to have more than one spouse, but I doubt many would want more, sad but true, men!
Watch, I Will Be Like Al Capone, Who The Feds Tried to Get On All Kinds of Crimes, and Eventually Got Him On Tax Fraud--With Hundreds of Thousands of Mormon & FLDS Polygamists, the One Female, Me, Will Be Charged With Bigamy, a Felony in Utah!
I will want Mark Shurtleff back if that happens . . . but I don't think he will be as gracious if it is a woman, not a man, who gets more than one spouse, and I don't think he will tell, state prosecutors, that I have to actually commit, another felony or crime, before he would even consider charging me with polyandry, but you never know, he might, to protect the Almighty Mormon male dick, if threatened! LOL. Mormons have been known to throw cases, to protect, FLDS, Warren Jeffs, but Texas was there to fry his ass. I just hope to God that I am tried in Utah, but they have already tried me, stolen, robbed, attempted homicide, and taken all I have, even run me out of the state for fear of my life, so I doubt the same guys, who did this to me, Mark, John, will actually give me due process and equal protections of the law, they haven't so far! LOL.
As I Stated In My Original Email to the Former AG, Chiding Him For Not Making Good on His Promise to Clean Up Polygamy . . . Polygamy, a Problem Then, and a Problem Now!
For anyone interested, you might be able to contact Scott Holyoak of Parowan, a good friend, who might have an original copy of the Utah Constitution & Fun Facts . . . unblemished by Patricia, my partner, who, I am sure was bribed, or coerced by the Mormon Church to stop printing it, or at least stop printing the section, forbidding polygamy forever! And I am sure, she would have no qualms telling you, one of my Molly Muffin, Mormon sisters, or Mob sis, Shelley, was actually me, and I her! LOL, Mormons are just like the Taliban, they are on a Jihadist mission for the Church, a vision of what a Mormon World would b like, what and how much 10% Tithes from around the world could do, and teaming up with the world bankers, but Bushes, and the One World Order guys . . . no borders for missionary work!
Just like Muslims, Mormons are promised 10 virgins, to accomplish their feats of terrorism, Allah gives 70 virgins, so that is a better deal! Really, where are the majestic people, real men, who don't need a cadre of women to bolster their fragile male egos? Get fucking real! You are pathetic and disgusting, not only should the American people worry about the past Mormon, you better think twice about your Mormon CIA, FBI and now 30,000 spies in the NSA working in Utah . . . they run your government, have infiltrated your military, and your intelligence community, and almost pulled off a president . . . get a clue!
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