Like I Have Said--the Battle of the Sexes is Not Over
Males are more likely to pursue occupations where compensation is risky from year to year, such as law or finance. Perry & Biggs, p.27.
Now, all the excuses this clown ass writer comes up with can be dispelled by this one female attorney's story, and I am sure, that I am not the only women attorney who has horror stories that would follow much the same patterns. Author Selwyn Duke--symbolic, sell win, with the mentality of John Wayne, nick named the Duke, this cowboy attributes much of the female plight, to the fact that she chooses to work less, due to family responsibilities and child bearing . . . okay, well, I didn't go to law school, until I was 36 years old, and I graduated when my oldest daughter, graduated from high school, with all my children in school, while I attended 3 years of law school, at the J. Reuben Clark Law School, Brigham Young University, 1990 to 1993, well after the 70's push for the Equal Rights Amendment . . . I was totally ready for embarking on this male oriented profession, to play in the big leagues, go for the heavy weights, play in an equal arena, with the soul intent to fight and win!
My first case I ever filed, was a $357 million lawsuit, in a specialty area of law, securities, suing the governor, the attorney general, the director of the department of commerce, the division of securities, and about 8 attorneys and investigators, acting in their individual and official capacities, for the state of Utah! Henry S. Brock and Jay Rice, two financial planners, men, actually that got their asses in a ringer, and could not find any male attorneys in the Salt Lake area to sue the Division of Securities on their behalves, turned to this little female attorney, pit-bull who tore the state of Utah a new ass! So, I was playing in the big leagues, securities is a specialty area of law, and this case involved a knowledge of securities law, administrative law, civil and criminal law, in addition to constitutional law . . . and guess what, there was not a fucking male who dared, or was smart enough to take this case, and I did it against the Litigation Division's assistant attorneys generals, and two outside law firms! This little chick, was not chicken shit, like her fellow male attorneys, who were charging anywhere from $500 per hour, to $700 per hour in states like New York, all who followed my case, as I took it to the United States Supreme Court, single handed without a secretary, a legal assistant, nor any other attorney to help or consult with!
My Resume Coming Into This Law Suit--And Simultaneously About 30 Other Lawsuits, Against the Department of Justice, Homeland Security, Immigration Customs Enforcement, National Guard, States of Utah and Nevada, the Las Vegas Review Journal--$700 Million Worth of Cases + a Ton of Pro Bono, Family and Criminal Law Cases!
I started practicing law at age 40, after teaching argumentation and research, in the English Department, Utah Valley College/University and family law, in the Child & Family Studies Department, Brigham Young University . . . this is a skeleton sketch of my jobs, before I was poisoned for taking out 9 federal attorneys and investigators; you wanna talk doing dangerous jobs, this one almost cost me my life! Now, within 2 years after graduation from law school, when people saw the beefed up version of my resume, they wondered why I wasn't governor, so you are getting the abbreviated versions . . .
I was former, staff attorney, Utah Prosecution Council, assistant attorney general, Criminal Enforcement Division, Utah Attorney Generals Office--also teaching both argumentation and research and family law, at the University of Utah, and after finding out that I owed $1600 in taxes, helped a local Salt Lake attorney, of about 25 years, beat the largest law firm, if memory serves, Ray Quinny Nebekur with 87 attorneys at the time, on another specialized area of law, patent law, representing a man who got his invention for highly technical equipment for speakers, stolen, due to the shitty work of this big boy law firm!
I was sucked into the Utah Attorney Generals Administration, over 3 statewide programs, 13 staff, and 1800 volunteers, doing constituent services, community programs, and victim services, still teaching at two universities with two manuals under my belt, one on domestic violence and sexual assault, getting an award under the Clinton administration, serving as a national model, still in use, and now being used and adapted by the Department of Justice in their manual of human body trafficking. During that same time frame, I defeated prosecutor and cop legislation, asset forfeiture, which led to reforms in the practices of law enforcement and prosecution, in 27 states . . . talk about playing with the big boys, heavy duty, fucking take down they are still making me pay for to this day!
Later, I was, as always, from my first job on, offered a new job, almost to the day, starting a new job, almost every years, with the Utah Division of Aging, stealing me from the Utah Attorney Generals Office, stating that everyone can see what happens in any job you go into, it turns to solid gold! Mind you, I was in several other divisions in the attorney generals office, prior to being whisk away, when Congress appropriated monies for new staff attorneys, in each state, to assist the aging services in the 50 states . . . these guys hand picked me for the job! I was still teaching at the University of Utah, had my own anger management company, doing public speaking on anger management, for a minimum of 2 hours, at $500 per hour.
I went on to being offered the general counsel position with the Utah Medical Association, over some 3,000 plus physicians in the state, just at the time, the federal government was going after doctors, for alleged billing and coding fraud, for Medicaid and Medicare . . . instead of the docs getting eaten alive by the feds, we ate the feds, for violating doctors federally protected statutory and constitutional rights, with 9 falling to the efforts of a physician and her husband, after I found the federal regulations the fraud unit was fucking up on, saving the docs, and making national heroes of my docs for standing up to the feds. Still teaching at the U of U, still doing anger management, and now doing online programs for the elderly, dealing with conservatorship and guardianship's . . . and in high demand, until, magically, I was struck down with a terminal brain disease and told I was going to die, with no hope of ever working again, hello, poison, car bombs, etc. . . . try that on for fucking dangerous, you asshole, Duke!
Now, Let's Compare My Boss, Mark Nash
Sat on his fucking ass for the next 20 years, never got offered a new job, never tried for a new job, never taught at a college or a university, never applied for a grant, nor wrote a manual--he did teach out of the two that I wrote and won grants for, and still used them up to his retirement. He was making a fucking hell of a lot more money than I was, and the guy who replaced me got a bunch more too, even though I was above him on the food chain in the attorney generals office . . . now explain that again, why women don't make as much as men . . . less marketable, people-oriented, safer jobs . . . I fucked my former bosses, Mark, Reed, and Jan, plus ever prosecutor and cop in the state of Utah, plus 27 other states . . . so shove it you butt fucking lunatic! Good God!
Mark, my old boss, did however, join with Mark Shurtleff, the attorney general who should be in prison forever, along with his crony, John Swallow, who all teamed with the local prosecutors, cops, and judges, not only in the federal courts, but the local courts, to practice asset forfeiture, taking my $1.4 million home, with all my furniture, my law practice, my artwork, my baby grand piano, plants, vehicles . . . SUPPRESSION OF GIRL POWER GUSTO, DUMB ASS! And that comes of the heals of taking out narcotics cops, getting judges disqualified or taken off the bench for a time, suing Iron County for $56.7 million for corruption . . . and about a million other things this woman who is too afraid to play in the big boys leagues, afraid to fight to succeed . . . really, do you want to take me one?
Mark even had a 15 year head start on being an attorney . . . we can even say we started at the same place. Guess what, Mark never got more than his first law license . . . I had four bar licenses, with Certificates of Good Standing, at the same time I was going to the U.S. Supreme Court, actually being sworn in, back in D.C., while the state of Utah was trying to yank my bar license, so government doubles could be me, and steal over $200 million in contingency fees, already won! . . . SUPPRESSION OF GIRL-POWER GUSTO! Nothing more than professional jealousy, envy, greed, collusion, conspiracy, and as my undercover husband said, every cop, prosecutor and judge in this state hates you, because you make them look stupid . . . pull up any brief and it is total fidelity to the rule of law!
Blow You Struck For the Patriarchy
I can't even get the male dominated patriarchy, within the state of Utah, with 70% of the FBI, CIA and now NSA, to dare go after the assholes who did this to me . . . they wanted the money for Mitt Romney, wanted the tits and ass girls, the government brought in as me to get credit, you know that image thing, adulterers all, but I swear . . . going to hell for sure! You want to talk about dangerous jobs . . . really, try being chased, tracked, stalked, set up, jailed illegally, unconstitutionally, and even criminally, had your clitoris cut off . . . wanna lay your dick on the line for your job, fuckers! Come on, really, not being attracted to dangerous jobs, only a woman would take them on, never will be part of the good ol' boys club, nor would a woman worth her salt be tits and ass fodder for the boys club, I don't need to sleep my way to the top.
There is new campaign out, called Stop Bossy . . . actually I love it, bitch is fine too . . . I love Justice Sandra Day O'Connor response, much like I would say myself . . . I am not bossy, I just have better ideas! I had two very feminist grandmothers, my own mother, said, I must have gotten both DNA strains in me, but my grandmother who was roofing a house at age 83, said, If anyone is going to miserable, it is not going to be me . . . and anything a man can do, I can do better!
Tell the teachers at Sandy Hook Elementary, that they were not in a high risk job, not dangerous at all, really? Nurses, work in the place with the sickest people in the community, exposing themselves, way more than the doctors, changing clothes, taking blood, helping them go to the bathroom, etc. What does the doc to, walk around, look at their chart, and ask how they are? Are you kidding. And, as far as I know, they don't give any discounts to students choosing degrees in social work, or seeing them charge more tuition for business oriented degrees, so why in the hell, would they pay a professor of business more than someone in social work? I don't get it? If you chose to teach, for better hours, you get less pay! Same work, should be paid the same . . . period, distinguish for me, why, now, market demand . . . he could make more in the private sector, well, then get the hell out of teaching and go make more. So could a social worker in private practice . . . and your point is?
And comparing us to Norway, Saudia Arabia, Pakistan, India, Singapore or Malaysia . . . really? This goes beyond apples and oranges! WOW, and what did you say this guys credentials are? I guess bigot, misogamist, sexist, pig, might be better . . . I will match you resume, for resume, buddy!
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