You Are Not Animals!
I used to have an old orange at the bottom, white on top, Volkswagen Van, you know, the old hippy machines, that before all the new laws on kids being in car seats, until they are 18 and emancipated, you used to let your kids, crawl over the seats, play the slapping game and other travel worthy games, slug bug and such, before the era of home entertainment, being brought from the house, to the car, van or truck, with videos to keep the kids busy. One day, I took my son's kid, my son's best friend, and my son, without a name, and was going to the park or the duck pond to feed the ducks, the stale bread, or something to keep these 4 year old boys busy for a few hours out of the house, so my house would stay clean for 5 minutes.
I remember putting the boys in the van, and going back into the house for something, I think a snack or something, but when I got back to the van, and opened the back hatch, to the very back part of the van, I found these two little boys, wrangling and tussling, actually duking it out, in a serious way. I immediately grabbed them both, and shoved each one of them up against the opposite side of the van, and screamed, You are not animals, now knock it off! And that was that! Period. Never happened again.
Now, I am all about boys being boys, in a good sense, in a protective, even when called upon, for a good reason, to be combative, powerful, and intimidating, when dealing with an enemy, or a national threat, or real enemy combatants, and terrorists, fucking take them down! However, just to be a menace, cold-hearted, and blood thirsty killers, for no apparent reason, other than they were trained to be killing machines--fuck NO! We are seeing something in this nation, on our own streets, in our cities and towns, across the nation that is not only alarming, but shockingly unconstitutional.
Any Law That is Repugnant to the U.S. Constitution, Is Void, and Any Law that is Within the Letter & Spirit of the Constitution, Is Constitutional
Apparently, our treasonous, Congress, that is not planning on doing anything constructive, after the recent break, has actually, in all their ineptitude, done something astronomically harmful to the American People, and passed the National Defense Administration Act, or the NDAA, bringing war home, the Department of Homeland Security prepares for civil war . . . really? Now, under what article and section is this coming under. The only one, I can see that applies is Article III, Section 3, [1]--Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.
If I remember right, two former signers of the U.S. Constitution, were tried for treason, for merely suggesting that we open trade and the borders with Canada! So if all the hoopala, over troops rolling down your streets, taking over homes, and doing training exercises, on American soil, with the possibility of waging a war on American soil, under the auspice of setting up martial law, and dismissing the U.S. Constitution, and all rights of freedom and liberty, protections against such actions, would actually be considered, first void under the Constitution, and repugnant to it, and definitely not within the letter and spirit of the Constitution . . . so where do we go from here, do we let them, Congress and the President get away with this? NO!
Just to give them the benefit of the doubt, that they are acting in the Best Interest of America, Rather than the Best Interest of the World Bankers, who if they can't get America into a war with Russia, China, Syria, or Pakistan . . . they will take a war on the American people . . . do ya, think? War, is war, money is money--look at the videos of these militarized cops, FBI, and whomever, they all have to be outfitted with thousands of dollars each, and their little Homeland Security vehicles, are about $400,000 a piece, like the Bears, they are trying to equip and give grants to places, like Helena, Montana, as across the nation!
Powers Forbidden to Congress
Under Article I, Section 9 [2], they might have some argument to suspend, the privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus, but only in the case of Rebellion or Invasions the public Safety may require it . . . but with blue skies, calm cities, and no rebellion or invasion . . . no excuses! We fucking don't want a One World Order, nor anything to do with Yale, Skull & Bones Clubs, Wall Street junkies, addicted to our money, nor fucking Congress, who can't get anything done, unless it hurts the American People . . . so what in the hell is going on?
From the videos I have been watching on the subject, and seeing first hand evidence of the militarization of our police forces, along with the FBI, and other unknown cop agencies, connected with Homeland Security, I would say, whistleblowers are dead, center, right on . . . the civil war is shaping up right in front of our face, so why don't we force a national cleansing, and impeach everyone from the President to Congress as going to war with the United States! From the little experiment after the Boston Bombers, with bus loads of police, taking charge of the city, while accomplishing little, but terrorizing the citizens--if you will remember, after all this show of power, macho, and alleged balls . . . it was a citizen who called in the report of the guy in the boat, seeing blood, and citizens, who actually caught cellphone shots of the guys, so police would know what they looked like!
So, what the fuck was all the show of power and force for, and did nothing! Let's get real, America, we are getting less, for more . . . money, guns, vehicles, tanks, ammo, camo, boys toys, and that seems to be the extent of it, all the while, the economy is going to hell, well, almost. Maybe this is Obama's plan to revive the economy, employ seamstresses sewing war outfits, car manufacturers to make jeeps and other vehicles of mass destruction . . . well, no that would be wrong too, this is all for the benefit of the government contractors like Halliburton!
A List of the Fun & Games We Can Look Forward To . . .
As the Department of Homeland Security plans for civil war on America, I guess because the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights is having a comeback, and we are expecting our government officials to actually do what they are suppose to do . . . protect our rights, rather than take them away, we are considered in a state of rebellion and invading the carte blanche power of the government as was the case under the fucking Bush Administration, with Obama, getting carried away with the power of it all too, rather than using his alleged knowledge of Constitutional Law, we will just lock up all dissidents and intellectuals, as myself, and have our way with the people!
Okay, this is what we get to expect: 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition, when only 70 million rounds were used in the Iraq War, the creation of a New World Order, with a giant police force, war games practicing, preparation for martial law, a totalitarianism system of government--they liked those military marches in Red Square, Russia, or mowing down 400 students in Teanumen Square in China, or those awesome SS guys of Hitler's Nazi Germany . . . way cool, not! My daughter, in Navy Intelligence, took a tour to China, she said the tension, and oppression in Teanamen Square was so thick, you could cut it with a knife, in response, she put on her navy blue sweats, with huge, USA, down the legs, and jogged through the square . . . we don't dig, oppression! And we protect, 1st amendment rights to freedom of speech, and we dig our American Bill of Rights!
Sorry, back to the new America, draconian measures to control the people, prolonged detention, without charges, a hearing, and a limit to the amount of time you can be held in prison; see video of former CIA agent, Susan Linnauer, arrested under the Patriot Act, almost exactly my experience, but worse, Carswell Prison for female activists, her book is EXTREME PREJUDICE; institutionalized martial law, some would say in time, for Obama to continue to be president, with the U.S. Constitution out of the way; FEMA camps, 50 million plastic coffins, see, Jesse Ventura, FEMA camps, red dots or blue dots, so when foreign troops come on American soil, they will know to take the ones with blue dots to FEMA camps, and leave the red dots alone--I have never like the color blue, so I am safe. LOL!
There plan is to confiscate the guns of the Christians, persecute them as a threat--the military has already announced Christians for guns, or reading the Bible are a threat, mircro chips in humans, Georgia family, pioneers in a new world, volunteered--remeniscent of taking the sign of the beast in the Book of Revelations, 666, the military needs to grow the fuck up and get with what America has always been about, God, Guns & the Constitution . . . try it, you might like it, Jesus loves you! So there you have it, the brave new world, stinks to high heaven to me, what about you?
Suggestions to Stop the One World Order
- if boys need to fight, sign up as mercenaries in Syria or some other country that has conflict and likes it
- try paintball, you can get the same effect of shooting someone, war games, and victory
- sequester the blood thirsty in a first amendment zone, and let them express their anger for each other
- and if you get bored shooting each other, knives may be an option
- you might try reading the U.S. Constitution and the Bible and see what you are giving up for money
- try a new motto, rather than rewarding each other for kills, or stabbings, get a new mantra: in God We Trust, and In Jesus Christ We Are Saved . . . nice ring to it, totally American!
- Could move to Utah, and get a few extra wives to take some of that edge off, good replacement for male aggression--the rest of your lives, are like animals fighting during the rut, so have a battle like the bull elk, the bull moose, etc., and let the best man win . . . the women in Utah are their worst enemies, so have at it!
- perhaps arm wrestling, fishing, fishing with bow and arrow, from boats, for ugly black carp, rabbits are out by the thousands, at night in the deserts around St. George, plenty of target practice, before you decide to turn on your fellowmen and women, you are told to love!
- maybe President Obama can run for King of England, they like nobility--Article I, Section 9 [8] No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States; And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, or any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign state . . . there is life after the presidency, I think you are out of luck on the Congress voting for you, they may pay for you to go to England, however!
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