The Best Thing A Father Can Do For His Children, Is LOVE THEIR MOTHER!
This morning was the most rewarding Mother's Day, I think I have ever had, heard from three of my four children, my youngest son, wild red-head, who stole fire from the God's, bass guitarist for God's Revolver and Maraloka, Elliot, had a birthday last week, so I am sure, that is my contact for the next year, from a kid who is off to the four winds, and I never know where he is, or what he is up to, unless I just happen onto his name, as CEO of his own company, like my oldest daughter, Greta, discovered while researching black lung disease, and finding her little brother was the CEO of Black Lung Inc. . . . what? Of course, it could be worse, once Elliot was looking through recent arrests in Utah, looking for his cousin, Isaac, and low and behold, there was his mother's mug shot, so I will count my blessings.
Report from the Moab/Bundy Field--Spies Within, Greta & Dallas--Navy Slam Team!
Greta Secrist Hyland, and her husband, Dallas, of The Southwest Journal, called from the Moab, Utah war zone, where one of Clive Bundy's sons, was signing copies of the U.S. Constitution, pocket copies--I guess the son doesn't hold the same disbelief in the existence of the United States, and at least he is not teaching constitutional law from the trenches, with the militia members, who showed up in mass to respond and support, so clown ass idiot and his cronies, to ride ATVs up a road that has been closed by the BLM, after several locals and others raided sacred artifacts from Indian burial grounds!
Greta and Dallas were alarmed, and interviewed a sheriff, who was standing by with several of his deputies, who stood and watched while the marauders tore up the dirt roads, while the sheriff and his men, just watched. Dallas interviewed the sheriff or a deputy, and said, aren't you guys suppose to defend federal laws that were being violated, right as they were speaking--we'll yeah, but we are peace keeping, laughed a drove off. In defense of the sheriff, who has a job to be a peace keeper, definitely, I reminded her that is actually part of his job, and the situation may not merit, or call for that response, with the powder keg, that was brewing up there with the militia . . . that might be the right move, then arrest them, when they get home, without all their friends, charged and ready for a fight.
For every action, there is an equal reaction . . . back a year or two, 5 people were stormed by BLM and federal agents, and arrested for taking artifacts they should not have . . . one guy, died of a heart attack or something like that. That was the heavy handed government tactics used to terrify the participants, while law breakers, this was totally uncalled for; therefore, I would say, while the militia is flexing their muscles, straight off what they consider the Bundy Ranch, show of force, justified or not, but constitutional for sure, they are in their minds, taking down or responding to a tyrannical government, who has been out of control for a while, martial law and all.
Saul Alinsky's 12 Rules for Radicals--Rule #1. Power is not only what you have, but what the enemy thinks you have!
While the cops are increasing in militarization, thinking that these scruffy, unorganized, militia, can't do anything against their machines, guns, even tanks . . . really, I am hear to tell them differently, they have no idea what they are up against! Law enforcement may have the muscle, but they don't have the brains . . . paid officers, can't compare to those who bleed, red, white and blue! Lately, you have a bunch of retired or forced into retirement generals, corporals, and other military brass, who are refusing to go along with the attempt to, what constitutes taking Americans hostage, or firing on them, or using martial law against citizens, or training for the alleged time they will need it.
There guys are life time Marines, Air Borne, Army, Navy, Air Force, and Special Forces, just in civilian clothes, and much more organized than the paid 20 to 25 year old set, playing week end warriors, pushing citizens around, for fun . . . these guys are back woods, nitty gritty, down and dirty, country boys, who are used to hunting, tracking, shooting, catching and skinning their prey, and guess who that prey will be, if there is a conflict? Yes, you got it, those paid youngsters who are not smart enough to see who they are up against trained, combat ready, hard core, military personnel, from previous wars, and we are not talking peace keeping missions!
My friend is a 17 year, Marine vet, who was talking to a neighbor, and they were talking about how they wanted to end their lives . . . this 79 year old, Harvard, Quantico trained, that is where the FBI is trained, career, military officer, wants to die, taking out at least 12 of what he would call the enemy, meaning our own guys, who are terrorizing the citizens. Others, sleep with revolvers under their pillows, Navy, and listening to revolutionary music, about killing them before, they take our guns! This friend said he is going to take out at least 5 when he goes . . . and they are not pansy ass, chubby cheek kids, who have glamorized war, guns, and tanks . . . they have driven tanks, fought bad asses from around the world, and they don't take lightly the threats of government agents.
Just a word to the wise . . . my deceased, Intelligence Corp Marine husband, shocked me, when we could tell there was increased and unnatural activity up around out cabin, looking like feds putting up surveillance or listening devices on communication towers, and he said, I will blow them off the whole mountain, and he pulled a navy green, army container out of his orange Bronco, that his father bought him, the day he returned from Vietnam, Allan Rex Bess, also known as the man from Skoots Creek, who lived in the hills above Panguitch Lake, for three years after his father died, growing his hair down to his butt, running with mountain lions, coyotes, foxes, and other wild animals . . . crazy motherfucker! Good luck!
Daughter, Nicole, Working With Congressman To Get Tax Breaks Given to Teachers, for Home Schoolers--Cost Up to $4,000 for Materials!
Second daughter, Nicole, Air Force, special missions to Saudi Arabia, military linguist, #1 in her Spanish class, at Monteray Language Training, has traveled to 23 countries, did SEAR School, POW training, almost a master degree in International Relations, worked for Republican County Commissioner--husband, Army, linguist in Arabic, master degree in counter-intelligence and terrorism, my grandson, Yuri, could say the ABCs in English, Spanish, German, and Arabic, before he was three! She is a little conservative spit fire . . . gifted student since 1st grade.
Nicole is finding herself being appointed the spokes person for the home schoolers, in the Washington, D.C., area, trying to coordinate with a congressman, trying to pass legislation, to allow tax breaks for those teaching their children, at home, just as teacher in the public school system, get, spending their money on students, in their classrooms. There are a ton of home schoolers, in West Virginia, from liberals, to blacks, to conservatives, just want their children to get the best education they can. They are rejecting Common Core . . . and other government promoted programs, they feel are not in the best interest of their children!
Nicole, unlike her mother, is modestly, saying, but why am I getting sucked into being the spokes person, the one to educate, meet and write for the congressman--probably, because you have experience working with the county commissioner, getting baseball and soccer fields in, dealing with constituents, plus you are brilliant, beautiful, a confident woman, take charge, and secure in your abilities, and the reasons you are home schooling your children . . . what more do you need?
Nicole and her family, are trying to sell their house in Ashburn Village, and move to a more rural area, a new area, but with a city council and mayor. She joked with her husband, at dinner, in front of the kids, that maybe she would run for mayor. The next thing she knew, Yuri, her oldest son, very smart, beyond his years, was telling everyone, that his mother was going to be the next mayor of the town they are moving to . . . and she would be a great one!
The Brother of Elliot, My Oldest Son, Who Won't Let Me Write His Name In My Wild Blog, Guilt by Association, Is the THINKER, Up to Good, We Just Won't Know Until He Does It!
Anyway, a great, rewarding morning. Like Texas Hold em . . . you've got to know when to hold them, and when to fold them or lay them down! My children were given a ton of freedom, to do with their lives, what they want to do . . . and they have been more amazing, than I could have ever have tried, thought, or coerced them into being . . . I can't wait to see, what they do with their beauty, brilliance, ability, brains, freedom, law abiding natures . . . they had a very responsible, rock of Gibraltar father, you could tell the time of day by, and their unpredictable, wild, loose cannon of a mother . . . only time will tell, what these very balanced, cool, people, my favorite people in the world do . . . amazingly fun!
On this Mother's day, I want to say, and I know it is a cliche, that, my children are truly, the crowning jewels of my crown as a mother and person! What an honor, that God, had enough confidence to send HEAVENS BEST TO ME TO RAISE, TEACH, TRAIN, AND LET GO, TO DO THEIR OWN PATHS, GOD WANTS THEM TO TRAVEL . . . GOD, BLESS THEM ALL, THE WORLD HAS 4 CRITICAL THINKERS, WHO WILL MAKE THE WORLD A BETTER PLACE!
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