Sunday, May 4, 2014


Freedom in Christ

It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.

General Rule: Love God, and Do What You Want, In Jesus Christ

I am going to let you grapple with that scripture and the general message of church today, at Fresh Life, Missoula, campus . . . since you didn't go to church, this will give you something to substitute for it.  Now, I want you as you think about this scripture and concept, minus the religious dogma, liturgy, formality, conformity, religious pressure of your parents, pastor or bishop, to think about this is the context of your life, career, relationships, local, state and federal government, world, or about anything you want to apply it to.

The two great commandments are: (1) to love the Lord thy God; and the other is like unto it; (2) to love others as I have loved you . . . now that makes life pretty darn--see, I even have been purified a bit from my normal use of the English language, said, darn, not damn--that will make a lot of people happy, but that makes your life very simple--and all other commandments, hang on these two.  So for those of you working, hiking, at ball games, or watching sports on TV, shopping, or whatever, a good Sunday activity for a few minutes, would be to think about these concepts, their simplicity--KISS, Keep It Simple Stupid; avoid the minutiae.

The lesson was about the will of God . . . most of us would like to be in harmony with God, but we just don't know what he wants us to do, what college, what job, what spouse, what church, does he want . . . at times, he gives a rat's ass, but most of the time, he just wants you to do what you want, but love him, and do it in the name of Jesus Christ, that is, if you are in harmony with those two members of the Godhead or Deity.

Think about that, chew on it, let it cook in your brain, synthesize, analyze, but at least think about it, and what meaning that freedom has for your life.  I am now going to transition into other topics, and maybe, there might be something that will click.  These are just a few of the billboards, signs, or businesses, that I saw, walking from the west side of Broadway, all the way to the Break Cafe, great quiche, pastries, I would guess coffee, the Diet Coke is always good, breakfast sandwiches, and I haven't tried the other food items, but, I am sure they are great, staff, excellent, cool, these baristas, are the guys called the same or is there a masculine version of that word?

Brain Zone Exhibit at the University of Montana

I don't know if I will ever visit the brain zone exhibit, but the entire University of Montana, is a brain zone for me . . . I love colleges in general, but this one is particularly cool, love the law school.  In less that one week, I got to hear, Leon Panetta, former director of the CIA, and also former Secretary of Defense; and this last Thursday, I heard Robert P. George, and off the charts credentialed, smart guy of jurisprudence and religion, he sits on some International Religious Committee and came to talk about the concept of liberty, within the context of John Stuart's, philosophical framework of utilitarianism, and Newman's framework of liberty and the roll conscience plays in determining what an individual should or should not do with the rights they have.

While I have been working in the very heady area of law, even up to and including the United States Supreme Court, there is nothing quite like academia, to force you to dust off the cobwebs.  The law has a special vocabulary; however, that has almost become second nature to  me these days, common if you will after 20 years of working in the area of law, so to bet a vocabulary baptism of fire was fun and an exercise my brain needed, added to applying the principles that Mr. George was trying to get through our thick skulls.  

Oh, and I forgot that the week before that, the Montana Supreme Court, heard oral arguments in the Dennison Lecture Hall, on the doughnut or property issue of who should control the area, unincorporated, outside of Whitefish, Montana--the city, with more stringent ordinances, codes and regulations, or Flathead County . . . fascinating stuff, active judiciary, and bright attorneys, did our profession proud!  I used to think, that city planning was boring, my ex-husband is a city planner, down in Mesquite, Nevada, with a masters degree in urban development, but after taking one property law class in law school, I changed my mind . . . amazing what an education will do for you, teach you just how much you don't know!

Great university, and I get to live right across the river from the law school and the college, a dream come true.  I was raised with a grandmother who was dean of women at Southern Utah College, at the time, sitting in her children's literature class, as Guinna pigs, for her students, to read to, or when a bit older, get out of grandmother's hair, and go bug the actors in the Adam's Shakespearean Company, just down the street from granny's house a block.  Then following in Elaine Christensen Southwick's foot steps, and teaching at three colleges myself . . . my playground!

Majestic Madness

Along these lines, I had a fun conversation with my oldest son, who doesn't want me to use his name, because his wild ass mother, is a bit too open with areas of her life, like her sex life, online . . . but he is missing the principle and concept or the bigger picture of why I am writing some of this stuff . . . when I heard, President John F. Kennedy, say, ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country . . . I took that challenge personally, so if my experience with two black lovers, will help change a person who discriminates, or is a bigot, or a racist, which we saw big time, with Cliven Bundy, Nevada Rancher, last week and LA Clipper's owner, Sterling, who got fined $2 million dollars, has to sell his basketball franchise, and is banned from ever attending their games . . . thanks Adam Silver, for imposing that, as a new commissioner of the NBA--it is time!

There is method to my madness . . . I have had up to 155 million hits, so you can't argue with success, son!  And I hit that twice in one day, writing two articles; since then the government has split my blog, changed the name, taken 7 hits for everyone I get, and now, you have to know the entire name to get into the blog, it used to be that you would just type bad, or bad ass, and the blog would jump up . . . not any more, then, they shut down the whole blog, and so I started the Internet Sheriff: No Country For Stupid Men & Women . . . blog, and they stole that too!

People have freaked out, seeing the numbers I used to get, and said, you could have made millions with Google paying you one cent per hit, big time money, and that is not the whole day, that is within seconds to get that many . . . I need money, I am guilty of majestic madness, but I want the blog to be pure, untainted by American greed, influence, or the appearance of endorsing anything but . . . A BEAUTIFUL NEW WORLD!  Very different, indeed, from the One World Order, both President Bushes and the world bankers foresee . . . I want one based on the concept of FREEDOM!

The two biggest enemies to the one world order, is Christianity and the Constitution . . . both advocate freedom . . . this is not a selfish effort, this is an effort of love, not just for the people of the United States, but for the world!  I care what is happening in the Ukraine, Iran, Russia, Syria, South Africa--I wrote about female circumcision, back 20 years ago, and was so pissed off about it, I was going to skip the bar exam, and go straight to Ethiopia, because some international law group was going to help that country write their constitution, but my friends were sure, I would get on my soap box, and have some tribal chief spear me with his weapon . . . shortly after that, a female missionary was killed in just that manner!  But I care!

I Told My Son, He Could Get A New Mother--Glass Tree Concept

Every year, it seems, like my son, whom I can't tell you his name, but he s the brother of Elliot, or bass guitarist, of God's Revolver and Maraloka, have either a political run in or this year, some lame ass exchange that ends up with me hanging up on him, as happened yesterday.  Last year we fought over politics, and I told him to get a new mother, two days before Mother's Day, of all the horrible times to tell your son that.  But I called him and apologized, and he told me he was looking in the want ads for a new mother!  At age 17, he wanted to be a comedian, he still has the flare.

A month ago, I had a dream that this son,  you will never know the name of, was going to be president some day.  The more I thought about that, the more I thought he would be a great President, his wife, a great first lady, and my granddaughter, a great first baby.  My son, and his wife, had their baby within days of Prince William and Kate, and they have the same coloring, blond husband and dark haired wife, but I thought, in England, they make a prince, in America, we make presidents!  And when we are lucky, they come from good, but common stock--that is the American dream, this is open to anyone, not just royalty, or the blue bloods, but any man or woman, or child could grow up to be president, amazing what freedom does!

When My Son Demanded I Take My Blog Down, I Text Back "NO"

When the brother of Elliot, Greta and Nicole, was little, we would walk through a store, and my children, like other children, would ask for gum, and I would simply say, No.  Period . . . my children knew, when I said no, it meant, NO!  There was no debate, no tantrums, no crying, kicking or screaming that worked . . . and it didn't this time.  So for a while, he called, and text, but to no avail, his sister called and told me, my oldest son, he did say I could refer to him that way, if I didn't take the blog, saying he would be president . . . now this is a dream, mind you, he was never going to talk to me again.

So, I tested him, and didn't take down the blog, or call him, nor take his calls.  So, when we talked yesterday, it was a bit energetic in tone, mood, and threats.  I reminded him that he was to honor his mother and father . . . he told me that I should honor him; I love the scriptures, and the law . . . and I said, it, referring to the 10 commandments, doesn't say that!  I told him, he could pick any of my sisters or brothers to exchange places with their children . . . he didn't get the brains, the looks, the personality, the law abiding citizen he is, nor the tolerance he got from his parents, he got the whole package, if he chose to change his lineage . . . and I reminded him that ingratitude was the number one thing God hated, I think all things considered, and straight exchange, was out . . . his cousins don't  hold a candle to him or his siblings, in my mind!

After this strict constructionist in both the law and the scriptures, made my point, I took the blog down . . . he said, Thanks you, Mom with a smiley sign . . . so all is well; however, our conversation, did give me and new interpretation to the dream!  It all makes sense to me now . . . in the dream, simple as it was, the brother of Elliot, was standing at the podium, in the White House press room, and I was sitting where the press generally sit, nobody else was in the room, except for the person, who whispered in my ear . . . your son will be president.  That was it.

New interpretation, my oldest son would be amazing as president, but nobody will ever know, because he won't let me use his name, the powers that be won't know where to find him, or who he is . . . they will just remember I wrote about some guy, I had a dream about being president . . . not a bad thing for a parent to think or dream, in the subconscious realm, but, sad, nobody will know his capacity, compassion, his brilliance, his wife and baby, or his name!

But all is well that ends well.  However, as I was looking for the news on the Internet last night, right after taking the strange dream, not so strange dream blog down . . . there was a shot of President Obama, reaching out and holding a baby, that looked about the same age as, the cousin of Kael!

I Just Saw a Sticker on a Car--Life Without a Conscience--with the picture of a stodgy looking guy, like a world banker, or venture capitalist!  That fits!

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