Chuck Pagano . . . chuck is to throw, discard, get rid of, and Pagano, has three parts, page, blog page, my version, unedited, because they take out the parts that are damning to them! Ann oh, JoAnn oh, so they are chucking my work, then, recycling it as if it is there, you will notice, that, I can have 33,000,000 hits or results for the day, and the top, 10 hits or lists, and that is based on the traffic or the number of readers, but then, if you go into the actual blog list, there will be a 9, or 23, or 68, because, they are all acting under the umbrella of me, my name, my blog title and blog name, blogspot, and intercepting all the hits, results, money, I grow, they mow, and then, the number of hits, actually, being attributed to me, are, like, nothing! So, people will read the blog and think, nobody is reading it, when, fucking everyone is! I can go into, some no brand produce, or someone, barely known on the news, but who has a presence, and put in their name or that product name and, add, .com, and I am fucking on everything, some in huge numbers, some I discover, that, are like 379,000,000, but, if I mention, that number, or site, they steal it . . . they have taken the blogspot, expanded, made many versions, even used individual blog titles, all marketing it and making money, for them, on marketing my work, and then, trying to make it look, like I am not getting hits . . . that is how, Elliot could think, that he is reading Kay, or Shelley, anyone, Brett, Sue, Rachel, all taking up, OPEN SPACE or new subjects, and claiming, that they are theirs and taking all the money from it . . . fuck, I write about, 20 topics in one blog, but, they all have an assigned space, as part of me and the perfect pie being divided, to all of them, and none of me, the writer, the creator, the bio that drives, and the mind that entertains, trains, enlightens and encourages, and inspires!
Jared Goff . . . Jared, think, professions, what about Jared, he was, the IT person for the state of Utah, Department of Education, so, he has the skills to steal, edit, block, hack, do whatever from a remote location, so, hacking on steroids, going against, a sister, your mother, who was poisoned and lost, 10 years of technology changes, so I am a victim of that lost time, and my blog is an open blog, and they have used, abused, blocked, stalked, and stolen, my intellectual property for four fucking years, and with a ton of knowledge they don't have! I just had, some strange shit going on, with a new attempt to fuck this blog, all turned to blue, as if to say, it all belongs to Mormons, yeah, and they have taken all MY MONEY! I was hoping, that Jared Goff, or great off! meant that I could just write and do my thing without someone watching me and laying in wait to steal, every fucking day! But, do to them, just trying to lock this in blue, as if I copied it, the computer kept, showing that I need to select all, copy, cut or paste, which were none of the commands I did, and it was not letting me out of that spin cycle, so, I moved the page up and it let me out without losing all MY WORK! They have presented themselves and ME, but they are NOT ME, nor do they OWN THIS BLOG, ME OR MY KIDS . . . I am not government issues, and they can't sell me, or exchange me for a honorable discharge of my father from the OSS! We are not a package deal, I can hate my father, but he is still my father, I can chose not to be around my family, as I have, except my kids, but, they are still my kin, but they are not me, nor do they have a right to buy, sell, or even edit this blog, and claim it, nor my kids and grandkids!
Chris Carson . . . rookie for the Seahawks, think, think, think, of what I am trying to tell you!
Ezekiel or Zeke Elliot . . . while he is under suspension for domestic violence, that has nothing to do with, Zeke, your father, or Elliot, your brother, but know I am talking about one or both, but a personal connection through the names, not the person or the sport, crime or whatever!
MaMafia . . . that means, pay attention, kids, you are my mafia, or cops working on my case, or this has to do with kids! Think, connect the dots, make some guesses, not idle chattering!
Tom Hacker . . . there is carryover, between blogs, if I say, in one blog, that Tom Vail, my client, had lunch with, the CIA, and from that point on, they stole my lawsuit, with him, what is the connection, now to the name, Tom, CIA, and Hacker, is easy, CIA HACKERS! That goes into the dark web, and the deep internet. It would be impossible, for you to remember, all the names, but some should be obvious, if there is an organizational chart, known to have been done by the FBI and cops, to solve crimes with organized crime, like this is and with you going against older, trained, professionals, who do this for a living and the more I train, you, the better they are trained as well, so I have to have faith, in your purity, goodness, and intelligence to beat, the devils!
Tyler Locket . . . just a name I heard, on the radio, Seahawk player or someone, but, who is Ty? your cousin, so symbolic of your cousin, or having to do with Shelley, or connected somehow, Tyler, Ty liar! Lockett, lock it! In the blog title, I make reference to the mix, match and attach of the kids, her losers, and I love them, but as you know, they have issues, stealing from their closest cousins, or sister, aunt, all sickos and jealous, insane, like Shelley, with jealousy and envy, too . . . Lock in Shelley's kids with, her, and mine with me, not allowing my kids, to shift back, to Rachel or Sue or Shelley, that is total bull shit, then, you are actually, aiding and abetting the criminals . . . MINE ARE MINE, and THEIRS ARE THEIRS, CIA, FBI, deal with it! FUCK, parents are parents, kids don't get choices, we are who we are, they can work with who they want, give THIER MONEY to whom, they will, but, to attach me as mother, so they can steal my money, name and titles, fuck NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Zeek's Pizza . . . dah! Take the context and the other symbolic names and places, and add that name, your father's nick name, into the mix, or keep it in line. It is like doing an analysis of the Constitution, you don't take one line, or one article and one section, separate and free from all else, it works in a whole work of art, in its totality, with, at times competing issues, but, the plain language, intent and history, should clear that up! as it does with the totality of this crime and story, carryover!
Blue Diamond Almonds . . . now blue can be symbolic of Democrats, but that is not the context that I use it in, unless I am talking politics, and this could be confusing, because, the red, is associated with Republicans, and the blue, to the Dems, and I refer to myself as PURPLE politically, because, I am trained to be a compromise, which is what, the Constitution, was intended to do, take both sides or at the time of its writing and creation, there were 12 competing views and parties, so, the subject will determine the color connection . . . when, talking about, the Mormon Church, it is blue, boring, blah, watching paint dry for me, and red, is me or power, energy, passion, rose red, not rose white, so the context is critical. So, blue, the color of Mormons, diamond, die, mon d, or die money dead, or almonds, all money dead, s or Secrist . . . "J" for JoAnn, or Ann for JoAnn, or "S" for Secrist. So, BLUE MONEY IS DEAD, BECAUSE IT BELONGS TO SECRIST, NOT THEM! BRETT USED TO SAY THAT MY BRAIN WAS MORE COMPLICATED THAN THE FEDERAL TAX CODE! So, some individual letters will be indicative of something, like "E" or Elliot, or "N" for Nicole, etc. Hard stuff, and that is why, I need my kids, to read it, all 1800 almost blogs, in their entirety to get the big picture, because, while I write in code, there is a story line, often, I am trying to let you know something they don't, because, the smarter I make you, the smarter they get also, and use it against me and you!
Tracey Taylor, Taylor Swift, Elliot's middle name is TAYLOR, so something about him, or something about them, Taylor is connected to me, because I am Elliot Taylor's mother, so, if I am writing, TAYLOR SWIFT REPUTATION . . . that may apply to similar patterns in the way we treat men or how fast we go through them, or it may indicate, the way they feel about, both of us, dropping husbands and lovers, or boyfriends, I probably what got me into all this. Or, Tracey, I could be getting traced, even by Elliot, or Taylor, following my moves, to see, if my blogs, coincide with, where I am walking out of. Unlike my doubles, I am actually, where I am writing from . . . so if I write, Diva Espresso, check my debit card, because, I was there, this morning. To look, like Shelley or Rachel or Kay are me, they will give them, clone cards, but they are NOT where I am, or I WOULD SEE THEM! Now, I am sure, that Jared, or some NSA hacker, working with the CIA or FBI, all MO's and insiders, can program in, my fav watering holes, and then, exchange them with their favorite watering holes where they are, or where they live or might be!
Rachel Bell, Your Last Meal . . . .of course, you know, Rachel, and you may like her better than you do me, that happens and she has a motive, to get your money and to claim you kids, so she can keep lover boy, Kennedy, who, refused to look at my RED HEADED ROCK STAR, leading me to believe, that he was up to no good! Bell, connected to schools, Shelley selling books to elementary school librarians, and your last meal, could refer to this is the last blog we are going to allow you to use, or take credit for, or steal . . . this shit should have been stopped, YEARS AGO, LIKE 1800 BLOGS AGO! NEVER SHOULD HAVE HAPPENED! LAWLESS HARLEY DAVIDSON (HERMAN MUNSTER). I am not sure, still, if the dude, I met and the dude that Rachel is with, are one in the same, or he is a double of Kennedy, whom, I believe to be older, but, Kennedy, is the one who would not look at Elliot and his band, but that could have been that he was a cop, and had been told that, Elliot was Brett's and Kay's or Shelley's and Frank's, aka, JoAnn's and Allan's, I am just guessing and throwing out seeds, and you with all the spy gear have to do the checking! I CAN'T SEE, MY KENNEDY, BEING ATRACTED TO RACHEL, IS HER DUDE, A CLONE OF KENNEDY? LIKELY. AUTHENTIC LOVES AUTHENTIC! But, I am not a man.
Doug Baldwin . . . that could indicate, any man, but the last name is symbolic, bald, or raw, or naked, or whatever, win . . . that could swing both ways, that without the money, power, my kids, my name and whatever, I win him, standing alone, or it could mean, that, he wins me, just throwing thoughts out that might lead to some information and conclusions, or insights, may break open the case, or may do nothing. SOMETIMES MOM GETS IT RIGHT!
Dorey Dare . . . Elliot's band, God's Revolver, has been compared to Jim Morrison and the Doors, and D.A.R.E., is the DEA in school, drug awareness and recognition education, or something like that . . . I just killed the program, never went through it! Smile. A chick told me, that, her kids all were exposed to the program and the only kid that was a graduate of the program or well into it, was the one who had problems with DRUGS! LOL. But, DARIGOLD, or the Dare cops have my gold, or Elliot's gold, Doors Dare.
Shaquille or Shack Griffin . . . now this would be more for, insiders in the securities case of Brock, Mark Griffin, was the former assistant attorney general, working with the Division of Securities, when, Shelley cut her deals for her and grandpa, protecting them against securities fraud, in exchange for testimony and witnessing against her husband and her boss. When I first contacted Mark Griffin, he was agreeable and was willing to sign and affidavit and tell what happened, not with Shelley, because I didn't know anything about, her at the time, even didn't connect when she asked me why I was suing all my friends from the AG's and Governor's Offices? I didn't know how Shelley knew them at the time? but I know NOW! The way to take care of the case, is to award Shelley, at a discount, and take it from me, the BIG CASE, SHACK, $357 million, Utah gets bragging rights, Republicans get credit, Mitt Romney, gets to associate and take donations, and we cut JoAnn off from her attorney's fees, while keeping all the benefits for the MO'S!!!!!!!!!!!!!
all the men, I have been with, become significant, from ZEKE or Richard on, now, Shelley was not married to Zeke, making my kids, hers, going with her, to Frank! FUCK?
- Zeke or Richard Clifton Secrist, Clifford or Clifton, or Zeek, derivatives of names
- Jerry Owens, Chestnut, Jerry Lee, all hooked up with Shelley, as she followed me around to be ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Brett Todd Stewart or Stuart, all the Stewarts in Wellsville, spell it Stewart, and Brett spells it Stuart? Connections to Judge Ted Stewart, judge on my $56.7 million case, that was credited to Kelly Anne Booth? Big ass chunk of change . . . believe me the overview of this is shockingly, illegal, unlawful, unconstitutional, and CRIMINAL, and there are patterns of criminal enterprise, and organized crime, going to the top of the Mormon Church, Utah State Government, all arms of the Church, FBI, CIA, NSA, alphabet soup agencies!
- one thing that comes to mind with all the hurricanes and storms, hitting one after another, is that, Brett, psychopath, but charming, was, reading Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, but he was also, reading on being the weather gods, or some book like that . . . they have fucking Monopoly money of mine, that I make everyday, same with marketing the good, while being evil, devilish and wanting to control the world, and they are not the first to attempt to do that, they, just have endless funds to play with, that was 10 years ago, we know the government, Area 51, HARP and other weather modification programs are under way. Are these hurricanes, hitting America, one after another, after another, lined up, being used to replace the first attempt to break America, in 2008, through the banking systems, and mortgage failure, and moving onto to acting like this is an act of God or punishment, or whatever, when I reality, the only way to get the new order of the Bushes, Cheney, Mo Church, or the CIA and military plan, is to BREAK AMERICA and GET RID OF THE UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION! WHICH I AM PROTECTING AND TRAINING ON DAILY! THEY CAN'T BREAK THE SPIRIT OF AMERICA, ENOUGH TO BRING US TO OUR KNEES, TO TURN TO THE WORLD BANKERS IN BRITIAN . . . JUST THE OTHER DAY, NEW ANCHORS WERE PROMOTING THE BRITISH STORM TRACKERS AS BETTER THAN AMERICAN TRACKERS? THINK, THINK, THINK . . . THEY HAVE THE MONEY, BUT, WE KEEP STOPPING THEM, PRAYER IS STRONGER!
- Frank of Interpol, aka, Allan Rex Bess, murdered, by Shelley and cut up, removed, burned and buried in new cement, on the basement walls of the Bess home in Parowan, Utah . . . that is why, they are keeping me out of my house, the real Allan, loved me, the fucking Frank, THE DOUBLE WAS BROUGHT IN TO DESTROY ME, USING NORAD, MILITARY SPECIAL AGENTS, DIA, AND OTHERS, THEN, THEY PUT SHELLEY IN MY PLACE, STOLE MY HOUSE, MY FAMILY MONEY, AND THEN STAGED HIS DEATH, WHICH IS A JOKE, AS IS JESSE'S, SHELLEY'S OLDEST SON . . . THIS IS ALL SMOKE AND MIRRORS!
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