We Should Be Tired Of Silly Political Grandstanding!
- United States Constitution: (1) Can't racially profile; (2) Can't discriminate on basis of religion, ethnic background, creed, etc.; (3) Can't target Muslim neighborhoods, treating them different than any other neighborhood . . . or you have to do every neighborhood, all or none; (4) Can't deny life, liberty or property, without due process of law and equal protection; (5) Can't deny Muslims entrance into the United States, nationalization process same for everyone . . . etc.
- Geneva Convention: (1) Can't torture, waterboard, use enhanced interrogation techniques . . . I was thrilled to hear, that FBI, CIA, will not, even under orders, as in the Bush/Cheney regime, violating, the Military Code of Conduct when dealing with foreign prisoners and even terrorists. Remember, we too, have members of our troops, kidnapped, captured, tortured, used as POW's; (2) We want to protect our troops, the very best we can, encourage the best treatment if they are captured, and we don't want to have our boys and girls, serving their country, mistreated, because, we mistreated Muslim or other service members.
- Army and Military Codes: (1) Some of these controlling documents, predate the formation of our country, and date back to the days of the Revolutionary War, when brother was fighting against, brother, and father against son! (2) You could say, do unto other prisoners what you would have done to our prisoners of war! (3) War is inhuman, at best, and provides opportunities to be, as depraved, disgusting, horrendous, and hideous, as we will allow happen! (4) We don't want to be the champions, of Man's Inhumanity to Man!
- There are about the same number of Jews, Mormons and Muslims in America today, they make up about, 1% of the American population . . . in Belgium, they make up about, 6% . . . Europe is an open society, and all people can freely move, in and out of the country, going from Turkey to Italy! 5,000 Muslims, went from Europe to Syria and Iraq to be trained in the ISIS style, and came back into the segregated communities, with some of those neighborhoods, protecting, one of the Paris bombers, hiding him from Belgian authorities.
- We have, roughly, 6,000 Muslims serving, their country, in the U.S. Military
- 10% of American doctors are Muslims--these are not the people you will find, ghettoizing, neighborhoods across America. Many of the Belgium, neighborhoods that authorities are worried about, serving as spawning ponds for terrorists, came to Europe to work in the coal mines and other industrial functions, in Belgium and other European countries.
- Many Muslims come to America to get their educations, they teach in our universities, colleges, and other training facilities, just like everyone else and they were listed as one of the segments of society, that are upwardly mobile.
- 900 New York police officers are Muslims. NY police commissioner, Bradley, I think is his name, and the cops tried, to do exactly what, Cruz, encouraged or competing with Trump, for the meanest, politicians, playing to the anti-establishment crowd, and the angry, grumpy old man, syndrome, that everything is shit in America crowd, and guess what, it didn't work, all the surveillance and money, sunk into this inane police experiment, didn't produce jack shit! The program was stopped and seen as unfruitful.
- Cops and the intelligence community, rely on the Muslim community to provide, relevant, and reliable information, on possible terrorist cells, that, might, not only be a threat to America, but to American Muslims and their faith; therefore, due to the public interest and policy, these citizens, are very concerned with the image of legitimate Islam, making distinctions for those who would lump all people of dark skin, in racially profiled stereotyping, and demonize all Muslims! The most damaging thing, would be to create an atmosphere in America, where decent members of society are blamed and categorized, as all being bad, which is no more true, than lumping all Jews, Mormons, Japanese, or any other, religious or ethnic group, in to the good or bad, classification! To make classes of demons or angels, is just as damaging, and deceiving, and detrimental, either ignoring, the bad, within a group, we call good, like making FBI, CIA, NSA, DIA, and other members of the intelligence community, who are Mormons, who don't smoke, drink, and allegedly don't have sex outside of marriage, lol, and have language skills, giving them a free, pass, say, on the type of shit, that is being done to me, all the time, like stealing, my cases, my homes, trying to murder me, poisoning me, blowing up my cars with pipe bombs, taking my truck, homes, cabin, furniture, art, law practice, blog--just fucking today, taking credit for my water law analysis, work at the legislature, and on other critical work, since the fucking day, I stepped into Montana . . . free pass, to murder me! Not good on either side! Not even documenting, writing almost 900 blogs, with dates, times, cases, judges, cops, prosecutors, attorney generals, etc., is enough to convince other law enforcement, that the fucking Moron sitting next to him, is deep into a murder plot to get rid of me, to get to my families money, fucking local cops, persist, even after seeing me, reading my blog, knowing where I am staying, going to where I eat, even with pictures, continue to believe, that I am this horrible person, while they, tolerate the fucking GODDAMNED MOB, believing that a former psychic palm reader, voodoo bitch, is the attorney, or the flight attendant, when they just STEAL MY SHIT, and they couldn't write, not one fucking BLOG POST!
Now, I am getting pissed, and losing all objectivity . . . I am the fucking ATTORNEY, lame asses . . . the ONE AND ONLY, JoAnn S. Secrist, J.D.! I left, Kalispell, Montana, on the Salish-Kootenai Shuttle, arriving in Missoula, at 6:30 P.M., stayed at the Sleepy Inn! FAKE BOOBS, DO NOT EQUAL BRAINS! That is the World According to Trump and Cops! I don't care if every high schooled, diploma toting cop on the goddamned planet, prefers to fuck these hags, THEY DON'T GET TO CLAIM, MY DEGREE, MY EXPERIENCE, MY CREDENTIALS, MY INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY, THAT IS USED ALL OVER THIS PLANET, THE SECOND I POST, IN A BILLION HITS, PER DAY OR MORE . . . FUCK, THEY ALREADY GET MY BILLIONS IN MONEY, LIKE THEY GOT MY MILLIONS FROM MY CASES, AND MILLIONS FROM MY SON'S BANDS! BUT OF COURSE, MORMON CONNECTED LAW ENFORCEMENT DID TOO!
P.S., I just posted, my blog, guts, will say, Pacific time, 9:39 A.M., but, it was 10:39, now, 10:41 A.M.! I just figured out how to get on, the Internet, without the "G" on my desk top icons . . . that, got stolen with my blog this morning! I am still in front of the McDonald's surveillance cameras, two on my right hand, in front of my face, and my friend, Annie, is sitting, right with me, in a light teal and cream colored coat.