Trumpkins vs. Sophisticated Thinkers
I read a great article, in the Missoulian, newspaper, written by political pundit and very smart guy, George Will, whom I don't always agree with, but, I do dig, reading his, elevated level of writing and his vocabulary, always, thrills me, but, I loved several of the statements, he made about Trump followers, that early voters, jumped on the Trump bandwagon, without, the slightest thought, of what he was saying would do, not only to the fabric of the country, the long fought battles, over racism, sexism, bigotry, etc., that came with a huge price in blood, of our forefathers and mothers, fighting for the true American dream, that of bringing about Utopia, or a dream of the ideal society, the founding fathers, foresaw, while not seeing, it in its entirety, but, having the vision, of what might be accomplished, and as the human species, evolved and grew, using the basics and the foundation of what was set in place, whether on purpose or by divine, will, the true vision of all men, being created equal, justice for all, started to unfold, prosperity for me and mine, general welfare, common defense, a more tranquil environment in which to conduct the business of this country, and how it intersects with the other countries and peoples of the earth, sharing the same planet, breathing the same air, and wanting the same things for their children, with all of us, so connected, through, the worldwide web, commerce, the economy all rising and falling together . . . we cannot afford, to go backwards in time, and there are countries, looking for America, to lead, or at least share in leading the whole earth, safely into the next century, with decades of peace, and yes, even love, which is sorely missing, in the Trumpster's vocabulary and in his policy comments, scaring the shit, out of the thinking man and woman!
Clown-Fuck-The-World Rallies
Trumpism in the garden of conservatism might still stunt its growth by causing his supporters to have second, or perhaps first, thoughts. A steady diet of his self-adulation can be cloying: even an entertaining boor can become a bore. News commentators and others, have given Trump, unending time, to rant and rave, but, we never hear anything new, nothing novel, nothing, brave, or true, or even remotely progressive . . . people say, he says, the things we all think, and want to say . . . not me, not my thinking friends, he is not saying what I have ever thought, agreed with, or bought off on, in fact, his is the antithesis of all I believe in, all I fight for, and all want to come to fruition, in this country, and in the world, we all share. He preys on anger, rather than hope, hate, instead of love, exclusion, rather than inclusion, one of the big mistakes of Senator McCain, and Sarah Palin, who the people, refused to elect, by a resounding statement, back in 2008, and Mitt Romney's statement, excluding 47% of the people, who didn't make the economy fall, had no say, in whether the factory was closed, or whether Bain Capital, and Trump Enterprises, OUTSOURCED AMERICAN JOBS OVERSEES! I remember, watching the election results roll in for President Obama, on both the first and second showing, thank GOD, and seeing black and white, holding hands, singing, smiling, hugging, loving, enjoying a peaceful assembly, of happy voters, so indicative of the melting pot, America is . . . I remember seeing Oprah Winfrey, laying her black very smart, head, on the shoulder of a white guy she didn't know, or it seemed so . . . and the joy, that former slaves, can rise the level of the richest women, in the world, and the most powerful man in the free world, President Obama, with only what, 14% of the American people being black!
Inclusion is the Name of the Game . . . Exclusion . . . LOSERS!
In contrast to that, I remember, the TV news shows, panning back and forth, between the concession speech, of Senator John McCain, as I saw, fucking one, black, shiny bald head, and that was probably, Michael Steele, the former, head of the National Republican Committee, and the rest, reminded me of a Mormon stake, conference, of all whites, and everyone dressed in suits, ties, and the women in dresses, one of the signs of the backlash against women, that the Republicans, seem to tout, in their legislatures and their Koch Brothers, ALEC, taking away, reproductive rights of women, again, going for keeping women, in their perceived place, barefoot and pregnant, or looking like Caribou Barbie, Sarah Palin, breast augmented and dumb as a door knob! No Hillary Clinton's, please, fuck, Bernie Sanders, ought to be champion, Hillary, as the target, of the film, going against her, politically, back in 2008, with the case, hitting the high court, if you can call it that, with that ruling, but, this fear of Hillary, is long and it is hard, just as it has been for me . . . I feel you pain, Hillary . . . Have some faith in her, have some faith in me! Fuck you have two females, who have proven themselves, over and over and over again, and being for this country, All American girls or women, from start to finish, and having served, in various capacities, to make things better for children, women, men, the elderly . . . not just the bloated, good old boyz club, that Trump, so represents . . . THINK, THINK, THINK . . . Trump is not railing against the establishment, HE IS THE ESTABLISHMENT!
I loved it, during one of the Democratic Debates, when, Sanders, accused Hillary, of being bought and paid for by the establishment, and she laughed, and said, sarcastically, do you seriously think, the FIRST, and I add, most qualified, candidate, no just woman, female presidential candidate, is part of the establishment, you are crazy . . . she said, she would never be, part of the establishment, which is, white, stodgy, pasty, males, and generally, Republican males! Think about this folks, Bernie Sanders, is far more part of the very establishment he has been railing against, raging against the machine, his whole life, but who, more fits, in the establishment, Bernie or Hillary . . . I don't see, the good ol' bozy clubs, trashing Bernie, or paying for films, leading to controversial films, and rulings, like in Citizens United . . . I actually see them, pushing for a Trump vs. Sanders showdown!
Taking the power, no matter which side of the political spectrum or party, right back to the white, male, base, we call the ESTABLISHMENT! The last person, on the fucking planet, the establishment, wants, running the White House, is Hillary, a female, so not part of the establishment, you can taste the venom, the rage, the anger, the attempt--emails, Benghazi, emails, Benghazi, FBI investigation, Pagliono's immunity, with everyone from Ron Paul, worried about what that means, to Trumps, ignorance, thinking Hillary can't be his opponents, with news, always, being released, or being timed for the largest voting days, Super Tuesday, and one of the first, Iowa, caucuses . . . WHY? She never, ever, will be part of the establishment, and the establishment is AFRAID OF HER!
Funny how God Intel works with me . . . an ANGRY ORCHARD truck, just went by . . . my parents, used to live just off Orchard Drive in Bountiful, Utah . . . my dad, is one of the good old boyz, who made his fortune on his very non-traditional daughter, and her wild ass, liberal son! Dirty Treasures, bought his way into the old guard, Bushes, Romney, and now, Trump club . . . hate women, war on women, and daddy substituting, one daughter, for the other FIVE, obedient daughters . . . no, this is JoAnn S. Secrist, J.D., attorney for the outraged, the one and ONLY, reporting from, Higgins Avenue, Missoula, Montana, enjoying the coffee culture club, in the Break Espresso Cafe'! My brothers, never brought, fame, fortune and name, to the Southwick family, but the least materialistic, the smart one, who was suppose to be the pretty one, the dumb one, up and decided to break the mold, have an get a divorce, have an abortion, give custody of her children, to her ex-husband, a very liberal and smart man, and go to law school, starting out, at Who's Who in Utah, moving to Who's Who, in AMERICA! now with worldwide exposure! Fuck you, old bastard, old Angry Orchard! and your little witches, you control! with the establishment, girl toyz for the boyz! Not this gal, daddy-o!
Globalization and Sophisticated Thinking, World Stage
Now, under the Bush Administration, starting, I was determined to be an enemy combatant, by the Establishment, the good old boyz clubs, of America, for doing, exactly what? Protecting, defending and preserving, civilian rights, property, assets, dignity, privacy, lines of demarcation between, government takings and private citizens' ownership. We had a president and vice president, who, for all intents and purposes, wanted to get rid of the Constitution, and saw it as nothing more, than a piece of paper, and with a president, who, saw, being a despot, as long as he got to be that despotic ruler, as preferable to the long and tedious, means of getting things done, in America, through, Congress, or the Supreme Court, he wanted to wave a magic wand, and all his wishes were carried out. That, Mr. Former President, and what I said at the time, is not the American way, nor the Constitutional way, nor the balance of power way . . . therefore, your premise is UNAMERICAN . . . and I am willing to risk, all, to fight you, to be your enemy, to go to combat with you and yours! That battle has taken, roughly, 20 years, of this female attorney's life! The one thing, I hate MOST about the Patriot Act, is the lines of demarcation, giving America, its, distinctive nature, and separation from the rest of the world, one of the reason, it is referred to as the free world, leader, is the ability for people to own, buy, sell, and do what they want with their personal and private, property!
Under the Bush Doctrine or the Patriot Act, all of these Constitutional protections, rights, privacy, property, and divisions, fail to exist . . . even to the point, of, we are all one, you are me and I am you, mentality, that allowed, the fucking cops, feds, to feel free to exchange me, my life, my family, my children, my law practice, my house, my work product, and who I am, what I believe, and fucking, and literally, take me out, trying to kill me, and if not that, render me homeless, poor, without a car, blocking birth certificates, social security numbers, driver's license, and taking all that I make, my money, my property, and redistributing it to other women, who are the companies chicks! Then, these same ass, enemy combatants, to the American way, feel free to steal, lie, cheat, chase, kill if they can, stalk, intimidate, harass, and at times terrorize, the producer, the money maker, the brains of the bitch squad, and take from the real, and give to the fake, and see fucking nothing wrong with that? They have tried to paint this as a personality, or popularity contest, me against, the other six, seeing, 6 JoAnn S. Secrists, J.D., better than one, but then manipulating, conjolling, controlling, coaching, fucking, and training, these doubles, in everything I HATE, everything I dispies, and everything I loath, in men and women, and try to use my good name, reputation, career, work, children, grandchildren, and, basically erase me, the source, as a person, because of why? they can't control me, see me as a loose canon, which is exactly why they like Trump, but he is a man, and see nothing wrong, total entitlement, to listen to my phone conversations, intercept text messages, encrypt codes, take the money from this blog, take my house, practice, furniture, art, and everything, that is, MY FUCKING PROPERTY, REAL, PERSONAL AND INTELLECTUAL . . . why, BECAUSE they FEAR ME!
Ask yourself, whether, it is I, who is an enemy combatant, or those who would pervert, the very basic concepts, principles, freedoms, liberties, rights, etc.? I would, presume, that, if you are an American, and understand, the American values and principles, and believe in our Bill of Rights, and the Constitution, you will see that, it is the cops, the feds, the NSA, the TSA, the ATF, confiscating your guns, who are the REAL, enemy combatants! Not someone who supports, everything you hold, near and dear as Americans, fighting relentlessly on the domestic field of battle, to stop, invasive, encroaching, and overbearing, government powers, overreaching government intrusion, and taking away, precious, rights, powers and protections of WE THE PEOPLE! I would hang, Bush, Cheney, Ridge, and a few others, for, truly, meeting the definition of TREASON! along with the Wall Street Crowd, Bankers, etc.! that fucked our whole economy, you know Trump's friends, the billionaire class, you think are going to represent YOU, JOE BLOW?
Some of the boyz in the CIA, may say, well, her blog it too influential, to powerful, goes all over the earth . . . and she just said, she supported, Putin, in what his is doing, in Syria . . . fuck, yeah, great minds, think alike and I dig that he went in and did what, a super power should do, no more, no less! respecting the people, the culture, and the leaders that country elected, and the Kurds, who are taking on and pushing back, ISIS, who is losing their funding and guess who, I was, on the Internet, was taking, money from ISIS? WOMEN! The greatest, protection, we have against, new terrorists, or at least the recruiting of terrorists? Educated women, who refuse, to let their sons and daughters, join extremist groups! Why the fuck, do you think, these backward countries, burn girl schools, shoot, young women in the face? Because, they know, their powers over smart, educated, women, will destroy, the ESTABLISHMENT and stop, recruiting, idiots that would strap bombs to themselves and kill other people! I support, those, regardless of race, color, country, or creed, who do the RIGHT things, to bring about PEACE and LOVE, a sustainable world, not raped and depleted of natural resources to get gain, money, power, and then leave people drinking polluted water, living in dirty, filthy conditions, or working in Trump factories, for pennies on the dollar, so Trump can sustain, his lifestyle, of rip people off, you and me, in his promises of riches and wealth . . . YEAH, HIS OWN WEALTH!
Yeah, CIA, and your fucking, backdoor allegiences with Britain, in a ploy to take over the world, you bet, I am going to be your ENEMY and COMBAT YOU WITH EVER FUCKING TOOL I HAVE! You, and your fucked up, Eck Religion of Brett and Kay, the Bush, Bitch, pretending to be me, so you can trick and manipulate, people, into thinking, they are getting the support of me, and then through your fucking, bait and switch bitch, British whore, pretending to be me, NO THANKS, FUCK THAT GNARLY HAG IN HER ASS AS MUCH as YOU PLEASE, THE WHORE WILL DO WHATEVER IT TAKES TO BE ME! but, leave me, out of your shit, leave me out of your lies, leave me out of your fucked up plan to make, American cops, to world police, in exchange for being under the BRITISH crown, with a system of queens and kings! GET YOUR GOD-DAMNED WHORES OUT OF MY NAME, MY LIFE, MY PROPERTY!
Sorry, the fucking NSA, turned off my spell check, that is their, muscle to fight back . . . fucking wimps! Get a grip . . . my box, my content, my words, my hits, my blog! YOUR BITCH KAY's blog, a measly, 33,000 hits, if that, now, to my BILLIONS DAILY!
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