We're Not Going to Take It, No We're Not Going To Take It Anymore! The Glow of Celebrity is Gone, The Billionaire Status Has Been Disputed, The Bore Exposed!
The other day, on Don Lemon's segment of CNN, he had, Zakaria, who has a show on Sundays, and I am sorry, I didn't get the name of the show, but I have watched it before and this man, is smart, and he basically said, that everything, that Trump has said he will do, like the wall, will never happen, as will nothing Trump is promising people . . . he will be covering that on Sunday, and I am looking forward to hearing him dispel what Trump has been selling his rabid crowds! He, is just sitting there, shaking his head, and saying, what the hell, is Trump talking about. If you watch a rally, all he does, is talk about his poll numbers, or his debate numbers, or the 93 year old lady, who is voting for the first time, because of him, and she is wearing one of his shirts. He attacks, Mitt Romney, trashes his run for the presidency, and then he talks how he loves Mormons, but he wonders if Romney is a Mormon? So, he is questioning Romney's faith. The Trumpster, is one attack after another, unrealistic promises, after another, and one bull shit, poll numbers and ratings, that are more due to the overexposure of the press, than, the fact that Trump is saying anything worth, reporting on!
Hillary, The Good Girl vs. Trump, the Bad Boy
Donald Trump, recently put out, an ad, showing President Putin, slamming someone to the ground, in a Karate move, then it shows, ISIS, carrying an automatic weapon, then it shows, Hillary barking, which, I believe, was something she did in connection with a story she was telling a crowd, but, of course, Donald, takes it out of context, and then he pans to Putin, laughing, allegedly at Hillary. Now the low information voters, who tend to make up the class of people, generally, who are supporting Trump, because any thinking people, can listen to him once, and know, there is nothing of substance, no issues, no plan, nor foreign policy, really, a hollow, nothing, with nothing but, bullying to speak of, but, Hillary hit back, with her own ad, showing the exact ad, in the same order, but instead of Hillary barking, like a dog, she shows, Trump's response to MSNBC, Misha's, question, about who he is consulting, to develop his foreign policy . . . then, Hillary's ad, shows, Trump with his baseball cap on, saying he has a good brain, and he is going to consult himself as his foreign policy expert, then she pans the spot light to, Putin, laughing, and then at the end, she is laughing, hysterically! LOL! Seriously, who in the hell, do you think Russian President Putin, respects or fears the most? Trump, who says, nothing, or Hillary, who was the former, Secretary of State, and knows the whole global perspective, the world over! She knows the world leaders, she has sat in meetings with them . . . Trump didn't even know, that Mexico's President Fox, had been out of office for four years, when he said he was going to force, Fox to pay for the wall between Mexico and the United States. Trump is fucking clueless . . . money doesn't make you smart, fake boobs, don't make you sexy! LOL!
Oh, and Mr. Trump, Mexico has more billionaires, than the United States does . . . go for it! LOL! Former President Fox, was pissed, and you may want to deal with President Pena! at least get the right guy for the job, as if that is going to make your proposal any more realistic! LOL! I'm with President Obama, thanking, Canadians, for not, building a wall, keeping, their neighbors to the south out of their country! Wild as Americans are . . . and they go beyond, Trump's stupidity, and seeing, the American dilemma, or even entertaining, a Trump presidency, by inviting, Americans to move to Nova Scotia! LOL! Mr. Trump, there are a lot of high information voters . . . and NONE OF US WOULD CONSIDER VOTING FOR YOU!
Trump is Going to Take Off the Gloves and Go After Hillary, Including, Going After Bill's Indiscretions . . . Isn't That Calling the Kettle Black?
They say, that men, have affairs, to avoid intimacy, and women, have affairs, to get intimacy. What was your excuse, Mr. Trump, bragging on the Howard Stern show, on your exploits? Or being most proud about being on the cover of Playboy Magazine? As far as I can count, you have had three wives, there as long as they are pretty and young, having about a 10 year shelve life, then dumped for a younger model, of the same woman, all foreigners, I think. I am not an expert or a groupie of Trump, I am just observing, his life, since, this presidential run. The Clinton's, good, bad, or ugly, have teamed up to make one of the most powerful and respected, power couples in America. They have been married for 40 fucking years! I would say, that is not bad, and if it is any one's fault, blame Bill . . . it is his character flaw, and has nothing to do with Hillary. All marriages, go through rough patches, most powerful men, feel, it is the male prerogaThe
Fucking NSA, Just ERASED My Last Two Paragraphs! Trump Gumps! Fuckers . . . They Can't Handle the Truth . . . Hillary is Going To Eat That Dumb Ass Trump Alive! GOD-DAMNED CHICKEN SHITS!
- they erased the fact that, both Kennedy's were banging, Marilyn Monroe, Bobby was the last person to see the starlet, alive!
- Johnson, and probably every president, back, had affairs, almost as a part of the job . . . Bill just happened to get caught in the feminist crossfires! His character flaw, not Hillary's!
- I was writing about, the fact that, one of Hillary's best comebacks, to either, President Obama in 2008, or Bernie Sanders, but, they asked Hillary, something about Bill's policies . . . she looked at them, and fired back . . . do you see my husband standing here! Hillary is her own person . . . I had a nice little, legal history, on British common law, husbands, being able to beat their wives, being held responsible for their crimes, having full access to their salaries, and with women, unable to own property or inherit . . . those days are gone!
- When Hillary was early in her position of Secretary of State, and some guy in Africa, asked her, what Bill would do . . . she was pissed! She reminded this man, that she is Secretary of State, not her husband!
Fucking NSA, Just ERASED My Last Two Paragraphs! Trump Gumps! Fuckers . . . They Can't Handle the Truth . . . Hillary is Going To Eat That Dumb Ass Trump Alive! GOD-DAMNED CHICKEN SHITS!
- they erased the fact that, both Kennedy's were banging, Marilyn Monroe, Bobby was the last person to see the starlet, alive!
- Johnson, and probably every president, back, had affairs, almost as a part of the job . . . Bill just happened to get caught in the feminist crossfires! His character flaw, not Hillary's!
- I was writing about, the fact that, one of Hillary's best comebacks, to either, President Obama in 2008, or Bernie Sanders, but, they asked Hillary, something about Bill's policies . . . she looked at them, and fired back . . . do you see my husband standing here! Hillary is her own person . . . I had a nice little, legal history, on British common law, husbands, being able to beat their wives, being held responsible for their crimes, having full access to their salaries, and with women, unable to own property or inherit . . . those days are gone!
- When Hillary was early in her position of Secretary of State, and some guy in Africa, asked her, what Bill would do . . . she was pissed! She reminded this man, that she is Secretary of State, not her husband!
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