True Crime Movie--Crimes of Passion: Badge of Betrayal
Ironically, the actor, who plays, the sheriff of a small town, Hamblin, I think is his name, but he actually, looks like Brett, where most of this shit started, back in the early to mid-2000, where the exchange of women, amped up, starting with Shelley, my older sister of one year, and followed by, Kay Burningham, after Brett asked me, whom, if any, women, I considered, a rival or in my same class of women, where I mentioned Kay, and out of the woodwork, Kay appears, some years after having lost contact with her, back before, I was diagnosed with Pick's Disease, after taking out, 9 federal agents, attorneys, and investigators, tangling with the feds, in particularly, the FBI, teaming with, Health Department, attorney, Frank Myler, to tell the feds, how, they were going to conduct, their investigations, on Utah physicians, while I was general counsel, for the Utah Medical Association, a plumb, position, for these fuckers, to take me out of, and lie, to give credit, for my work, along with Frank, creating a manual, that the feds, needed to follow, while, going after alleged, up-coding, in government billing, on Medicaid and Medicare patients. Due to my protection of Utah docs, over some, 3000+, at the time, my research led to a law suit, taken up by Taj Becker, and her attorney husband, Adolph Becker, that took 10 years, long after, I was taken out of the game for doing my part, which was, to research, the federal registry, or the CFR, looking at the policies and procedures, that the new fraud units had to follow, including, giving doctors, a 24 hour, waiting period, or giving them their due process rights, to have notice, before, having their records, taken by the feds, looking into their billing practices. Poisoning me, was the start, of this bizarre turn of events, that have NOT stopped, and continue to this very DAY!
First, The Facts, From the Case That, Mirrors Some of the Shit I Went Through!
So, in this movie, true, a single mother, a former, big city cops, is hired by a small town sheriff, who is involved in drug running, illegal firearms, and knows everything about everyone in the town, and controls anything, doing whatever in the hell he wants, from, beating up suspects who were accused of crimes, to fucking his secretary, and sexually harassing the newly hired female deputy sheriff, and being married on top of that, beating his secretary every few years. So, basically a bad dude, and dirty as hell. This sheriff, is physically, superior to all his colleagues, and he is handsome, but he is messing with the wrong, female cop, one who is no-nonsense, and right down the line of justice, whether that be, to cut back the foliage, blocking the speed trap, when tourists enter town, to handling rape cases, and expecting, that, due process, equal protection and other, things, like the way, drugs are entered in on the evidence logs, right. Just like I was as an assistant attorney general, later, leaving and working with the doctors, but carrying on, that, down the line, stick to the law, the policies and procedures that protect citizens' rights. This 5X re-elected sheriff, gets involved in this female cop's financing of her home, when she rejects his sexual advances, he takes it as a challenge, he has some local thugs, fold up, the deputy and her banker, stealing the banker's car and taking her purse, then, making the pair, crawl on their hands and knees, in the dirt . . . with the deputies purse being turned into him, and him telling the bankers, he better not date her, talk to her, or hang out with her!
One of the first, signs of domestic violence, dating violence, or sexual harassment on the job, is isolation. You can see, the more this cop chick, rejects this sheriff's advances, with him, even telling her, that nobody tells him no, he starts to find fault with her work, and starts, joking with the other male deputies, about this or that. He comes to her home, out in the forest, and while she and her daughter, are out looking at deer, feeding them, rifle shots are fired, right at the mother and daughter, with the sheriff and one of his friends, appearing out of now where, implying a threat, that she is not safe. Eventually, the female deputy, does what all women, should do, and I should have, other than, they poisoned me, making me believe, I was dying for 8 years, with Pick's Disease, but she contacts, a female pit bull attorney, not unlike myself, willing to take a good cause, with or without being paid by her clients. But, the secretary is beaten again, by the sheriff and he turns up the heat, on the deputy, to the point that she is ready to quite her job, and get out of town. Eventually, back in the day, when, we didn't have a UNIFIED POLICE FORCE, blending local, state and federal cops in one dirt bag shit hole, back when dirty sheriffs, were actually investigated, by the FBI, not buddies with them, or playing double agents, serving, on local, state and federal cops shops and forces, all dovetailing, their duties, making them all beholden to each other to protect their shit, from, who, since they are all, working in concert, one with another, making it nearly impossible for a citizen to get justice, within the criminal justice system, because the fucking judges are right there, acting as extensions of the cops!
I Shot the Sheriff, But I Didn't Shoot the Deputy Down . . . Sheriff Deserved It! and Then Some!
The cop chick, agrees to be wired, and the FBI, are nearby, when, the sheriff, decides to pay the deputy a visit, and he threatens to rape her, and he even admits to killing, the local, town drunk, who raped his daughter, not because, he raped his daughter, but because, he was dealing drugs, and firearms, with the drunk, and worried, that he might talk, with the heat in town, who was not going along with business as usual! kind of like, what happened with me . . . not going to be business as usual, and I am going after those who try to keep, the boys will be boys, and their bitches who help them, with no exceptions to the rules, no favors, no privilege for a few, and injustice for the masses! Not going to happen, and some of us, females, don't appreciate the sexual advances, nor do we need men to get our advances, being completely capable of doing our jobs, in a stellar fashion, without any help at all, in fact, showing up the good old boyz, while we are doing it! The old school, FBI, come to her rescue, and stop her short, of having to kill the sheriff, only wounding him in the shoulder, getting arrested, charged, and convicted, spending the REST OF HIS LIFE IN PRISON! But, those were the good old days . . . now we just have the good ol' boyz, and they all work together, to benefit cops!
Shelley, had already hooked up with the cops, and was, calling the shots, when Brett got involved, latter, bringing in Kay, and whomever, Rachel, Sue, Tiffany, mom and dad, Southwick, now that Kay was me, even before that, Shelley was wearing, a gold topaz ring, just like the one, that my father, who bought all of his daughters, semi-precious gems, one year for Christmas, but Shelley wanted diamond earrings, instead, but, after I left, Logan, Brett and Shelley, and moved to St. George, Shelley showed up, with a ring, a bit larger, that looked, exactly like my ring, that I had worn, for, fuck, 20 years or so, all the way through law school, and clear, up until, the first or second time I came to Helena, Montana, and pawned it at the blue and white, pawn shop, on Montana Street, for $40 bucks worth of gas, back in the day, where cops were on my ass, 24/7, driving me from ones state to the next, almost, every day and a half. But, I mentioned, the ring, and that it was pretty . . . Shelley was playing her mafia, bitch, wife, role, and not speaking to me, and Marcie, another sister, spoke up, and I mentioned that was a lot, like my ring, and Marcie, said, Oh, it is your ring, and Shelley is YOU! That was probably around 2006-08, right at the time, that God's Revolver, hit the big time, and were hard rock band of the year, when, this band of bandits, started stealing, well, after these fuckers, started to pirate, the "BANDIT" black market CD's, and later came up with the fake band, the Alamo, from all I have gathered over the years, coming out of Texas, rather than Utah, where the real band was from! Now, how in the hell did, we get from this little, mom, with this hot rock star, to Benghazi and Belgium? It is called, money, elitism, music, money, attorney trophies, MINE, titles, winning cops, sisters, willing to jump in, and fuck over sister attorney, for a cut of the fame, the game, and the name! $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ so much, so, it became hard to launder!
New Found Money, New Found Power, New Mormon Presidential Candidate! It All Goes Hand In Hand . . . On My Family Name, Fame, Game, and Work, Always EARNED, NEVER GIVEN! The Frauds Are a VERY Different Story . . . The Real Family, Who Did Everything, Became Expendable, To Be Replaced With Inferior Products, In a Secular Sense, But, the Mormon Crowd Was Viewed as the Superior, From The Religious, Republican, Cops Crowd!
Remember the movie, ARGO, with Ben Affleck, I believe this rogue, CIA agent, who freed the captives in the Iranian hostage situation, became an overnight success, and an honored, member of the CIA, for his antics, of pretending that the hostages were a film crew, getting them safely out of the country. It is, I believe, at this point, that CIA, who was, becoming more and more, Mormonized, decided, that this play acting, was a good deal, and they, including the FBI, started, even using actors, and actresses, in trial, rather than, having the scared, probably less, good looking, real, witnesses, to cases, were substituted with fakes, who could, be emotionally, disassociated from the case and the facts, and they could be, better under pressure, because it was all just an act to them, and not, some form of justice, they were really even involved in; therefore, this new mantra, of using actors, started to take root, both in and out of the courtroom, and started, to infiltrate every aspect, of really, illegal, criminal enterprises, going into real people's lives, and substituting them with the best actors, or actresses, not to further, justice, but to interfere with justice, with due diligence, and just rewards, of the real players, and they decided to bring in all the kids, the cops, the females the cops were banging, and give all the hot roles, rock stars, notorious if not famous attorney, rock star gorgeous military daughters, hip hop and rap, computer rock star, multi-million dollar cases, water compacts, blogger worth billions, popular constitutional work on medical marijuana, wild horse and burros, and the list is never exhausted, and more $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$, power, and influence, from the president, to the local ranchers, and legislators!
The actresses and actors, in their own minds, became hot shit, and rock stars, in these new roles, that, were already occupied by REAL PEOPLE, who were not cop lovers, or who would not go along with this shit, and therefore, they just used, local, state and federal cops, to perpetrate crimes, and those crimes didn't stop with, just the SECRIST family, this new role play shit, worked so well, that we are going to let Mormons roar like a lion, and take over the fucking world! With that, background, we can now, move to Benghazi, now, I didn't make this shit up, nor could I, because, I am not a psychopath, not an actress, don't need to claim anything, because, I do well enough, just playing by the rules and using what, God and nature has gifted me, as have my children . . . but, if you get used to the power, the money, living the lifestyle, and you are in areas, where Mormons rule the show, like Utah, Nevada, Montana, even Colorado, Idaho, and in the legislatures, the cops shops, especially, in Montana, where the Mormons, still run everything, but, they are just more silent about, why they are doing this or that, like closing the libraries on Monday night, early, so that, wink, wink, wink, all Mormons can be home with their families, for Monday family home evening, wink, wink, wink, thus, establishing a religion!
Not only establishing a religion, but using a religious force, of cops, to silence, those who oppose this silent but deadly force, within our societies, and doing shit, like having, some, lame ass young cop, drive right up to me, in a silent approach, in fact, I never heard him, until he was on my ass, and slamming on his breaks, and it goes on and on, like cops showing up at the Oxford, without cause, and the next day, I am buckled over again, sicker than a dog, for the second time, in one month, with strange behavior, from cooks and staff, who were doing anything they could, to NOT wait on me, knowing what, I believe the cops wanted the cooks to do, put rat poison, or some slow releasing poison, I am still not fully recovered from! To sheriffs, coming up from the Pov, right at the time, I am getting off the bus, or two cruising by, while I am waiting for the bus, two sheriff's in the truck, serious? generally, single file, but, for the purposes of intimidation, bring on the heat . . . if I write about the boys in white, the boyz in black and white, take over the watch and intimidation, harassment, and bull shit! I believe, that these are Mormon cops, within the cop force, making up a secret, cop call, and go to boyz, for Shelley and crew, who have granted and re-granted my family money, to the cops shops, to keep them on board and ready willing and able, any time, I come to town, or they don't want me to leave, or I come back to town, which I have every fucking right to do! I was the ONE WHO GOT AWAY FROM BRETT, and others . . . in this BROS. make women pay for hurting the feelers, of their cops friends, even to the point of death, if they can invoke that much influence, to show loyalty to this, hyped up, amped, up, chest thumping, shit, that these assholes, believe, they are allowed, by law to do . . . FUCK YOU, COCK SUCKING DICKS . . . this is fucking CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR ANYWAY YOU WANT TO TWIST YOUR DICKS AROUND IT!
Benghazi to Brussels, 2012 Elections to 2016 Elections . . . First Female President, Following the First Black President . . . Just Too Much!
You have to realize what is at stake, having the most, powerful, man in the world, free world, a member of the Mormon Church, bragging rights, and they didn't just want this for just America, they wanted it for, the World, as seen in the team play, between, actress attorney, Kay, Brett's mistress, pretending to be me, see her real name and picture, and you will probably, recognize her as JoAnn or Joann Secrist, J.D., not, whittle Kay, Baby, but, she, the day after, my $357 million security case, with two Mormon plaintiffs, staunch Republicans, and an attorney, voting for President Obama, refusing to donate one red cent to BYU, or pay tithing to the Mormon church, or to Mitt's campaign, or really to anything Moron, these fuckers, decided with this fucking huge ass, popular, kick ass case, saving, financial planners, and big, political donors, from the big bad, SEC and state SEC regulators, was a feather in the cap of the Mo crowd, and it was not going to go to either a Republican, nor a Mormon, I was going non-denominational at the time, therefore, bring in the actresses! Trash the real attorney, who did all the work, was interviewed by reporters, and kicked the living shit out of the Utah Attorney Generals Office, Litigation Division, with no win in sight, for the state of Mormon, and so bring in the deal, then the steal . . . leaving me pissed and determined, even telling my clients, Brock and Rice, I would take down, Mitt Romney, who I knew was going to be a recipient of MY ATTORNEY'S FEES, after paying a good sum to the actresses, who played me, in the settlement, while I was locked in the Grand County Jail, illegally, for APPEALING MY CLIENT'S CASE? WRONG, that is completely within my rights to defense and appeal on behalf of my client, and also, within her rights, by about 30 laws! Bring in ANOTHER ACTRESS, oh, photo shoots, bring in Rachel, who is a big boob, version, of me, probably has had plastic surgery, so she is a 5'11" exact image of this, 5'7.5" ME, without big ass tits and with a huge ass, ASS!
Of course these fuckers, got away with it, because, all the dudes, in law enforcement, who are OVER financial CRIMES, were in on the CRIMES! God, now, with that understanding, how up close and personal, the 2012, elections were, we can look at Benghazi . . .
Foxes Guarding the Chicken Coop! Mormon CIA Field Operatives and Agents--In Benghazi and in the State Department! Who In the Hell Do You Think, Changed The Talking Points? Mitt Was Weak on Foreign Policy, Obama Strong, Make President Obama, Look Weak, While Mitt, Congressman, Jason Chavetz, Navy SEAL, Adam Smith, All Screaming, Even Before, the President is Briefed on the Situation--Charging Over to Benghazi or Complaining, and With Mitt, Even Claiming in True, Tear Jerker, Mo Style, that Navy Seal, Death, Mitt Even Accidentally, Had Christmas Dinner With the Year Before? Staging, Staging, Staging! I Would Even Exhume the Bodies, From What I Read in GQ Article, Coming Out, One Month After The Alleged Killings? Bribed To Fake Death? Not Out of the Question! Live in Caribian!
Fact is stranger than fiction! I wrote, an email, with, a detailed account, of both the article in GQ, that was right on with what, Susan Rice, read, at the Obama Administration's approval, because, it is exactly what the investigative journalist said, talking to the men, who now, claim, other shit, 4 years later, and changed, the whole talking points--but: (1) Stephens was warned, to stay out of the crowds; (2) CIA reported that this was a rag tag, group of unorganized thugs, raiding the embassy, because of the video making fun of Ciaro, and seemed to be connected to the demonstrations there; (3) when the attack started, as is the policy, Smith, accompanied, Stephenson, down to the cement bunker, for protection, which is exactly what, the policy is; (4) in 22 fucking hearings, no one was told to stand down! (5) Congress had just cut, $300 million from embassy budgets, for new assets and training, in hot spots; (6) in the article, the CIA and SEALs who were standing guard on the embassy, and watching things, went down to check on Ambassador Stephens, and neither, he, nor Smith, were where they had left them! (7) After the fighting was over, these same men, went down to the bunker and found, what they thought were Smith and Stephenson's bodies, but they were burned beyond recognition! so how in the fuck, given the fact that they left, do we know, that, it was in fact, the two men's bodies, that it was claimed, died; (8) It came out on later, hearings, and newspaper articles, that there were in fact, two raids, on that was unorganized, like was reported, originally, and then a second, attack that was, much more organized, in fact, highly, militarized, and organized? (9) Who carried out the second attack? are the alleged dead men even dead? CIA and FBI, have been known to stage deaths all the time, as they did, with Frank, aka, Allan Rex Bess . . . to this day, there is NO DEATH CERTIFICATE, I am aware of, because, little Frank, of Interpol, is not DEAD and he is probably collecting on Allan's VA benefits, as an actor! (10) During the last debate, Mitt Romney just sat there with a sick, look on his face, and he, agreed with everything President Obama said, and finally, Obama, joked, then, why do we need you and a change? if you agree with everything I am doing? My read, having the whole Obama Administration, pop up on my email, seconds after I started a new one, just 6 days before the 2012, elections, is that, this made sense to President Obama, who would have known the insider scoop and smart enough to connect the fucking dots, when Mitt was screaming, the morning, following the attacks, before the President was even briefed, acting like he knew what was going on, who was involved, and with Chavetz and Smith, both Mormons, claiming that, Smith, asked for more assets in Libya, and I think it came out, that he was never even over there, and Chavetz shooting his shit mouth off as usual, being an insider in Washington, too! I think, President Obama, agreed to shut his mouth, on who was responsible, for the mess, in exchange for Mitt shutting the fuck up too, and Mitt didn't even campaign, that last month! Ask the Trumpster!
300 People Injured--A Mormon Missionary, Just Happened to Be, In Boston During the Bombings, In Paris During the Bombings, and, Now in Brussels During the Bombings? What are the Chances? In True Mo Boy Fashion, He Bears His Testimony? Come ON! Do the Probabilities on That Happening? He Was Interviewed By All News Channels? Staged!!!!!!!!!!!
You are hearing someone, who has these fuckers, time and time again, stage this shit, and get away with it, and nobody questions it at all, except me? and they are trying relentlessly to kill me? Come ON? Think, think, think, connect the dots. I believe, that this is to further the need for, sympathy, for Mormons, with all the missionaries, being inducted into the rank and file of the FBI and CIA, STILL! Those good little boys, look at the miracle of this one missionary, obviously, protected by God . . . I would not be surprised if they got the idea from my blog, seeing, I am constantly writing about, my miraculous escapes! For some reason, the fact that I was raised Mo, and went to the Mo, law school, and worked for the state of Mo, these fuckers, feel entitled, to use, abuse, steal, lie, cheat, and take all my stories, and adapt them, much like they did, when sister, Rachel, the actress, became Sarah Palin, trying to create a Republican JoAnn! Please produce, Rachel Southwick Hickey Moosman, Kennedy, at the same time with Sarah Palin? You can't do it! Rachel got so good at the acting lessons, that she is sometimes, Sarah Palin, sometimes herself, and sometimes, ME! Today, I saw an old, Young Turks, and, at first I thought, that it was a current episode, but, after being as disgusted as the young chick, who made the comments, on Sarah Palins, SARAHPAC, with the mama grizzlies, and the pink elephants, and the this and that, acting more, like a non-feminist, feminist, but, saying nothing, but to galvanize Republican women, into some PAC, more to get money for Rachel's lame ass, say nothing books! These investigative reporters, said, the PAC, was not used for this or that, candidate, but just a lot of shit, and mainly, buying up all the inventory of the unsold books of Rachel Palin! LOL!
TYT chick was pissed, saying Palin, is not for women, neither is the Republican party, they want to take away rights, that women have had for 40 years or more, and want to put us back in the kitchen, where we belong, or where the white, stodgy, Republican, out of date, loser, men, want us, keeping there women folk, from turning into, HILLARY CLINTON, or Elizabeth Warren! God forbid, or a JoAnn S. Secrist, taking on, the whole fucking government at one time, in the law! We can't handle on JoAnn, so we minimized her with dumb ass broads, like Shelley, Kay, Rachel, Sue, Tiffany, Marcie, Hope, Annie, Rebecca . . . all together they can't do what I do, homeless, penniless, most the time, without a car, and doing this blog, without any study at all! LOL! You see, it is much, nicer to the boyz, to say that this chick or that chick did it, or what I did, even complaining about them . . . it is oh, so much, more cute, when it comes from women, they KNOW, NEVER SAID ANY OF THIS SHIT! It is much too hard to swallow, that I had the great kids, went to law school, excelled in my jobs, to the greatest degree, wrote manuals, that helped everyone from domestic violence and sexual assault victims to the cops and prosecutors who are to see that justice is done to their abusers! The county attorneys in Utah still train from my manual, and I bet that the Health Department and the Utah Medical Association still uses my manual, prepared to protect doctors. The Department of Justice, has obviously used my graphics and work on domestic violence and sexual assault, because, I am seeing it, used in other countries. My cases are famous, my blog is world wide, and the actresses are still taking credit!
Mormons Have a Huge Inferiority Complex and They are Dependent On "My" Accomplishments, Or Those of My Children's Accomplishments, To Give Them A Boost!
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