Road to the White House, the Kennedy vs. Nixon Election, James Kennedy Shows Up In My Dream!
The two movies, I just wrote about, I watched last night, then I watched the CNN Democratic Debates, followed by the new series, Road to the White House, Kevin Spacey, of House of Cards, President West, I think, is the commentator, and the first episode, starts with the John F. Kennedy run for the presidency, against Nixon, and the first, ever televised, and kind of the first time, the Kennedy clan, all jumped in behind a family member, and totally, knocked on doors, used family strategists, and a collective effort, to fulfill Joe and Rose Kennedy's ambitions to have, one of their own kids be president of the United States of America, originally, wanting the older brother, of JFK, who was killed in the war. I am pretty familiar with history, but, this was fun, because, is was more the blood and guts of a campaign effort, what Kennedy did right, that Nixon did wrong, and how Johnson played in on the scene. The Kennedy's were not to worried about the civil rights movement, and saw it more as a bother, until, Martin Luther King, got arrested and thrown in jail, and his family, thought, if they could get, the new presidential nominee, to get involved, it would help, not only him, but, the King family. And that is the incident that got, the Kennedy's involved. That makes sense, since, I had heard that Lyndon Johnson, who was credited, with pushing that legislation or the Civil Rights Act, of 1964, through Congress, and some say, he was the only man, who could have marshaled the act to success? Kennedy was dead by the time it got passed, so?
Of course, having not thought much of Kennedy, as of late, this pushed James back into my mind, and at one point, I started looking, in the gang of 5 Kennedy's who were the young muscle behind Jack, and his campaign, but then I had to remember, that Kennedy was shot, when I was 9 and James, said he was 62, or one year older than I was; therefore, too young to be, one of the guys, in the action at that time. But, in a large family photo, I tried to see, if I could pick him out of the line-up. It was hard, to put, him on the map then, and what he might have looked like? Gawky, kid, most likely. So with my politicking in my blog, the debate, and the Kennedy clan, on my mind, I fell asleep early, at the Sleepy Inn, Rm. 114, and it must have been, before the show was over, because, I barely, saw the prep for the debate, and then the show, bumped right to the convention, and I think, I went out, about that time. Take all of those factors in, and that, seemed to show up in my dream, very simple, very telling, very symbolic! LOL!
Contract Killer for the Government? Hit Man for the Mob? Mr. Wall Street, Wolf?
There is no lead in to the dream . . . James, myself, a young me, and a baby, are all, in this plain, blank, white room, with nothing in it, but a single card table, folding chair--James is sitting on the chair, lookin' good, all decked out, in a pin-striped suit, clean shaven, his hair was still longer, and it was slicked back in a pony tail, and he was dressed to the max. I however, was sitting, on the floor, around his feet, with my legs, crossed, a young me, and a baby, under the age of 1 year, not looking like any of my kids, but, clearly, with me, since, there was no one else in the room, but the three of us. It did strike me as my kid with James. The room, was not large, there was no carpet on the floors, nothing on the walls, and very telling I think, of the plain truth, either of what we think of each other, or what we symbolize, and so, let me break this down, for you and me, because, writing down, what I think, actually happens to make me have to think, and come to something, more than just hunch or first impression. Now the curious thing about, James, was how, laid back and relaxed he was . . . dressed to kill, but, still, in a body position, not to unlike, when I found him asleep, at the bus terminal, back last year at about this time, although he was awake and alert. I don't recall that we were really saying much. So, here we go:
What I Think James Clothing Represented
One of the interesting things about, the movie, The Face of Evil, is the Kay, artist, scanky chick, turned, the James Kennedy look-alike, or the dad in the movie, so she could see a side view of his face, and she made the comment, that he had the perfect Roman nose, and I had, in a blog, said, he reminded me of a Roman Centurion, so that interested me, and this guy, was about the same height, body build, even had the long pony tail, same deep cuts, in his cheeks, but James' hair is wavy, if not curly, wild, and I think, he is a bit, more rugged, looking, but, I am thinking about, him, last year, but in this dream, he may have looked much more like the dad, clean shaved, not a goatee, smooth. But, I think, either the day, before, yesterday, I had put Mitt Romney and Donald Trump, with the Wall Street Boyz, as the perfect dream team of shysters, vulture capitalists, and said, they both wear the same, pin stripped suits, representing, mobsters, wise guys, and made men. That was my first impression, is the slick, Wall Street crowd, he looked rich, but he told me, he was rich, which, would make sense; however, not all Kennedy's are rich, and most of them are encouraged to work in public service type jobs, and careers, like, prosecutors, attorneys, and whatever. But, I am sure, if his is hanging with, my family, Brett and Kay, or the crew, they are Republicans, all about big business, the rich and the famous, the beautiful people, members of The Club, from the movie, Invitation to Hell, with Susan Lucci. Everyone had to swear their loyalty to the Club, over family and all else and in return, they got, everything their hearts desired, wealth, nice cars, homes, cloths, and they all had to act according to the standards of the leaders.
What is interesting, is that, perhaps, James read that blog, and wanted something real, simple, easy, and so, my clothes, represent that . . . I looked more like I did, back, when my kids were the age of the baby in the dream, but that was 30 years ago. Greta is 40, Nicole 37, Chris, 35, and the baby, Elliot, is 32. Now, I know, that when James and I met, he thought, I was young, and was almost embarrassed to say what his age was, thinking it might scare me away . . . he said, I am an old man, 62. I looked at him, and said, well, I am 60, the age I was then. Two years difference is not big deal. I still don't think that age registered with him, even after seeing my birth certificate, reading, it and looking at me and saying, you're an old broad? Yeah, I am. He could have been lied to, and my youthful, looks, and I have tons of energy, confuse most people, and some have even called me a liar, but, I am 61, weather anyone believes me or not. But, from the likes of the dream and the age, I was, and the age of the baby, James, seemed to be just leaning back in his chair, and not saying anything. Maybe assessing him age, and the age of the baby; however, James, seemed to be in complete denial, on Elliot, refused to let me show him, videos, as if, he had been told, I was the liar, and the fake, and like I said, he struck me, even at the first meeting to be a bounty hunter, assassin, mercenary, or someone, dangerous, so, I never would leave the rescue mission with him. Sometimes I would see him at the bus terminal but that was it, with one exception, and he, almost looked, like he was planning something, as he towered over me, not saying anything, could have snapped my neck . . . but, I knew he liked me, so, I didn't worry. LOL! He just stood, there and didn't say anything, so, I just walked down to the bus terminal.
I Was Just Wearing Levi's, a Blouse, Casual Hair, Sitting Crossed Legged, the Very Blonde Haired, if You Could Say Hair, Fuzz, Baby, Was Sitting Near Me and Wearing Toddler Clothes, Like a 9 Month Old.
The one thing, I respected about James, was, that he seemed to want to check things out, seemed, at least, well, maybe, that was more, he didn't believe me . . . I am looking outside, and a Talco van is going down the road, like, he thinks, Rachel, who is 3 to 4 inches taller than me, I am only 5'7.5" and maybe he met her first, lying about, Elliot, being her kid, maybe even called him the Red Jesus, and when I told him about my red-headed rock star son, and his bands, and a bit about him, maybe, he didn't believe me, I know that I had to prove my age by showing him my birth certificate, and it seemed like he, had to see my Greyhound bus ticket, and didn't believe, that I had gone from Kalispell, to Missoula, down to Vegas and back to Butte, in about three days . . . that is typical for me, always in motion, always, going here ant there. I had my tickets, still and he studied those too! So, maybe, he is still doubting, even if he reads, my blog, that I am telling the truth, and he is still buying the liars, fakes and bull shit, of the music thieves, stealing my whole fucking life, up to and including my kids, and grand kids. I know, he always, called me grandma, and himself, grandpa, which didn't bother me at all. But, younger guys were always, trying to pick up on me, and I think, the old bull elk, was protecting his territory, and through the young bucks were stay away . . . which they did not! LOL. He even tried to trash me down in the men's dorms, by saying I was just a lonely old grandma.
Like God's perfect revenge, for this allegedly lonely old grandma, Nick, who acted like me and James's kid, or grand kid, always making mischief, told me what James said, so I was not necessarily pissed, but, I ignored him at breakfast, and this guy, very cute, always, helping around the place, and I would guess somewhere around, 30ish, made some comment, and I threw in something like, not to bad for a 60 year old, he looked at me shocked, having seen me for weeks, literally, yelled, as I exited the door, you make 60 look GOOD! I glanced back at James, who didn't laugh or think that was funny! LOL! The perfect pitch, the perfect pay back! LOL! Several days later, some young, good looking, about 30 year old, and his cousin, the braver of the two, came and sat down for breakfast next to me, where James usually sat, but, he was late and there room was getting crowded, so I let them, just sit, without saving James a place, not sure if he was coming or not? James had to sit across from us, and this guy, was, definitely challenging his turf, asking me, all these questions, and James was just sitting across the table, growliing! LOL! Serves him right, for lying and saying I was just some lonely grandma! But, as I took my dishes to drop them off, the bold of the two cousins, both cute, both, under I think, 30, said, do you think Chris is good looking? Not into collecting hearts, I said, I think you are both good looking, but I am old enough to add both of your ages together, and still probably find jail bait in there somewhere! Chris followed me to Missoula, and told me he wished he was older . . . love sick puppy! I pointed out a few girls, more his age . . . he was not interested! Whatever. Phil was looking hot, about that time and much closer to my age, or I think, missing as much, time, from Pick's, I feel much younger than I am, and that can be deceiving, even to me.
The Very Basic Room, Plain, Clear, Indicting the Way We Both See Each Other? The Chair, Also, Is One of My Signs for Being There . . . Chair or There! With Everything Striped Down, This is It.
The last day, I saw James, unless he was the one, on California Bridge, last October, he had thrown, his crutches, against the wall, and I wondered if he was ready, to kick'em, to the sidelines, and every time I see, some guy, walking with a limp, or with crutches, I worry he rushed it, but, I figured, he knew his body, and I really had no right, other than to do what I did, was, ask, if he was ready for that, and were his bones, healed enough? He, walked out the door, after, asking me to meet him in Durango, Colorado. I knew, we were on surveillance, and sign on the back of the truck outside the Break Cafe', Follow Me To A Great Place To Eat, I went looking for him twice in Durango, late, but, I was there, I miss you! Back to the dream, I always, wanted to have him sit still, for once, even with his leg, he was all over the place, and he was hurt, from me leaving in January, and learning that I thought, they would kill him, and that is why I left without telling him, right after he had told me he loved me and me him, I just don't think, we had time to talk, and I was worried shitless, they would kill him, still worry, always. But, without saying anything, I leaned over and started to rub his leg, just on top of his pants, nice as they were, going up and down, I believe in the power of healing, through touch, and sending energy, from one source to another, and it was sensual, tender, and he just sat there . . . I don't recall the dream going on, more, it was just, kind of an innocent, connection, between reality and dream-state. Maybe, my way of letting him know, I cared, did then, still do, he was just chill, and still. I don't recall any words, at all, in the whole dream. The dream took place in a lighted room.
I woke up, and would fall back to sleep, drifting in and out of, whatever the hell was on the TV at 12:38 A.M. But, I seemed to have a short, dream, that seemed connected, and symbolic.
Me Standing, Near an Old 70's Stove, With 4 Electric Burners . . . The Kitchen Was Dark, But, Dated--The Stove Was Gold and Dark Wood Controls. I Was Wearing a Mid-Riff Shorty Shirt, Every Fit--70's Look. There Seemed to Be a Very Tall Figure, A Man Standing Behind Me, IN the Shadows, Struck Me as James . . . I Could Feel Him, Sensed Him, The Stove Light Was On
At first, this seemed to indicate, that I needed to get an apartment, start cooking, stop eating all the fattening fast food, Diet Coke, and get in the shape you used to be in . . . hell, I weighed, 116, after two kids, generally between 134 lbs. and 140 at the time, I got Pick's Disease, and was forced to take meds, gaining, probably 80 pounds, in one year. Then I thought I was dying, who cared. And once I did care, I was sitting on my ass, working 22 hours a day! SUPER SIZE ME! LOL. But, I was excited, to see the nice flat stomachs of yesteryear, and that, I could still do that. I don't want to see James, again, until I am looking like that, and the shadowy figure behind, me, seemed to indicate, when I feel good, he will be there, was watching, which, I have felt, on many occasions. As I started, drifting in and out, I kept getting, different, interpretations . . . there was that, single stove top light on, and the rest of the room was dark, maybe indicating, from my blog, the other day, that, my kids, may need to spent time, with my enemies, the very ones, who took my houses, my cars, have me on surveillance 247, so they have access to every little thing I say and do, so they can keep lying and saying that they are me, the mother of my four kids, and the thought struck, me, and I know, for this lie to be continued, my kids, or at least their spouses or girlfriend in Elliot's case, have to lie, or they themselves have to lie. Fuck the feds, infiltrated my family, back in 2000, when most of my kids, or soon, thereafter, hooked up with their spouses. I believe Rachel was a plant, or paid off, and Elliot, probably didn't know, but she sabotaged, all the concerts I set up . . . Honey traps!
We break'em then, we remake them . . . all my kids, have been broken, to the point of total dispair, being blocked, from their music, jobs they deserved, even being accused of committing crimes, all with the intention of breaking the mother/child bond! I know exactly what they were up to, and it took a lot, and all of them, are still connected, but, I can see evidence of being broken, a bit, and finally, just doing what they have to, to protect their families and have some security. They stopped me from every means of getting to see them, and attack me in the newspapers, or putting bogus warrants out, when I am in Utah. I probably have no idea, the pressure that they have been under. Elliot, is everyone's baby, and they want mom, out of the way. That is probably why, I am with some unknown baby, with no connection in the dream, didn't look like my kids at all. Are they trying to foist some unknown kid on me. I have gotten God Intel that, they have tried to make it look like Shelley's kids are mine, or Rachel's, and that Elliot is Sue's, or they have even made them take new names. I don't want Rachel's kids, nor does she deserve MINE! Hell, Rachel is 7 years younger than me, she is 54 and she would have had to be fucking 14 to have had Greta, who is not 40. You got to take, December 17, 1954, and all my kids, fit nicely in there. I aborted the child that would have been the same age, as Ty, Shelley's, Emily, Rachel's, or Tipper, Marcie's kid . . . my youngest is almost 33, come May 3, this year. One of the things I am afraid, is at least I have a grandma bod, but if I get in the shape, I was in the dream, shit, I will look younger then my kids! LOL. Not really, but I looked in rockin' shape, in the dream. Spotlighting the fact, I got burned by my four kids?
Deadly Intentions . . . This Guy, A Successful Doctor, Plans to Kill His Estranged Wife, Who Left Him, After, He Tried to Strangle Their Baby Son, Told Her To Give Him Adult Meds!
The thing that is fascinating about this case, is the legal theory. A couple of smart, cops, are intuitive enough, learning what is inside this doctor's brief case, and his antics and disguise, that, did nothing more than, put him on airport security . . . and this was way back, so I was impressed that long before, TSA and Homeland Security, guys were on guard, and really stopped this monster, who planned ever detail, attending a doctor's conference, so he had an alibi, then taking off to kill his wife, three years after the fact. But, with the contents of the brief case, and a few stories of what this guy had done, while with his wife, like, buying a camera, and a tarantula, putting the spider on the wall, next to his wife, standing on a high ladder, wallpapering, having her pose for the pictures, until, the spider is right on her hand . . . loving seeing her scream, snapping pictures. Or, taking her to a swimming hole, with crocodiles and gators, which she was not familiar, letting her swim, knowing she would, being a swimming champion, and watching a croc, come toward her, not warning her, until, the beast, was closer, then watching her, go crazy, swimming, towards him, smiling, madly taking pictures. Getting turned on, as the mad croc, barely misses her, them, making love to her. When she was pregnant, he would stay up in his man cave, looking at all the horrible situations he would put her in, and then, he would sneak down, hair all crazy, and then he would jump on her, clawing and yelling, and then laugh, when she jumped from sleep, enjoying her pain, her fright, etc.
But, this cop or prosecutor, could tell, that if they didn't catch and hold her husband, he was going to kill her. It is amazing to me, that I can write, blog after blog, about the shear terror, I have had, thinking back, on one of the first times, I came to Missoula, and wanted to attend, church, on the other side of Reserve, and so, rather than, spend the money, being short, I am sure, I decided to spend, some time, at the closest free place, these little, sheds, and someone, had to have watched me from aerial surveillance, because, they had to have watched me, because, at that time, middle of the night, there was no one out on the streets, and while I was just sitting up, in one, and they were unlocked, a muscle car pulled up, two guys, started looking for me . . . thank God, they may have thought, I had a gun, or something, but they tried to drive me out, through fear or curiosity, leaving for a short time and coming back with dogs, with one guy, as far as I could tell, going in and out of the 30 or so, sheds, while the other guy, revved the car, over and over again, and all I could think was rape, murder . . . but, I sat there, and waited them out, until they gave up. I was on the far side of the place they were parking, and they may have thought I left, or had a gun, is all I can think. But, I can write all of this, and all has been covered in detail, and with all the high tech equipment, spy gear, cop shit, boy toys, nobody is as smart as these guys, back in the day!
I sit and think, what the fuck, do I seriously have to DIE, to prove that this shit it REAL, that they have tried to kill me for 16 years! Shit, that husband, was not even in prison, as long as, I have been in prison, and I have property taken, identity, kids, millions, if not billions, that are detectable, and the DUMB ASSES AT THIS TIME, can't figure this one out! Shit, I had, fucking 10 cops, looking to intercept me, before I got on the bus, set up after set up, and NOTHING. Shit, just yesterday, the first day, I ventured out, after, being poisoned AGAIN, not even leaving the motel, for about 9 days, so not typical, and I was two cops, before I got poisoned, but cops creeping all over the place, yesterday, going through the parking lot at the motel, or crawling up, so they could see me in the windows at McDonald's, even going in the wrong way, so they could get closer to the window, or so, I would not notice them, with my back, the way they came in, and then, sheriff's car, going up the street, making U turns, trying, I think, to intimidate me, or at least harass me.
Give me the good old fashioned cops and prosecutors, who just did their fucking job. As, I left the Oxford where I had breakfast, and watched the two part movie, I was thinking how cool, it was, for these gutsy cops, to not stop, until they had hypnotised the woman, took every precaution, and never let her husband close to her again, and could clearly see, she was totally at risk, and then tried a case, on INTENT . . . what is wrong with our wimpy ass modern, loser, who are worried about protecting the fake, the guilty, and earning money, they don't deserve! my family money, because, I did what, forced the fuckers to obey the SUPREME LAW OF THE LAND? under the same oath they took? I deserve to die, because, you guys should all go to PRISON? There is not exception in the criminal code for cops, stalking, harassing, intimidating, assaulting me, listening to my motel room, paying POV people to come spy on me? Come on. There was an old case this attorney relied on, that basically said, if the husband, in this case, threatened to kill his wife, and took actions to do so, like buying a gun, and carrying it around, that was enough to show, he did have the INTENT TO KILL HER!
This sick fuck, monster doctor, threatened, that if his wife ever left him, he could get her, and he showed her the huge ass knife, he had, waving it around, even in front of her friend, who found it, and telling the way he would kill her, or someone who ran from him. He would gut them, put firecrackers, inside of them, then, use safety pins to hold their skin together, while he watched all the firecrackers go off, before they died and watched all the pain, etc., till they expired! Several times, he would remind her of this fact, making her more and more worried, when her son was born. That sick fucker, even goes in during the night, and traps the baby, in his blanket, and ties, it to the crib, sides, trying to smother the baby. That is when the wife leaves, after he tried to kill the baby, then give him, what the pharmacist told her would have been lethal! The doctor, went to the extreme to make himself, look good, married another women, adopted her kids, and provided her a great life, so when he went to trial or was accused of his first wife's death or murder, this new wife and her children, could vouch for his good character. But the jury, on I thought, pretty little evidence, on what they showed, CONVICTED, and not just for intent to commit murder, but actual murder!
There is NOTHING More Beautiful and Nobel, Than Taking a Monster Like This, Out of Society And Saving A Life!
Being a cop, is not, like being a member of the perks, power, and pussy club, feeding like predator criminals on families like mine, being criminals yourselves; remember why you became a cop or a prosecutors! There should be enough material, that puts this woman's to shame, to get Brett, Allan, aka, Frank, and others, on Intent to Commit Murder! or MURDER!
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