The Law, Is About, Definitions and Hair Splitting!
In law, hate speech is any speech, gesture or conduct, writing, or display which is forbidden because it may incite violence or prejudicial action against or by a protected individual or group, or because it disparages or intimidates a protected individual or group.
Fox Contributor . . . Stacey Dash . . . I Don't Understand Why Women Don't Support Trump? He's A New Yorker, A Street Talker--Like That Excuses Him? . . . New York Mayor, Married to a Black Woman, Bill DeBlasio, Called Trump, Exactly What He is . . . a Bigot!
- Full Definition of bigot. : a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices; especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group (as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance.
- bigot definition, meaning, what is bigot: a person who has strong, unreasonable beliefs and who does not like other people who have…. Learn more.
Stacey Looks Like the Trumpster's Cutie Girls, Working in Trump Towers--All In Their 20's If That? . . . Where are the Women My Age? We've Outlived Our Shelf Value For Beauty, and We Are Too Smart to Support Trump! LOL! Toys, Toys, Toys!
I Can't Help Commenting On Trump's Opinion on Flat Chested Women . . . Like That is Appropriate Talk for a Presidential Candidate, but Is For a Guest On the Howard Stern Talk Show! Boy Talk . . . Wink?
Almost every top female star, many considered or named the "Most Sexy Women" in the World, People Magazine, in Hollywood, is flat chested:
- Jennifer Lawrence
- Sandra Bullock
- Jennifer Aniston
- Gweneth Plowtrow
- Camera Diaz
- Khira Knightly . . . the chick from Pirates of the Carribian
- Taylor Swift
- Mylee Cyrus
- Michelle Phieffer
- Kate Blanchett
- Kate Hudson
- Kate Winslett
- Drew Barrimore
- Nicole Kidman
- Reese Weatherspoon
- Meg Ryan . . . probably in every romantic comedy chick flick, in 20 years!
- Juliette Lewis
The only movie star, I know, who has somewhat of a chest, naturally, is Scarlet Johannson, Heidi Klum? Join the real world . . . secure men, don't need, a Silicone Barbie to make them feel they have a big dick! LOL! Sorry if I slaughtered the spellings or left out other female stars . . . I am not much of a movie goer, and watch a lot of true crime, 10 years after the fact! Hang tough women, Trump is the OLD GUARD! Even, little Stacey Dash, admitted, "No, Donald Trump, IS the Republican Party, now, that all depends on what the word, "IS" means! --President Bill Clinton!
Even Republican Women, are taking out ads against Trump, saying, these are our mothers, our daughters, our sisters . . . DAMN RIGHT!
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