Within A Half Hour, There Was Not a Dry Eye In the Room . . . This Story Needs to Be Told
Now, this is not referring to my story--no tears fall for me, in this Mormon enclave, it is a quote from The Spectrum & Daily News, Friday, April 17, 2015, 1A, 3A, talking about a panel discussion, sponsored, ironically, at Southern Utah University, entitled, What would you do for freedom?, birth place and home, of the beginning of my fight, not only for the civil rights of my clients, Haylee Cheek, Shane Michael Clark, and Travis Braun, all alleged, criminals, or guilty by association with each other, who dared to take on the local cop forces, county attorney, Division of Family & Child Services, and challenge the criminal justice system in the 5th Judicial Court, with its tangentially, connected, Washington County, almost an extension of Iron County, with shared Narcotics Task Forces and other governmental areas of a five county radius, with me filing two civil rights cases, that broke out nationwide, making me the #2 in the nation for civil rights defense . . . go figure! This is just another form of civil rights cases, with a female attorney!
About a week ago, I happened upon, a FBI Files, Special, if memory serves, entitled, The True Story of Mississippi Burning, when the FBI was called into the state, after 3 civil rights, 2 whites & 1 black--all suddenly disappeared one night, all from out of town, came to town, at a time of civil unrest, with new federal legislation, giving blacks the right to vote at local polling booths, not separate, but equal booths, that were segregated, several well educated whites, and their help, came to make sure that civil rights were allowed, and to start a campaign to educate, not only the black community of their rights, but to let the white segment of the majority, that there were people from the north, who were backing them up, and going to insure, their safety, and rights at the ballot boxes, in the up coming election. They moved into town with posters, literature, people armed with information, and support. Mississippi, much like Dixie, or Washington County, down here and their counterpart, up in Iron County, considered themselves, distinct from the rest of the country, as one of the most prejudice, resistant belligerent and obstinate parts of the country, and going to stand firm in their hatred for blacks (alleged druggies, female attorneys), and any equality that the government might give them.
Analogous Comparisons With the 60's in the Discussion
Beery, one of the panelists, said he was asked to summarize the situation Nikpai faced in a Hazara in in Afghanistan:
"A black Mormon in the south in the 1960s if that puts it into perspective for you."
I am going to be going back and forth, between this article and what I experienced, as the attorney, not only in the criminal civil rights case for my three defendants, but in a civil, civil rights, case, representing, local financial planner, Henry S. Brock, and a Salt Lake City, financial planner, Jay Rice, my two plaintiffs, in a $357 million securities case, against the state of Utah, or better, with affront to the Mormon theocracy that runs the state of Utah, both filed in 2010, respectively, with a Mormon hopeful, running for President, Mitt Romney, almost a native son, due to Olympic Games and Church connections, with a black President Obama, and I am living in the reddest of red states, in the reddest county in the state, Washington County . . . sitting on a mere fortune, that can be used, abused, claimed, and donated to Mitt, if, that is, I wanted him for president, which I did not, do not, and never will!
Another participant in the panel, staff Sgt. Whitney Houston, knew that Nik, was in danger because of work with the coalition forces, offered him a place at his house in Cedar City. This is the concern he had, as Houston described the living conditions in the city, the panelist, came from:
"When you look at a country that is full of violence, hatred and intolerance, and Nik, he's full of love and tolerance . . . He radiates goodness against myriads of sadness and hatred. Cedar City is a great community, I knew that he would find a good life here," Houston said. "It was the people of Cedar City I had faith in."
Oh, really, is that the same, community, county, court system, cop system, prosecutor's office, and citizenry, who I had created the sadness and hatred, I experienced between 2010 to the present time, since I have a house in Parowan, Utah, just 15 minutes north of Cedar City, that I can't even go to the city without the U.S. Marshells, deputy sheriffs, or local cops, show up with the Iron County welcome wagon, trying to intimidate me, because, the first child of Richard & Helen Southwick, Shelley, born the same day, as former, local, legislator, Dixie Leavitt, father of former Utah Governor, Mike Leavitte, as a 50 year legislator, started the Dixie Political Machine, also a childhood friend of my father, being raised in Cedar City, with mother, Helen, going to Cedar City, to teach junior high health and P.E.
Shelley, was christened, appointed, as attorney, JoAnn S. Secrist, extrodinaire, or ME! Shelley, moved in my house, 291 North 100 East, Parowan, Utah, the home of Allan Rex Bess, my clients, who was murdered by Shelley, Frank aka Allan, of InterPol, who was brought in by the government, to take me down, and all my cases, replacing me and Allan, with fake shit, assholes, Shelley, allowed to go and argue in court as ME, as seen by locals, who were inmates with me, after I was falsely arrested, my truck taken, my house raided and robbed by local cops, allegedly helping a dirty ass judge from Grand County, allegedly taking if for the fucking Jewish attorneys, who never took my truck, but were allowed, with the help of Iron County sheriffs, to take about $20,000 worth my personal property! I simply went to town, to protect my client's CIVIL RIGHTS! To a city, county, area of the state, so filled with violence, hatred and intolerance . . . I was just doing my god-damn, fucking job, you fuckers!
The plan was to take, both me and Allan out of the game, and replace us with Shelley and Frank, aka, JoAnn S. Secrist & Allan Rex Bess . . . they just couldn't ever catch me! But what I have had to do for freedom would shock even the most skeptical, cynical, sarcastic, critic of the government, corruption, and abuse of power, that few would even believe, seeming beyond fiction, but, nonetheless, as true as the three civil rights workers, that the FBI, back in the day, they were not all Mormon goons, were found buried under 14 feet of dirt, on the private property, of a local, after the sheriff, picked them up, around 9:30 p.m., the night they disappeared, and he said he released them . . . yeah, he did release them, after the KKK clansmen, were all summoned to the cop shop, to follow the civil rights workers, who had done nothing wrong, so they could have their way with them, following them, with a cop pulling them over, and clansmen, taking them into the woods, beating them, then shooting them, and then burying them under the dirt mounts on a private piece of property!
Have We Changed Since 1960? Most of this Shit Happened to Me in 2011 to the Present--2015--45 Years After the Fact!
We have a more than qualified, black female, attorney, Loretta Lynch, a U.S. attorney general, for the district of New York, but she took on the cops in New York, she takes on the mob, corruption, and has handled about ever type of case, as I have, showing, that there will be justice for all, regardless of race, color, ethnicity, creed, religion, and age . . . are the 70% of the Mormon, FBI, CIA, DIA, NSA, all worried, she might lynch their fucking asses over my case, if she is sworn in? My guess, is not only yes, but, HELL YES! So, the under powers in D.C., are working over time, to figure out, how to protect the guilty and fry the innocent! She is just doing her job, not playing the political gamesmanship, that other U.S. AGs have done to keep peace in the troops. Here is where the rubber meets the road, like Nominee, Ms. Lynch, said . . . RIGHT Is RIGHT, and Wrong is WRONG . . . should you chose to break the law, she is going after your sorry asses, and she should, and so did I!
Cedar City, St. George, heads might fall, and they fucking should! Mitt Romney might fall, and he should along with my two clients, Hank Brock, Jay Rice, and my father, 85 year old, former, special agent, in the Air Force . . . even the fucking Mormon Church, leaders, agents, parents, don't get to decide that one daughter is more worthy of being, a, the daughter, that did all the great things! Go figure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Most attorneys, will do about one, of about 30 of the great things, that I have done . . . and my contributions and record, will probably be accomplished or broken by one of my children, like, by my daughter, Greta Secrist Hyland, who will be attending law school, at the University of Montana, in Missoula, Montana, this fall, or possibly my son, Elliot Taylor Secrist, who is also considering going to law school, currently, a music major at God's university, the University of Utah, where I taught family law for about 7 years, at the same time I was an attorney, and also teaching, argumentation and research, at Utah Valley University, I won't mention, BYU, it is not worth mentioning, as part of this bull shit . . . the government, the church government, doesn't get to break the laws of this country, and go after a civil rights attorney, a bad ass con law chick like me, who specializes in constitutional law, and steal her life in some special op plan! Fuck you, MITT! I was doing my job, to protect, preserve, and defend, the United States, Constitution, and the Constitution of the state of Utah!
Legal Legacy to My Children
- scholarly writing award, Female Circumcision in Ethiopia, written and presented to an International Law Class, Prof. Goldsmith, BYU Journal, 1993
- Louisell Internship, Americans United for Life, Chicago, Illinois, summer of 1992, these attorneys testify in Congress for or against, Supreme Court Justices, as they did with Justice Sonya Sotomayor
- staff attorney, Utah Prosecution Council, Criminal Enforcement Division, Utah Attorney Generals Office
- wrote Domestic Violence 101: A User Friendly Manual for Prosecutors & Law Enforcement on Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault, wrote the grant, designed the manual, wrote the cop portion of the manual
- award under the Violence Against Women Act, under President Clinton, serving as a national model for other states
- being adopted by the Department of Justice, for fighting, human body trafficking, see circle chart of isolation, that is my graphic, and can be found in the original manual, not the one Kris Knowlton fucked up, after I left, and probably let Shelley pretend to be ME! Shelley could tell victim stories, she was abuse, I have never been slapped once!
- 10 statewide trainings for cops, prosecutors, social workers, judges, medical staff, and shelter workers
- wrote Powers and Duties of County Attorneys, still being used by the Utah Prosecution Council to train new county attorneys, and I am sure shared with other states, but I can't confirm
- wrote monthly newsletter, called the Utah Prosecutor, used to train, inform, educate, and keep 350 statewide prosecutors and assistant attorneys general up to date
- member of SWAP, Statewide Association of Prosecutors, working on legislation
- killed Utah Medical Association, 3,000 doctors, attempt to change mandatory reporting for domestic violence evidence, upon discovery in office visits, a one page letter to Utah Health Committee, who killed the attempt, put it on the consensus calendar! That and training docs on domestic and dating violence, on 22 Intermountain Health Care Campuses, led to being asked to be general counsel to the Utah Medical Association, to the consternation of the docs, especially the psychiatric association, led by Dr. Foote, all hated me, fought, and objected to me being hired, paid me back saving the docs from federal fraud units, Medicaid/Medicare upcoding investigations and prosecutions! The thanks I get for saving physicians nationwide, with work! Later I was poisoned, and two doctors, two brothers, the McDonald brothers, one in Heber City, and the other in St. George, Kent, cut my clitoris off!
- administration, assistant attorney general, under AG, Jan Graham, 13 staff, 1800 volunteers, over three statewide programs: (1) constituent services, 3600 phone calls a month; (2) victim services, court support and other help; and (3) Safe at Home Programs, videos, brochures, literature for: domestic and dating violence, elder abuse and fraud, child abuse/stranger danger education; and gang violence
- hired as AG double, for speaking engagements, until I started to get top billed over the AG! LOL! And that was not hard!
- killed asset forfeiture legislation . . . rocked cops and prosecutors, pissed to this day!
- where I cut my teeth as a con law chick, did an analysis of the legislation, that violated 2 solid pages of both U.S. & Utah Constitution civil rights and protections
- only took a 2 hour screaming debate of the floor of the House, and 10 minutes for the Senate to throw the legislation out!
- I was demoted, taken out of administration, off supervising staff and volunteers, threatened to ding pay, until I told AGs Office, I would go to every newspaper in the state, and tell them . . . backed down! I was just doing my job, preserving, defending and protecting the Constitution, from cops, prosecutors, etc.
- billionaire, George Soros, funded ballot initiatives in 50 states, with 27 states passing resolutions, initiatives to curtail cop incentives, money from the seizures
- assistant attorney general, driver's license and health divisions . . . thought they buried me! LOL! You can't hold a good women down!
- handled, 270 DUI cases for the Department of Drivers License and Motor Vehicle Division
- still over the Victim Assistance Programs, victim's reparation, restitution for crimes committed against them
- in the health division, I beat, one of the gnarliest, pit bull, attorneys, in court, thought to be an impossible task, stopping the attorney generals office from making in roads with the personal injury defense bar, collecting the states money for paying for victims insurance and medical expenses, prior to getting large settlements, with the defense bar, refusing to pay back the state's money, working with the Office of Recovery Services . . . until I came along! LOL!
- I wrote a letter to the personal injury section of the Utah State Bar, the richest recovering attorneys, while being considered the ambulance chasers . . . this is where Kay Burningham gets her ass burned, I was invited to the section of the bar, and also to Dusnip & King, if I can remember, to see if the AG's office would soften our approach to the collection of settlement money . . . before that, they never paid!
- I collected almost a half a million dollar check from just one case! More than the other assistant AG had in 8 years!
- I refused to be pushed around by Recovery Office staff, who I was not sure even graduated from high school! Boss, Billy Walker, and I got in fight over the plain language of the statute, or the law, which, clearly said, that we were not to represent the agencies . . . Billy wrote the legislation, but he didn't convey, through statutory interpretation what his intent was, so I did what the law said, he was pissed! Maybe that is why, he worked with the special ops plan to make sister acts, ME, and going after my license, so non-lawyers, could use my great name and resume, and then using law enforcement to chase me, harass, and run me out of the state to cover, THEIR CRIMES . . . I didn't do any!
- I excelled in any division I was in . . . Palmer DePaulis, former mayor of Salt Lake, after seeing what I did with the community programs, said it was not a mistake to hire me, but he thought that my goals were not just in Utah, not even restricted to the nation, nor the world, but somewhere in the Universe . . . I gave Jan, 7 programs, in 6 months, a statewide kick off, teams of presenters, and a library providing literature for the whole damn state at once! I did have on my resume, under personal interests, saving the world! 20 years later, I am still trying! LOL! I am a believer!
- staff attorney, Utah Division of Aging, working with Areas on Aging, Senior Centers, League of Towns & Cities, County Associations, cops, prosecutors, dealing with elder fraud and abuse protections
- got a statewide system of guardianship/conservatorship panels through, to protect the elderly who didn't have family, friends, or others who could take care of them . . . they had been trying for 15 years, it just took me, one presentation to the Governor's Commission on Aging
- I presented to seniors all over the state of legal tools, protections, living wills, wills, and other instruments that would protect their wealth, health, and homes from family vultures
- general counsel, Utah Medical Association, offered the job, dealing with 3,000 plus doc issues
- worked on state and federal legislation, bills, issues, and information that concerned docs
- presented at statewide trainings and conferences on legal issues, that effected physicians in their practices, especially with the elderly, living wills, wills, types of powers of attorney, end of life care, and palliative care issues, or pain management
- contract negotiations with largest hospital system in the state
- published article for the University of Utah, Medical School, Annual Review, Holistic Healing for Domestic Violence, or something like that, PDF, but could not find it, after they buried or took credit for my work!
- probably the most critical, was when 15 St. George, doctors, Taj Becker and her partner, got targeted for Medicaid/Medicare fraud or upcoding, and I teamed with her, and her husband, Adolf Becker, who was an attorney, but not a member of the Utah State Bar, but a former, Lt. Governor, again, using the U.S. Constitution, 4th amendment, and other civil rights, that were being violated by investigators and prosecutors . . . getting a former AG, fired, for not following federal regulations, later 9 federal investigators and attorneys fired, transferred, or retired
- Taj Becker, became a national spokes person for the issues . . . she also, was friend of Rachel Southwick Hickey-Moosman, sister act double, daughters, Stephanie and Becker kid, in early college at Dixie State advanced placement!
- I had been poisoned, so any bitch could step in, take credit for my work . . . father kept the letters the Utah Medical Association wrote thanking me for saving all the docs, after they participated in poisoning me, and cutting off clit! NICE!
- professor of family law, undergrad, Family & Consumer Science Dept., University of Utah; 1/2 semester of family law, undergrad, Child & Family Life Dept., BYU, jealous of publications, regretted, listening to bitching student, who was graduating without the most important degree, the celestial kingdom with a husband, took it out on professor, divorce'; and professor of argumentation & research, English Dept., Utah Valley University
- got an award from U of U, campus wide, including medical and law school, for being the toughest grader with the highest student approval rating!
- got status as official adjunct, for being considered valuable to the department and university
Told I Was Dying Of PICK's Disease, 2000, Dead by 2002 . . . How to Get Rid of Smart Female Attorney, Who Keeps Kicking the Shit Out of the Government! Took 8 Years of My Life, My Relationship With My Kids . . . Stealing ID!
- member of Utah State Bar, U.S. Federal District of Utah Bar, U.S. 10th Circuit Court of Appeals, and the United States Supreme Court Bar, January 23, 2012, 4 Certificates of Good Standing from the Utah Supreme Court . . . until the day, I got sworn in to that court, chased, harassed, intimidated, character assassination, death threats, attempted homicides, by scores, continues to today!
- reactivated law license 2009, October 1, 2009, for the Brock et al v. Herbert et al, $357 securities case, news broke out nationwide, January 17, 2010, New York Investment News . . . No Big Love in Utah, not kidding, still isn't!
- what the fraud units, had been doing to the physicians, they were now going after financial planners securities license
- clients looked for 10 years, for an attorney who would and could take the case . . . you needed understanding of constitutional, civil, criminal, administrative, securities law . . . just securities attorneys were worth, $500 to $700 per hour, I took the case, with the understanding that I would get 1/3, at the end of the case, win, for $20 per hour, until the appeal to the 10th Circuit, and then for a mere $60 per hour . . . how do you like them apples, that after I won, slaughter, really, Brock and Rice, teamed with government to cut me out of the winnings!
- wanted me to pay tithing--NO, wanted me to donate to BYU--NO, no campaign contributions, either, and I was an Obama supporter, and was going to use my $118 million to set up a constitutional law firm from hell, to be the fourth arm of the government, watching every civil rights violation that came down the track and train the best and the brightest new attorneys coming out of law school, in my way! The American Way, the red, white and blue, true, freedom, liberty, rights, etc. . . . they didn't want that!
- most of my cases were landmark, trend setting, and bringing back the constitution, read by many, paid to be read by many law firms across the nation, making a shit load of money for the U.S. federal district court of Utah, and again, the very people who were benefiting thanked me by giving my cases away, bribing, cutting deals, without the winner attorney involved, deals were made, then steals were had . . . there are a thousand ways to steal, kill, hide money, divert, double docket, steal e-filing accounts, court clerk wheeling and dealing, with non-attorneys, and fucking the integrity of the courts!
- Cheek et al v. Garrett et al, $ 56,7 million, took down narcotics cops, planting 51 pieces of evidence in Shane Clark's house, Cedar City, among other things . . . Iron County Corruption case, every cop in the nation, knows this case . . . Garrett and Judge Westfall, Judge Walton, all said that Shelley was me! I even gave them copies of my U.S. Supreme Court Bar Certificate! No excuse that they didn't know that I had taken the case to that level! Listed in Eagle, Legal Eagle, as great case . . . buried once I discovered it! Kelly Ann Booth, was given the case, President Monson, Mormon Church Pres., granddaughter, let Garrett and Judge Miller off the case, Haylee is still in prison, or suppose to be serving a 6 years sentence, but I think as part of the deal to let Garrett, Iron County Attorney, off the hook, she was released, they, the local newspapers, just run an article, like the other day, that Haylee was denied early release, bull shit, she was probably let, back in 2012, when the deals on the case were cut, and I was safely chased into Montana! Misty & Dennis, purchased 2 homes in Las Vegas, worth $1 million, and got $1900 per month for their grandchildren, or Haylee's kids . . . check that one out!
- Thomas G. Vail, about $400 million worth of cases against, Las Vegas Review Journal, state of Nevada, Pioneer Insurance, and others . . . called me after we had demand letters and I had put up with the fucker for a year and half, all but free, with the 1/3 looming for two $10 million, until Tom said he had lunch with the CIA, and probably Kay, and then he started to say he never had a contract with me, really, I sent him a retainer agreement, he paid me $2500 and partook of my services, and later after meeting with the CIA, said he never signed the contract . . . dumb asses, have they ever heard of an IMPLIED CONTRACT, the old milk case . . . you drink the milk, you have an implied contract and you PAY!
- State v. Allan Rex Bess, originally for attempted homicide, lowered to aggravated assault, and drug related charges . . . I got Allan from looking at 45 years in prison, down to 3 years probation, until, assassins, Shelley who shot Allan, with a 22 behind the ear, Frank's favorite method of assassination, and Frank came in a cut up the body, burned it in the new furnace, mixed up the remains with cement, that was used to plaster walls, until I brought Frank down from cabin at Panguitch Lake, then he tried to remove ashes and evidence . . . I would check, window in the basement, with the cement, half wall, and I bet you could find DNA, crapping the walls. I married Frank, thinking it was Allan! Frank & Shelley were to be, Me and Allan! They deserve the death penalty for this shit! Firing squad is great!
- State v. Michael Shane Clark, purchase of drugs from confidential informant, controlled buy, set up by cops, Adams smoked too, later Officer McIntyre, dropped drugs at work site of Shane, to frame him for threatening cop's confidential informant, who followed him to work, taunting him, the night after Haylee had been arrested and a day before, Travis Brauh was arrested . . . all friends, all against criminal justice, or criminal injustice system
- State In the Matter of Haylee's Kids v. Haylee Cheek, parental termination case, Judge Higby, dip shit!
- State In the Matter of Guthrie Kids v. Josh & Cindy Guthrie, parental termination, bitch assistant attorney general, Holt, met her match
- State v. Baum, took three assistant attorney generals, tag teaming me on this one
- State v. Lamerauex, alleged homicide, with cops shooting his wife, Misty, framing Tristan, I took case, after he was sentenced, and got a new trial against assistant attorney general, but Iron County would not pay me, after a year and a half of working free! I qualified on all counts by statutory laws for contract attorneys, they just knew I would take out the cops and National Guard! That is why Delta Force Intelligence were brought in, Frank and crew, to save cops and National Guard!
- State v. Travis Braun, Feds v. Travis Braun . . . I beat U.S. Attorney, Paul Kohler, or Co liar, stating that Rachel, or Shelley, or Kay did the gig . . . FBI Foote was a liar too, both knew me, no excuses!
- Hope Carlton-Levin v. Levin, former Playboy Bunny Centerfold v. JewiLsh, One wonder rock star . . . move to Utah, they will protect you! And they did, but Hope threw me under the bus, for money! I created a new, 10 prong test, to determine alimony payments/cohabitation claims, I did that in a 19 page brief to Judge Lyle, Lie All, Anderson, Shelley's last name was Anderson, again, credit went to some other bitch! I appealed the case up to the Utah Court of Appeals, which must have been into the fraud too, and a federal court clerk, Patricia Bartholomew, was murdered, with her husband, up in the Unitah Forest, allegedly being hit in a head on, while riding their motorcycle! She was an acquaintance at the courts, and we had talked on several occasions . . . I had three cases on appeal, one was my house, at 3770 Sugar Leo, St. George, after winning at the federal court level, Judge John Walton with Shelley and the crew of judges, Tena Campbell, Ted Stewart, and others, who worked with Iron and Washington counties to steal it back!
- Rachel Hickey Moosman vs. Wells Fargo, American First Title, Christian Hickey . . . these guys lost on a default, from Judge Brook Wells, U.S. Magistrate . . . they took the house, even after a win, and being in the house for over a year and a half, totally decorated, and Judge John Walton, took the house, when the case was not even two years from its completion, as confirmed by Dennis the clerk of the 5th District Court in St. George, but they did take it the day before, I was to argue in the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals in Denver, where Kay, with Brock and Rice, argued down the hall, from where I was suppose to argue after I kicked the shit out of the government attorneys! Forgery, representing herself as me, first a deal, then a steal at the U.S. Supreme Court, with the knowledge of the court!
- Farley Anderson v. State of Utah . . . unanimous win at the Utah Supreme Court, name listed on that, voting issues! Third party candidate
- State of California v. David Morgan, small domestic violence case, husband trying to stop wife from arguing in front of her children, postpartum depression, baby 2 months old, she kicked a glass table, cut her face--not much more than a butterfly bandage . . . 3 cops came, told he had an arsenal of guns (he had put them in the back yard, to get them out of wife's reach), they told him to give him the baby, and as he gave the baby to them, they handcuffed him, and beat the shit out of him, split his head open, took 18 staples to put his head back together . . . when he would not agree to a plea bargain for a 4 year prison sentence, the balifs would take him out during jury breaks, and beat him, while the judge and the prosecutor watched . . . he was one of the most handsome men I have ever seen, local Parowan, Utah boy, married to a very politically connected woman, daddy in legislature, trained attorneys on tax information, or something like that . . . making a political statement against guns, in California! He was housed, now a parapoligic in a wheel chair, by the time I saw him, originally to go to the Pleasant Valley Prison, but after jumping through all the hoops to get a visit, the day before I was scheduled to go to California, my own expense, they moved him to San Quentin Prison, up by Oakland and San Francisco, and it took me two hours more driving. I was told I had a full 8 hours to talk to him, once he started to tell me about the cops, prosecutors, and judges, dirty, abusing power, violating his constitutional rights, civil rights he demanded, were reason for beatings, throwing him in gang riots, taking him 150 miles to get medical treatment, putting him the back of a van, not strapping the wheelchair in, and letting him bang, hit, fall all over the back, laughing as he fell and couldn't do anything . . . but the second he told me anything, feds, stormed out, wheeling him away, while I was screaming they couldn't take his rights, he is looking back, trying to give me paperwork to substantiate his claims . . . when I came in, I noticed a stately looking black attorney, and saw that he was driving a car with U.S. government plates, and as we waited for our prisoners, he said what are you here for, and I told him a civil rights case, I asked him, he said, to listen! At the time I didn't know what he was talking about, thought to listen to his client, no, it was to listen to me, but there was a complete violation of my clients civil rights! The next time I went 700 miles to see him, they staged a fake riot at the prison, and forced me to go, just as David started to tell me what happened and give me paperwork . . . but, I believe, that by this time, he and his family had been bribed, because he didn't seem as happy to see me, his whole demeanor changed, and he didn't seem upset at the interruption, because the government, could see that I was not giving up, so they saved the California Penal System the trouble and the exposure and bribed the Morgans, because from that point on, they had money, seemed more interested in going to dinner, gambling, and doing everything but sitting down and getting stuff on the case done . . . but this is the pattern for all my cases, fucking huge cases, and just like clockwork, the government meets with them, promises them whatever, once I have won the case, and they have no other option, but to let me win and take the contingency fees, and they sure as hell don't want me to get paid for MY WORK!
- a case against the Department of Justice and Homeland Security, representing a woman, in a case of collection on the Home Town Hero Act, any person killed, within three years of 9/11 was automatically, entitled, or their spouses, were entitled to a $350,000 insurance policy award, if they were a cop or a firefighter . . . this woman's husband, had been both, in fact, the day he allegedly drove off a 40 foot cliff on his 4 wheeler, while working unarmed, watching 12 hard core prisoners, out supervising, them digging fence posts, in some fire conservation measure, some murderers, rapists, all very hard core, but no worry, this former, hard ass, former bull rider, and rancher, man handled this crew, with regularity . . . and it looked like they took a shovel to his face, smashing his face in from the side, implanting his sunglasses into his face, then staged an accident. They, the government had refused to compensate his widow, for 6 years, and so after viewing the tapes, which I saw as a cover up for total negligence for not allowing Arie to have a gun out in nowhere land, with criminals and inmates, who had every opportunity to hurt, kill, or maim him and run, were completely negligent, and I was going for a wrongful death case, rather than just the insurance, which had been denied . . . that night, my home office had been broken into, and the CD, that was originally thought be an autopsy report, was actually a cover up for a murder, was taken, and within days, my whole office, house, law practice, furniture, art, grand piano, clothes, briefs, computers . . . everything was stolen, they just rolled me up, to use a jail or prison term, when they are getting rid of you!
- my emails were being rerouted from me, to Washington, D.C., to Sara Lily, the case worker on this case, and then going to my clients, who alerted me to the face, and the dentist who told me, a healthy, 40 year old, weight lifter, Mormon, was allegedly drunk, riding his 4 wheeler, down the hill by his house, and ran into a telephone pole, killing him . . . symbolic of the case he ratted the government on, riding a 4 wheeler to his death--I guess this was a sign and a message to me, that they were not taking this case lightly, and they proved that by killing the dentist, and raiding the evidence, and when I noticed right off the bat that the DVD, that looked like fabricated joke, covering the negligence, ending with motorcycle helmets on a shelf indicating in this silent film, that had he worn a helmet, he would have been okay! Bull shit!
- I had a bunch of mortgage foreclosure cases, that I would just, at least for the most part, do court appearances, but I was getting wins, on issues that no one else in the nation was, and saved a few houses, one $700,000 home in Salt Lake City, Utah . . . I am sure, sister, Shelley, took credit, no, the judge had filed a motion to dismiss, at the point I took the case, and won, forcing an attorney from Van Cott Bagley, to his knees, giving my client his house back! I think that Shelley, did some type of Quieten motion, or a brief, working with Attorney General, Mark Shurtleff, using my work, and ideas, to get the multi-million lawsuit or money that was suppose to go to homeowners, which led to him, helping her steal my identity, shutting down my house, the day before I was to fly to Denver and do oral arguments in the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals, May 9, 2011!
Legislation Worked on in Montana
- Salish-Kootenai Water Compact, did several constitutional analysis, testified in the Montana Legislature, House Judiciary Committee, April 20, 2013, stopped compact from going through, saved the state tax payers, $55 million dollars and state's water
- worked on the compact, constitutional analysis, Hellgate Treaty of 1855 analysis, wrote several blogs on the issues to educate, worked with Senator Verdell Jackson, but he may claim doubles, Republicans, since I am not a member of any party, and support Pres. Obama
- Abortion . . . parental notification statutes
- Wild Horses & Burros
- Medical Marijuana legislation, did constitutional and new proposed legislation analysis
- presented at the Montana Federation of Republican Women's Statewide Training, September 27, 2013 . . . originally suppose to train, on Constitution Day, the 17th . . . think, Rachel may have substituted as a pure Republican version of me! LOL! I did the power training the week after, because, they said, that I died, back in Hamilton, Montana, around October or November 2012, just before the presidential elections . . . I am sure that Rachel got credit for being too smart to fall for their trap, but someone was murdered in my place! Too bad Rachel wasn't driving, she would have been killed, but she is more than willing to take credit for all the really cool things I do, and I get credit for her fucking DUI in Utah and I don't drink . . . I get shit, they get GOLD!
- in Utah, between 1994 to 2000 worked on legislation that had to do with my jobs, listed above, and I was very effective in both killing and passing legislation.
Speaking Engagements About 3 Times a Week to Hundreds
- being flown down to Girl's State, in the Governor's private jet, with O'lene Walker, Lt. Governor, and several other government state officials, in no other than Cedar City! I told the girls, when asked what was the most important thing to do to become an attorney for a woman, and other than their grades, to learn to golf! I was interviewed by a panel of 5 male attorneys who were all golfers, and in the personal part of my resume, I had listed golf as an interest! And did that ever pay off, as me, my boss, a cop, several social workers, blitzed the state doing training on domestic violence, we would finish our training at around 3 p.m. and hit the golf courses! All the other women, had to just walk around the course with us, and by the end of the trainings, I was beating all the male golfers! Also in law school, they sponsored a golf tournament, and i was the only female law student, and the guys didn't want me on their team, because it was a best ball event, kind of a team game, and they didn't want a woman on their team, and much like in the practice of law, they underestimated my abilities, and I kicked their asses! LOL! We also had a golf tournament that the Utah Medical Association sponsored and the same thing happened, I was one of the only females in the legislative golf tournament, and again we were playing best ball, and the doctors were shocked at how well I golfed. I had been a golfer since, junior high, and I continued to play, for years, even pregnant . . . I was asked to play on the Utah State Women's Golf Team, before, or at the time the government was trying to compensate for the inadequate college sports, with regard to women . . . I never saw the people who asked me to be on the team, because I think the other colleges, were already on semester systems, and they were getting out, before the season would be over, but I got to golf free up at the Logan Golf Course . . . Loved it, no pressure, always played with men, but once played with a female BYU golfer, and she was fucking amazing, so far better than I was, but she was 19 and I hadn't played, and was about 36 years old, but fun and impressive. So ladies, you have my advice, you are left out of about everything, if you are in professions like the law, medicine, business, because the deals are cut on the golf courses!
- P.S., Rachel, Shelley, Susan, Tiff, don't golf for sure, unless, the government dip shits have figured out that there are some distinctive characteristics that make it impossible for them to steal my ID, and golfing is one of them! LOL! Kay might golf, because Brett did, or he hit balls, but I could beat her, without arms, as I can in the law! LOL!
- I was the Keynote Speaker at a health conference for teens at McKay Dee0 Hospital, to 1300 youth from around the state, training them on dating violence and other anger management issues, as I recall, that was fun . . . and they were a great, lively audience, there to learn!
- I had my own anger management company, hooking up with Mitch Messer, of the Chicago Anger Clinic, who presented once at a domestic violence training I attended, and he agreed to let me promote his book, in return for using his material, which was the best stuff I had seen . . . so for years, I charged $500 per hour for a minimum of a two hour session, unless it was the tax payers of Utah that had to pay my bill, then I did it free, figured it was my tithes and offerings, that I refused to pay the Mormon Church! LOL! I was flown to Oklahoma to present to 750 public employees, way fun and good pay! I trained cops, department of transportation, spoke at two governor's conferences, PTA statewide training, but AG Jan Graham stopped that one, I was getting top billed over her and she stopped my speaking engagements if she could! Jealous! But I spoke to tons of groups, and was in too high a demand, was going to go pro, but I couldn't get anyone trained, including Kay, to take my place, they just didn't have the style, the charm, the passion, the stories, and the power I did!
- I was a shoo in for office, waitresses in Richfield, Utah, at 10:00 p.m., knew my name, and the cops, prosecutors, not judges at that point, but political enemies knew that . . . I could have won easily, by name recognition only, I very strategically, took every job offered to me, spanning from dealing with crimes, domestic violence networks, to the elderly, to physicians, taught at 3 colleges, over an 8 year period of time with literally, hundreds of student, who adored me! Of course! LOL! So, I had it in the bag, but I wanted to be the 4th district, Congresswoman, from Utah, but I was 15 years premature, or they didn't give it to Utah, because they knew I would win, hands down at that time . . . census issues with missionaries was allegedly the problem! RIGHT!
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