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The Holy Breath | 2:43 | |
Drown Your Fucking Sorrows! | 4:10 | |
Scratch Dealt Me a Dirty Hand | 4:50 | |
Roca Del Desierto | 5:09 | |
Cantina Poetry Blues | 2:10 | |
Boxes Done Buried | 3:41 | |
Eagle in Reverse | 1:56 | |
Iron Fuck | 3:39 | |
Preacher's Flask | 2:55 |
Cops Still Trying To Get Me, So They Can Get at Son's Music!
Female Cop, Tracking Me Down at 5:00 A.M., This Morning! Buzzes Cops! Go Figure . . . Under Cover, Bull Shit! Booked it out of Shelter!
This is all part of the shit, I have to deal with 24/7 on a relentless basis, dirty cops, protecting dirty cops! I checked into the Durango Community Shelther--think community might be made as treatment, about two weeks ago, and as I walked up at about 8:30 p.m., the night I checked in, there was this blonde chick, struck me as a cop, right off the bat, but I firmly believe that a person, cop or no cop, is innocent, until proven guilty, and generally, they disappoint me, as Jennifer did! Right off the bat, Jennifer, Ms. Undercover, is trying to befriend me, and hang out with me, and probably, my next double, even though I am at least 3 inches taller, older, and fatter, but she, like former clients, will be cut into the take on my blog proceeds that are stolen daily, and get hits or results, after, Google, CIA, sister network, bitches and bastards, who stole both my identity, my son's, his bands, my cases, wins, house, furniture, vehicles, art collection, law practice, taking credit for everything from the Salish-Kootenai Water Compact, marijuana analysis, legislation, and testifying, plus this blog, among other things, with cops being the beneficiaries, of my work . . . that is their pay, and this bitch in the shelter is not exception!
I feel like Syria, with 6 to 10 invaders, taking my work, dividing it up, like the population of the country, sending, refugees out of their own countries, into other, foreign countries, who will both benefit and pay for their stay in countries, but leaving the country of Syria, fractured, torn apart, with at least 12 factions, ripping and taring at the fabric of the country, stealing the fertile coastal and farm lands, oil rich areas, and leaving the waste land for the original citizens! Jennifer, is just another invader, and a fucking dumb bitch like the rest of them . . . I don't see one redeeming quality in this chick, that I would want associated with MY NAME, MY BLOG, MY CHILDREN, or anything closely related to me! She is dumb as a doorknob, pretends to be religious, driving all of us nuts, blabbering about, God, doing this for her, and God doing that for her, while lying, stealing, and cheating, to be something she could never be in a million years . . . but with the help of the cops, of all levels, they will aid and assist, an easy piece of ass, that will do what they tell her to do, like lose weight, eat what they tell her to do, or in other words, obey the big boys! FUCKING PATHETIC . . . she will be like the rest of the government hookers, who will prostitute themselves, pander to the males, then resent them later, because they owe them too much, and the men, basically own them, like slaves, to do their bidding . . . I don't fall into that category!
Where Have You Been, Where Are You Going, What Have You Been Doing?
None of your fucking business! She got it right between the eyes, today, after her asinine little stunt. So, Jennifer, is a little JoAnn in training, much like Rachel, Shelley, Susan, Tiffany, Kelly, Hope, Kay, Kay Lynn Reilly, and other chicks, that will be of benefit, or can be used by the men to hurt me, their pride and joy, only as long as I care enough to respond . . . my 4th husband, Frank, InterPol, even showed up at the library today, must be getting anxious; he is allegedly dead, wish he were! So, Jennifer, just like damn ass, Wendy, up at the Butte Rescue Mission, who tried to be more me, than I was . . . they try to out talk me, try to be the natural born interrogator I am, try to out due me, God-wise, faith, friends, this bitch, even dyed her hair, my color, only it looked cheap and fake, just like she is, she started to lighten up her make-up, like mine, and she looked a whole lot better, softer, but still I couldn't stand her, don't want anything to do with her, and she, really makes me sick now. I knew damned well, that she was trying to set me up, over and over again, but it was so blatantly obvious to me, this morning, it was a joke! Oh, she can be sound asleep, and I am an early riser, and no matter what time I get up, she pops her ugly head out of bed and comes in a bugs the living shit out of me, until I could scream! Just like she did today! She must be getting paid to watch me, imitate me, bug the shit out of me, trying to get me pissed, which is not hard with her, she grates on your nerves! The other morning, the resident staff, who was sleeping overnight, came down the see if we were fighting . . . no Jennifer, would not shut the fuck up . . . trying, like Mary, to get us both kicked out! The cops would give her options, probably take her home to her husband and kids, leaving me, stranded and sitting out in the cold, but, I took that option tonight over one more pathetic night with her!
Okay, so see what I am talking about, and you will see, that she is either on the payroll, being bribed, or whatever, to contact the cops, if I sneak out, or leave in the night, like I do, so many time, leaving the cops, with their fucking fingers up their asses, scratching to see what happened! But about 4:00 a.m., someone, a white Subaru Outback, pulled in the parking lot, in front of the women's dorm, where I was, already up, only need about 5 hours of sleep, so going to bed at 10:00 p.m., that puts me awake by 3:00 a.m., which happened last night. Linda, another roommate, and cohort in the sting ops, told me that the cops drive through the parking lot, every night at a certain time, I have never seen them, but last night, I was sitting there and watched the other car, a sign of some type, since it never parked or did anything else. Surveillance from afar, so signs, actions, and motions, tell those watching, or those upstairs, like Zach, that they are getting ready to do something! As they have on several other occasions, but I always figure it out, as I did this morning, and if nothing else, I error on the side of safety!
I Am Just Finishing My Make-Up, When the Troll Rolls Out of Bed!
Scream, thought I could get dressed, and go upstairs, have some peace and quiet, for once without, this hag, getting up with me! The cops, know, I have a pistol temper, and it doesn't take much . . . have exhibited, remarkable restraint, in not chopping her stupid head off, but I am used to cops, courts, prosecutors, clients, and what not, that have prepared me to deal with bull shit all the time! So, I trip upstairs, while she is in the bathroom, stinking up the place, shitting a bucket full, trying to eat only veggies, to lose weight for the men! Sounds so gross, like rot gut! So, I ditch upstairs, to the dining room, TV room, where there are couches, and sit in the quit, hoping she goes back to bed! No such luck, she rushed upstairs after me, looks for a second or two, and sounds the alarm, setting off a buzzard, near the door of the office, with a direct connection to the cops! Are you fucking kidding ME? She then starts doing her laundry, at 5:00 a.m., 3 hours earlier than she is suppose to! Cops, you dumb shits, she gave herself away, as they all do, because they get special treatment, doesn't come to meetings, doesn't blow, doesn't do her job, and chummy with staff! She is a goddamn cop, same shit, I saw James Kennedy do!
So, I am just sitting in the dark, laughing at what a fool she is going to look like, when the cops, come and find me sitting in the dark, texting to my son, in Provo, Utah . . . I am hoping for a city-wide cop, man-hunt, like Missoula did! LOL! K-9 units, dogs, and handlers, going to all storAes, telling them to contact the cops if they see ME! LOL! She is going to look the fool, she is and has been for two weeks, crying wolf, fire, when there is none! LOL! Eventually, she comes in and finds me in the dark, and says, believe it or not, spills the beans, Oh, there you are! I promptly told her to get out, that I wanted to enjoy my morning, without her dip shit, face and stupidity, bugging the living shit out of me . . . but she had blown it, and totally proven that she was working for the cops, and she fucking knew it! Just like she did, the night before, when I was told that the staff had conducted a search of our rooms and they found, pot in her bed, along with another guy she smokes with, both of them trying to get me to smoke! NO THANKS, hate the stuff, totally believe you have a right to smoke if the legislature says so, but I can't stand it, don't need it, and feel dirty in my lungs! But, the guy, who liked me, got kicked out, and low and behold, not surprising, Ms. Dog Face Didn't! Cop treatment, he was probably one too, but like most men, he liked me, tried to get me to go with him, maybe assassin, but we danced in the kitchen together and it turned to liking me, trying to hold my hand, in secret and being with him! LOL! We can't have that, although, I think the cop, dike, who is butchey, in her own right, might have a thing for me too! Jealousy? LOL!
When I got home, two nights ago, I point blank, said, I am surprised to see you here. I heard you got kicked out for smoking or having POT! She shut up real quick and acted squirly the rest of the night, her and Linda, went to talk to Zach, and rat me out, for thinking that she was a cop, and that was before, I had rock solid proof! There are probably a shit load of cops, like there usually are wherever I go! I know, I am slipping if they no longer track, harass, intimidate, bug, and try to catch, kill, and destroy me! Then they can have full reign over my son's music and can relax, thinking that they are not going to face hard time, in the slammer, with the guys they locked up! Big Bubba, crawling up your ass, if a vision from Heaven for me, after all the shit the cops and their bitches, have done to Me!
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