The Church Guide--Blood, Sweat, Bones
I generally, don't write two blogs in one day, unless, there is something pressing, that hits me in the face, and I feel inspired, guided, a need, then I will write twice, leaving you more than one blog to think about in a day. Today, was just one of those days . . . while attending, Fresh Life Church, or Skull Church, and at the beginning of the 11:00 a.m., session, Pastor Levi, was shown on a video, from India, I believe, working on the Asian Christian Project, having met with thousands of clergy from all different walks of Christians, from that area of the world. He also is kicking off, Skull Church of Canada, our neighbors to the north, who come down to Kalispell all the time to shop, which helps our economy, and did a great job, due to the thriving economy in that nation, while ours suffered a bit, what are good neighbors for? So, now we are going to export some of our stuff to Canada, and return the favor! LOL. I just read statistics about the percentage of church goers, in several nations, by way of comparison: (1) Americans who regularly attend church, is about 40%; (2) the Brits, which I am sure, has some cross over to Canada, attend regularly at about 10%, and then (3) Denmark, comes in at regular church attendance being right about 3%. I am not sure if another one of the 193 countries in the world, would rank higher than America, but we do have a melting pot, and freedom of religion; therefore, it is a conscious choice, whether people attend and which denomination, if any, they chose to frequent.
While I was standing, during worship, singing songs, that bring me to tears, about two seconds after I start singing, some of these new Christian songs, one was written by several people who go to church at the Liberty, campus, are now all over the Christian radio stations with their music, and I love the songs, lyrics, rhythms, after being raised on the old church hymns, many of which were written back in the days of Martin Luther, who posted the 96 treatise against either the Catholic Church or the Anglican Church, Gutenberg Chapel, back in I think the 1500's, or somewhere around the early days, with the Bible becoming accessible to more than just the clergy, with him making the observation, that man did not need a intermediary to speak to God, or to be forgiven for sins . . . I think he got burned at the stake for being a heretic! But, the guy in front of me, had a shirt on with the words, Blood. Sweat. Bones., and it made me think of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, and why that happened, and the scriptures in very plain language say that he was killed because of the envy of the Rabbinical order of the Sanhedrin, made up of Pharisees and Sadducee's . . . seriously green with envy, enough to want him dead! He came and did away with the old school rules of the Law of Moses, and offered liberty from the 700 some odd rules, that these guys had become very good at living and forcing others to abide by . . . on top of that, he claimed to be the Son of God, evidencing that fact with his healing powers, and the ability to perform miracles. Christ was fresh, young, cool, both strong and soft . . . loving the little children, and kicking the money changers out of the temple!
Young Men of the Marine Corp Singing the "Days of Elijah", No God Like Jehovah . . . Had that Combination of Strong and Soft With Hand Motions and Hurrahs! They Reminded Me of Christ-Like Characteristics!
After leaving Fresh Life Church, I go around the corner to Cross-Fire Church, with Pastor Dennis and wife, Debbie, former bikers, jail birds, drug abusers, and Dennis a fugitive from the law, spending 4 years on prison, so they serve a segment of the population like me, who live very different lives, with the normal person, having little to relate to. Dennis always smiles when I come prancing through the doors, after being on the run from city to city, and state to state, while operating under a different set of rules, the Patriot Act, where you don't have to commit any crimes, just speak about the U.S. Constitution, the enemy of the PA, making a constitutional law attorney public enemy #1! Can you imagine that, but it is nice that some things don't change, as I cruise around the country, meeting new people, in my cop driven, or lover driven travels, Dennis and Debbie have seen it all, and get a kick out of what I do, and I dig what they do too! But, Dennis is the one who introduced me to this video of the Marines singing "Days of Elijah" a song I was not familiar with, but absolutely loved, with tears streaming down my cheeks, seeing these clean cut men, with arms around each other in both Christian brotherhood, and the brotherhood of the Marine Corp!
I just could not wait to get out of church to get on my computer and check out this phenomena, with both of my daughters serving overseas, in the Navy and Air Force, son-in-laws, serving in the Navy SEALS and the Army, and a husband having served in the U.S. Marine Corp., so the military is near and dear to my heart, as well as having been born on the Port Hueneme, Navy Base, California, while my father, was a special agent, in the Air Force, making me the only military brat, being born out of Utah, and all the rest of the Mo's, were born in Utah . . . could birth place be part of the problem, my loyalties are for the country, providing freedom of religion, to either practice or not . . . while the rest of my family, born in Utah, think the world revolves around the Mormon Church with headquarters in Salt Lake City, Utah! Hey, I will take the masculine, amped up Christian Marines, any time of the day, week, year . . . what a fucking thrill to see these young men! I loved it so much . . . ISIS, I would be going with Jesus, your second in command, and your savior, even by Islam! Did you hear the lyrics, as the men locked arms over their necks, swaying back and forth, then jumping in the air, singing, No God Like Jehovah! Boko Harem, taking children, a huge bad act by Christ, who said, suffer the little children to come to me, and anyone who harms one of these little ones, would be better to have a mill stone tied around their neck and drowned in the sea, than to harm them . . . I would bet that some of these guys feel the same! And al-Shabab . . . killing Christian saying their prayers, what the fuck is up with that? Try telling our Marines that, you fucking cowards! See America . . .
Wars Foreign and Domestic--I Got This One!
After church, including a great meal, each week with my biker family, no wonder I am attracted to biker and mountain man, James Kennedy, it is in my bones, Easy Rider Lives, I headed to Starbucks, to get on my computer, pretending to be a covert coffee drinker, so I can sit in the fun atmosphere, and hang with the mellow coffee drinkers, while the laid back crowd, indulges in the hot caffeine, as I drink my Diet Coke, my cold coffee! No sooner had I been seated, when some guy sitting on the orange leather chairs, started to talk to me, and started small talk with me, until, somehow, the fact that I didn't really live anywhere, due to issues with cops, and others in the alleged power structures, clashing with Patriot Act, rats, vying for supremacy, over the U.S. Constitution, making me one of their most hated enemies. He immediately told me a bit of his struggles, in Kalispell, mentioning, former, police chief, Frank Garner or Gardner, who is now a legislator, but someone, I got an eye full of, as campus police at the Medical Center, after a seminar on Sandy Hook, Connecticut, shootings of the 21 students and teachers. I asked a few questions, that the cops, at first could not answer, kind of a gotcha type, that you can step in a trap and win or lose with arguments on either side, so I could somewhat sympathize with him.
He told me about his book, U.S. Political Prisoner Since 2004: The True Story of an Innocent Man Detained as a Political Dissident In Kalispell, Montana. I told him, if he got me a copy of the book, I would read it and give him some advertisement, to a readership, who is learning about Constitutional rights, and what due process and equal protection of the laws, means . . . not what some lame ass former cop, says about it, that he doesn't have to give author, Ron Glick, his due process rights, or any rights for that matter, just because he said so! Really, and what rock did you climb out from under? I for one, know damn well, what it is like to be one man, standing up against the established, alleged justice system, with two judges, dismissing Ron's case against themselves . . . a, no judge can dismiss a case if they are a named defendant, because it makes the judge above the law, as well as cops, who think they can completely dismiss the law, and do their own form of frontier justice . . . this bad ass con law chick, is here to back Ron, and tell you fuck that shit! The law is the law, is the law . . . Ron, and I know our rights and we are going to have them or make your lives a living hell!
Dogs Don't Shit Where They Live . . . Unless, Hommies Start Shitting on the Dog! Game on . . . You are Used to Dealing with Fraud Broads!
Maybe the fact, that since being up in Montana, I have promoted the good, and chosen to hope that by doing so, the boys and girls of the justice system, the cops, prosecutors, and judges, would get a clue and do the right thing, preserving, protecting and defending citizens' constitutional and civil rights! You have nobody to blame but yourself, for me entering in on this fight, because you have chosen to deal with the fake shit ass bitches and their controlling bastards, all cops types, and listened to them rather than abiding by the oath of office, oath of authority, and the duty of the government, the sole duty, created for the benefit of the citizens, you know, WE THE PEOPLE, who made the government to serve us, not for some fucking form of Hitler's SS men, and their whores, going into people's houses, like mine, seeing that I had more than a cop, and just taking at will what you wanted, or stealing it and selling it at the Policeman's Ball each year, bringing in a King's Ransom, getting a piece of me! Pay back for killing asset forfeiture legislation, back in 1997 . . . yeah, you can pretend that Ms. 44 DDD is me, but she is beholden to you for her power . . . I am not, I am a self made women, with the Constitution, I can use to shove up your asses, and with God on my side . . . You know, I'm bad, I'm bad . . . Michael Jackson is on right now . . . the word is out, I'm doing wrong, your lying eyes, don't you think your right, your talk is cheap, your not a man, your throwing stones . . . because I'm bad, I'm bad!
Ignorance is bliss, but stupidity is just that, stupidity . . . a biologist, a flight attendant, a shitty lawyer, a few of those, and the sister act . . . really, you are going to deal with the real McCoy, you know the one that kicked the shit out of the cops and prosecutors, 9 federal agents, Iron County, Narcotics cops, judges, etc. Do you think for one second, I can't sue the fucking shit out of you, and you will wish that you had the Mormon Relief Society, wanna be attorney sister, as your enemy, not the real bad ass con law chick, who has been on good behavior, trying to make a new start, playing fair, and getting shit on three nights in a roll . . . you should be worried about me getting killed on your streets, not hiring hit men and sending your cop force trying to intimidate me . . . I don't back down, I AMP UP! I am sure this author, who appears to have very well put forth for the reader and the record, court briefs, documents that were served to him at 4:00 a.m., arrested with a stamped judge's signature, and using the Washington cops to do your dirty work, arresting this man, without due process or equal protection! Kind of like getting rid of me, when nobody knows where I am, silencing me, through detention, jail, or death!
There is No Finish Line!
I just got a copy of the book, and it looks as professional as it can be . . . I can't recommend it because I haven't read the book, but I have experienced what this man claims to have experienced. So, I am going to let, you reader, check out this book, while I also, and reading it. I don't want to hold out an educational moment, on the law, rights, due process and equal protection . . . they get away with it, because people, like you and myself, don't dare stand up to these fuckers, so read it and start to save this precious system or rights, USE THEM OR LOSE THEM! The choice is yours . . . you know where I stand, as for me and my house, we will stand by the U.S. Constitution and we will worship the Lord.
Christ was once asked, whom is your mother and father . . . he didn't hesitate to say, he who doeth the will of my Father who sent me! I take my law license as a gift from God, to serve him, co-freedom fighters, and licensed to serve, We the People, who are my unofficial clients, always have been, always will be . . . the law is the law, is the law . . . cops, prosecutors and judges are not above the law! We have an ordered society that has stood the test of time, with relative peace, for over 240 years, and that peace is predicated on, uniform operation of the laws!
3:58 PM (1 hour ago)
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Here is where they can download the book for free:
But here is the Amazon listing, so that they can (hopefully) put in reviews to boost the visibility of the book's visibility there. The more reviews and likes of those reviews, the more the book shows up in Amazon searches...
Thanks! :)
The Wonderful Alice of Oz - third book in the Oz-Wonderland series - is now on sale!
Be sure not to miss any of my series - Choas Rising, The Godslayer Cycle, Oz-Wonderland, Ron El's Comic Book Trivia, and the Golden Age Preservation Project - and review the books here!
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