John F. Kennedy Quote . . . Let Us Not Seek . . .
Let us not seek the Republican answer, or the Democratic answer, but the right answer. Let us not seek to fix the blame for the past. Let us accept our own responsibility for the future.
Bulls, Balls, Cocks . . . And Such, Like Over-Sized Mammary Glands
I have been back in St. George, Utah, for the last few days, and I am getting the rest of the story, on the one, I reported, a few weeks ago, while reading The Durango Herald, about the Hurricane, Utah, Barista, owner, Stephen Ward, who purchased an anatomically correct, awesomely cool work of art, a massive brass bull, and placed it upon or above the sign of his restaurant, to the chagrin of the locals, with the majority, being Mormon, who thought the bull or at least its cock, to be obscene, much like the standards the United States Supreme Court, said, in a decision, on what constitutes obscenity . . . in which the court, held that, "We will know it when we see it." Apparently, the the standard of obscenity, for the long time residents of Hurricane, Utah, has been met, and mob rules, in this dusty southern Utah town, with the very, very, obscene principle of polygamy, just miles away up on the hills overlooking Hurricane, with multiple wives, children who don't know who their fathers are, and fathers not knowing, their wives, nor their children's names, being switched around like players on a chess board, used as pawns in a power struggle or supremacy for the older bulls, with just as over sized genitalia, as the bull sitting atop, the alleged over-priced menu, and food, of the barista, owned by an, out of stater, and if I am correct, I ate at that place, several years ago, before, I, a constitutional law attorney, and very vocal advocate for the civil rights of the women and children caught in the alleged covenant relationship, originally started by the Mormons and carried on by the FLDS, and hard core opponent of polygamy, was so forcefully run out of St. George, by these same brethren, who find this bull so offensive! LOL!
The problem is, to who's standards, do we owe, recognition of obscene material--Hurricane, Utah, is the gateway, to Zion National Park, operated by the federal government, getting roughly 40,000 plus visitors from all over the world--who's standards and what would the rational man find obscene? and is it the same as your average Mormon? There is an alleged work of art, a pink stiletto, placed near the Mormon Tabernacle, on Main Street, or Center, below Main Street, across from Wells Fargo Bank, in St. George, which, I think if far more obscene and awful, than the bull and its, life sized genitalia . . . a bull, fits in the rustic, tough, pioneer heritage, on this part of Utah, that was baked out, flooded out, hotter than hell in the summer, with a former, General Authority of the Mormon Church, stating at a church conference, that if he had a choice between, St. George, in August, or Hell, he would chose Hell! The alleged, saints in southern Utah were so upset, by the authorities remarks that they complained to President, Brigham Young, the great colonizer, who actually sent the pioneers to this god-forsaken part of the state and country, to settle, with all the hardships, trials, tribulations and challenges of settling in this red rock country. But, when he was forced back, down, to apologize to the saints, many of which were there against their wills, but due to faith, he, said, he was sorry that he said, that, but then he proceeded to reiterate what he had said, I would still chose Hell over St. George in August! The bull, with or without its genitalia, which has far more is more integrity and connection with the history of Washington County, than a pair of fucking, god-awful pink stilettos!
I tend to be, my definition of a utilitarian, and I have little use, even now days for pink stilettos, than, I am sure the progenitors of these modern day, Mormons, who are so mortified by a bull, and its status as a male, with, what every man, animal, and member of that part of the species it belongs to, that is of that gender, mix, and make-up has, a pppppeeeeennnnniiiiiiisssss. So, why are we so offended, put off, embarrassed, and interested in getting rid of the bull, or at least any evidence that it is a bull and not a bovine or a female cow?This whole things seems rather paradoxical, seeing what my experience with these same people, church mentality and elders, was, back 3 years ago . . . when I was actually foolish enough, to think, that if I won, my $357 million securities case, going to the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals and the U.S. Supreme Court, representing, local, financial planner, Henry S. Brock and Jay Rice, of Brock and Associates, LLC, and thought that I would get, my contracted and agreed upon 1/3 contingency fees, the going rate for a case of this nature, and what I was intending to do with my portion of the money, and breed bulls, rather than being cut out by men, with small genitalia, not big enough to give me what I had earned, single handed, with their male egos, needing my sister, Rachel, with very over-sized, female, fake, mammary glads, or fake boobs, to play my starring role, as their attorney, when she could not even get a job, a year earlier as a receptionist, for Brock, lacking the necessary computer skills to handle a front desk job, but hey, she was more than qualified, as a flight attendant, to be an attorney, who was nation renowned for her case, not only against the state, but against the attorney general, the governor, state officers, attorneys and investigators! WOW . . . out of proportion boobs, seem the norm in Utah with a higher than Hollywood, rate of plastic surgery, so what is the big deal with a big dick on a bull?! Double standards don't you think? LOL!
I Dig Bulls, Balls, Cocks and All! Salina, Utah, Montana, Colorado--Kennedy!
I have always gone to the county and state fairs, each fall, in celebration of the agrarian lifestyle or the farming and ranching style of living, including that of bull breeding, along with other parts of a yearly remembrance of our heritage and history, here in the west, as part of the wild, wild west. Each Spring, as part of a ritual, when I was living here in Utah, I attended the Salina, Utah, Bull Auction! Me and 400 cowboys, looking at bull testicles, their marbling, their scrotum size, muscle structure, and lineage or bloodlines, was a dream come true, I felt like the hottest, chick, looking at the orange, blue, red, green and yellow big ass tractors, the, oh, Kabutos were not there, too UN-American, but New Hollands, Ferguson's, and John Deere's, were all part of the ritual, as was an outside picnic, served and catered by handsome cowboys, healthy, beautiful and as fit as the bulls, I was looking at, when I thought I was going to have money to buy a ranch, hire a few ranch hands, lol, wink, wink, smile . . . and run a small operation, avoiding PETA bombings and such, and then take my Ford, King Ranch, 2 ton truck, with a big horse or bull hauler attached and go sell my prize winning bulls, or enter them as the premium assed, bulls for rodeos, and other sporting events around country music cites, the NFR and such! Oh, yeah, the dream come true!
As I would walk around, eyeing the bulls and the bulls . . . if you know what I mean women . . . my mention of having $118 million to spend on every color of tractor, a small ranch, a few bulls, and a few ranch hands, LOL, the word got around the arena! I was sitting in the auction, stands, not know jack shit about bulls, other than what I had gleaned from the men I had dated, and several cowboys, probably detecting a lack of knowledge, or the scent of money, or the prospect of money, point blank, straight up, asked me if I was at the auction, buying or selling bulls, that was all there were. I mentioned that I had a big lawsuit, and when I won, I was retiring from the law, and going to breed bulls! Both for personal use and professional use! LOL! Simultaneously, three cowboys, all asked me if I was married? One said, hell, I'll even throw my wife in for that! LOL! I told them what I was up to, and they did all in their power to help me get what was going on. I got the bloodline, the marbling . . . the white veins in the steaks, right--right. Then I thought the auctioneer, said, the bull's scrolls, where, such and such. Did he say, scrolls, or scrotum's? I was pretty sure, that they said, scrolls, why in the hell would the dimensions of a bulls scrotum's be an issue? Pretty confident, I asked the guy next to me, what a scroll was? He looked at me, city slicker dumb . . . do you really want me to explain that to you? Oh, I kind of thought, that he said that, but I wasn't sure! LOL! No, no explanation is necessary.
But, this cowboy, was not the slightest bit ashamed, bulls, testicles, scrotum's, marbling and all were just part of his everyday life, and he was not shy, or at all hesitant to explain what that had to do with a good bull! He told me that his kids were in 4H Club, and each year, they raised a bull, and inevitably, the kids, teachers would call either he or his wife, about the talk of ball size and other characteristics of a bull, that kids not raised on a farm or ranch, would go to the teacher thinking it was a dirty word, or something like that, much like the Hurricane residents! LOL! But, it was a delightful and anticipated this event every year, until, I was run out of the state, for a pair of fake tits, by the approved Mormon Muffin gals, the showgirls, I guess I was the workhorse, and now it was time for the show gals, to take the photo shoots, and meet the press--and collect on MY MONEY! But, I loved it as long as it lasted, thanks to the Utah Beef Growers Association, IFA or International Farmers Aggregate or Association, Cattle Men's Association and others who sponsored this event, picnic and auction! I LOVED IT!
As I would walk around, eyeing the bulls and the bulls . . . if you know what I mean women . . . my mention of having $118 million to spend on every color of tractor, a small ranch, a few bulls, and a few ranch hands, LOL, the word got around the arena! I was sitting in the auction, stands, not know jack shit about bulls, other than what I had gleaned from the men I had dated, and several cowboys, probably detecting a lack of knowledge, or the scent of money, or the prospect of money, point blank, straight up, asked me if I was at the auction, buying or selling bulls, that was all there were. I mentioned that I had a big lawsuit, and when I won, I was retiring from the law, and going to breed bulls! Both for personal use and professional use! LOL! Simultaneously, three cowboys, all asked me if I was married? One said, hell, I'll even throw my wife in for that! LOL! I told them what I was up to, and they did all in their power to help me get what was going on. I got the bloodline, the marbling . . . the white veins in the steaks, right--right. Then I thought the auctioneer, said, the bull's scrolls, where, such and such. Did he say, scrolls, or scrotum's? I was pretty sure, that they said, scrolls, why in the hell would the dimensions of a bulls scrotum's be an issue? Pretty confident, I asked the guy next to me, what a scroll was? He looked at me, city slicker dumb . . . do you really want me to explain that to you? Oh, I kind of thought, that he said that, but I wasn't sure! LOL! No, no explanation is necessary.
But, this cowboy, was not the slightest bit ashamed, bulls, testicles, scrotum's, marbling and all were just part of his everyday life, and he was not shy, or at all hesitant to explain what that had to do with a good bull! He told me that his kids were in 4H Club, and each year, they raised a bull, and inevitably, the kids, teachers would call either he or his wife, about the talk of ball size and other characteristics of a bull, that kids not raised on a farm or ranch, would go to the teacher thinking it was a dirty word, or something like that, much like the Hurricane residents! LOL! But, it was a delightful and anticipated this event every year, until, I was run out of the state, for a pair of fake tits, by the approved Mormon Muffin gals, the showgirls, I guess I was the workhorse, and now it was time for the show gals, to take the photo shoots, and meet the press--and collect on MY MONEY! But, I loved it as long as it lasted, thanks to the Utah Beef Growers Association, IFA or International Farmers Aggregate or Association, Cattle Men's Association and others who sponsored this event, picnic and auction! I LOVED IT!
Anyway . . . I Am Glad the Penis Is Here To Stay! LOL!
P.S., just remember, no farmers, no food . . . no ranchers, no steaks or burgers! I don't know the statistics of Utah, Colorado and other states, but I do know the stats in Montana . . . one in every five, people are employed by ranchers or farmers! James Kennedy, would probably not be shy about the bull, nor his genitalia . . . he was raised on a farm, out in the sticks of Kansas! Perhaps, we need to get kids, teens and adults off their damned computerized toys and go back to our roots, take them out on a farm, get their hands dirty, let them see a few, cocks, cow tits, and see what they are for . . . not shocking, all part of nature, and way cool. I met a rancher and his wife, up in Butte, who came regularly to the Butte Rescue Mission, unless if was time for calving season . . . a magical miracle of nature, in all its beauty. If you want a real experience, attend the Missoula, I think, Montana, Testicle Festival each year! I thought it was a joke, but it is not, beer, and testicles are on the menu, for those of you who want a taste of reality, and farm/ranch life! Check out the Early American Poem, can't remember who wrote it, but it is called, Love in the Barn . . . realities of farm life! I want a taste! LOL!
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