I Am Too Pure To Hang With Cops!
As the Honey Traps, are sent year after year, hoping that if I was getting laid, that I would be nicer, or at least sex might take off the rough edges . . . dream on boys, never worked when I had a clitoris, and you are even less likely to have success, now that you have mutilated me, by mutual consent, as my punishment for taking out federal cops, investigators, and prosecutors! Now, like is attracted to like, and there are a shit load of good looking cops; why, I don't know, nor do I know what makes someone go into that profession, a power tripper, maybe? I am not into money, but I am way into power, and that may be the connection. A cop may be drawn to me, but after a short time, they will find, that I am so far, on the other end of the spectrum on what constitutes justice, liberty, rights, freedom, due process, and that becomes highly evident after a short period of time, then the gulf between us, just starts to widen! I love this movie, Military Betrayal--Renegade Force, because it portrays, the fucked up mentality of the cops, about justice, which is precisely why me, any prosecutor, worth their salt, and judges, are hated by cops . . . and you take a constitutional law attorney, just as myself, and have actually sued the cops, and you have hatred on steroids!
I would say, what the cops have done to me, amounts to much more than violation of rights, theft of property, intellectual, real and personal, putting my life and limb at risk, over and over again, falsely incarcerating me, stalking, tracking, threatening me, humiliating me with unnecessary strip searches, as the attorney on cases . . . go figure, what did they do, show them to the department? Probably! But, what they are doing, amounts to the very most extreme hate crimes! Although, I agree with the basic premise of the movie, the message, the blatant conflict between ideologies, frustration even understood, for the most part, but it is our system of law . . . but the portrayal of the women, topless, toys, many, many boobs, but maybe that is to get cops and the boys club to actually be entertained enough to watch it . . . there is a single, smart woman, but she is taught, and puzzled by an FBI agent, who is leading her and teaching her all the way! I just don't fit the mold of the type, the stereotype, the model, the fem fatal, or the type of woman who looks up to the big, strong, man. This movie, seems to take women back, about 40 years to the 70's, rather than moving them forward and where we are now, tons of smart, educated, brilliant attorneys, cops, judges, and this is precisely, why I think U.S. Attorney General, Nominee, Loretta Lynch is being stopped from being confirmed! She is a no nonsense attorney, much like myself, who has already kicked some cops around with a big ass civil rights suit, and winning it.
This Movie is About Cops Being, Allegedly, In Their Own Minds, Being Mistreated, Fired, Retired, or Disciplined for Civil Rights Violations . . . So the Cops Come Up With Their Own System of Justice!
Colorado has a timely bill on the books, putting prosecutors, right where they should have been all the way along, in charge of their cases, deciding without, undue influence from the cops, who are merely the investigators, the fact and evidence gatherers, interrogators, questioning, arresting, and jailing. They work hand in hand with the prosecutors, once the prosecutor, decides to either proceed with prosecution, because there is enough evidence to charge and convict, or worth a try, or there is not enough evidence, to collaborate the fact, that the law was broken and a crime committed! That is a matter of law, prosecutorial discretion, based on their education as lawyers, cops don't make that call, it is not their case, to see that this person, criminal, defendant, is taken to the electric chair so to say! I have worked in enough areas of the law, working with cops, to know, that we had our disagreements, they did not push me around, control me, and it was my call, not theirs! The problem is, prosecutors are reliant on the cops, to testify, gather more evident, be their legs on the streets to go talk to witnesses, etc., so they don't want to get them pissed off! But, even then, it is your fucking job to work with the prosecutor, even one you don't like! Get over it! The tail does not wag the dog . . . the dog wags the tail!
You have heard the analogy in the New Testament, we are all part of the body of Christ, all of us are necessary, the head, the eyes, the hands, the feet . . . that is also true with the criminal justice system! Cops have their role, prosecutors have their role, and judges have their role too! There needs to be a separation of those role, and too many times there is not! Often, they look at themselves, all on the same team, including state crime labs, and all the way up to the feds! That is pure bull shit, and fucks the system! The system, should look more like a relay race, each carrying the baton for their portion of the race, with the judge at the end of the finish line, deciding who the winner is, or the jury! These cops were mad at the system that they saw, letting the criminals off, and holding the cops responsible for their civil rights violations, and other mandatory cop procedures, that are all, part of due process! These guys, decide, they are not going to provide, due process or equal protection of the law, they just gun people down . . . including 3 prosecutors and a judge! This movie would be good for every legislator to watch!
It also shows the pressure, the cops put on the FBI prosecutor, to let a fellow officer off, who is lying about, shooting two victims, mob, from 5 inches away, when he tells them to put their hands up . . . once the hands are up, he guns them down, several units of military train almost recon units, go through the house, taking out everyone, and everything in the house, no witnesses, and everyone dead . . . 400 rounds of ammunition used, and not one shot missed. Many women, who may have been involved in making porn, but not he money makers, are gunned down too! The cops totally circumvent the legal system, and decide who will live or die . . . playing judge, jury, executioner and God! The other cops, start to see, the connection between all these mass murders, and blood baths, and realize that it the cops doing it, they even take out some of their own, when it starts to dawn on them, who is responsible, yes, for these horrendous crime! In the end, it is a battle of ideologies, with cop against cop, in a standoff! Do we really want to go back to the old warlord days, archaic, barbaric, and lawless?
These Are Not Cops . . . They are Terrorists, Criminals, Anarchists to the Worst Degree!
I think that about says it, I could go on and on, giving story after story . . . just to give you one, that will shock you. When I was assistant attorney general over all DUIs, statewide, taking about 270 in the year I did that job, running most of it from my office, talking to defense lawyers, looking at the facts, analyzing those with the law and statute, and bickering over license suspensions, it got back to me, that the cops were pissed that every case they thought should be taken to the limit, totally culminating in the lose of their licenses, through revocation, suspension, or whatever, regardless of the results of field sobriety tests, factors that might come into play, like gimp legs, being overweight, throwing the heel to toe test off, or other extenuating factors, that may not have come up, while out in the field! I am not one to be pushed around, or fucked with . . . hopefully, the cops did their job, made the best call they could, then turned it over to me, as the prosecutor to dig a bit deeper, than they can while out on the road, generally, late at night, and at risk of their lives, even making some of these stops! There was only one case, that the facts were so close, that, we had to go to court, and the other attorney wanted to take me to lunch after court, so I figured that was worth the drive to Park City, and get out of the office for the day, and have a bit of adult fun. Most of the cases, could be handled on the phone . . . two smart attorneys, who respect each other, give each other the benefit of the doubt, or can openly discuss the case, debate it if needed, and come to a resolution, saving the state, the tax payers money, for travel, per deim, hotel and food! I had to go to all jurisdictions in the state . . . figure 270 trips to court? I cleared the docket!
I was taken out of that division, that was meant to be a punishment for me, having killed asset forfeiture, and the attorney leaving hated the job, and most people dreaded it. I had my secretary run it, wheeling and dealing over the phone, knocking out, case after case, and still doing a ton of other law, business and related events . . . needless to say, I was not chained to this job, like the Attorney Generals Office, would have hoped! Soon, they moved me to another, allegedly dreaded position in the AG's Office, and Mark Shurtleff, was my replacement, and he became the cops whipping boy! They loved him, and had him running all over the state, taking their cases to the mat for them! This was their kind of prosecutor, that fucking female, thought she could make a judgement, based on the fact, the law, application of the law, and general respect for the honesty of the other attorney! Mark complained, hated the job, but, it all paid off for him, because, as I loomed on the horizon, as a possible candidate, my choice, for attorney general, something that people saw in me, from the first day I walked on the job, as staff attorney for the Utah Prosecution Council! I was being courted for the job, taken to dinner, looking at the possiblities and a total shoe in for the job, five statewide jobs, teaching at three colleges, award winning manuals, huge name recognition, due to speaking engagements about 3 times a week, meeting hundreds, if not thousands of people each week, with late night waitresses, knowing my name in dinky Utah towns, so a real threat, and a no nonsense female attorney, not anybodies fool!
Poison the Enemy--ME . . . Put in the Hand Selected Cops' Man, Who is Up for Criminal Indictment for Corruption! As is His Hand Selected Replacement, Both, Possibly Looking at 30 Years in Prison; however, As is the Case with Other States, Mormon Utah has Buried the Case, Haven't Heard a Thing About it . . . BIG TIME SHIT! AND I AM RIGHT THERE IN THE MIDDLE OF IT!
The hate crimes started in 2000, and persist to this second! Cops should not look at the Fraternal Order of the Police, as a brotherhood, meaning that you are all one the same side, all the time, come thick or thin! Corruption at any level, is so damaging to the public, to their trust, to the very essence of society. It was amazing to me, as I watched this movie this morning, that the cops had so twisted the idea of trust, that they actually thought the public wanted them out killing, who they saw a criminals, taking them in mass off the streets, making it safe for the public! They fucking shot cops, prosecutors and judges, for God sake! In the law, they call it the slippery slop, at what point to you start to take justice into your own hands, and where does it stop . . . shooting someone because their tail light is out? Or they took cigars and roughed up a store owner? Or sold cigarettes, that had already been taxed, when Garner purchased them? Playing God with human life, so callus and cruel, for so little?
The funny thing is or the revealing this it, I was in Utah, the day the indictments against a 2 former Utah attorney generals, one was forced to step down, and I had written a blog, the day, I saw the FBI, part of the fraternal order, dropped the probe against Swallow, so I picked up the guantlet, and wrote all I knew about both Shurtleff and Swallow! They are both totally corrupt, totally and morally bankrupt, and have aided and abetted my sisters, in identity theft, sealing multi-million dollar cases, taking son's music, stealing furniture, houses, law practice, and, even with Shurtleff as a named defendant in my Brock, securities case, worth $357 million, no one batted an eye, when he order the Washington County Sheriff Constable, a friend of Shelley's, a co-conspirator, having everything to gain . . . she gets to dump her shitty life and be an attorney! Force JoAnn on the streets, so she appears to be the aimless shit Shelley, and put Shelley, in JoAnn's attorney position . . . and it is not like, both Mark and John, don't know me personally, so there is no mistaken identity or confusion on their parts . . . go back 9 years, hell, I trained Mark! Shelley was a rat fink, for the government, and they rewarded her with being me! Wow, better than Christmas!
I would bet the cops here, have been told, that I am Shelley, and when I write about her--the cops saw me walk to McDonald's, so no mistake, the person here in Durango, is blonde, blue eyes, and shorter than Shelley, but they just lie and say, Shelley aka JoAnn wrote this, she may be shadowing me, Jennifer and the shelter rats, will confirm, that it was in fact, Shelley aka JoAnn who was here, not me, JoAnn who is in Durango, and say that it is I who is stealing JoAnn's ID, and I am really Shelley! LOL! You have to consider the source, other fucking cops, who hate me! Or chicks like Jennifer, who stand to benefit, getting a piece of my blogging money pie, or she may even start parading herself as an attorney, ME! LOL! They are comical in their fucked up delusions, both the cops and the gals they try to elevate above me, not worthy to be my footstools! Neither are the cops!
I Can, However, Sympathize With Some Aspects Of Their Work
When I was again, an assistant attorney general, and staff attorney for the Utah Prosecution Council, and over domestic violence, writing the manual, Domestic Violence 101: A User Friendly Manual for Prosecutors & Law Enforcement on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault, award winner and national model, I will add . . . don't do shitty work, ever! But, I got so immersed in the subject, the signs, the symptoms, the drama, the victims stories, that I started, only after one short year, to think that all men were abusers, kind of like all people are criminals! I was involved, deeply for about two years, and some cops, are involved for 30 or more, with the underbelly of society, crime, bloodshed, and victims, so I can understand, how you feel to some extent, but I was wrong, men are not all abusers, and many are the most avid supporters of women, and do all in their power to stop abuse! I had to stop myself from looking at the couple at dinner at the other table, and make the conscience effort, to say, you don't know jack shit about these people!
When you are baptized in the waters of crime, so to say, dealing with the crud, scum, and dirt of society, it takes a conscious effort to dispel the myths, because more people are good than bad, at least that is the way I see it.
We Are Where We Are . . . Which Direction Do We Take From Here--Toward a Police State, or Toward a State Based on JUSTICE FOR ALL . . . even the scum bags!
P.S., I forgot the point I was going to make about the two former Utah attorney generals, under indictment for corruption . . . mind you, Shurtleff was one of my named defendants, and he and Swallow, met with me, prior to me filing the case, even encouraging me to file, stating that his hands were tied, due to threats of FBI investigations back then, and said that I would make a whole lot of people happy, including several legislators who were thinking about starting another, legislative investigation, with the first doing little to look into the civil rights abuses, abuse of power, the overzealous investigation and prosecutions, and the arbitrary and capricious manner in which the investigations were done . . . if you contributed to Mark's senatorial, or gubernatorial campaign, your securities investigation disappeared! Come ON! I was personally approached by, Tim Lawson, who ran for governor at the same time Mark ran for AG, back in 2000, when Mark wanted me, if I was not going to run, to be his campaign manager, as did he opponent, Frank Mylar!
My, my, my, I know a lot of details on my life! I wonder if the gals do . . . they have 24/7 surveillance, and I do not, so who gets the information on whom, and who tells the facts clearer? ME, it is my fucking life, my stories, my facts, and my history! YOU dumb asses, do a fucking DNA! Hell, no, then we could not keep stealing from Elliot Taylor Secrist's bands . . . our fun money, bribe money, and toy machine! I still got waylaid!
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