Pills Dashed on Floor In Front of Locker at Gym
Four out of the last seven nights, have been spent, basically, trying to stay alive . . . in fact, as I dropped back into Kalispell, Montana, a week ago, many of my friends, greeted me, with are you okay, I thought you were dead, where have you been, I am glad to see you, because I didn't think I ever would again. Having run, left, disappeared, gone, so many times, driven by the unseen enemies, or the seen, with heat one my ass, or some other sign from divine sources, that I am in deep shit, and need a change of scenery, I have exhausted many of the safety stations, like homeless shelters, missions, and agencies connected with those type services, with rules like the Samaritan House, here in Kalispell, that will let someone stay in the facility about three times, which for most people, under normal circumstances, that is sufficient; however, with someone like me, who will stay for far less than the 30 day limit, maybe a week, until something heats up, or I write a blog that pisses someone off, especially locally . . . my stays are far less, but, can amount to the three visits. On the other hand, I can't quite get an apartment, because, generally, they, listen on my phones, watch my computer, and any inquires are usually fucked up, and a friendly potential landlord, turns overnight, 180 degrees, to a less than enthusiastic welcome to me as a tenant . . . someone gets to them! Patterns, patterns, patterns . . . Kieth Urban, song, Stupid Boy . . . you stole her every dream and crushed her plans!
So, since it is getting warmer, I decided, after watching James Kennedy, and his tramp camp style of living, and other guys and gals, who pan for gold in these them hills, during the summer months, that hey, until I can trick someone into renting to me, before, the feds or the local cops get to them, I can just sleep out under the stars . . . so I bought a sleeping bag, pillow, tarp, and joined the Kalispell Athletic Club, so I can do double duty, work out, and have a shower each day too. But, as news gets around town that I am back, the games start, and the tracking, harassing, intimidation, stalking, possible hits, sure hits, start . . . and following the poisonings, and attempts in Missoula, Butte, Bozeman and Durango, this is not joke, and attempts to block me from getting any sleep at all--you know the techniques used by the CIA at Gitmo or Guantanamo Bay with detainees . . . I am in the same class of suspects, this bad ass con law chick is considered an enemy of the state, a homegrown terrorist, enemy combatant . . . for preserving, protecting and defending the United States Constitution . . . the polar opposite of the fucking Patriot Act! They live to stop me, before I take down the Patriot Act, while it is kosher to kill, steal and destroy, legally, and I live to stop them before they kill me!
Should I Get Insurance? Locker #79 . . . I Am the ONLY One With Keys!
So, inevitably, when someone talks to me, being an attorney, who in defense of my living situation, wearing the same clothes for a month, whether working out or sleeping or writing my blog at the hospital, Sunnyview Cafe, like I am now, it comes out that I sued the government, they went after me, with $700 million worth of cases against defendants like the Department of Justice, Homeland Security, ICE, National Guard, states of Utah and Nevada, Las Vegas Review Journal, blah, blah, blah, with people lined up outside your door, wanting you to be their attorney, in another civil rights case against, none other than the government . . . and who do you get rid of all these cases, and the ones coming . . . take out the common denominator, the intimidator, the attorney! If there in one thing a bully hates, is another bully! LOL!
So, as a result of hearing my plight, one of the females at the gym has a 5th wheel, sitting on the gym property, as having gone through a divorce herself, and needing a place to park it, and an employee of 30 years, she was very sympathetic and offered to let me stay the night in her trailer. She was concerned that she should get insurance, hearing some of my horror stories. I told her, no, they, leave people alone for the most part, unless they are a love interest, and some guy who could help me out of sticky situations, or did what Allan Rex Bess, my client did, gave me his house, but he was murdered for that one, but this I Corp. Marine, who was in intelligence during the Vietnam War, said he didn't become a killing machine to work in a damn office, and begged to go into battle . . . well, thanks to this brave man, who said we both bled, red, white and blue, eventually gave his life for what he love, the woman and the country, and his sacrifice, got me to the United States Supreme Court, on my huge ass civil rights case, that did much to turn the tide on the direction the country was going, away from the Constitution, to the Patriot Act bull shit!
This woman, who is not political at all, saw, that I was in need, and stepped up to protect, a patriot, and warrior, fighting daily on the domestic front, for her and your rights, and have for 20 years, provided me with clean nightgown, laundry machines, a nice couch, clean sheets, and a warm blanket . . . the night before, I walked 3 miles, in the cold Montana night, after seeing vehicles, parked with lights on, right near where I am campeddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd--my computer just did this on its own . . . "d" you are dead, dead, dead, dead! I had three nights on the streets, hiding in garbage bin fenced in areas, sitting up, and in the back of an old abandoned suburban, which I got at least 3 hours of sleep . . . but, sleep deprivation is one of the tactics, the feds, CIA, use to break down prisoners, and terrorists, then I had one night at my camp, of pretty good sleep, as good as you can get, when it is cold and your gear is not that good, and you are not only worried about hit men, women, rapist, murderers, but in this part of the country, mountain lions and bear, that might smell you and come into take a bit! But I was so grateful, and slept until 7:30 a.m., which is almost a luxury, when my nights, of stress are about 3 to 5 hours, of pretty shitty interrupted and stressed sleep, if you want to call it that!
Not Garbage on Floor . . . Vitamin Pills Out of Your Bottles and Locker!
So, after I wake up, I go downstairs to my locker, and find another member of the gym, sitting on the floor, and she brought up the pills, and wondered what happened. I didn't have glasses on, and thought that is was paper, looked like paper punches, small light colored circles. I had taken my $1.00 vitamins and green tea whatever, never take pills, but for a dollar, hey! But as I grabbed the bottles, each with only 30 pills in it, and both the same color, before I knew what was on the floor, I noticed that they felt a bit light for having only taken them for a day or two. Then the chick on the floor said, those look like pills. I put on my glasses and to my surprise, they were the same color, light tan, as my pills, and I thought back to a second earlier, when I noticed they seemed like they had fewer pills in them, but dismissed it . . . but then the realization that I am the only one with the lock to this locker, not even the managers and staff have one, and you have to get a locksmith to replace them, and most of the members, leave their keys at the front desk and pick them up each day when they come to work out . . . I keep it, so I can get in, at will, that bucking authority thing, independence, don't want to bother and want total access to my locker, when the gym is open!
There were about 12 pills, thrown right in front of my locker, on the carpet, and under the bench, and the thought came to mind, that I had written that blog on the CIA yesterday, and they do this stuff all the time, breaking and entering, stealing, and it would be nothing for them to have some device that could open a locker, and get in take some of my pills, letting me know that they not only knew where I stayed last night, but which locker is mine, and what is in it! My, my, my, temper, temper, temper . . . but they have left their calling cards at other times, letting me know, that they are all over me! Keith Angel, song, Angels watching over you . . . its going to be alright, your not a lone tonight! I must not have been. The female worker, who wondered if I was a bit paranoid, was a bit less skeptical, and promised, that she didn't do it . . . she ended up staying in the 5th wheeler, and I slept on the couch, she was worried that they might see me going out to the trailer. I already knew she didn't do it, because the staff, made it plain and clear, that these keys, being an older gym, were, like kind of irreplaceable, because they had been around for so long, and they only had one key for each locker. Maybe they have a master key, but who knows . . . she would have no reason to do this, but by way of threat, sign, symbol that they watching every move I make, came through loud and clear to me, but I already knew that! Just thought you might be interested!
Congressman Elijah Cummings, Must Have Read My Blog on the U.S. Marines, Singing "Days of Elijah" . . . Bringing Back Righteous Days!
Baltimore is suffering from another death of a black man in police custody, and they are handling things a bit different, than Ferguson, but, Ferguson, had the challenge of not having any other city to look at to see what to do and what not to do . . . but last night as I watched, Rachel Maddow, after working out that is, reporters were saying that there was almost a festival type atmosphere among protesters, with jump games set up for protesters kids, the National Guard, who has the constitutional duty to put down insurrection and rebellions, was on duty, with a cop presence, but no tanks, machine guns, riot gear, lines of armed and dangerous cops, protecting themselves, rather than serving and protecting! So, from both sides, it seemed that the lessons of Ferguson, were sinking in, and there are learning curves and growing pains that cities go through, when something like this happens in a community, especially, when the issue is so real, raw, and relevant, and there have been so many deaths, that there is a question, when is this going to change, can our hearts take it any more, are they, cops, Patriot Act, just continuing to kill, until the protesters die down, and finally the PEOPLE, give in to totalitarian and tyrannical police state regimes? That simply was not the case, last night in Baltimore . . . New York protesters, had some brief and cagey confrontations with cops, but they are a city, who is still reeling from the pain of the Eric Garner death, by chocking . . . in fact, Eric Garner's daughter was in attendance.
Teens Arrested for Protesting, NOT THUGS, 21 out of 35 Teens Had No Criminal Records . . . Don't Discourage . . . Many Black Leaders Today Got Their Starts as Lawyers, Community Leaders, Political Activists, Politicians, from Marches in Selma and Other Protests!
Mayor, Stephanie Meyer, referred to the kids arrested as thugs and robbers, or something like that . . . I am not sure if she was referring to the looters, or the protesters, because I am getting to the news later, and catching it on the news for the first time, last night, no electric outlets out in the dirt! LOL! But, I was glad, that the investigative reporters for some of the news sources in attendance, actually took the time to substantiate the facts, and looked into the criminal records of the juveniles, who got arrested, were detained for three days, some as young as 11 and 12, so they are getting their first introduction to the criminal and juvenile justice system. I was impressed that the police released 109 of the protesters arrested, and they walked out of jail without charges! I was thrilled, but they added, that the jails were crowded and the prosecutors was not sure what charges to get them on . . . it is okay for hard asses, to show some compassion and understanding, even if you had to come up with a cover! LOL! This is the stuff, changes are made of . . . "a softening, don't give up now, you are so close to another brand new day!" Keith Urban . . . I listen to music when I write, and often the words of the songs, go right with what I write! Love it, a message from God, to help!
So Close to a Brand New Day! We Can Do This, America!
As curfew on Baltimore was nearing, Congressman Elijah Cummings, was out on the streets, as he had been, the night before, when the curfew, went very well, in fact, it was speculated that the week long curfew, may not be necessary, due to the fact that people were generally, very peaceful in their protest and also, having fun like in a festival atmosphere, which is interesting. We can make a statement without the hate, the anger, the fighting, the bloodshed, and arrests . . . people are hurt, they are concerned, they want changes, they don't want the blood of the cops, they want you to serve and protect, stop racial profiling, get rid of the brutality, respect and do what you have to do to keep the peace, preserve law and order, and to enforce the law . . . but you don't have to be a killer asshole to do it! But, a group of youth, were bucking the community elders, and not going to abide by the curfew; however, eventually, I think someone gave them a rational reason why they should, or some other young people, started putting pressure on the group to leave and go home! The passion of youth, loves the excitement of the event, and they will protest to be involved . . . and that is a good thing, challenging authority is a good thing, not a bad thing!
JUST BECAUSE I SAID SO . . . if not good enough, never really was, for youth, but rock solid explanations are! Even the most harsh critic, can change, if the reasoning is good enough to convince them, that it is in every one's best interest to take a particular action. I find that the more involved, informed, and included in a process, the more the two sides can actually, not only see the other groups position, but actually come together in a joint, resolution, that benefits all in the community, a win/win if you will . . . a great goal to work for! Love softens hearts, changes minds, and creates new friends. I beg the authorities, to keep the transparency in this process as much as possible, without favoritism, special treatment, but taking in all the facts, the evidence and laws! I found, as a trial attorney, criminal defense, that even if we lost the case, in part or in whole, that if there was a fair presentation of the story, both sides, being heard fairly and equally, and the complexities of the case, brought to light for everyone to see the problems, the conditions of what the actions were, what were contributing to the death, to the power struggle, in honest and credible testimonies, not manufactured for the benefit of one prisoner, trying to get a better deal on their case . . . but what really happened . . . honesty is always the best policy!
Aesop's Fable of the SUN and the WIND
Once a weary traveler was walking down the road, and the wind and the sun were talking and finally, one of them bet the other that they could make the traveler take off his coat faster than the other one could. The wind went first, and as strong as it could, it blew and blew, blustered and flustered, making the traveler, grab his coat, pulling it tighter and tighter, to protect himself from the onslaught of cold and wind. Next the sun, did its thing . . . he let the sun shine on the traveler, warming him, sunbeams warming him to the point, that he relaxed and while basking in the warmth of the sun, he took off his coat, as he walked down the road.
By way of analogy, this to two ways the cops can deal with the citizens, or the citizens can deal with the cops . . . life is tough, being a cop is tough, being a targeted minority is tough, being killed is tough too . . . lives are left hurting, holes in the heart, possibilities shattered, dreams gone unmet . . . and we need to feel this. I loved the letter that Treyvon Martin's mother wrote to Michael Brown's mother, knowing what she was going through . . . if we can't make them see, we will make them feel! There men, teens, are some one's son, some one's best friends, some one's grandson, a school mate, they are not nameless numbers, causalities, statistics, they are human beings and we will all miss them, whether we knew them or not! We cannot tolerate, man's inhumanity to man, any longer!
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