Food & Fun . . . Men Are that They Might Have Joy!
I guess the NSA, or the National Security Agency, just woke up, to the fact that I was asking Congress to cut your budgets! LOL! The computer, I am on, Guest 10, at the St. Patrick's Hospital, in Missoula, due to mine being fried, the last time I was in Missoula, just before Christmas, but as I wrote that Germany and Russia are more American than America is, right now, under this asisinine, let's call it the Seahawk Act . . . losers, sister Rachel & Shelley, both lived up in that part of the country . . . and under the real Patriots, wouldn't that be a shame if Americans, could actually, live in peace, privacy, and protections, that were intended for citizens, since the inception of this country. I love the fact that the Patriots won . . . sorry Seahawks, with more sybolism, than you will ever realize, going on just between the two names and locations. One of my doubles, Rachel Southwick Hickey-Moosman, used to live in Bellvue, Washington, actually Shelley Southwick Anderson Yeman--the family leach and welfare mother, whatever, also lived there, close to the Seahawk's football stadium, I would imagine, much like a tomb today. But there are the UnPatriots, operating, under the UnPatriot Act, favoring a return to British rule over what has become, an American colony again, with the world bankers, funding both sides of all wars, engaging Americans, around the globe, breaking the bank, and backs of Americans, and their soldiers, as the alleged, Patriot Act, and covered agencies, try to become the world police force, with the likes of the Bushes, Cheney's, and Romney's selling us out to China, and siding with the Brits . . . if you don't believe me, read about the beheadings . . . with both Americans and Japanese, loosing their heads from ISIS, assholes, with BRITISH ACCENTS! And you still don't believe me? Really? Think again, a global plan to break America, make the cops rulers, who are loyal to the crown! That's not the way America should be!
Special Accolades & Kudos, To the Broadway Inn, Grill & Bar--Great Super Bowl Home Party! They Must Have Done This Before! You Made it an Art & a Science! Like I Said, Food & Fun, Great Fans, Both Sides & Servers!
As I was walking from breakfast, at McDonald's, on Broadway Street, in Missoula, after getting my favorite #10 breakfast burritos, hash browns, and unlimited Diet Coke . . . by the way, McDonald's and Coke, your super bowl ads, were touching and inspiring, with McDonald's giving away, free food, in the month of February, for random acts of kindness, like having a son, call his mother, Elliot . . . bass guitarist for, God's Revolver, and new band, Delta Storm, or something like that, I can't remember it, but, could you ask my son to call me, if he goes into a McDonald's in Salt Lake City, say up near the University of Utah, where he is a music major, lives and works? And Coke, cool add, too many, outright crimes, to murder, come from cyber bullying, so great message, turning bullying social media, into a tool for good, I even took notes of all the good quotes, that came from the game and the adds, here is Coke's ad . . . the world is what you make it; make it good! Ditto!
Sorry, lost my train of thought, but after breakfast and a fun conversation with my oldest daughter, about having done all that I wanted to do professionally, and even dreamed of, with my blog, basically, being my book, a journal if you will of the way I feel and what I think, and what I do almost daily, with nothing else to do, but get married, and try doing that well, four attempts, but with good excuses, first, married to the father of all four of my beautiful, wonderful, super kids, the second and third, because I thought I was going to die, for a while, and the fourth, because the government had just taken, a million dollar home, I had won in federal court, along with the rest of my life, and this client, whom I saved from attempted homicide charges, cops and prosecutors, doctoring the evidence to set him up, when really, he was a wronged man, a year falsely incarcerated, with a black widow, going undetected, and even being dressed up and dollied up by the prosecution, with a record of three previous dead husbands, and this one being set up to be the next victim, with no concern of the justice system, giving me his house, as payment for getting him off 45 years, possible in prison, really an old Marine, who knew too much about the government, that they had been trying to kill for the last 41 years, working with the cops, prosecutors, to lock up before he revealed what he knew about Vietnam, seeing me and him, as star-crossed lovers, both with attempts on our lives, attacking our brains, to silence us, and both ready, willing and able to sue the government, with blood that runs, red, white and blue . . . so, I don't know that you can count the last 3, but, I would eventually, like to try to be successfully married, in love, and all that jazz! But Valentine's Day is coming, so I might be a bit, sentimental, and it could just be one of those week times in my life, I think I need a husband, and love . . . . nonsense! LOL!
Now, I did it to you, my dear reader, again, losing my train of thought, making you follow, a stream of consciousness type of writing, but as I left, McD's, and ventured on my way, I noticed the marque of the Broadway Inn, having twice before, dined in their Grill & Bar, liking the place, and pateo, not necessarily at this time of year, but, their SUPER BOWL HOME PARTY, invite caught my eye, and about the eyes of 100 other loyal fans, on either side, but a great time was had by all . . . nachos are the number one, super bowl favorite, and they had the works, veggies, first, then cheesy sauce, chili, salsa, olives, jalopena pepers, sour cream, purple onions, my personal favorite, tomatoes, and whatever else, was yummy and good. Each quarter, they brought out more goodies, like burgers, popcorn, smokies and meat balls, so much food, believe it or not, I had to sit out a few quarters! LOL! I over indulged in the nachos, so, my personal acts of eating, very much supported the top vote getter for super bowl food! But, I was excited to get to Fresh Life Church, across the overpass, and Reserve Street, to the building with the blue roof, to get my super bowl super spiritual food and music, to last me through the week!
A Slap in the Face, Spiritual Face, and Slap, From an Austrailian American Pastor, Visiting from a California, Church Without Walls, so Cool
NSA is blocking me from Margins and Spelling Checks!
NSA, is doing their handi-work, adding the word, amp after every "&" and fucking with my margins, had to save, edit, publish, and go to draft, to get out of their funk, they put me in . . . and they picked the appropriate word, to describe, what I do when they fuck with me, I AMP UP AGAINST THEM! So, they best, leave me alone, it always, always, always gets worse, when they mess with me, because then I am pissed off and write even more fast & furious than I would have, without their interference, and after trying to stop me for a year and a half, you might as well just give up, and knock it the fuck off, this is America for God sakes! Anyway, church was great, there were a ton of students, who attended, and a few, who accepted Christ as their personal savior, and advocate with the father. But the preacher, with a personal touch, I am sure, inspired, from on high, said the exact words, I had just said to my daughter, that I had done all I really wanted to do, professionally, and there was not much left, other than to try to settle down . . . the pastor, in his words, said, if you think you have done all that you need to do, and you think, life is pretty good, think again, the field is rip and the sowers, are few, and there are many who are seeking the harvest, or to know of Christ . . . and don't think for a second, your work is done, when you have neighbors, friends, co-workers, strangers, people on the streets, I have an opportunity, at the Poverello Center, to touch 168 souls, and the worth of just one soul is great in the sight of God . . . Christ said, the shepherd, him, leaves the 99 sheep to go and find the 1!
Paings of guilty, crossed my mind, and a gratitude for what I have either been taught as a child, or learned, via studying the scriptures, and coming from the mouths of babes and preachers alike, who hare there to save, my sorry soul and ass, leading me, singing to me, and marking the paths to salvation, that have saved me, literally, not just in a spiritual sense, but in a physical sense, also, from cops, FBI, CIA, computer hacks, traps, snares, hits, accidents, etc., for the last 15 years, and of that I am grateful, and anyone, getting into the business of being a constitutional law attorney, in these UnPatriot Act, days, is in for a rude awakening, and you will fucking need and want protection! This is not an easy game to play, a yellow-brick road, leading back home, or dealing with a wizard of Oz, who is unable to make your life a living hell . . . you will need an ally, and often the only one who hasn't taken a bribe, is Christ and God, my only friends and family for the last three years!
My intolerance, arrogance, pride, self-righteousness, is not cool, and me thinking, that I am the only one out there who needs the precious word of God, and the saving grace of Christ, makes me sorely wrong, and in need of change, repentance, and I felt that so strongly yesterday, the work is not done, there are many souls, who need to be saved. And the good news of the gospel, shared, to the ends of the earth! I was glad to see the advertisement of Jeep, this land is your land, this land is our land, from California, to the New York Island, and on, to include the Great Wall of China, and other parts of the earth, we are all, Children of God, entitled to his protection, his love, and his saving grace! The worth of a soul is great in the sight of God, each one counts! But, a perfect sermon, for watching a great athletic event, with so many of the football players, working in the communities, and giving much to those youth, those hurting and those in need . . . I was impressed with the Tillman Award, with his wife, helping to pick a winner . . . someone who will make a difference, a father, and all fathers, make a difference, so a great choice! Super Bowl Sunday, was all and more than, it was cracked up to be, thank you for all the hands, eyes, minds, creative people, musicians, athletes, coaches, TV and news personalities, the University of Phoenix, for the beautiful stadium, life can be great for every person in the world, if we all do our part, be socially, politically, economically, and spiritually responsible!
The U.S. Constitution, Rights, Freedoms, Liberties, Privileges, Privacy, Human Dignity, Equal & Fair Pay, Are for All Man Kind . . . Thanks to some of the Countries, Who Do It Better Than We Do! Thanks for the Legislators Who are Fighting the Political Battles Daily . . . My Business is Really, None of Your Business, Government, Boss, Cops . . . Unless I Am Committing a Crime, Breaking an Employment Rule, or You Have Probable Cause to Believe That Something Is Amiss--there Will Be Evidence to Suggest that, Without Invading My Privacy Through Email, Computer or Surveillance Tapes--Work Suffers . . . Other than that, I Dig What a Bus Riders, Said to a Bus Driver, in Butte . . . How Was Your Weekend? . . . None of Your Business!
P.S., Just a thought on the Montana Techie Legislators, doing the great work up at the State Capitol, on the privacy bills, support each other's bills, they are all inter-related, Schwaderer, said he is not supporting Bennett's bill, HB334, because it tells, private companies what they can do. "I'm worried, about what the state's after." Schewaderer, says. "The Democrats are worried about what the corporations do. But at the end of the day, Google can't put me in a cage." Think again, Google, had a lawsuit, against the federal government, back in 2013, the result came out in Febrary, if I am correct, I made a typo, corrupt, was the word I typed, and they basically, now, are the CIA, and the CIA is Google, from what I heard from my, now dead friend, as of September 1, 2014, who warned me about the CIA, the NSA, and worried about the content of my blog, which is allegedly one Google account . . . it is legions . . . talk, legions of doom, in the super bowl, hell, that applies to my blog, how in the hell do you go from 155 million hits in less than 84 seconds, down to today, about 3 million for 84 seconds . . . those hits and results are going somewhere!
The misfortune of a fortune, the pain of success, is that Google, sees the number of hits, the results of my blog, twice in one day, I hit or had results, at 155,000,000, twice, and I will not let them put ads on my blog, even at 1 cent per hit, you can see the amount of money, MY BLOG generates, with a residual effect, bringing tons of traffic to the search engine, readers, who don't just stay on my blog, but to keep it pure, I will not, let, some militia group, while I support their 2nd amendment right to exist, I do not agree with their interpretations of the United States Constitution, nor the states, and don't dig the Posse Comitatus . . . the dumb ass notions of the Bundy Ranch in Bunkerville, Nevada, who had the stand-off with the BLM, who they didn't recognize as having authority under the Constitution . . . and they were wrong! Dumb ass hacker, sister, along with the other CIA, versions of me, using my good name, reputation, resume, blog, to aid and fuel a fire between, both sides, with trigger happy, cops and militia, inflitrators, who would like nothing more than to cause a war on American soil, so they could bring in Homeland Security, their militarized cops, to restore the peace . . . I had a daughter, worked for the BLM and Forest Service, will be attending the U of Montan, law school, next fall, who fed me the government's side, and a Harvard graduate, I believe, undercover, militia pretenders, but former or emeritis government agent, FBI, or CIA, trying to use my blog, to inflame the fire of the controversy . . . didn't fall for it, but sister, dumb ass, does things, so cutsey, you would know the difference of my no nonesense style and her little horse, saddles, and spurs, homepage design for the Bundy blog, fueled, by none other than MY BLOG! If you went to the bottom of his blog, and there was a small print, that said, fueled by blogger, and you clicked on it, it took you directly, not just to my blog, but into my alleged, one account, that you have to have a password to get into! Someone, from the inside, Google, CIA, NSA, FBI, has access, TOTAL ACCESS, to get into my blog, to change it, censor it, split it, bury it, erase paragraphs, and even delete whole blogs, all together, after hours of work. The CIA, is so invested in the bitches, whose, snatches their dicks are in, or visiting for the day, that they will get rid of the rightful property owner, the intellect behind the blog, the intellectual property, which is more damaging, trashing my name with their stupid inferior legal training, Kay was a fucking ambulance chancer . . . the lowest of the law, in the legal field! Rachel is a fucking flight attendent, and the radio guys were making fun of them this morning, and Shelley is a biology major, who sold, Cabbage Patch Doll shoes, Sue is the Mormon Bishop's wife and relief society president from hell, took it more serious than I would the law, with her large mahogany or cherry wood office in her Pennsylvania home, Lanchaster, or somewhere like that, while husband got the white, gingham blue, white and yellow, office, the girlie stuff! LOL! Kelly Booth, a loser attorney, wanna be JoAnn, who got her shit out of shape, because knowing Judge Ted Stewart, probably Brett Stewart's/or Stuart's uncle of something, and the grand-daughter of Mormon Church President, Monson, who thought Mormon connections was the way to win the case, not hard core law work, like I did, writing 8 briefs in one weekend, then, taking gas out of my clients, lawn mower, to go visit their daughter in jail, while they were vacationing in Vegas, on bribe money and houses, that they got for fucking me over, along with Shane, and Travis, who sold out too! Tiffany, is at best a EMT, with no legal training, mother of six, and a homeschooler, now, which one of these frauds, would trust, and they are form the REPUBLICAN CORPORATE, CITIZENS UNITED, BULL SHIT WORLD, YOU DON'T THINK YOU HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT? GOOGLE IS JUST AN ARM OF THE GOVERNMENT, WHO HAS STOLEN FROM MY INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY AS WELL, WORKING HAND IN HAND WITH THOSE WHO CAN USE YOUR PRIVATE INFORMATION TO PUT YOU IN A CAGE! MY DEAD FRIEND, TOLD ME CIA AND GOOGLE ARE ONE IN THE SAME, AFTER THE LAW SUIT, TOO MUCH DAMN MONEY . . . THEY GET PAID FOR EACH ACCOUNT, THEY ALLOW THE GOVERNMENT TO GET INTO, SEE YOUR PRIVATE CONVERSATIONS . . . INCENTIVE, INCENTIVE, INCENTIVE! THINK AGAIN, SUPPORT HIS BILL . . .
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