The Boobs With No Head Syndrome
Okay, so people tell you, that dogs are man's best friend; however, if you have been bitten by every dog that you have come in contact, that extra-factual factual information, given your history with dogs, will not be known to others, but will effect, that way you react to a particular situation. By way of example, this morning in the Missoulian the local newspaper, the cover article was about judges, two of them, taking a sum total of three dogs, with them to court. As an attorney, having been to court many times, I can't imagine, with all the variables of the courtroom dynamics, opposing counsel, client, judge, baliffs, jury, clerks, audience or members of the public, possible press, family of your client, etc., that adding one, more, less than Koser to me, element, like a damn dog, in one court two, and in the other court, a fat dog with only three legs, and I think the article said pregnant, that I would be comfortable, as the title of the article suggested, my stress level would increase, not lower, I would not feel all fuzzy and warm, being someone who has, on many occasions, disagreed vehemently with the court or the judge, with baliffs, flanked on both sides of me, during a hearing, waiting to arrest my ass, if the judge gives them the signal, and then worrying about a fucking dog with a leg missing, an animal cruelty charge, against the judge's own personal pet, or accidentally on purpose kicking the mangy mutt, and getting my ass thrown in jail, not for contempt of court that I have been charged with, but, gladly willing to spend time in the slammer, for contempt for court!
Un-Friended from the Dog Park
I was un-friended to the dog park in St. George, by my very own mother, when I joined her one morning, for the political conversation, and got very agitated, pissed, and distracted by the gang of pooches, surrounding me, not the actual owners, and dog lovers. My mother was worried that I was offending the other dog owners, and she decided, my added insights to the conversation, was not worth alienating every person at the dog park, in addition to me getting totally grossed out at their continual pooping stances, humping each other, and other, very normal things that dogs do to each other, alone and with their masters . . . one lady, thought it perfectly normal to take a shower with her big ass dog! I was so disgusted, I could never look at her as a less than sick person after that. So, as an attorney, whether going into a justice or district court, a dog, would be a very unwanted, unwelcome, and unexpected member of the justice system, but given the rulings I have seen come out of some courts, the sentences, and the verdicts of a jury, the dog's distraction, might be welcome, and maybe a favorable outcome might be more readily handed down, but I am sure, that my reactions, avoidance, and overt and obvious, disdain for the animals, all animals in general, would be more of a distraction, and tripping over them, would be most embarrassing.
Dog Neutrality, Other Than Where I Am--Court Heightened Objection, Your Honor! But With All Due Respect, Of Course?
I don't love or hate animals, I just don't want them part of my world, not in my stores, not in my yard, not in my courtroom appearances! So, you see, if I were asked, for my opinion, which I just gave you without being asked, having some form of credibility, verifiable, and authoritative license to speak, seeing I have had four of them, bar licenses to practice in all levels up to an including the United States Supreme Court, could even possibly, be referred to as an expert witness, if this issue were to be challenged, or the judges called on the carpet by the bar associations, or there were a public outcry either for or against, or even a law the Montana Legislature decided to pass, forcing attorneys, to deal with one more thing than they already have to while arguing a case in court! So, my extra-factual factual information might, work either for the good of the cause at hand, but more likely, work against those proponents of allowing animals in court, although, it might be argued that attorneys are animals, therefore, nicer ones should be, also allowed, especially if they are the judge's mangy mutt! Scream! LOL! I can't even imagine! I would venture a guess, that most Montanans would read that article and get warm fuzzy feelings, and agree whole hearted, that dogs, being man's best friends, would indeed, make the courtroom a more friendly place, but too much distraction, for the already distress lawyer, I would think.
I Hope You Can See, Kind of What an Extra-factual Factual Information Can Do--It Can Sway, the Message, Based on the Messenger, and Doggy Money, Might or Might Not Be Given to the Courts, to Facilitate Dogs in All Courtrooms, God-Forbid!
The government, manipulators, sales persons, politicians, and others, use, these extra-factual factual information, to do all kinds of things. During the Q & A, section of the presentation, I raised my hand, and mentioned the fact that I thought, the situation this week, in Washington, with the King of Jordan, visiting, right after, a Japanese journalist, had been beheaded, and Japan, dedicated its efforts with the coalition against ISIS, and now, right during the visit, the video, of the purported, for me, the operative word, that gave reason to wonder, critique, and analyze, the alleged burning of a pilot in a cage . . . leading to the early, exit of the King, from the visit to Washington, the necessity, to speak and calm down his country men and women, and a commitment, to put down this twisted and barbaric act, and ISIS, with Jordanians, vowing, that the pilot's death, and such a horrible one, especially, seeing that Islam, prohibits burning of bodies, whether dead or alive, therefore a particular affront to an Islamic country, and a violation of the very tenants of religion, that they, ISIS, is claiming to promote! The next day in the newspaper, in huge type, Jordan: we CAN defeat ISIS! Or something to that effect.
Purported Effect On, Jordanian ISIS Policy?
Prior to both the beheading of a Japanese citizen, and the purported burning of a Jordanian pilot, who was allegedly burned, not February 3, 2015, but allegedly, January 3, 2015, making the fact of his actual burning, almost impossible to verify, authenticate, and determine, whether we were getting credible information, was taken from us, leaving us, with the emotional effect of the caging, screaming, and alleged burning, which, no one actually witnessed. It was claimed that the pilot had a black eye, that could have come from the accident and the plane crash, in December. Then, the story, went that they put him in a cage, and he was screaming . . . yes, horrible indeed, and then, the alleged video, released a month after the fact, which is not characteristic of this bloody band of caliphate promoters, with British accents, larger than large, and knows how to use the media so well to their advantage . . . but, then we are shown, I haven't seen the video, but the reporters said this, that the fuse was lit, and that was it, but nobody, ever actually saw the pilot burned.
While I am hearing the alleged experts on ISIS and their tactics, talk with political pundits, this purported story, starts to get legs, and now, it is a real story! Extra-factual factual information interaction effects have four factions: (1) cognitive demands; (2) informational limitations; (3) psychological predispositions; and (4) biology . . . plus an external cultivation! We have all of these elements present in the Jordanian pilot burning. There is always a story, connected to these incidents, a beginning, a middle, and an ending. We have a Jordanian pilot, who crashed his plane or jet over Syria . . . I thought, Jordan, was did not have skin in the game yet, or a dog in the fight, so the first red flag, in debunking this story, is the fact, that this pilot had no reason to be flying over Syria, at least in my limited knowledge and critically trained thinking, this was a false start, so to say, but if the goal is to inflame the Jordanian people which the burning did, obviously, the goal of the promoter of the story, or the external cultivator or someone already in the game, the U.S., the coalition, and others who may want Jordan, whom I have heard, has a pretty good military, and they are proximity wise, much closer than the U.S. and might be worried or should be worried about the boogieman on their border, but they were not!
The second element is also present, informational limitations to the story . . . there was a month's delay, in releasing the burning pilot story, much harder to verify the facts of the story, and the burning, which is against Islamic religious beliefs and practices, dead or alive, so a personal effort by the external agent of cultivation, to offend Jordan, who is also an Islamic country, and attacking their religion at a very gut-shot level! We don't know if he had a black eye, which is not earth shattering, and may have not come from the alleged captors, ISIS, but the accident, if there really was one? There were no prior reports of the pilot going down over ISIS territory, until the day the story was released, horrible, terrifying, barbaric, twisted, but purported! Our cognitive demands need a villain, we need a bad guy, we can't fight good guys, so we need someone so bad, that we all want to go to war against them! As I was leaving the Galliger Business School, right after the lecture, there was some footage and news taking place about this pilot, and they showed, one of the vehicles that ISIS, this band of bad to the bones, dudes are using, hell, it didn't look like it would make it 100 yards, really third world country type, with a gun, wired to the top, and looked like it should have had chickens, hanging on it, and the floor boards, exposing the sand of the desert underneath it!
We, the American, and the world have been psychologically predisposed to see ISIS as the biggest thing, the worst type of enemy, unbeatable, with a commitment to war efforts, for as long as we can see into the future! WHAT the fuck? I asked this chick, yesterday, whom I am sure, just made up the stats on this PSYOP and she proposed a number, and she may be with insider, CIA, the external cultivators and she gave me the number, 20,000 troops . . . this is a game to these motherfuckers, to see, what you will and will not believe, to see if they can pull of, stealing my life, or having some, at least attractive, female, stand in for a renowned professor, with a great book . . . didn't fool me, wise to your fucking stupid games! But, just like the Ebola scare, that these are earth shattering events, enemies, that we have never seen the likes of . . . I have seen a bunch of guys, wearing black uniforms, waving black flags, and in like three vehicles, much better than the likes of the ones I saw yesterday on the news, and pretending to be the world's bad asses! Oh, and with our British allies, accents! Good God! I didn't get what biology had to do with it, but I don't think Ms. Greenhill did either, because her explanation of that didn't make sense, and she glossed over it!
The Story First, The Messenger Next--Rear Admiral Kirby, Spokesperson for the Military
One of the things, necessary to promote the story, is someone of status, or a figure, who, people will listen to, someone that appears to be authoritative and someone that can promote the message in a credible manner. I mentioned the fact, the day after I saw, Kirby, that he appeared to me to be a Mitt Romney, clone, which is par for the Mormon church, prototypes of successful people, and the better looking the more convincing, to the guys who look at women, with boobs, but no head! The looks and the boobs, are a distraction from the message, a red herring, a false flag, with legs! So, Kirby, the actor, gets up there, much like little Ms. Alleged Smartie Pants, and starts to pontificate bull shit, non-sense, but we are suppose to be so enamored with his looks, his casual mannerisms, his ease at the podium, that we don't listen to what he is actually saying! It was as nonsensical as the professor's answers, to some rather easy questions, that after hearing the lecture, grasping the general idea, and applying it to the Jordanian pilot incident, that has all the elements of her purported theory, she tried to shut me up, when I thought, she would simply, say, that is an excellent example of all the elements of my paradigm and thoughts, that are contained in my book! Thank you for that example, next? She tried to dismiss the example, and not let me finish, which I did what I have done to U.S. Federal District Judges, run right over them, as they look at me, like a deer caught in headlights!
The federal judge that I had not only dismissed from the case, for gutting, 28 violations of the Utah Constitution, in MY Brock securities case, with attorneys from all over the country calling ME for help, after the article about the case, came out of New York Investment News, January 17, 2010, for admitting on the bench that she didn't know much about the Utah Constitution, the highest law in the state she presided over, as long as it didn't conflict with the Supreme Law of the Land the U.S. Constitution . . . she had to write a letter of admittance to the 10th Circuit Cour to Appeals! Likewise the professor double, was not smart enough to see a direct application to the points she had just outlined for a room full of professors, or former professors at three colleges, in addition to the law, and a group of students! Hot pants, don't make a hot mind! CIA, grow up with the games, the dumb ass, Monarch Project shit, like sexual and psychological abuse, brainwashing, and hypnosis! We are sick of your lame ass games! Anyway, the chick and the alleged, Admiral, did a shitty job of taking questions . . . the Admiral, did, pull a Romney or Obama stunt, that would make a less savvy person, think he had done this before, a ton of times, and called the reporters who were grilling the hell out of him by name, kind of cozy up with them, to gloss over his inadequate responses and thoughts, that were glaringly stupid, and inane, just at the lecture substitute, yesterday afternoon, we are just not as enamored with looks at the penis driven CIA! LOL!
We see the mind as the higher element, between the body and the mind, with the largest sex organ our brains! But that is for the headier crew that I am used to hanging with, like attorneys, professors, and doctors, as their, hand selected counsel! Brain Up YOU Dumb ASSES!
My Cute Pre-Law Student Daughter--Looks Count Mom!
There is no one that knows that better than myself! When I was the thin, assistant attorney general, and with great hair, beautiful close, and smart to boot, I was thrown to the wolves, without any background, or knowledge, and expected to shine, which I did, until, I started to outshine the big boys, and took out 9 federal agents and attorneys, as general counsel for the Utah Medical Association, leading to a turn around in the nations response to alleged, up-coding in Medicaid/Medicare billing by doctors, who after I researched their, the fraud unit's regulations, and their calling card warrants for searching a doctor's records for fraud, with a 24 hour notice, they decided that smart and beautiful, was not that important, and tried to kill me, with poisonous African tree frog gum, enough on a small frog to kill 10 to 20 men, used by assassins all the time and used in Vietnam, against the Viet Kong!
After the government, stole, 8 years of my life, and I gained over 100 pounds, and reactivated my license, October 1, 2009, I believe or around that time, I came back, but not the same, gorgeous woman they took out of the game, being courted to run for attorney general, wanting to run for congress! Believe me, fat should be considered, one of the suspect classes for blatant discrimination, by the fucking male, Mormon, CIA, FBI, and their gang of 40 agencies! Now, for some reason, beauty, trumps brains, and beating the shit out of them, case after case, court after court, with two outside firms and the attorney general's, litigation division, writing Dick and Jane, primer briefs, compared to my, brilliant, briefs, with no help other than myself, with the Utah Attorney General, telling me that his clients, the whole fucking government and state of Utah, securities division, and gang, up-line and all, hated my guts, I was sure, I had nailed the brief, to the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals . . . whooops, time for a double, take out the fat, smart chick, we need boobs with not brain, bring in the Company or CIA trained monkeys, like the chick yesterday, steal the case, take the money for MITT, and all is well in Zion! NOT UNTIL THE FAT LADY SINGS! FUCK YOU!
Looks Can Only Carry a Person So Far . . . Sometimes!
The smart people, once they hear me speak, on a case, on a subject in current affairs, read my blog, or whatever, will often make the remark, you are the smartest person I have ever talked to, or with men, you are in the 96th percentile of the smartest women I have ever known, from a professor of English, etc. And while the looks, did help me often, they were not determinative, had I not had the brain, to back up the beauty, I would never have made it where I did. In fact, being offered the position as general counsel to the most educated people or segment of society, the doctors, who basically hated my guts, because I forced them, trained them and threatened them with criminal charges and jail time if they didn't follow, domestic violence reporting laws, after kicking the shit out of their high paid lobbyists, before being offered the job, and lecturing the docs at all International Health Care Campuses, in Utah on the laws, and with many docs, especially the psychiatrists, with a bitter battle of the minds, really being pissed that I was selected as their general counsel, but the statement, that was made, when they had the social to introduce me to the docs, was, kind of like, while you hate her, and we all do, for pushing us around, but we would rather pay her to be on our side, rather than have her against us!
Looks, brains, knowledge, attitude, elitist positions, were what gave me the power to push the docs around and become one of the top requested speakers at that annual educational meetings, often taking the place or substituting in for the actual, attorney general, Jan Graham, my boss, who didn't know jack shit, about what we were talking about, and I would have to do her part, mine, and sit on a panel, doing both of our parts, she was a great figure head, and looked like the epitome of an attorney, or what the public would think, but she didn't even know her own programs! There really is no fucking short cut to success, you pay for dues, climb your mountains, fight your battles, or eventually, YOU WILL BE FOUND OUT, AND EVEN IF THE WHOLE FUCKING INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY IS HELPING YOU, YOU LACK OF KNOWLEDGE WILL SHOW, TO AN EDUCATED CROWD! Cute little girls, with boobs, and a tight ass, can't fool, the smart crowd, the ones, thirsting for knowledge, something new, something good, to plug into, something to apply to their own fields of study, or just a fun way of looking at life, love, war, differently . . . this turns us on, and dumb blonds do not, unless they can ride the bull the full 8 seconds, the chick last night, did okay, I would give her a B-, for looking at her notes? But on the question and answer period, an big fat F!
Brains, Beauty . . . And She's Mean!
One day, me and my daughter, and son-in-law, were sitting around talking. And one of my children, mentioned the fact that their father, who used to be married to me, and we always had tons of intellectual discussions, and he has a master's degree in Urban Development, and is a professional and good a planner as you can get. And I listened to his Mormon missionary farewell talk, before going to Holland, and he was smarter than the Mormon hierarchy and general authorities! So, no dummy, by any one's standards, but 13 years after our divorce, he married a woman, or girl, for she looked like one, that was 22 years younger than he was, and just two years older than my daughter, and, let's say, she is a golfer, a tanning bed queen, a shopper and a cook, mother too, and there is nothing in and of itself, wrong with any of those things, but one of my children made the observation, that dad had dumbed down, sense he had been married to this younger woman.
Dallas, had experienced the same thing with his parents, although, they had both been married several times, he was raised by the flavor of the week, dropping him off at the ski resort, while they were with his father. His mother worked for the feds, in the Bureau of Indian Affairs, and is a really smart, savvy, woman! His father's new wife, who, I think is younger than he is, he met in a bar, she was a stripper, he took her home and I have to hand it to them, they have been married for about 14 years or longer. But, she is not the smartest kid on the block, and while they were listening to a comedian one time, he made the comment, I am sure that you have heard, you can't fix stupid . . . now this goes for both sexes, but Dallas' dad, laughed and applied it to his wife, and Dallas, died laughing!
So, I turned to Dallas, and said, yeah, it seems, like you either get cute and dumb, or you get not so cute and smart, but not both. But I said, Dallas, you got, both, beauty and brains, and he, the Navy SEAL, with a Navy Intel wife, who stands up face to face, against him, being half his size and weight, getting in his face, at times, and he said, Yeah, and she is mean too! LOL! He needs a wife like that! LOL! That's my girl! Dig the hell out of her, and all my kids, smart and gorgeous!
NSA Blocking Margins, spell check off too, so what's new? LOL! But other examples of extrafactual factual information . . .
I would say, the Ebola scare, we all thought the whole fucking world was going down in a pandemic of gigantic proportions! I would say, and again this is from conspiracy central, that 9/11 was an inside job, blamed on external cultivators, no one ever to my satisfaction has explained, generally, ignoring, building 7, that went down, two blocks from the World Trade Towers, 12 or so hours after the planes hit, the building with the FBI in it, and all their files, destroying the evidence of the work and coordination it took to take the towers down. You have to look at things a bit different, I always say, trace the money and you will know the motive! MONEY is generally the motive . . . and that includes, tangentially connected money, government contractors, the economy, jobs, and whatever that comes from war. Power . . . world bankers, funding both sides of the war, with a half a trillion just in interest from the last two American war involvements, Iraq and Afghanistan . . . we were pulling out of both, when ISIS appears, just as Al Qaeda is waning in influence and fear!
I Am Grateful for the Tangible Tools, I Call Golden Nuggets in Life, That, More Clearly, Label, Explain, and Define, What is Going on in Our World Around Us . . . Remember to Debunk, Ignore, maybe, and Contribute if Found to be RIGHT!
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