The Stray Bullet--Target--Walmart $ Card
Like Al Capone, and tax fraud, I think, Target, may have seen DOUBLE VISION, and actually caught my alleged, sister double, having my Walmart money card, charge back, sent to her card, that she is allowed access to, by the Mormon NSA, hacker, Daddy War bucks, the only problem is, the war is fought, against me, with the money, I made, and they stole. I guess billions, is not enough for these fuckers, they have to go after, even a charge back of $19.99, on a return, for a black, athletic shirt, that I returned, as far as I can tell, with evidence of behavior patterns to prove it, February 4, 2014, because, I am not a shopper, don't frequent stores, unless, there is a need for something, somewhat of a utilitarian, by my definition, someone who only has what they use, and the bare necessities or the basics are it . . . sister is a shopper, and she can spend, till the cows come home! She is the consummate consumer, you can't get me in a store, other than to refill supplies, even at Christmas time, and that is under duress! I fucking hate it!
You see, these fucking assholes, God, called the family, I was born into, materialistic, and believe, in the Mormon Bible, the Book of Mormon, that only the righteous shall prosper, and they will lie, cheat, steal, fake, cover up, and collude, conspire, and collaborate, to appear to be successful, to do it . . . no wholes barred! They have long talked of the Have's & the Have not's! Remember Mitt Romney's, stupid statement, the one that most likely got him, un-elected, un-friended, and un-wanted by any party, especially, his own, the one about the 47%! I would venture a guess, that it is more like, if Mitt were to be honest, 99% of us! I know, that Mitt and Anne, have learned their lesson, the day, Mitt, after wild and crazy, speculation, stepped down, and decided not to run in 2016, and as he and Anne, quickly left the crowd, of disappointed admirers, and supporters, he said, we, referring to his party, said, something to the effect, that we needed to meet the needs of the people . . . do you think?
I thought the whole point of government, that we the people, created, to meet our needs, not the needs of the government, for hell sakes, a nameless, faceless, vessel, created to do certain things, like protect our rights, defend us against, domestic and foreign invasions, and basically do all in their power, to make life good for us, the average, Joe or JoAnn! Lesson well taken, pass it on to the Mormon Church . . . although in all fairness, I have heard, through the homeless, grapevine, that all the foreclosed on homes in Utah, are being temporarily turned over to homeless people, to live in while they are empty! Smart move, neighborhood blight, vandalism, and homes slipping into disrepair are a worry, when so many homes, Bush and his banker buddies on Wall Street, make a fortune off of us, the people, are better occupied than left standing empty, so, kudos to Utah! I can't tell you how hard that is for me to say! LOL! New beginnings, maybe?
Target, May, In Fact, Be the Ones, Who Solve the Case of the Doubles
Okay, so, as usual, living on a meager, amount of money, the government, my family, the Mormon controlled, FBI, CIA, NSA, allows me to live on, what basically amounts, to ease their conscience money while they steal millions and billions over the years, and basically every time I feed the beast and write a blog that goes viral, like they all do, has been doubled down . . . favorite catch word of the government these days, to alleviate their guilty--keep her, barely alive money.
I wasn't out of money, on February 4th, when I returned the shirt that was an XL Petite! The clerk at the customer service, asked me if there was anything wrong with the shirt; I said, no, there is nothing wrong with the shirt, but the problem lies with me (play on the words, they have all access, surveillance, the watchers, and the technology, to credit back powers, a duplicate card with my number, and they have fucked with it before, and I have many charges now, that I don't recognize, having found Shelley, Rachel and Kay, magically, added to my card, without approval, when only my son, Elliot Taylor Secrist, was allowed a double card!), but I could barely get my arm in the shirt, and as all good utilitarians, in the world according to JoAnn, the need for it, had passed, and the need for money, was approaching, that I would rather use the money, than have the shirt, so great, I get to return it, and get back, the money . . . or like in my cases, what is a simple thing, win the case, get the money, or write the blog, have one account under Google, you own the account . . . not so fast, if Google doesn't get the money, or I refuse to put ads, my account becomes, the property of my doubles, Google, and the government, run by Mormons!
I have no say, over it? Really, under what rock did you guys crawl out from under, the Patriot Act Rock . . . oh, no, that is where they stole God's Revolver's music--Hard Rock Band of 2008--and subsequent releases, because, hey, all if fair to steal in this Patriot Act world, police state, surveillance state, dog eat dog world, Darwinian asshole fuckers from hell, world, that makes no sense to the rest of us . . . Robin Hood, is Robbin' from the poor, who should be rich, and Robin, should be poor, but his and his bitches are rich, Jerry, Brett, Allan aka Frank, John or Jack, Michael, Richard, Henry Brock and Jay Rice . . . and the double take! Wow, it is too bad, I didn't know that I could be a P.E. major, and I thought about it, be a flight attendant, or a biologist and become an attorney, or shitty attorney and ride on the coat tails of a smarter attorney, and become anything I wanted through the CIA make a wish foundation! LOL! I could have worn spandex, and fucked powerful, connected men, rather than beat the shit out of them, even at their own game! LOL! I prefer the later, girls and you will too! We are just as smart, only prettier, and in some cases, SMARTER! And that is not a joke!
The Shocking Return Date--Before, I Even Return It!
Yesterday, I stop by Target, just to check on the approximate time or date, having had 8, to my calculations pass, calling every day to see if the, roughly, $20, had posted back on my card, because as of yesterday, it had not posted, nor had in, in checking back, to the date that I returned the shirt. I was dying for a Diet Coke, had no money, and decided, that I would take the clerk up on the original offer, of getting a gift card, and like a Diet Cokaholic, I could at least get my caffeine fix, satisfied. The clerk remembered me, and she said there was not anything she could do . . . the last time my card was robbed of $159, through the Fuel Fitness in Helena, the chick that remembered me, was fired! And I did go through the process of challenging the credit back, and won, but, even then, when the Wally's world, employee, asked me what way I wanted the fitness center to pay me back, the charge back never came, and they claimed some lame ass reason, and after a few weeks of fighting, I gave up . . . that charge back would have revealed my double had been attending the fitness center, rather than me, who plainly told them, I was just visiting, and even had my Parowan, Utah address on it, saying I was just checking out Helena, was not sure I want to live there, and paid more for the one month visit . . . that they kept charging me for, to AUGUST, I STARTED IN APRIL TO MAY, 2012!
So, the clerk, at Target, tells me, the best thing I can do, is call my bank, which is basically, Walmart card system, hate banks, since in St. George, Wells Fargo Bank, would not let me close one of two of my accounts, that was, assigned to my DOUBLE, so that would not work! The fucking men in black, have been protecting the double down girls, or so I wish, for a fucking long time! When you have a whole state of Mormons, plus all intelligence arms of the government, and your family, friends, clients, acquaintances, and anyone, you have even met at a fucking homeless shelter and mission, more than willing to join the club and lie for money . . . it is pretty hard to get a fair shake, even on $20!
I start going back on the card, five days purchases at a time, I keep going and going, and all of the sudden, it says, that the charge back came, to my complete and utter, shock, January 29th . . . at least 4 days before, I thought I returned the shirt, and after checking the rest of my charges and their dates, and about 7 days before the EVIDENCE, FACTUAL, AND PATTERN OF BEHAVIOR, AND CLOSER TO THE TIME, I THOUGHT I MIGHT HAVE RETURNED THE SHIRT, LAST WEEK SOMETIME, NEVER THE WEEK BEFORE . . . BUT AS PAUL HARVEY SAID, HERE IS THE REST OF THE STORY! This may bust the whole fucking Mormon mafia and government rogue agents, loose, the Al Capone affect! That American greed, down to the last penny, they can wrestle from me, might be their downfall! LOL! A fucking $20, they could not let me have, because they COULD STEAL IT!
Rely on Facts, Evidence, Patterns, Character, Proof
I had always heard that charge backs took, between 7 to 10 days; therefore, just on a lark, yesterday, being the 8th day, since, I thought I returned the shirt, having, as usual, trusted the store, that I had just given the receipt to, having held on to it, longer than I ever do, since I clean out my purse of all unwanted store receipts, that clutter up the living arrangement, the bag lady style of living right now, ever extra piece of paper, adds up to load down my purse! So, periodically, I clean it out, and do so, often, hating to carry, more than my own body weight, that is enough! LOL! But, truly, that is the case, this purse gets to feel like a 50 lb. burden, when hiking all over town! I had been calling Walmart Money card service every morning for the last week! I play, eat out, and basically have enough money to have a life, but no apartment, car, or the rest of the normal necessities, that most people need to survive . . . hey, a Diet Coke, something to eat, a warm bed, and that is about it to make me happy! Just the basics man.
Generally, I let a lot of things, these motherfuckers do, just go, because, it is constant, everyday, and has been for years, but, when I can't even get a Diet Coke, and I am suppose to get the $19.99 back, it is like a horse to water, I could have made it a few more days, to the aloted 10 day max for a charge back, but when I saw or rather heard, that I allegedly got the charge back, January 29, 2015, I had not even returned the shirt! Just as I suspected, again, not my first rodeo, with these fuckin' money grubbing bitches, who watch my account, try to steal it every month, the only thing that connects me to my story, or the PIX Disease, the Utah Medical Association, thus my career, without ID, which they have summarily had stolen over the period of two year, the last of which was stolen at cousin, Edward's house, a paid staff member, and family . . . my Social Security money is it! That is the historical connection, and they know that, so, even a small credit back, going to me, and not to the double card, can cause this whole house of cards to fall . . . billions of dollars, easy money from the blog, no sweat off either Google, the CIA, Mormon Church, family, or constitutional girls, who are in training, as to how to write like me, talk like me, write like me, argue like me . . . I BUY GOLD! They earn shit, and so do the bastards that help them! I am the GOLDEN GOOSE, ALWAYS HAVE BEEN!
February 4, 2014--I Purchased a Diet Coke, a Box of Chocolates, and a Box of Lemonheads, for $4.00--This Would Be the Day I Returned the Shirt!
I go through my money fast, it last me, about a week, or maybe, two, at the rate of living, I am used to . . . at the time, I returned the shirt, I refused the Target Gift Card, because I had money, at that date, so I was fine. Had I had no money, I would have taken the gift card, so I could get a Diet Coke, which was the desperate attempt yesterday, I was going to tell them, just forget the credit back, and just give me the gift card, so I could get my fix! I am fucking addicted! I can go, without, when I don't have money, but if I do, I get a DC! So, I know, (1) I hate to shop, and I only go to the store for a reason, like to return a shirt; (2) having had money, I would have surely bought a Diet Coke, which I did, and I was craving something chocolate, and the Charlie Brown and Snoopy heart shaped boxes, with three chocolates in them, were perfect, and I found the Lemonheads, something to suck on, for later, in the bargain bin, for $1.00; and (3) had I noticed the credit back, which I didn't, because, I went to the Super Bowl party, before the buy back, got a $11.50 burger, knowing that I would still have the $20, roughly, to ease me to the next, money fix. So, all the evidence supports, that fact that I didn't return the shirt, the 29th, or I would have purchased a Diet Coke that day.
Then the clerk, who I talk to this morning, said, that I had purchased something at Target, on January 18 . . . I had been in the Butte Rescue Mission, without a dime for three fucking weeks, so . . . who purchased something, on my card number, without any money on it, unless there is a twin card, with money on it, which, there is, in sister, Rachel's hand, or hacker Shelley, or Kay who monitor my card, faithfully! I get a check, the third Wednesday of every month, these fucking bitches try to steal it, every month! Now in January, last year, on my Walmart Money card, after, I had not received my new card for 2014, after a two year stint on that last card, with the ending numbers, 1944 or at least ending in 44, but couch surfing at John Bagby's, a staff member of the mafia, government, who are one in the same, he, I am sure, intercepted the new card, and I was forced to get another one!
From that point on, I noticed, that the posting date of the government benefits--always has been and still is, for this JoAnn S. Secrist, the original, the third Wednesday of the month, with the double's posting date, being one week earlier, on the second Wednesday of the month! I have been receiving this money, and Shelley has tried to steal, since stealing my ID, literally, not just paper ID, for, now, 15 years, as a requirement by Paul Revere Insurance, through the Utah Medical Association, that my father is still collecting, suppose to go to my death, but daddy dearest, who was jealous as hell--your mother, Uncle Ed, and Ali don't get that much--well, they were not attorneys, and they did not work for the UMA! I think, and Paul Revere told me, he had been collecting, since losing his house on 9/11, and being stuck living on $500 per month, stole my $3,000 per month, nice check, but they also made me get Social Security Disability, before I could get my benefits . . . that may be another reason for the switch, to Rachel, or one of the obedient daughters . . . when I got back to the law, October 1, 2009, daddy would have had to give back the $3 grand a month, along with already having substituted a few daughters, who are still holding themselves out as attorneys, whom he loves more--I just consider the source, I don't dig assholes for fathers, con-men, abusers, and money grubbers, who go ape shit, when an alleged terminal ill, daughter, lives and reactivates her law license--that is just not normal, there were reasons . . . Shelley was already me, Kay baby was on the scene, etc., and on and on! Followers of this blog, know the story, or are getting to know it!
How Did They Know I Returned the Shirt?
I am at the Poverello Homeless Shelter, I don't have access to technology, spy equipment, computer savvy, or the time, nor the interest, to watch their fucking boring lives . . . but they have a billion to 10 billion dollars, mounting daily due to the blog, and prison time, staring them down the mussel of a gun, waiting for them, if they get caught, I am just poor, if I don't catch them . . . I am not as motivated as they are, they are getting the goods, the watch me 24/7 and have constant contact, because there very liberties and freedoms that they don't mind taking from others, are at stake! They might value them for others, more if they lost them, themselves, but they are the alleged elite, being me, that would put them in that category, but alone, without me they are nothing . . . the best thing about them, is ME! They have everything to lose, if they are found out . . . I think, they freaked out, just like the charge back and the discovery of the Fuel Fitness charges, that last 5 months after, I failed to ever go in the place, not being the most vigilant, and used to them stealing, therefore, the numbers are off, many times. I was in Utah, went on plane, a client paid, Kay Reilly, got me to Utah, and I called to check my card balance, and there was a charge for dinner at Jim's Restaurant in Lima, Montana, when I was on the plane to Utah, Vegas first . . . the bus, does stop there, but, I was in the air . . . I called on that, and Kay notified Shelley that I was checking, she has since, gone to the bad side, fucking clients, you did way more for, than they ever deserved or paid for!
I think, they went back a few days, to make it look like I was credited with the money, when it really went on their card with the same numbers, having gotten their government benefits, the week earlier, on January 15th . . . it appears, they went forward, 14 days, to the 29th, looking at my check coming in on the 21st of January, and added 14 days, making it roughly the date I was in Target . . . just a quick fix, but a huge error! I got paid on the 21st, and returned the shirt on the 4th, so they just, added the 14 days, or two weeks, making it the 29th, instead of the 4th, going two weeks from the date I get the check, the double docketing they did on the court, I get the money, but I am not on the government rolls, is what I think is going on . . . they will make her the original, me the second, probably, framing me for Social Security Fraud, what Shelley or Rachel or Kay, or all of them having stolen from a disabled person! LOL, smarter then they are! I am able bodied, and always have been, the poison Shelley concocted, attacked my brain, not my body . . . got my brain back by reading the newspaper, every word, for two years, then got my law license reactivated, fucking up their plans! Too bad, so sad . . . bye, bye, rock-a-bye!
I will admit, that these guys are good at theft, having the ability to sit for long periods of time, watching every move I make . . . bringing in people, who have met me at shelters, missions, or on the streets, not leaving one stone unturned, in this game of stolen, mistaken, and theft of identity, and so, fucking much more! The have an army, and I have me, God, my Intel guy, and may be, just maybe, another, Edward Snowden-like character, who really gives a damn about this level and kind of crime . . . this is not about the $159 at Fuel Fitness, it is about, first stealing my son's music money, that was easy money, take daddy out, get him fired, my mother, kind of revealed the movers behind it, when she said, well, if he had been Mormon, this would not have happened to me . . . Me too, I would assume!
The music was the motive, then the theft of my identity, Shelley was in deep shit, had warrants out for her ass, and had been in trouble before--nice trade off, work with the cops, to take your sister down, already paid her back for the 9 federal agents and attorneys fired, but we need to get her on the asset forfeiture, she made Utah cops look like the fools and thieves they are, caught red-handed with their hands in the cookie jar . . . so, because she killed our slush fund, we are going to kill her, tried, and take her son's money, as payment in lieu of the asset forfeiture money, she cost us . . . and this thing took wings from there . . . cases, legislation, blogs, speaking, and the chance to have a MORMON PRESIDENT TO RULE THE WORLD!
Oh, hell yeah, they had all their cards in place! Running all intelligence arms, the military, saved the financial planners from the big bad securities, but, we are not going to give credit to JoAnn, but Joann--NAME GAMES, the lame ass, dumb bitch, Brett Todd Stuart/Stewart, my 3rd husband was fucking, because I dumped his sorry fucking, sorry ass! LOL! Kay was the revenge strategy . . . he had Shelley too, and I would imagine, Rachel and Sue, Brett is like Charles Manson . . . a creative genius, but evil as the day is long, YouTube, God's Revolver, ABG, and you can see Brett, 4 or 5 years after I left him at Elliot's concert, the kid he calls his and Kay Baby's--Isaac was the sub, but, when I started to write my blog and blow GOD'S REVOLVER'S MUSIC TO MILLIONS, IF NOT BILLIONS OF PEOPLE, THEY HAD TO BRING HIM ON BOARD, ALONG WITH MY OTHER KIDS, TO CARRY THIS FARCE OFF! Or we will kill your mother, instead! What would you choose?
The music was the motive, then the theft of my identity, Shelley was in deep shit, had warrants out for her ass, and had been in trouble before--nice trade off, work with the cops, to take your sister down, already paid her back for the 9 federal agents and attorneys fired, but we need to get her on the asset forfeiture, she made Utah cops look like the fools and thieves they are, caught red-handed with their hands in the cookie jar . . . so, because she killed our slush fund, we are going to kill her, tried, and take her son's money, as payment in lieu of the asset forfeiture money, she cost us . . . and this thing took wings from there . . . cases, legislation, blogs, speaking, and the chance to have a MORMON PRESIDENT TO RULE THE WORLD!
Oh, hell yeah, they had all their cards in place! Running all intelligence arms, the military, saved the financial planners from the big bad securities, but, we are not going to give credit to JoAnn, but Joann--NAME GAMES, the lame ass, dumb bitch, Brett Todd Stuart/Stewart, my 3rd husband was fucking, because I dumped his sorry fucking, sorry ass! LOL! Kay was the revenge strategy . . . he had Shelley too, and I would imagine, Rachel and Sue, Brett is like Charles Manson . . . a creative genius, but evil as the day is long, YouTube, God's Revolver, ABG, and you can see Brett, 4 or 5 years after I left him at Elliot's concert, the kid he calls his and Kay Baby's--Isaac was the sub, but, when I started to write my blog and blow GOD'S REVOLVER'S MUSIC TO MILLIONS, IF NOT BILLIONS OF PEOPLE, THEY HAD TO BRING HIM ON BOARD, ALONG WITH MY OTHER KIDS, TO CARRY THIS FARCE OFF! Or we will kill your mother, instead! What would you choose?
P.S., the clerk, said something like, what does my double look like . . . now, I am not sure if that would be Shelley, or Rachel, or it could be Sue, who is in the mix now . . . Kay is too short, I thought, Shelley is the most free, and they will have one in Kalispell, Helena, and Missoula, to cover my ass, as I travel, all over the state, at the drop of a hate, these gals don't move as fast as I do, but they do stall buses, trains and planes for them, to catch up! LOL! It sounded like the clerk was looking at surveillance tapes, because, she asked what they looked like. I thought, if it was Shelley, the most home bound, if she had a wig on, she would look like me, a bit taller, 5'9" or 10", and a little bit thinner; however, my mother told me Shelley had lost about 50 lbs. so she would be quit a bit thinner than myself. Sue, Rachel and Shelley, are all taller, but wigs have been employed . . . I was wearing my one, utilitarian outfit, black, Poverello hat, with a fish caught on a fly, and it says, ironically and symbolically, DOUBLE HAUL! 5TH annual, a fish fundraiser, hell, these bitches and bastards, probably raised the money for the Pov. reason to side with the Book of Mormon Crowd!
I had black pants, black shoes, white laces, white soles, most likely what I have on now, either a black shirt, with red layered shirt, or red, with black, same shirt, just switch now and then! A black, Champion brand sweatshirt . . . if it was Kay, she is about 5'4", I am 5'7" and a half, maybe, older, may have shrunk? LOL! Don't think so, but you never know! I hope they catch these fuckers, so sick of having 6 leaches, sucking the blood out of me non-stop, for the last 15 years! Don't you think it is about time, you arrested their fucking asses? This should help! You can at least get them on Social Security Fraud, if nothing else, you can prove this . . . first hand witness, that is why they want me dead! These witches and warlocks, need to be skinned alive, burned at the stake . . . now would I, if I were one of these women or men, and not myself, sitting right here, at the William J. Jameson Law School, University of Montana . . . might have gotten a grant or two from me! Through my doubles, nonetheless . . . you can keep the money, just know the source, not the women or woman you think . . . my ass is right here, at 4:08 p.m., 2/11/2015!
You have to remember, I missed almost 10 years of computer technology, while waiting to die, I don't fucking know how do to all the magic . . . these women have the skills the knowledge and the motive--$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$--and the butt-fuckers, the men, all gay, to help them! LOL! I wanted a real man, none of them qualified, therefore, they took women, who would let them fist them! Disgusting!
I may dig sex, but I am not a fucking criminal! This is a crime, not a popularity contest, not who you think is the cutest, not who you think is the most religious, or who's kids you think should be my son, but the one they all want to claim, in fact they want to claim all of them . . . because, in addition to raising rock stars, female military, model types, and math/legal geniuses, I had it all, the looks, the clothes, the house, the career, and all . . . they want it all from me--got my brain back, will get my body back, and look 20 years younger, than my sisters, Kay, Kelley, to boot! LOL! God in addition to be a fucking good Intel man, is also a just God, you are going to get FUCKED! LOL!
P.S. to the good agents, the helper bees, they, MIB, MAFIA, MORMONS & MEN IN BLACK, always cover their asses, or mine, since I travel all over the place, at the Poverello, ghost from the past visits, either here, or from Butte, or from Great Falls, Kalispell, are all surfacing, with regularity, to back up the story, that I am not the real attorney, JoAnn S. Secrist, or that she, Shelley, Kay, Rachel, Sue, or whomever, they are putting in my place right now, at this location, they all have cover areas, but Chris, from Butte is at the Pov., as back up, or a second witness, is Joe, kicked out of the Butte Mission, but here in Missoula, his wife told me in Butte, that she, he and another guy, who just dawned on me, is at the Pov., is there two, no wonder he tried to act like he didn't know me . . . Rhonda, whom I met, this fall, or just before the new Poverello opened up, is here, just for a night, and Anne, little farm girl from Ohio, tripped in for just a few hours the other day. So we have about 5 or 6, who will get paid to lie, and help them with their situation, and fuck me over, just passing through. I got here before they planned on me getting here, so that fucked them, so they need to cover. Then I was in the newspaper, last week, story on Homeland Security, but I was in the second page of the article, back a few pages, so they have to get that covered, easy, cops, have been following me around all morning, was going to go to the sheriff's meeting, but the chief of police called the meeting, why at the sheriffs, so they could serve me with bull shit warrants, out of UTAH?
I don't trust them as far as I can throw them . . . Mars . . . .men are from Mars; White House; and Serial . . . all signs I saw today! God my Intel guy, they are following their dicks, even the President may believe that the one writing this blog, is one of theirs, and I am sure he does, he has never met me, even though, I have helped him with everything from Afghanistan plan to Mitt Romney, they, I am sure, introduced a double, who he is esteeming to be me! That's about it for today! SEX tomorrow . . . oh, yeah!
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