The Village Movie
Hopefully, many of you have seen the movie, called, The Village, by Roadshow Productions, I believe, and hopefully, I am remembering the names, but the concept is one that ought to be examined, in light of both the events of this week, the newly released budget of President Obama, the purported burning of the Jordanian pilot, the request for sending lethal arms to the Ukraine, to further the violence, allegedly stop the violence, against the pro-Russian rebels, or insurgence, Japans commitment to join the coaliton of countries going against ISIS, and thank God, one world leader, one with a much closer proximity to Ukraine and Russia, Germany, under the leadership of Chancellor, Angela Merkel, refuses to send arms or purchase arms for the Ukraine, or so the newspaper says. But, I think, we have to look and what is happening around the world, and the direction that is taking us in, and ask ourselves, why, just as American troops, are withdrawing or were suppose to leave Afghanistan, and previously, left Iraq, we have a new boogie man, to scare everyone into committing American troops, resources, money, efforts, in even more countries?
The Red Menacing Murderer
It has been a long time since I saw the movie, and I am not sure that I was paying attention, entirely, but the story, goes something like this: a group of families, concerned about society and the direction it was taking, all the violence, drugs, and what not, decided to build a compound of a sort, with a large area of land that was purchased, and with a village in the center of the compound, and a huge track of land, that was surrounded by a big ass wall, not only to keep intruders out of The Village, but to keep the members of this cloistered society, inside the walls, protected from all the ails of the world outside the compound.
Everytime someone, especially children or teens, wanted to venture beyond the walls of The Village, or out into the forest, that evil forest, that plays such a big part in early American literature, with all kinds of unknowns, inhabiting the spooky place, a murder would take place, in The Village, and as a result of that, all the people within the walls, who were not a part of the original founding families, were scared to death, that they would be next. There was this notion, that their very lives, depended on strict obedience to the laws, rules, and dictates of their parents and The Village leaders.
It seems to me, that a couple of teens fall in love, but the guy, is the red menacing murderer, or the one selected by the elders to play the role of this terrorizing monster, that lurks just outside their doors and night, waiting to thrash them into a bloody pulp, stealing the very life's breath out of them, so horrible, so twisted, so barbaric, that they didn't ever venture very far from their, alleged, pristine, life, overall, within The Village walls. I think the fathers, did go out into the world to work and bring in money, but they were all privy to the secret that, there really was no monster, and the murders, were specifically to control the people, to dictate what the social mores would be, and anyone who would challenge those values and guiding principles of the norm, in The Village, would be the next victim.
Love Conquers Fear
Eventually, love conquers fear, and when the truth is told to the young woman, she convinces the guy, to give up this horrible secret, venture beyond The Village, into the forest, to the wall, to look out, and see, the world, that they had long left, lost, and wondered about. I think the final scene, shows the couple, outside the wall, seeing just a normal world, not scary, not filled with monsters, or terrible people, who are there to hurt or harm them, and the story ends, making a very saliant point, that many times, our fears, the monsters under our beds, the menace in the village, or the boogie man we call ISIS, is made to appear bigger, badder, meaner, crueler, more barbaric, twisted . . . to keep the war engines turning, making peace impossible! Thus the status quo of a world caught in termiol, becomes the norm, defense budgets, military complexes, lethal arms, and all that is connected with that, can continue to make the money machines, the progaganda wheels, the hawks, who lobby for more war machines, going into more and more countries, as an economically smart thing to do, benefiting, few, if any, other than the ones, making the weapons.
Must be writing something right, the NSA, just joined in and tried to stop me putting that subtitle in, but they do know me by now, that I, basically, am a warrior queen, and if needs be, I will got to war, to get peace! Several months ago, I wrote about a German, foreign exchange student, who was leaving Flathead Valley Community Collge, in Kalispell, Montana, who was asked about the changes in Germany, since the horrifying days of Hitler and the Third Reich . . . she said, well, I think Germany is kind of in this love one another phase . . . and we are just taking care of business, people, and doing it with love. What a refreshing statement, a concept for a country to adopt, given its hordendous past of wanting to rule the world, basically . . . always shocking me, that some country, so small, had such big ambitions, but so does the boogie man, ISIS . . . dreams of recreating the days of the Ottoman Empire, where the caliphate controlled and the Turkish ruled that region of the mid-east.
I find it highly ironic, in light of what I wrote in the title of the first blog entry, that I was blocked from writing the meat of the blog, until I got to another computer at the Jamison L. Williams, Law School, on the University of Montana campus, later, yesterday . . . did I get the name right? Hope so, but my sister, and her husband, who was a bishop, over a Mormon ward, under the direction of none, other than, presidential candidate and former governor, of Massechuettes, also, a branch president, over many wards, are purportedly, on a Mormon mission, in Turkey . . . don't for a second, underestimate the 60,000 missionaries worldwide, and 70% of the CIA, FBI, NSA . . . 30,000 cyber spies, just around the corner from Salt Lake City, Utah, Mormon church headquarters! Is this making any sense, why, the NSA, is constantly stopping me from writing?
NSA margin issues now . . . lol! Could it be any more timely?
Now, Kim Kardashian's butt, seems to get quit a bit of attention these days, there was a radio announcement, that her new and improved bigger butt, had been shined, waxed, and glossed up for a new photo shoot, that was either going to be in Playboy Magazine, or put on YouTube, or whatever venue gets the most attention. Perhaps, Congress should, use that model as an inspiration, to improve, what the budgets have been in the past. Just the other day, in the Missoulian, maybe borrowed from the AP or Associated Press, but there was a great graphic display of the breakdown of the new, proposed budget coming out from the President, for the review and battle with Congress, now controlled by the GOP. However, on sending arms to the Ukraine, war efforts and promotions, seem to be non-partisan with Republican spokesman, Senator McCain, wanting to approve, as quick as possible, the defense budget, so we can get on with all the wars all over the place, and a representative of the Democrats, generally, more dovish than the GOP, firmly calling for approval of the huge ass defense budget . . . just yesterday, I wrote about just the interest alone, on the defense efforts, being roughly half a trillion dollars . . .
Why in the hell, are we footing the bill for all the war efforts around the world? Jordan, Ukraine, and whoever . . . oh, but we are going to wait for them to ask for the money, really? Are you sure? Because our budget is in such great shape, that we can continue to fund all war efforts around the world, and wall street to boot, because those good old Americans, are the most innovative people in the world, and they will figure a way out of our debt, funding, bloodshed, heartache death, destruction, and cruelty all over the world, and it is encouraged and we don't bat an eye at the cost! Like I said, yesterday, the best way to honor our veterans of any war, with over 110,000 soldiers who died, as I recall, over in Iraq, alone, I think, is to make them and their families, know that their lives were not offered on the war machine alter, in vain! Peace is the way to solve this problem . . . I don't think there is a soldier, who would not do it all over again, if it made a difference, that people around the world were freer, that they got to vote in the leaders they want, and that their countries are more peaceful.
But it is a slap in the face, to pull the troops out of Iraq, after all the effort, the cost, the human lives lost, on both sides, and then say, well, we were too hasty, in pulling the troops, out, and we really need to go back in, to do fucking what? With ISIS, and I can't remember the name, but I think it was a city in Syria, the locals, allegedly, extended the first purported loss to ISIS or ISIL or whatever in the fuck they are calling themselves today! And why isn't Britain, with Canada and Australia, both the size of American, sending in more troops and money, hell they are closer to this twisted, barbaric boogie man, that we in America are . . . so if they have the money, the world bankers, our Lehman Brothers, then let their troops defend, let them pay, and maybe they will only fund one side of the war, the ones their children are fighting for, rather than the British brats, beheading one person from each country, to get everyone in and closer to World War III, WOULDN'T THAT BE FUN, WE HAVE DONE IT TWICE BEFORE, WE ALL SURVIVED!
Let's Do the Butt-Check to the Budget, Always Okay, Against the Poor, the Disabled, the Elderly & the Veterans! Good Idea!
It kills me, that every time, budget time rolls around, defense is not discussed, we have a crisis, staged, even while the King of Jordan, was meeting with President Obama, so horrible, he was smiling and laughing, while taking or possibly getting aid for this one poor, purportedly burned pilot, energizing the Jordanian people to action, on the side of the U.S. against the black menace, ISISISISISISISISISISI . . . . help us! See, this thing backfired on ISIS, the made up menace, so we can give aid to Jordan, too, because, the money supply in America is just a matter of printing it! The tax payers, don't care, they are happy little, working minions, while Congress and the President, get us into all kinds of alleged shit, all over the globe!
When my oldest daughter, started having kids, she started popping them out, at a rapid rate, taking out, both parents, and both grandmothers, rendering us, out of commission for about 8 years, until the three boys, all two years apart, and running like a gang, were finally brought under control, with dad, laying down the law with them, and turning them into great young boys, respectful, loving, helpful, and sweet, not the whirl-wind, tornado, that took us a few years to recover from, starting with the rapid fire, they were shot into this world. But, as we trained these boys, to sit, long enough at the table and eat their food, without spilling it all over the place, on the table, the floors, and their seats, reaching, fighting and grabbing each other's food, I finally, laid down the law, that they needed a butt-check! That was my code word for them, to sit their asses, down on the chair, legs and feet forward, putting their cute, mugs, faces in America, forward, and doing what breakfast, lunch and dinner time was intended to do, feed them!
As Congress convenes to look at the budget, they need a big time, BUTT-CHECK . . . they need to sit their asses, down, put their full attention on the issues at hand, not fight, throw food at each other, for steal from each other's plates, their legs, need to be straight, their feet down, and their total focus needs to be on the project and duty at hand. There is to be no messing around, no piddling with toys, no sticking out tongues at other members of Congress, and just devour the proposed budget of the president, remembering who you represent, who elected you, and who your constituents are . . . WE THE PEOPLE! Your duty, job, allegiance, should not be to Wall Street, big business, like government contractors, to keep their coffers filed with the blood of our kids, around the world, it is not to Britain . . . fucking get out of our country, out of Congress if that is your leaning, you should not be swayed by lobbyists, but charged and aimed at improving this country, for a better life, better economic climate, and a better distribution of the impact of the economic recovery, not just for the 400 people making up the 1%, making as much money, paying no taxes, without the buying power of the other, roughly 400,000,000 of us!
Stop Cutting Social Programs . . . Try the Budget of Homeland Security, With Over 40 Plus Spy Agencies, With Unlimited Budgets . . . And What are they Doing With It? Spying on the Senate Intelligence Committee, On US?
Right after Edward Snowden, remember him, sacrificed it all, to let you know what was going on in the NSA, character assassination aside, he did a great service, that needs to be capitalized on at budget time . . . do we the PEOPLE, really want spies in our cell phones, on our computers, listening to our conversations . . . every retired FBI, CIA, or NSA agent, I know, always, always, always, had what the world of spooks calls, white noise or music constantly playing in their homes, in their yards, and surrounding their house, because they know, damned well, who easy it is to do surveillance on someone, who is on the to watch list! Every time I change phones, which is often, the Company or the CIA, comes up with some other creative way to get my new number . . . I have had so many phones over the last three years, that nobody, knows how to get a hold of me, anymore!
Mission accomplished, I am a legal fiction, and corporate America, achieved legal person-hood! There is something fucked up about this situation! Try for once in the history of America, to put WE THE PEOPLE first! Stop putting inanimate objects, legal fictions, like corporations, government contractors, other countries lethal arms, tanks, drones, that are always, hitting ISIS targets, but they hit uninhabited buildings, that haven't had people in them forever! The drones have the ability to target living, breathing, assholes, who are allegedly, or purportedly burning people and cutting off their heads, so what the fuck and why in the hell can't you got them . . . just like Bush, Clinton, etc. could never get Sudam Hussain and Osama Bin Laden . . . you have to fucking want to end the fight, the war! You have to value human life over money! Over military complexes! Over star wars!
We Deserve Peace, Our Veterans Need to See the Fruits of Their Labors, Not More War . . . Let Those Who Have an Interest, Are Closer, Are Effected More, Fight . . . They Have the Passion, And They are the Ones Getting the Wins!
Remember, the United States Constitution, Article I, Section 8, under the auspice of powers granted to Congress, subsection [12] it states: referring to Congress, that it has the power, to raise and support armies, but no appropriation of money to that use shall be fore a longer term than two years! If all the branches of government, would actually, be true to their oath of office, to preserve, defend and protect the United State Constitution, their job, their choices, their votes, their battles would be so much easier, so much better supported, so much more authoritatively made, and the suffering of the PEOPLE, so much less! These agreed upon rule of law, are the guideposts of the nation, they are not to be toyed with, changed, debated, but followed, as precisely as possible!
Stop allowing, undeclared wars, so you can preserve, protect and defend government contractors, wars, take care of other countries over America, serve as the world bankers, when China owns our debt, and we owe a half a trillion dollars just on the interest from the last two wars, and then without thinking, engage us in not just two conflicts globally, but about 5 and growing! Jordanians said, they can beat ISIS, so let them! They, rather real or staged, have skin in the game now . . . let them take the motherfuckers out! We are half a world away, let England pay the bills for once! Stop acting like, the whole budget, the success or failure of the country, is all depended on cutting social programs, entitlements, many who deserve it . . . cut the spies, who are doing no good, who have turned the fucking Patriot Act, allegedly, purportedly against US, and ISIS, gets drones on empty and vacant buildings! Come on, some of the masses are asses, but not everyone . . . on some things, while trying to be secretive, you become the most transparent . . . we're not going to take it any more!
I have worked for the government, there was the mentality of use it or lose it when it came to the annual review of the money, we spent money on stupid things, just to keep the demands on our budget up, so we didn't lose the money, from the needs of the year before, even when those demands and needs had been met. There is so much waste in the government, there needs to be a way to stop the waste! Make government agencies, put up or shut up, including Homeland Security . . . Congress will turn a blind eye to all the $250,000 grants, for militarized vehicles, and Congress will say, well, now we can't fund ICE, or Immigration Customs & Enforcement! Stop with the political grandstanding, the political fodder, and just do what is right! For once!
P.S., found the imitation blog, that prints my stuff, sound like plagerism, worse, steal and publish the whole blog . . . disappeared before my very eyes, hidden account, called bad ass constitutional law girl . . . it this Meggie Schmidt, my neice, who should be disbarred in Nevada, for lying about whom the real, JoAnn S. Secrist was, not bitch ass big sister, identity thief, Shelley Southwick, trying to steal ID, did with help of government, since, 2000, when she concocted the poisonous African tree frog gum, that is oderless, tasteless, like the Southwick clan, and Mormons . . . this it the nanny version of the con law chick, cried working for a law firm in Virginia, healed her wounds being a nanny for sister, Sarah, now in Vegas! LOL! Joke of a lawyer, and truly a girl! LOL! Sue Schmidt, wanna be attorney, living through being me, and through daughter, the con-law girl! How does a constitutional law girl run? LOL! Don't embarass me further with the doubles, they are getting worse and worse!
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