The Case of the Missing Levi's
This morning, luckily, I laid in bed for about two hours past my normal getting up time of 4:00 a.m., just thinking about what I wrote yesterday, laughing, gives me as much joy as I hope it gives you ideas! LOL! The really great thing about memories, is that you get to re-live them, over and over and over. I remember once being at a concert on the 4th of July with Shelley, the one claiming to be me, and I can't say I blame her, because of this statement . . . Shelley is a reader, I, as a young woman, decided as I watched her, in my mind, wasting her life away reading about other people, decided that I would rather have my own adventures, rather than sit around all day reading about other people's adventures! So, I sought about fun, adventure, beauty, and excitement, while she read on her bed in her room. But at this concert, with tons of familiar songs from the 60's to the current time, back 5 or 6 years ago, when we were still sisters, she hadn't quit gotten away with stealing my ID, so I could still stand to sit next to her, but not now, oh, hell NO! Because of stuff like this shit today! But, floods of memories of times, guys, friends, school, and whatever, came tripping into my mind, taking me back to my life, so to say, and it was so fun . . . not much pain, but some.
I turned to Shelley, and asked her if she had any memories come to mind, when she hears music from our past . . . to my complete, shock and amazement, she said, NO. I wanted to clarify, to see if she was just doing her normal, loose lips sink ships, routine, she probably got from the feds, training her, and she clarified to me, that no, she did not have any memories come to mind. That memory came to mind today, as this series of events with cops, took place, and later, after, I am sure, a close call, with the biker dude, and cop, who doesn't know jack-shit about the Pov, headed back to warn the troops, I guess . . . but I thought of that, as the only explanation that could be possible, that she had spent her whole life in a book and never got out and lived, and she does it vicariously through me?
Two Pair of Levi's Taken Right Out of the Dryer & the Rest of Her Clothes
I start kicking around at about, 5:45 a.m., to be exact, this mind who likes time lines, and this Indian chick, whom has known me before at the Pov, probably in on the gig today, seemed alarmed, and pissed that her only two pair of Levi's were taken right out of the dryer . . . symbolic, always is, there are two and really more, JoAnns, not Joann, and she is probably a rat too, because she is always just sitting there by the door, looking at me, when I come or go, so starting the day early. If there is or are two things I hate, almost most in life, are liars and thieves, and I am constantly dealing with both! I console her, and give her some suggestions, that she didn't seem to interested in checking out, like the staff, daily, will throw out coats, nice jackets, anything left in the hall, and I mentioned that they may have done that, she said no, they would not have . . . they do all the time!
But, let's say, she is not in on the sting op, and she really did get her pants taken, and it seemed to be true, but, to pull this off, she would have to not wear Levi's, which I have never seen her in, so it shocked me in the first place, but it seems she was always wearing black yoga pants--don't let Rep. Doc Moore of the Montana Legislature see you, he wanted them banned--hell, I have two pairs on right now, and cops are going to tell me, the most modest pants, covering a ton of sins, like the last 15 years of cupcakes, are going to arrest me; I just don't think so! But, on the opening day of the new Poverello Center, she, can't remember her name, told me, that some lady took her to get a Griz coat and hat at the campus, worth about $300! I know people are nice, but a black and white coat, matching team hat, and gloves, worth that, and they are nice, but really . . . bribe then! And later, on Monday, when the women were moving in, the same patterns started, undercover cops, and whatnot, started to show up, so I left for Kalispell, then Las Vegas! Inner circle, as is everyone who gets to know me.
My point is, the person who get's pissed is the one who got their goods stolen, not the one who stole them. When angry over a lose, like me not getting the cash back for my purchase of a $19.99, shirt from Target, is a big deal when you don't have any money, which is totally me, all the time, as it is for most of the Pov. people! But that is always the case, the one who suffered loss is the one pissed, that is only natural, logical, and makes total sense, the other is not pissed, THEY EXPERIENCED GAIN FROM THEIR CRIMES . . . court's of law, say, that a person can't gain from their crimes, no matter how long they have retained the property . . . now cops, have become rich, as have others, because Shelley, Kay, and Brett, the ring leaders of this coup, have all been poor . . . I have not, until, this last 3 years, that has not been a part of my life, until they stole everything, and I mean everything, from me, and hound me 24/7 with this type of shit! So, Shelley, and crew, can be cordial, friendly, share the wealth, acting like they are being benevolent, through grants, loans, purchasing loyalty, if not love . . . Christ asked, who loved him more, the one who was forgiven of more!
Key Players--Garrett is the Undercover Leader--Great Falls, Kalispell, Helena & Missoula--He Has Followed Me to All of Them!
Now, the feds, will place someone inside, to watch who gets cozy with who, and which people might be a problem, and who would defend, preserve and protect, the real JoAnn S. Secrist, me, sitting her at the William J. Jameson Law School, University of Missoula, Montana. As I get to be a problem, or an apparent problem for cops, the heat starts to pick up, people start to disappear. I just saw a Filipino chick, who has been at the Pov. forever, and just up and disappeared, saw her walking down the street today, and she acted like she didn't know me. Yesterday, an older woman, named, Shar, whom I met early December, and got somewhat close to, as close as I want to get, and suddenly she up and disappears, allegedly in the hospital, and she was sick, so that might have been true, but she acted a bit strange yesterday, when I saw her at the bus station. Another Povey, told me, her daughter just showed up out of the blue and is taking her back east . . . why not sooner? Her plans, really up until a few days ago, where to wait, on a government subsidized housing list, in Helena, where her granddaughter lives, and she can have a dog, and move over there. And suddenly things change, she looked better than I had ever seen her . . . but this is how they, my multiplicity of enemies roll, they bribe everyone!
Patricia, whom I sort of knew, came back into town the day before I did, or the day. Anne, all of the sudden shows up, and leaves, the same day, until, I mentioned her in my blog, as being one of the bribed, they brought back to cover their asses this time, came and left again yesterday. Joe, who was kicked out of the Butte Rescue Mission, and was suppose to go to Spokane with his wife and friend, also here, both keeping a low profile, until I wrote about him in my blog, blew up and called me a bitch yesterday, for trying to clean off the tables, and fold chairs, my job, the Poverello's schedule, not mine . . . did he hear about the blog, is he undercover cop, or was the whole table that seemed to be balking the system, unlike the day before, but all leaving their coats on the chair, with a 5 minute warning that I was cleaning it, Joe, left, and barking that I was being disrespectful . . . a Officer Wilson of Ferguson? Staff, immediately came out, and defended my action, taking coats, laying them near walls, so I could put up the chairs, and telling Joe to knock it off . . . don't think this guy is in on it, but others, not so sure! Then today, I heard, others, who seem to be infiltrators, and agitators, talking about me, making all these lazy asses, actually get the hell out of the building so we can get it cleaned up after them, saying stuff about me pushing them around. Garrett, said I was a bully after the first day I made everyone leave and give us a chance, probably the first time, these assholes, haven't stayed around til 9 or 10, making people work around them, which I refuse to do. I offer to let any of them do my job, God forbid, and they can take all day . . . none take me up on that!
Now, these guys, are playing a totally different game than I play . . . it is the T&A game, or tits and ass game they have been playing with my doubles! I can tell, he likes me, and it seems, that things go well when I hang with him, as I did one night . . . I have always been friendly. But, the next day, I took off like I always do, to get my blog done, and ride the bus, or go to a lecture. He was waiting for me, after the bus, the one just before dinner, dropped me off, and I was shocked to see him. But as we walked to the Pov., he said, I am going to get on the computer, and see if there is a bounty or a reward out for turning you in . . . and I am sure, that there is off and on, comes and goes, like the warrants, never on the normal statewide warrant system, just on the cops inner, secret warrant system, the bullshit system, for bull shit warrants, the ones that are so full of crap, that it is a joke! The former Playboy Bunny, the cop, who was pretending to be, Ms. July 1996, Hope Carlton, doesn't look anything like her, but I did see an episode of COPS, with a female officer, who looked just like my client, but she had a warrant, that was such a joke, when I stopped on my way back from the United States Supreme Court, getting sworn in, just before, going back to Utah, to write the briefs, that everyone wants to steal, and take credit for my creation of a whole new ten prong test to determine alimony, when cohabitation has been claimed by the paying husband . . . which generally stops the payments!
The alleged warrant, and how would she know, unless she was in contact with Frank, of InterPol, and she was, because she is the one who told him, I was going to Washington, D.C., because I stopped in Grand Junction, Colorado to get some money she owed me! The warrant, looked like someone who didn't know what a warrant looked like, not me, typed up a 7 line charge, or something, it was so far from what a warrant looked like, that I never even bothered to read it! LOL! These guys, believe their own shit, that they really are me, and that, I never came out of the PICKs Disease, and I am still brain dead, and they can pull and half-assed, lame ass shit, and I will believe them? Just like the bullshit warrant, that the Parowan city cop, teamed with the Iron County Sheriffs, narc cop, who arrested me right after I got back from Colorado, with a short stop in Beaver Dam, where a cop pulled me over and gave me a warning for some lame ass shit . . . but I took his interest in me, as a thought that they were following me even in this remote place. But, I asked the narcotics cop, whom I had listed as a defendant, on my $56.7 million case against Iron County, for corruption and constitutional violation of civil rights, for a copy of the warrant, he showed me an equally looking, squirrelly one, and I told him, I wanted him to prove, that I was on the statewide warrant system and this was a legitimate warrant, which it was not, and fucking Judge Lyle Anderson, Lie All, what his name symbolizes, and Shelley's first married name was Anderson! But he teamed with the cops, I had sued and wrote up a warrant, that nobody but the insiders could trace, so they could arrest me, and take me across the state, to a jail, where no other prisoners, even could see, and probably take me to a detention camp for female activist, like CIA, Susan, Engleberg or something like that, on the Internet!
Garrett, You Have Paper In S--Just Typed SEX, Rather than SIX--Says it All!
Garrett, rather joking or not, told me, I had paper on me, sounds like a cop term, never heard it before, insiders lingo, but paper in six states, and a reward of $10,000, must be slipping, because I have had $60,000 hits out on me, ordered by the CIA for ratting them out for running drugs, flying them into Kalispell, and then taking them by vehicle, over the border, where the cops, cooperate and get a cut of the drug dough! But, I figured that there was something out on me, because, everywhere I go, after a while, the heat starts up again, and usually, when I reject, probably some undercover fed! I don't play those games, will not be forced to play them, don't need to play them, and refuse . . . I should be worth, at a bare minimum from cases, $200 million, and my blog, at least $1,000,000,000, yeah a billion! Hell, I just had almost 3 million hits, in something like a half a second on the blog I did this morning! My original blog, that they have capped off, at less then I had, as results, in the first week, hit almost 2 million hits, in seconds . . . but it used to get up to 155 million results, the largest I ever got to see and I know it grows, doesn't diminish, and that was for about 84 seconds, they just count it more often, because the system is not set up for a billion hits or results, like Google or Yahoo!
If I reject these guys, it is war, and they start to marshal the local troops of cops, who cooperate with the feds, to get a cut, and start using their resources to take me out! Patterns, patterns, patterns! They are so simple minded and stupid, I can just see it go down, LOL! The looks, the glance, the nod, the identifier, the cop's nod, he sees who I am . . . all so clown ass dumb, while they think they are being James Bond or Frank of InterPol, who is a lame ass nut case, I am seeing right through them! They are fucking text book all the way! So predictable, so uncreative, so just stupid, that I have to laugh, that these are our elite intelligence agents in this country? Holy Shit, no wonders, they can't catch terrorist, they are catching me, and if they don't get sex, they pout like a bunch of pre-teen boys! Please help us God! They ought to make me CIA director, FBI director, U.S. Attorney General--I would train these clowns; although, Loretta Lynch seems good, but in the newspaper today, they reported that the Senate is dragging its feet over her confirmation . . . a black woman over all these men? Can't have it, need to find something wrong! Just fucking confirm her, we need her, I need her . . . that is probably the hold up, I have to stoop to be with a man, before they will confirm her, they have to reduce me to their levels, and I would rather be shot in the head, not that stupid, don't do stupid!
Garrett, Greets Me, You Just Missed All the Action . . . What Action?
Now, Garrett is usually later riser than I am, and I have usually read the newspaper and have at least started my job by the time I see his lazy ass roll in. So, when he said, I just missed the action, I knew that something was up. Allegedly, he said, that some kid was just sitting in the corner, not doing anything . . . sitting in the corner, on the table I sat at yesterday, therefore, being a creature of habit, I would be sitting reading the newspaper, as calculated, at the precise time the cops showed up. I said, was the kid misbehaving . . . NO, so why did they pick him up? He didn't know, but he assured me that the kid had been in and out of jail his whole life. Okay, so no disturbance and the cops, just show up and arrest someone? There were four cops who showed, and the kid was just sitting there? Really? I know the staff has to work with the cops, but, if the kid has been here for awhile or just showed up, that is strange timing, because, they don't know records, and it takes a few days, and if the guy has been here before, they would have already looked up his record. I kicked some black kid out, not discriminating, Garrett is black also, but so was Miles and Howard, so, I sent some kid packing the other day, who had his head down . . . probably the plan two days ago, when I told the kid, who was resisting big time, not normal for a newbe, so wondered that morning, haven't seen him since . . . tried the same game plan today? So, what is new with these dumb asses . . . 3 years of this bull shit, I ought to be good at this point! LOL! I am training them, training the gals to be attorneys, and the cops to be better federal cops, locals, just do what the feds tell them to do, or they are just borrowing their uniforms! LOL!
Next, Italian Dick Wad, Keep Hanging Out With Me
This guy reminds me of Jack Strode, of Kalispell, the main dude up there, rather mafia or cop, doesn't matter, they are all on the same side, in addition to the Mormons, today, I rode on the bus, past, the Discovery Alliance Church . . . hopefully someone good is taking these fuckers down, but if they can't see the alliance, association with the Mormon Church they are crazy! The sheriff dude, looked so Mo, it wasn't funny. But, just as the sheriff is walking in, and mind you, I am wiping off tables and folding chairs, and this dip shit, comes in and starts, hanging with me, the identifier, but he is all about T&A, he, just like Jack, can't say anything unless it is either about wanting sex with you or the body he is admiring for sexual purposes! Boring, boring, boring. Jack got his come-upin's when I told him, that he didn't have anything to say, so he talked about tits and ass, and that was the extent of his conversation. He started to read the newspaper, and watch news, and he is at least above a 9th grade level, maybe! This guy, just wrote, buy, and I am sure they did, bought him, like the rest of them . . . A,B,C, MONEY, MONEY, MONEY!
But, right at the time, the sheriff, walks by, I see dip shit, nodding to him. Now, real guys in the Pov. don't like cops, don't want to see cops, don't nod at cops, hate cops! That is in general, so this guy has either been paid off and feels completely safe, or he is part of the gig, stupid older cop. The sheriff has something in his hand, paperwork . . . sheriffs are the ones who do this type of thing, serve papers. Okay, so he dropped it at the front desk, was that to use Garrett's cue and try to intimidate me, was it bogus like the one in Utah, where the sheriffs took my truck, and art, and computers printer, and whatever electronics they wanted, and about $20,000 worth of stuff, for the alleged contempt of court, that I already paid the ransom for, being glad to tell the Judge, it didn't hurt at all, had $500 in my purse, so he put out a $2500 cash bail only, I went to jail, he broke 30 laws in arresting me, so he changed the hearing purpose, to not the arrest, which was as illegal as hell, but to find out what money I had, where it was, so he and the boyz club could come abscond with it! And they did. I would bet, that sheriff was a Mormon, and I would check out the 4 cops who allegedly arrested the kid, which I doubt, he is probably, a cop! They take him, as they did the three shooters of President Kennedy, CIA, and exchanged them for the three hobos they found on the train, near the Daly Plaza! School book shit, book learned idiots, like Shelley . . . you need people who are native intelligent, like myself, and who learn from the book of life!
Same Game, Different Face, Different Town--the Helper Set Up
The fact that Patricia showed up, along with her alleged, husband who just got out of jail or prison, just within a day or two of me, having been gone for a month, with timing an issue, makes me a bit leery, but, I am willing to help anyone, with legal, writing, resume, and what not. I feel for people who don't know how to use the computer in this modern tech day. But, like the last client, or needing help person, I was willing to help, who called and told me that she would be late, with cop helicopters flying overhead, undercover cops, just outside the grocery store, tried to set me up in the library, weeks early, guess I will forget, or they think I didn't guess? But, when you get help from an attorney, even if it is just for a resume, you fucking come on time! She has been hanging around the Pov for years, at least that is what Garrett says, and he has been around for years too . . . probably his territory, and he knows her, or she is brought in and is a cop?
I told her I would meet her today, at noon, and we would go to the learning center at the hospital, and I would teach her computers and help her with her resume . . . she waits, or acted shocked, that I was still around, and as I was leaving lunch, she was walking in, and she seemed to have seen a ghost, or was startled . . . why, we had arranged to meet. Did the undercover feds at the front desk, think I was gone, when I just went in the bathroom? But she could hardly talk. I told her to get some lunch, and I would wait for her . . . this woman, eats like a mouse, and she is tiny. So, as time dragged on and on, I wondered what was up? Finally, I thought, giving her the benefit of the doubt, that she met up with her husband, and decided to stay at the Pov, or go back to her daughter's house . . . she was getting her electricity turned off yesterday, so a great time to bribe, mom and dad, if they are not cops. She acted too paranoid to be a cop, but you never know. I decided, whatever, it didn't look good, so I left, but I told, another undercover, cop, I would bet, to tell her that I was walking up to the library, and I would meet her there.
The front desk guys, must have told her to go out the front, because I got on the bus, and saw her walk out the front, just the opposite of where she saw me leave, out the back, where I was waiting for her, and she knew it! I decided to error on the side of being nice, for once, even though by this time I didn't want to help her, she was walking in that direction, and so I decided to get off the bus at the hospital and meet her, just in time to grab her, before she crossed the street, to the hospital. And when I got off the bus, and walked to that side, to my surprise, she was walking the other way, rather than going to the hospital! Someone had to be telling her in her ear, what to do, where to go, when to get going the other way, to avoid being with me: (1) late; (2) taking way too long; (3) going out the opposite door, than I was waiting for her in the yard; (4) walking up to the corner, and when I got off the bus, turning and going back to the Poverello? Really?
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