The Battle for Supremacy
On a 58-42 vote, the House approved House Bill 201 by House Majority Leader, Keith Regier, R-Kalispell. All Republicans but one voted for the bill, while all Democrats, joined by Rep. Daniel Solomon, R-Ronan, opposed it.
This comes by way of a friendly reminder, friends tell you what you need to hear, not what you want to hear! This comes by way of friendly fire, or constructive criticism, and can be applied to Congress, as well as the Montana Legislature . . . this is no way to run a state or a country! We, the PEOPLE, elected you, and are paying you, to do our thinking for us, well, kind of, at least, we know that you are up in the hallowed halls of the state Capitol Building, in committee meetings, hearing testimonies, witnesses, evidence, studies, facts, examples, that we are not hearing, while we drive kids to school, go to work in a factory, drive a city or school bus, or argue in court. We voted people in, who we think, represent not our highly educated view points, more, siding with the side against who was in last year, or mainly voting as our parents did, hoping that as you spend, 90 days, every other year, you take our thoughts, and votes into consideration, with the reservation, that if things come out differently, through a heightened knowledge base, even coming from the other side of the isle, you will, in your getting of knowledge, get wisdom, and dare to defy, the very people who voted you into office, either as a Republican or a Democrat, knowing, that if we knew what you just learned in a committee meeting, that we would agree with you, or at least understand the variance in your vote, defecting from party lines, in favor of a better, more hybrid vote, based on an increased knowledge of the issues, the options, the conditions, and the best resolution to the problems, taking all that under advisement, and voting your conscience, doing, not what is political, but what is best, and in the best interest of the citizens, of the whole state, not just your constituents!
Two Horses, Caught in a Vitriol Battle
I am sitting here, at the University of Montana, School of Law, where I am most comfortable, especially, knowing, my cute daughter's little butt, will be sitting in this same school, rocking the professors, and challenging other students, raising their awareness of the issues, bringing with her a master's level of understanding in the area of natural resource management, and as a member of the Golden Key Honor Society, the world's largest honor society, with her being sworn in, at Constitutional Hall, Washington, D.C., several years back. But, as I look at the walls, there is a very appropriate picture of two horses, locked in, what looks like a battle to the death, with one, teeth bared, lips back, mane thrown back by the fury of the attack, hoofs aggressive, stance forward motioned, and definitely the aggressor . . . the other horse, not so ferocious, shell shocked, if you will, fear in its eyes, defensive position, unprepared for the threat of the fury of the other horse, the venom of a full scale assault on it, looks, alert, but definitely not ready for the in suing, fight.
I thought, how this picture, worth of thousand words, especially, in the symbolic world I live in, finding, that there are few things in life, whether words are spoken or not, do not reveal themselves, one way or another, either through, their actions, body language, motions, stance, and aggression. As I look at the picture, I see the legal battles, the courts, the vying for power in a courtroom situation, with the stronger horse, representing the higher, more moral, road, that of the constitutional arguments, that reign, or should reign supreme, in this constitutional landscape of courts, legislative bodies, executive decisions . . . that is the power play, in all arenas! How, if the judges, the president, the legislative, is true to its oath of office, to preserve, defend and protect the United States Constitution, can they go wrong, with the most weighty of mandates, sources, and legal authority, of the Supreme Law of the Land? It is a legal, logical, and paradoxical myth, to think that one with a lesser authoritative and hierarchal foundation, could ever win against this POWER HOUSE!
As I venture into battle within any of the branches of government, I always, always, always, look for a constitutional platform, for which to base my arguments, my facts, my support, my legal basis, and my platitudes. I challenge, both Republicans and Democrats, to be armed with an amendment, a principle, a concept, a freedom, liberty, or section, from this glorious document, that is mirrored in many a state constitution . . . in the Utah constitutional convention, from the prayer, I believe, starting the convention, the person offering and calling on the blessings of heaven and the source of inalienable rights, recommends that the convention goers, the drafters, not stray far from the U.S. Constitution, seeing it as an inspired document, and, from my less than humble opinion, it is, having never in 20 years of legal work, practice, legislation, both killing and supporting, have I found one, issue that is not either directly, through analogous comparison, or seeing tangentially connected issues, not addressed! We don't need a new form of government, recommended in the Declaration of Independence, we need to return, as having reformed that of the British monarch, retrospectively, need to go back to the basics, to the purity, and cleanse the nation of anything that is repugnant, or not within the letter & spirit of the Constitution!
While Not Elected, I Feel it My Duty, Having Taken the Oath, to Defend, Protect & Preserve the U.S. Constitution, and any State Constitution, Where I Reside, Four Times, to Do, and Not Fail in this Sacred Duty to Inform, Educate and Train, if You Will, Having Traversed the Legal Landscape Up to a U.S. Supreme Court Level, With Some Insights . . .
Life becomes so much easier, for a judge, a legislator, a president or a governor, if they stick to the basics, the fundamentals, the contextual foundation of this countries history, intent, and roots. We get so, caught up, in the grey areas, the labels, the parties, the players, the egos, the constituent, the murky waters of the issues, that the beauty of the founding father's vision disappears, into the ugly, the obscene, the dirty, the corrupt, the fringes, the back room deals, the heat of the battle, rather than the wonderful beauty of the opportunity at hand. I loved the writer's words, in the article, in the Missoulian, Montana section, B, Monday, February 2, 2014, entitled, Bullock re-emphasizes agenda--and GOP leaders push back . . . Montana, has a Democrat as governor, also a leader, president, or whatever he is called, to head up the nations, Democratic governors, to fight for political presence, again, after the mid-term elections . . . Bullock was a great attorney general, and he is a great governor, and he is facing, much the same battle, as President Obama, with both house of the legislature, being the opposing party, but are they, should they be, or just 51%, on the left of right of center, with the Constitution, being the common ground, with a little variance, on one side of the other, based on the preferences and platforms of the party.
You know, when all is said and done, if we follow the plain words of the Constitution, the intent or the history of the founding fathers, the basic tenants, liberties, freedoms, and rights, of the document, there really should not be that much difference between the two parties, with one being a bit more liberal and the other more conservative, serving the general population, who all believe, basically in the lowest, or the highest in my mind, common denominator, of the foundation of the country, with a bit of a difference of opinion, based on party or personal preference. Like I told the Chief of Police in Kalispell, you and I should be on the same team, we took the same oath, as I pointed to the American flag . . . he chose to leave at that point, Patriot Act, secret? What the hell? Doubles aside, loyalties should be to that flag, the U.S. Constitution, not some lame ass cop concoction, for perks, pussy and power, with 95% of the American people they serve, not recognizing their secret law, or the basics behind it!
There will always be differences of opinions, different interpretations, a varied reading of the same words, that is why we can have two sides to a lawsuit, and a judge in the middle, with a better, usually, understanding of the Constitution. By way of example, I just purchased a new, The U.S. Constitution and Fascinating Facts About It, my bible, for about $3.00, but priceless, at Barnes & Noble, last week, after someone, stole mine, right out of my purse, recognizing, it as my strength, more than my money, and that is so true! I would recommend, that all legislators, congressmen and women, get their hands on this pocket size, cutie, with all the goodies in it, from those who signed the Constitution, to fun facts about them, and national issues, the founding documents, landmark supreme court cases, an index, and all kinds of fun quotes and information . . . Rep. Art Wittich, R. Bozeman, I heard it through the grapevine, that you said, some really raunchy things about welfare recipients, from this little book or pocket size copy of the Constitution and fascinating facts, former founder, and president, Thomas Jefferson died broke, and another signer, Robert Morris, of Pennsylvania, the Richest Man in America, but met financial ruin and spent three years in debtor's prison. Morris died penniless in 1806. James Wilson of the same state, died a pauper in 1798 . . . it can happen to the best of us, attorneys, too . . . you can tell the character of a man or woman, in my case, by the size of their enemies!
When All Is Said And Done . . . We Should Recognize OUR Country, Our State, and Our Laws . . . Secret Laws that Benefit a Chosen Few, Go to Britain! Here in America, We Are ALL CREATED EQUAL! That May Not Be, According to Status, But, Equal Under the Law! Justice, Defense, General Welfare, Etc.
Great Cartoon, in Letters Section, B, Same Day . . . Picture on the wall, Great Britain Welcomes Governor Christie . . . Bar Patron to Bar Tender . . . "Did I miss something, old chap? Are we having a presidential primary soon?
P.S. Periodically, like when I buy a new copy of the Constitution, I like to re-read it, takes about an hour, to see if there is anything that I missed the last time I had a question to answer, and I noticed, in light of the legislatures, hard vote, on the CSKT water compact, that I have not personal interest in, other than to tell you what the U.S. Constitution says, and try to persuade you to adhere to it, regardless of you already having 13 or so other compacts of a similar nature, and having written several constitutional analysis, and testified at the 2013 session, in the House Judiciary, Rep. Krayton Kearns, presiding, but I offered testimony, that the compact, violates the U.S. Constitution, the Montana Constitution, Montana Water Law, Water Law in general, and violated the Treaties Clause of the U.S. Constitution dealing with the powers of Congress, as opposed to that of the states . . . but as I reread, the treaties clause section, I read across the COMPACT CLAUSE, just for your information, under the section, entitled, POWERS FORBIDDEN TO THE STATES, U.S. Constitution, Article I, Section 10 [3]:
No State shall, without the Consent of Congress, lay any duty of Tonnage, keep Troops, or Ships of War in time of Peace, enter into any Agreement or Compact with another State, or with a foreign Power . . .
The Indian Nation, is exactly that, a nation, within a nation, and the sole jurisdiction of the federal government, when dealing with the Indians! Congress should be dealing with the CSKT water compact, then coming to the state, if needs be, and asking for help, with improvements, in the water system, as being partakers of the water benefits, but not the other way around. I district court judge, also found the water compact, to be unconstitutional! This is a case in point, we are either going to follow the United States and Montana Constitutions, or we are not . . . this is not about personality, about, outsider constitutional law attorneys, after being asked, to side with us, with a party, or ranchers, farmers, or Indians . . . the law, is the law, is the law . . . know your rights! You do not have to fear, Indians, calling all their water rights, they have use and benefit rights, but not ownership! The Hellgate Treaty of 1855, is fucking perfect, reflects, who the deal is with, and what their rights are, and what the rights of the state of Montana, who owns all the water rights in the state, remember the Indians, ceeded, their right to the lands, in the treaty, which is the jurisdiction of the United States, and Congress as seen in the Treaties clause. After I testified, back in 2013, an attorney for the Indians, stood up, and is apparently having his way with the legislators, stood up and said, the treaties clause has nothing to do with the compact . . . really?
Hell, the fucking plain language of the Constitution, the Montana Constitution, the Montana Code, water law in general, and the Hellgate Treaty, would disagree with that attorney, who graduated from the University of Britain . . . sorry to keep picking on our alleged allies, but really not, I see what is going on between the sheets! Then, in statutory interpretation, if you can't tell from the plain language, which is plain as day, you turn to the intent and the history . . . Indians, like it or not, were seen as savage, blood thirsty people, not our neighbors of today! Things were different back then, but at least get the body of government that is over the Indians, feds still have jurisdiction, over them, Governor Bullock does not!
My original blog, is nearing a million hits, per 35 seconds, the other one, on my dashboard, the government's version, the one that steals all MY hits, is at 2,600 million, where are the other, 153 million hits/results going? I guess they figure, that since I am not putting ads, to benefit Google, or the government, and of course, the white limo gals, are using the money, better than the gal living in the Poverello Homeless Shelter, because they care so much more, right? Really, some fucking, honest, Mo, of the 30,000, willing to be the next hero, Edward Snowden, needs to track these fuckers!
My pay, is hits/results, readers, education, information, learning, evolution, and intellectual gain . . . now you know why I have smart kids, that was my focus! Great movie, on YouTube, yesterday, free, The People Next Door . . . laser tag, Disneyland, not my idea of making super brains, and baby geniuses! LOL! You don't get to steal kids, trash the mother of the kids, you wished you had raised, and determine, that bribing them to get them to see things you way, or their inflitrated spouses, way, is anything but wrong . . . I DID IT ALL, THE KIDS, THE CAREER, AND ALL THAT GOES WITH IT, INCLUDING THIS BLOG, VERY REWARDING, KNOW IT IS WAY BIGGER THAN THE STATISTICS, THAT ARE BEING MANIPULATED BY MORMON, NSA, BASED IN UTAH!
My original blog, is nearing a million hits, per 35 seconds, the other one, on my dashboard, the government's version, the one that steals all MY hits, is at 2,600 million, where are the other, 153 million hits/results going? I guess they figure, that since I am not putting ads, to benefit Google, or the government, and of course, the white limo gals, are using the money, better than the gal living in the Poverello Homeless Shelter, because they care so much more, right? Really, some fucking, honest, Mo, of the 30,000, willing to be the next hero, Edward Snowden, needs to track these fuckers!
My pay, is hits/results, readers, education, information, learning, evolution, and intellectual gain . . . now you know why I have smart kids, that was my focus! Great movie, on YouTube, yesterday, free, The People Next Door . . . laser tag, Disneyland, not my idea of making super brains, and baby geniuses! LOL! You don't get to steal kids, trash the mother of the kids, you wished you had raised, and determine, that bribing them to get them to see things you way, or their inflitrated spouses, way, is anything but wrong . . . I DID IT ALL, THE KIDS, THE CAREER, AND ALL THAT GOES WITH IT, INCLUDING THIS BLOG, VERY REWARDING, KNOW IT IS WAY BIGGER THAN THE STATISTICS, THAT ARE BEING MANIPULATED BY MORMON, NSA, BASED IN UTAH!
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