How to Eat Your Cake & Eat it Too!
WE hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness--That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its Fountation on such Principles, and organizing its Powers in such Fomr, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.
Just in case you don't recognize these words, or the flavor of this document, it is the Declaration of Independence, addressed to the King of Great Britain, with a History of repeated Injuries and Usurpations, all having in direct Object the Establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.
Ferguson, Missouri, Michael Brown Shooting & Protests
Replacing the word, "He", referring to King George; however, the name is the same, George W., the instigator of the fucking Patriot Act, see if some of these statements and issues, the early colonists, brought up with the original, King George of Britain, don't remind you for some of the issues, we saw present at the incident in Ferguson, not only from the shooting, of an unarmed teen, but from the militarization of the cops, with guns, draw and pointed at the, for the most part, peacefully assembled, protestors. I am going to bullet the statements, right out of the Declaration of Independence, and you will have to use your thinking caps, to extrapolate the events that the founding fathers are talking about, and what you say, heard and read about Ferguson.
- They have refused to assent to laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good
- They have refused to pass other laws for the accommodation of large districts of people, unless those people would relinquish the right of representation in the legislature, a right inestimable to them, and formidable to tyrants only
- They have called together legislative bodies at places unusual, uncomfortable, and distant from the depository of their public records, for the sole purpose of fatiguing them into compliance with their measures
- They have dissolved representative houses repeatedly, for opposing with manly firmness his invasions on the rights of the people
- They have obstructed the administration of justice, by refusing his assent to laws for establishing judiciary powers--6th amendment right, trial by jury, peers, public, with counsel--prosecutor, father cop, shot by black, sends evidence, witnesses and testimony to secret grand jury, then interprets the events, in favor of the cop, who was allowed to testify 4 hours, with no representation for Michael Brown, or his witnesses, first hand, three of them, discredited!
- They made judges dependent on their will alone for tenure of their offices, and the amount of payment of their salaries
- They have erected a multitude of new offices, and sent hither swarms of officers to harass our people, and eat out of their substances
- They, or Governor Nixon, kept among us, in times of peace, standing armies, without the consent of our legislature
- They have affected to render the military or the militarization of the cops, independence of and superior to the civil power
- They have combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our Constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws; giving their assent to their acts of pretended legislation, or laws . . . the Patriot Act, was intended for terrorists, not to be applied to the citizens of the United States, turned on us . . . 14 years of alleged, law that is contrary and repugnant to the Constitution, verses, 240 years of the Supreme Law of the Land! There needs to be a distinction made between citizens, with all the rights, privileges, powers, protections, under the Bill of Rights, Civil Rights Acts, and other federal and state, statutory and constitutional protections, and foreigners, living either inside or outside the borders of the United States, not citizens of either state or federal government protections . . . have at them, but don't throw us into the same shit hole you are putting terrorists in, and take if from someone who had been the target of the fucking PATRIOT, FUCKING ACT!
- For quartering large bodies of troops among us
- For protecting them, by a mock trial, from punishment for any murders which they sould commit on the inhabitants of these states
- For depriving us, in m any cases, of the benefits of trial by jury . . . hello, asset forfeiture! Or seeing the officers shoot, kill, or maim, citizens, and walk away, with two weeks to two months administrative leave, with fucking pay!
- For abolishing the free system of laws in a neighboring province, establishing therein an arbitrary government and enlarging its boundaries, so as to render it at once an example and fit instrument for introducing the same absolute rule into these colonies . . . most people have never even heard of the god-damn Patriot Act, because it can't withstand the light of day! The standard, at its best, for application of some type of law or punishment, is arbitrary & capricious! I have had billions stolen, robbed, houses, law practices, vehicles, blogs, cases worth millions, son's music, God's Revolver, been lied about, copied, doubled, tracked, chased, incarcerated, and whatever, and the fucking bitches and bastards, operating under the fucking Patriot Act, are fucking murderers!
- For taking away our charters, abolishing our most valuable laws . . . like the Bill of Rights . . . and altering fundamentally the form of our government! I have heard, that the Patriot Act, was passed, at 12:01 midnight, within days of the alleged, terrorist attacks, where Dick fucking ass, Cheney, had all air security devices turned off, allegedly conducting air strikes or drills? Bushes, had phone conversations with the Bin Ladens, 27 times, the month of the attack, and the White House was notified of the threat . . . building 7, the FBI building, went down 12 hours after tower I and II, all looked like demolitions! Bush's, cousin, was the security guard or over security, and the guy who owned the buildings got 11 billion in insurance, and the men, who designed the building, did it to withstand a plane colliding into it, after seeing what happened, with a similar collision, to a building in Spain! Come on! Treason!
- For suspending our own legislatures, and declaring themselves invested with power to legislate for us in all cases! We are here folks!
- THEY, HE, ABDICATED GOVERNMENT HERE, BY DECLARING US OUT OF HIS PROTECTION AND WAGING WAR AGAINST US! Homeland Security, 40 or more spy agencies, who are covered and immune from liability, or prosecution for doing whatever the fuck they want, or determine, aside from our Constitution, or the state and federal laws, to us, and getting away with it, ask, Michael Brown, Rice, Garner, Davis, and others, and several white kids, here in Montana . . . reread the above issues the colonial rebels, are making, and they could not be closer to where we are at, fucking right now, in this country! Mitt is a Patriot to Britain, check out the Skull & Bones boys of Yale, with the BUSHES! If you don't learn from history, you will forever remain a child! One Bush was too much, three is fucking, hella more than a crowd! And the second alleged, dumb ass, W, was a joke! Loyalties are for Britain, do some homework! Get rid of Jeb, anyone is better!
- They have plundered our seas, ravaged our coasts, burnt our towns, and destroyed the lives of our people! Bailing out Wall Street, are you fucking kidding me? Really? Selling Lehman Brothers to Barclay, or the home of the world bankers! Try the crowd, Prescott Bush ran with!
- They are, at this time, transporting large armies of foreign mercenaries to complete the works of death, desolation, and tyranny already begun with circumstances of cruelty and perfidy, scarcely paralleled in the most barbarous age, and totally unworthy of the head of a civilized nation . . . a Blackwater? G.O.D., Gold, Oil, and Drugs! President Karsai's brother on the CIA payroll for the last 10 years, biggest opium dealer in the world! Really?
- In every stage of oppressions we have petitioned for redress in the most humble terms; our repeated petitions have been answered only by repeated injury. A prince, or president, who character is thus marked by every act which may define a tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of the free people
- We have warranted them from time to time of attempts by their legislature to extend an unwarranted jurisdiction over us . . . I was arrested without charges, without a warrant, or at least a real one that was on the statewide warrant list, strip searched, I was the attorney on the case, incarcerated, shackled and chained, transported across the state, with both the arrestees, denying that they had arrested me, and the arrestors, admitting that they had me, while I was in 9 fucking days of solitary confinement, for no charges, and no right by the alleged judge who wrote the warrant, which looked like no warrant I have ever seen, a day and a half after my arrest, because I demanded one! The judge, had violated 30 of my constitutional and state statutory, rights! So, he changed the hearing, to find out where my assets were, where my money was, and then ordered the sheriffs to come take about, $20,000 worth of my property, even after being in jail, for a hearing, that he had no jurisdiction to hold, with the jurisdiction being at the Utah Court of Appeals at the time of the December 17, 2011 hearing . . . I appealed the case, in question, sometime in early NOVEMBER! Really?
- go read the rest of this document yourselves, you should all be familiar with it, because it fits as well today, with the Patriot Act, as it did back in the day of our founding father's cry for INDEPENDENCE! After the CIA, stole my two multi-million dollar Utah cases, they met with Thomas G. Vail of Henderson, Nevada, bribed him and stole, about another $400 million worth of cases, that I had helped that fucking pain in the ass with . . . he told me he had lunch with the CIA! This is not hearsay, this is first hand information . . . what the fuck is the CIA having lunch with my client for? Same thing they set up Kay Burningham, aka, ME, to fly to meet Mitt Romney for a film documentary in the UK or the United Kingdom, after stealing the Brock, and later the Cheek cases! THIS IS YOUR FUCKING PATRIOT ACT AT WORK! Dumb ass bitches, substituted in for me, the smart, bitch! LOL! Can't cut it!
- the Illuminati, who is arm and arm, with the CIA, can't function without them, started their vision of America, the same year, go figure! WAKE UP AMERICA!
Killer Quotes
A free government is a complicated piece of machinery, the nice and exact adjustment of whose springs, wheels, and weights, is not yet well comprehended by the artists of the age, and still less by the people.--John Adams to Thomas Jefferson, May 19, 1821
Don't interfere with anything in the Constitution. That must be maintained, for it is the only safeguard of our liberties.--Abraham Lincoln
In free countries, every man is entitled to express his opinions and every other man is entitled not to listen.--G. Norman Collie
The happy Union of these States is a wonder; their Constitution a miracle; their example the hope of Liberty throughout the world.--James Madison
Answer to: To How Do You Have Your Cake & Eat it Too?
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peacefully to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances!
A firm separation of church and state . . . a wall of separation between church and state . . . keep the church out of politics or the state's issues, and keep the state out of church issues!
You can be against homosexuality or abortion, personally, never participate in either, and still make a wedding cake for Jim and John! That is the application of the law.
. . . No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the law!
- Missoula, got a 100% score, for a city, out of 47 indicators that they are LBGT friendly
- I would, say that yesterday, that, they would get a 100% for being great to the homeless, with Mayor Engan, and the crew here in the city, having a 10 year project to end homelessness in Missoula, and I know that Bozeman also had a similar event today, in Bozeman . . . amazing service
- hair cuts
- clothes, R.E.I., gave away free boots, camping gear, tents, equipment--expensive stuff
- free eye glasses, I got some, had some, someone in Butte gave me, but I couldn't read the newspaper very well, while in the Chinese Laundry in the basement of the Poverello Palace, while listening to country music, reading the newspaper, and occasionally, having to stop what I am doing, to fold the clothes and change the batches! LOL!
- help with legal, driver licenses, birth certificates, and whatever--Utah, DMV, would send me my driving record, which is clean as clean, but would not send me my ID picture! What, that is the whole deal with issuing a picture ID, so someone could identify you . . . this is where Mitt, the Mormons and the Men in Black come in, they don't want you to identify me! Six, twitching bitches are me, and have my ID . . . perhaps, Word, or the notary, could see, that we tried every possible way to get a picture ID, law school pictures, DMV--44 years of license in Utah and I can't get the picture of my face, that is my fucking face, you assholes, and my property! If you have one of my doubles on is, you better be getting that back, because, I can only take it so long, and not being able to get a picture ID, is one of those things that will throw me back into my civil rights, second in the country, best, and sue the fucking state of Utah again, only this time, you can't bribe my client, because it will be ME! Good luck! I am waiting for my mug shot from Grand County, yeah the place, I was falsely incarcerated, but, they were to send my GRAMMA REQUEST BACK WITHIN MINUTES, AND DIDN'T! I have a few other mug shots up my sleeves, they are official government documents, so I can thank the false flag arrests, the cops I sued, colluding with the judge who allegedly signed the false warrant, when he had no jurisdiction to do it . . . YOU JUST MIGHT FIND OUT, WHAT AN ATTORNEY, CONSTITUTIONAL LAW ATTORNEY, #2 IN THE NATION, LOOKS LIKE! LOL! NOT GOING TO BE FUN, IF I DON'T GET A PICTURE ID! I CAN'T GET CALIFORNIA BIRTH CERTIFICATE, BECAUSE THAT WOULD PROVE, ALL THIS BULL SHIT, IS TRUE!
- food
- housing
- dental
- jobs
- etc., Christ said, the poor will always be among you, but some of us, are here because of the fucking Patriot Act, and you better watch out, who is and is not, someone to worry about, but thanks for the ladies who, were so patient and helpful in getting some type of response to get a picture ID . . . let's see, the Utah State Bar, the U.S. Federal District Court, BYU law school, the Utah Attorney Generals Office, the Utah State Driver's License--44 years worth, and after sitting out for 9 years, when I thought I was going to die, or at least that was the report, they could pull up my driver's license and picture ID in seconds, and after only a year, letting it expire, because of California's bull shit . . . do I smell a conspiracy? I think so . . . maybe, I can find my picture on BUSTED, where they made sure my name and the fact that I was an attorney, will give me the ID I need!
In the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, there is a rule, where someone can challenge the constitutionality of a federal statute, law or act, and I think, I am just the one to do that, don't you? I have long considered doing this, and until, now, nothing has pissed me off enough to actually go through with it . . . but, like the straw that broke the camel's back, this ID thing is enough to do it . . . I have let it go until now, because I didn't have much need for it, but now I have an apartment I want, and I need all this, so it is imparative, that I get it, so the war it on!
By Monday, if the GRAMMA request for Grand County is not fulfilled, I will be forced to sue, the state of Utah, and Montana, is in compliance too, with the Patriot Act fuckers, who think they can, Willy Nilly, just up and decide, Sue, Shelley, Rachel, Kay, Kelly, Tiffany, or Marcie, get to be me, a composite, mind you, it had taken that many Mormon Muffins, to make up ONE OF ME! But, that will mean, that all the credit for the Levin v. Levin, or Hope M. Carlton Levin v. Levin, 10 prong test to determine whether, a wife is cohabitating with a man, ending her alimony . . . this is going to be far more painful, because, the ones who got credit, are going to be exposed, worse than having never taken credit in the first place! And all the multi-million dollar cases, from Brock, to Cheek, to Vail, and the criminal ones, like Lamoreaux and others will go down to, in infamy, as stolen, rather than credit going to the right person, ME!
God, said, vengeance, is mine; I will fight your battles for you, meet you in the battle field; if God is with you, no one can be against you . . . I love this shit! The scriptures, because God does it so much better than we do! LOL!
P.S. I am currently sitting at the law school, at the University of Montana, on the school's computer, windows password: access . . . and yes, the NSA, has access to alter this writing, as they always do, so that you will assume that Sue, the Relief Society, Mormon, Bitch from hell, with a nice, little lawyer do, hair do that is, is me, marching around the Capitol Building, in Helena, not so, I was at the Project Homeless Connect, and I am staying, proudly, at the new Poverello Center, in Missoula . . . you are the ones who ought to be ashamed of yourselves, stealing, lying, cheating, and claiming that my writing, cases, legislation, water compact, lectures on the U.S. Constitution to the Republican Federation of Women, testifying two years ago, at the session, was me, dubbing my appearances over . . . well, nope, I will be in my bed, number 4, in the woman's dorm at the Pov! LOL! Sue is likely having dinner with Kevin Womankicking . . . name I saw in the newspaper, after writing about my two black lovers, in a recent blog! LOL! Cheating on you Kev, cuckhold! That is Chaucer's term for a husband with a cheating wife, making a fool of him, how does it feel?
P.S. my spell check is off . . . if you can't figure out what I wrote, call the Mormon NSA, in Utah, around the corner from Salt Lake City, Utah, Mormon Church headquarters, so they can supervise and advise them, with a theocracy in that state, no separation of church & state . . . part or the problem! Had the Mormons, my clients, BYU, separated church and state, they wouldn't have needed all this double shit, because, they would have just said, well, she is a product of the secular world, of constitutional law, and she doesn't represent the church. PERIOD! End of the story! Or at least until I get, or don't get my picture ID! I wonder how much I can sue the state of Utah, Montana for acting as an arm of the Mormon Church and Utah, and the Vital Statistics in California? The kid in New York got $3.9 million, but I had $700 million worth the cases, and lined up and waiting, plus, my blog, at roughly a million per day for the last year and a half, oh, I will add Google in for messing with the Digital Millennium Act, at $2500 to $25,000 per hit, per day! Wow, 155,000,000 twice in one day, and that was for 84 seconds . . . I think Google can afford it, they have blown me off, and played footsy with the CIA, the NSA and the FBI, and hackers, like Shelley and Kay, or Daddy Warbucks, could never make money on his own, but in this WAR, HE TOOK HIS DAUGHTERS AND GRANDSON'S MONEY, MUCH EASIER, TO RELY ON OUR BRAINS, THE SMART SECTOR OF THE FAMILY . . . LOL!
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