You Were Born in the Wrong Era . . . You Have Ethics!
A retired, Navy photographer, turned wild life and desert photo artist, and professional photographer, was in a class with me, once in St. George, Utah. We were discussing some particular topic, and I was displaying, not only my disgust, but making points, that I thought might help the situation. And shocked, he looked at me, and said, You were born in the wrong generation, you have ethics! This man, was a member of, what has been referred to as the Golden Generation, he is well into his 80's, and was still kicking as of three years ago, the last time I saw him, alive. As I read the article, in today's, Bozeman Daily Chronicle, entitled, Ethics in the Field: FWP Group Develops Hunter-Ethics Campaign. Last fall, during the hunting season, and forgive me if I am not drawing on the incident, that I remember, hearing on the news about a group of hunters, who opened fire into a standing herd of elk, but if that is not the case, you can add that to the list of unsportsman-like conduct, unethical at best, and not a true hunt, and a horrible example to the younger hunters, kids, teens, that might have been on the hunt that day, as a group of hunters, if you want to call them that, just opened fire into a herd of elk, not aiming at any one animal, like most hunters, but just taking pot-shots into the crowd of elk, and wounding or dropping injured animals, leaving some to die.
I loved the fact that this group of concerned citizens, hunters, lovers of the sport, are aiming to correct some of the bad behavior of others in the sport of hunting, and referred to the target group as, slob hunters, and I could not agree more, with the terminology, the classification of that group, of alleged hunters, that I would call, slaughterhouse mentality slop-shot brutes!
Just as in the area of drug interdiction, that has little more than pitted law enforcement against drug cartels, gangs, thugs, and the mob, doing little more than getting money, to funnel, grants and other things, like military supplies, M-Wraps and B.E.A.R.s, or armored vehicles, making our streets, look more like the war zones, in the middle-eastern or former Soviet block countries, rather than the streets of a free America, founded on principles of individual rights and freedoms, thus leading me to the terminology, that this story conjured up for me in different areas of law enforcement, oil exploration and extraction, justice system projects, and shootings of unarmed citizens on our streets, bringing to mind the slaughter of people, water sources, and voters, who reject building justice complexes, while the inner circle totally ignores the ones footing the bills, the tax payers, and just goes ahead, much like buying a B.E.A.R., running about $250,000 to $450,000 without the permission and approval of the mayor and city council . . . might be confusing the facts with Great Falls, but I do, know that over 1,000 MSU students, signed petitions to return the armed vehicles, that they could only imaging being used to chase lost or loose chickens, and gun down rowdy students after a homecoming game!
Just as in the area of drug interdiction, that has little more than pitted law enforcement against drug cartels, gangs, thugs, and the mob, doing little more than getting money, to funnel, grants and other things, like military supplies, M-Wraps and B.E.A.R.s, or armored vehicles, making our streets, look more like the war zones, in the middle-eastern or former Soviet block countries, rather than the streets of a free America, founded on principles of individual rights and freedoms, thus leading me to the terminology, that this story conjured up for me in different areas of law enforcement, oil exploration and extraction, justice system projects, and shootings of unarmed citizens on our streets, bringing to mind the slaughter of people, water sources, and voters, who reject building justice complexes, while the inner circle totally ignores the ones footing the bills, the tax payers, and just goes ahead, much like buying a B.E.A.R., running about $250,000 to $450,000 without the permission and approval of the mayor and city council . . . might be confusing the facts with Great Falls, but I do, know that over 1,000 MSU students, signed petitions to return the armed vehicles, that they could only imaging being used to chase lost or loose chickens, and gun down rowdy students after a homecoming game!
Classification of Slobs Codified in the Minds of the Public
The next article, that took me back again, was one entitled, The justice center question: Can the city and county collaborate? I am not opposed to court complexes, as long as there is a separation of the branches of government: (1) the legislative or in this case, county commissioners, mayor and city council; (2) the executive or the law enforcement entities, that enforce the laws that the legislative bodies in the county or town, write, draft, support, zone and codify in their codes; and the (3) judiciary or the courts, that have the distinct and unique job of interpreting the rules, laws, ordinances, zoning, etc., and mete out tickets, justice, and fines, jail time, and rehabilitative punishments to civil and criminal offenders. I find too often, the relationship, physically, or proximity wise, symbolically exemplified, the twisted nature of the collaborative, collusive, and coordinated activities, that cross the lines, blurring the demarcations of the branches, making it look, like they are in each other's business, pockets, and private lives . . . or in other words, slob governments!
And what is the deal with that fact that the voters turned away this collaborative proposal, last November in a vote against developing a new police and courts facility? What, kind of like the protests over the black teens being gunned down . . . the people, the chumps will scream for awhile, but, after time, they will go back to watching American Idol, the Voice, NCSI, and all, and forget about what the cops are doing on the streets, we are turning the tables back, was the statement made by the Kalipsell, Chief of Police, when I addressed his issues, and said, that one thing I have is perspective and history, as a former, assistant attorney general, staff attorney for the Utah Prosecution Council, Criminal Enforcement Division, Utah Attorney Generals Office, and for the life of me, can't remember, 20 years ago, an occasion, back when crime was higher, gang warfare was rampant, and drugs were more readily on the streets, that officers gunned down people like they do today . . . slob policing!
I know, that each state has a grand jury system, and as I recall, Utah doesn't convene a grand jury often, like some states do; however, I expressed my concern, about the Ferguson prosecutor, who had a father, a cop, shot and killed by a black, turning his job, even under protest, over to the grand jury, to bury the facts and evidence, that I just happened to see the first day the shooting happened, while I was in Vegas, last August, seeing first hand the eye witnesses, who were silenced, dismissed by this same prosecutor, as having conflicting testimonies, thus disregarded, for what? For the 9 day delay for the cops to manipulate the evidence, the facts, and in my mind, Wilson's face, to make it look, like Michael Brown was the perp of the violence, between the two, rather than the aggressive Officer Wilson, as evidenced by the videos taken by the black witnesses from the apartment building across the street and the car following Wilson, and the friend of Brown's . . . reliability, veracity, credibility was totally dismissed, and the Kalispell, police chief, said, that the grand jury, did such a good job . . . yeah, if you didn't know all the facts, from before the spin-masters in the cop shop! Slob prosecution . . . I informed the chief, that I for one, was not in the dark on any of these issues, I wrote a manual, still in use in Utah, of the Powers & Duties of County Attorneys . . . you don't get to pull the wool over my eyes, they are and were wide open!
Slob citizens . . . so some white, cracker, Republican, came over to me, and tried to tell me, that grand juries in Texas, are convened, with 12 members, on each alleged defendant? What, and what about our 6th amendment right to a speedy, public trial, with a jury of our peers, and counsel? There is evidence of the Patriot Act, everywhere, and yesterday, I was on a collision course with the police chief, in a game of chicken, a hostile crowd to me, and a favorable one to him, with the Mayor Johnson, getting really pissed, and accusing me of making the statement, that any cops would try to shoot a citizen, and how devastating that is, slob mayor . . . defending the indefensible! The chief, showed a video, that I am sure was probably prepared for distribution, by cops, my bias, trying to turn the tide, that has been mounted against them, since Ferguson, and other shootings, he even tried to dismiss the Rice shooting of a 12 year old, in Ohio, where the personnel files of the two cops involved, were less than stellar, and one was fired and in his file that he didn't have the temperament for police work, and the other had beat up a woman, who called about a car parked in his vehicle, and the dispatch officer, a known alcoholic, just failed to tell the officers, responding to the call, that, the gun was most likely fake, as reported by the caller! Slob dispatch!
Both men, the Republican, whom I am sure has read my blog, and the cop, stormed away from me, the street guy, when I said that Officer Wilson murdered Michael Brown in cold blood, and he didn't see the facts, before the spin-masters got a hold of the videos, caught on cell phones, as I did, and I informed him that he might have a different view and story, had the facts, the evidence and the witnesses and testimony been turned over to the criminal justice system, with attorneys representing both sides, in a court of law, rather than a secret hearing, letting Officer Wilson, testify in his own defense, with an attorney, behind closed doors, while Micheal Brown, lay buried and dead in the ground! The man stormed out, saying, that thug should have been shot, 20 times, and whatever, bull shit he finished with! Slob bigot, in addition! And the cop, cleared up shop, when I reminded him, that both of us, should be on the same side, we both took the same oath, to preserve, defend and protect the United States Constitution, protecting rights, that preserve, serve, and defend, citizens' life, liberty, property and pursuit of happiness! I pointed to the American flag, standing right next to us, and he took off . . . a bitter reminder, I guess! Slob reactions!
Slob Exxon and Slob Federal Regulators . . . Drop $750,000, Giving the Oil Giant, Who Refused to Stop Extracting Oil, When Other Oil Companies Stopped, Before Polluting the Yellowstone River, a Million Dollar Fine . . . Do You Really Think, When Exxon Makes a Fucking $60 Billion Dollars in Profits, That a One Million Dollar Fine HURTS? Slobs! Need Punitive Damages!
Guess who, at least tried to hold the oil giant liable in a civil suit, landowners, who settled out of court, but still for a measly, $2 million, not more than a drop in the bucket of the profits, they make each year. The landowner noted in their lawsuit that other pipeline owners with lines beneath the Yellowstone shut down during the July 2011 flood that broke the line. They characterized Exxon's decision to keep moving oil as a "PROFIT DRIVEN DECISION." That is a knee-jerk slob reaction, and merits, punitive damages! The callous nature of the response, or lack of response, not only to the possible pollutants that would make their way into the drinking water, but also, the huge amounts of oil, that rushed neighborhoods, destroying property, is worthy of punishing with punitive damages, making sure that they don't do it again! Fat chance, the risk of getting caught and adequately punished is neil to nothing!
In another article, dealing with the prospects of allowing mining, at the head of the cherish local river running spot, the Smith River, river lovers, are thinking ahead, looking at the number of outside the state or the nation companies, that have come into Montana, with a spectacular scenery, and outdoor activities, that people from around the world come, to only hope of being one of the 6,000 per year allowed to run the river, and are re-thinking letting a Canadian and Australian joint project, take over the rive, make their money, benefit others, rather than locals, and taking the money are running. If you don't learn from history, you will forever remain a child . . . not slob citizens! Smarties . . .
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