Wednesday, January 7, 2015


Cloud Over the Berkeley Pit

In any town I am in, I love to take the first bus ride of the day, around the town, and see the town wake up.  I love to see the sun come shining through over the snow capped mountains, with Our Lady of the Rockies, shepherding her flocks, as a mother hen, gathering her chicks, under her watchful care, but with rumors being that the town or someone, the family, or whomever is in charge of the 90 foot statue, is changing the name of it to, Our Lady Liberty and I like that a lot, maybe a bit more representative of the valley as a whole, but, what do I know, not much, as locals, reading this blog can tell . . . I can probably fool the rest of you who have never been to this part of Montana, the USA, or this part of the world, but you would dig it, but the Lady, is generally lit at night, and glows all over the valley floor, as a sentinel, watching the people who sleep below, but she is also a prominent figure on the mountainscape, during the day, especially, when the sun is shining, like it is today, or it was yesterday.  But, today, I walked up the hills, to the library, watching store owners, open their shops, engage in a brief morning salutation, and get back to business.  People where friendly and fun, and I am grateful for the store owners, who daily, get out, sweep their section of the downtown, or shovel the snow . . . for those of us, walking, the slush, water, and snow are tough to get around town, and we are most thankful to those of you, who clear a path for us to get to our appointed destination.  Thanks!

I have been to San Francisco, many times, and the hills and the architecture, remind me a lot of the steep, climbs, and the styles, that are from about the same age and era, in both cities.  In fact, Butte, was actually, the largest city, west of the Mississippi, back in its heyday.  I was glad to walk past, several guys on the streets, from a local glass company, carrying large windows, into a gutted, cooler than hell, old historic building, which is being remodeled and restored, next to some sandwich shop, that looks like it has been around for some time.  With a little paint, some TLC, and bit of cash, this town could sparkle, with style, flavor, beauty, allure and intrigue, with its history, some of it frozen in time, and evident everywhere you look.  Funky Town . . . a song by, Wild Cherry, I think, but it fits this town--have fun, spend some of that Superfund money, on cleaning up the town, making it shine, as it has in the past.  Even an old building looks better with a bit of make-up and lipstick on it.  LOL!

But, on the mornings, that I am actually, lucky enough to take the hour tour, around the city, on the bus, especially, when it is cold, as we climb the endless hills to Walkerville, and circle back down past the old black head mines, the structures that stick up, all over the hills here, I think that is what these historical reminders of the mining frenzy, are named, the place where the earth's treasures came from the earth's core, to the surface, in the days that took place here for roughly, from 1860's to 1982, as I understand, but I suck at math, so, don't mark my word on this, but I am going way back, to the early mining camps, to the tents, before the Anaconda Mining Company, was the primary employer of the day, before Amalgamated Copper Company, or whatever that company's name was, that was involved somewhere along the line, you can see, a cloud, not the Pit itself, but a single cloud, even on sunny mornings, a kind of fog, that is always over that area of the hills, above the city.

The Mystery Fog is Created When the Temperature of the Mineral Water in the Pit, Is Warmer Than the Air Above the Pit, Which in Butte is Most of the Year--Plus the Minerals

Yesterday, while at the Butte Mall, or the Silver Bow Mall, I saw a banner, that said, IN DEMAND--MONTANA TECH, now, I am no scientist, don't have a degree in mineralogy or biology, nor geology--I have had classes in the last two, and have an English degree, but a bachelor of science--go figure, but I do get the fact, that the minerals in the water in the Pit, will make the water heavier, harder to cool down, and make a consistency, that would be thicker than normal water, less prone to create the molecular tension, between the water and the air, making this vapor or fog, that circles over the Pit, on a daily basis.  One of the librarians, who grew up in this area, with generations here, said, the phenomena at the Pit, with its sides, trapping the water, and making kind of a mote around it, also adds to the fog . . . but she said, that it is kind of like the steam that rises off the mineral waters down in Yellowstone Park, especially, noticeable in the winter or colder months, which I can relate to since, I spent the later part of October in the Park, back in 2012, makes sense.

Anyway, some interesting points of interest, and one of these days, I will have to venture up to the Berkeley Pit, or as close as you can go, and take a look at the lake of fire and brimstone, that is causing so much grief, but a relic of history, and a reminder to all companies, protect the environment, because it will effect generations of people, animals, plants, the air you breath, and the space you occupy here on earth, and don't make Mother Earth, groan, under the weight of your greed!  (Book of Revelations)  Oh, one more suggestion, as you ready the use of the Superfund money, and it sounds like you have a few mines ready to open again, is, you might, want to consider, using cooperatives, where the miners are both owners and operators . . . most of the most advancing new companies, the trend setters, and the creators, much like the awesome grocery store in Missoula, cooped, called Good Food Store, runs that way, so that the people who do the work, actually, make the money and can determine, what their salaries or wages will be, rather than some fat cat, collecting million dollar bonuses at Christmas, when you guys and gals, are risking life and limb, in the mines, plus, you can control the safety issues, yourself.  Just a thought.

National Geographic & the Afghan Girl, 17 Years Later

Yesterdays, blog, I wrote a bit of my trials and tribulations, identity theft, challenges with government doubles, family, friends, attorney foes, who have covered me, just like a women in a shroud or native covering, not even showing her eyes, as seen on the cover of this, I believe older issue of the magazine, I say, older, because, I think these are issues that have been donated, or they have been around a whole hell of a long time, because the cars in some of them, are at least 40 years old, or look 70's style, so don't go to your local library thinking you will find the issue.  But what stuck me as strange about this particular issue, showing up at the Butte Rescue Mission, is the fact, that I remember seeing the younger picture of the girl, when they, the National Geographic folks, were looking for the girl they had photographed years earlier, 17 to be exact, which is another significant and symbolic number of years for me . . . I killed asset forfeiture 17 years ago, in 1997, and that is the time these games of hiding my identity started, while I was working at the Utah Attorney Generals Office!

And, my third husband, Brett Todd Stuart/Stewart, always got a subscription to National Geographic Magazine, each year for a birthday or Christmas, and we had tons of them around the old homestead, the 23 acre farmland, we were living on at the time, converting a horse shed or barn into a house, straw bale home, stuccoing the outside of it.  On lazy afternoons, we both would lay on the bed, and look at or read the magazines, and I distinctly remember seeing the haunting teal, blue green eyes, and jet black haired beauty, with a shawl over her head, or a head covering, but she was gorgeous.  And is seemed that they were looking for her, to do a follow up story or picture on her, at the time, that was back around 2005 to 2007, when I was with Brett.  And, ironically, that is about the time my sons came to visit, the music theft started, and Shelley, who was already using my ID, hooked up with Brett, and Kay met Brett too; Kay was engaged to some biology professor, Bugsbee or Bugsby, teaching at Utah State University, so seeing this latest magazine cover, with a woman, standing, behind the original picture, but with a silver blue covering, completely over her body, with the large words, all in red caps, FOUND, is somewhat shocking to me, given my situation, and daily having to fight the fog that has covered my life for the last 17 years!

The funny thing is, she is still a very beautiful woman, a mother, and her face has not changed that much  . . . the women don't wear make-up, and they are a bit weather, probably don't use lotion and all the goop's and gobs we American women use, but, she is a lovely woman, and you can definitely tell that she is the person who was the subject of the photo, no doubt.  Equally, as easy to note, is the fact, that I am the same person, that was on my Utah Attorney General ID, my drivers licenses, and all the pictures, family photos, but they were all stolen from me.  While I have put on weight, and intend to take if off, my face, never changes all that much, because, I don't tend to carry my weight in my face, thank God.  I have the fine features of my mother, Rachel, my alleged twin, has the larger bone structure and rounder look, as do her boys, who are round faced, not chiseled like my children, and Shelley, is a mixture of the parents, but doesn't have the totally fine features in her face, that has been rearranged by surgery, nose chisel, and stitches on the sides of her ears.  There is no way, someone, could mistake me for one of my sisters, standing side by side, but most of the men, promoting these fraud broads, easy sluts, know damn well, who I am, worked with me, were married to me, went against me in court, were my former bosses, and whatever, so no fucking excuses, you bastards!

I gave James Kennedy a copy of the National Geographic Magazine, with the woman, standing behind the younger picture of her, hoping, that for once, he just might be actually, someone, who, while not knowing me, before, may have seen me in the videos, of me testifying in the Utah State Legislature, or actually refusing to testify, for a reform in asset forfeiture, seeing that even the reform bill, which went down in flames without my support, while about 1,000 cops from all over the state, and maybe nation, stood, in awe, as I passed the microphone, from the sponsor, of the bill, Bill Wright, a noted Dairy Farmer, and known for being a constitutional proponent and defender, trying to bridge the gap between me and the cops, but to no avail . . . when asked to speak in favor of the bill, I just passed the mic down the table to a kid, who was helping with the bill.  There was silence in the room, because, I was the death nail to the new reform, the compromise . . . a friend, said the difference between JoAnn and a terrorist, is you can compromise with the terrorist.  I will compromise on other things, but the Constitution, is not one of them! 

Speaking of TOXIC BACHELORS . . . a KENNEDY of Any Flavor is An Indecent Proposal, and an Accident Just Waiting to Happen!

I was going to dedicate this blog, to giving some advice on dating, looking for a partner, and choosing men, after seeing a poster of a young girl, reading, smiling, and enjoying something she was reading . . . hoping that many young women, will read my blog, and not necessarily emulate me, dangerous in deed, but will learn, grow, excel, challenge, think, evolve and basically get a kick our of a really fun, life, one of many risks, but many joys, and honors, trophies, and adventures.  Emanuel Kant, a philosopher, said, we should not do something in our lives, that we would not want, every person alive to do! So, I use caution, but generally apply this to my ethics, and choices morally, like lying, cheating, stealing, taking credit for work that I didn't do, like the title, I love, Toxic Bachelors, having been thinking of James, the Kennedy curse and reputation of the men, and trying to avoid a tempting disaster, relationship wise, choosing, always to follow my head, rather than my heart, the weaker of the two, but I looked down on a cart of books, that  needed to be reshelved, and this title jumped off the page, written by Daniel Steel, another symbolic name, because due to the shroud of secrecy, there are only a certain number of select men, who are allowed assess to me, and they are generally, their men, company men, if you know what I mean, men vetted, trained, and tested to be loyal to the government, their goals, which are often at odds with my own--mine being to take down the Patriot Act, and those followers, before they take Me, a constitutional law attorney down . . . and the battle rages daily!

You see, the two documents, one being 238 plus years old, true, tried and tested, has withstood the test of time, and is the Supreme Law of the Land, to which I have taken an oath to defend, protect and preserve, and I will at the cost of my life, if needs be . . . the Patriot Act, is void as a matter of law, as interpreted by the U.S. Supreme Court!  But covered agencies, under the Act, like the CIA, FBI, NSA, and other flavors of cops and robbers, are covered and protected by the act, from being held responsible for atrocities, like we saw with the torture by the CIA, recently, that shocked a nation, seeing themselves above treaties, that dictate war tolerances and those crimes and tortures that are in violation of treaties and laws, both nationally and internationally.  But, these covered agencies, think they are above the law . . . BULL FUCKING SHIT! This is a side bar from what I wanted to talk about with you, but will refrain, but will mention a few things.


Like I say, or rather the scriptures say, vengeance is mine, saith the Lord!  I love it!  Okay, so yesterday, the night after a cozy, scripture read, with me and James, as his invite and care, pulled my chair up next to his, and we shared the Bible, his, while the nightly preacher, tries to rescue our sorry souls.  But, it is all I can do, not to take this time, sitting next to him, not to reach out and touch, as they say, on some song.  But, I also, figured, that either directly or through the grapevine, he is going to find out that I think he is a bounty hunter, and after my sorry ass, and I kind of exposed all his lines for future assignments, if he is who I suspect, in this world according to JoAnn, having like, I said, been on this rodeo circuit before, with this type of guy.  And when I say, that he and Guy are dirty biker dudes, I am not referring to their physical cleanliness, but the lifestyle of a biker, they are both clean, but I did notice that Jame's cuticles were cleaner, than before I said that, but that might have just been the day.

What I am referring to, is that, one of my husbands, the one I thought I married, the real biker, not the infiltrator government double, had a book, called the American Biker, a nice photographed book, depicting the life of a biker.  There were many pictures from the Hog Rallies, sponsored each year by a Harley Davidson Dealer, bringing people from across the country, joining in a few days of merriment, drink, rides, rallies, roads, and activities.  Right after Elliot's band, God's Revolver, came out, unofficially, with their second CD, the one in a deal with Sony's, +Translation Lost, the five year project, that wasn't even  named, that seemed to slip from the original band, into the hands of the Plains Mistaken for Stars, category, that several music promoters, tried to tell me, was just the way, Sony does business, not sorry about slamming you on the movie, The Interview, hope you fucking lose your asses, after what you did to my son's band, music, and deals you cut, to cut him and the creators, protected under the U.S. Constitution, from getting their due fame, you motherfuckers!  

But, anyway, just a little passion, hatred, and fury, but, when I game Zion's Harley Davidsons, in Hurricane, a copy of the latest and greatest, new CD, the manager, just took out a pen, and check, and asked me to tell them what to write it out for, to have the rowdy, raucous, whisky slamming boys, play at their Hog Rally, but fucking bitch, Rachel, Elliot's, government infiltrating girlfriend, along with a co-conspirator, ditched into my bedroom, in my now, debunked, and stolen, St. George, or Bloomington home, and came up with a plan to protect the Plains would were already taking the freak show imitators on the worldwide tour!  Listen to the music, and you will see the total, 100% fit, the bikers would have loved it, and the band, that I already knew was being jacked by Sony, would have had instant exposure, throughout the biker world, and the Plains would have been toast, due to the theft of the previous CD, Little Black Horse!  Sorry, I will never forgive them, my family, my sister, my husbands, those participating in a fraud so huge, worth at least a billion or more!  FUCK YOU TO ETERNITY!  Hell will freeze over before I even forgive any of you . . . 70 X 70 was passed years ago!

My point, after venting, forgot, but was, that last night again, after not sitting by me at breakfast, must have gotten the word of my blog, the slam, the analogies, and I was not shocked, because, most people were not beaten by their fathers and able to disassociate, their minds, body and spirits, or hearts, as effectively as I can, leaving my love interest, reeling from heart-pain, while I am fine, having seen work as work, and play as play, heart, as heart, and What Does Love Have to Do With It?  Tina Turner.  But, last night, he must have, not read the word, yet, and he pulled my chair, close to his, while the pastor, or the deacon, was delivering the message, which only endears me more, and I jump at the opportunity, to sit next to him, because he generally doesn't sit still for long.


I am not listening to the deacon from the Episcopal Church, I am blowing off my entire salvation, for one slip of the hand, down between his thighs, high, but not too high, melting with him so close, finally, exchanging the hand job, to the hair--he had, I think, just taken a shower, and his hair, wild as it is, was dry, but pulled back in a ponytail, and it had ringlets, and curls, that I just couldn't resist, finding the other action, might get both of us kicked out, so I reached up and touched his hair, that was enough, to leave me up all night, thinking about him like a high school girl.  I am good at denying myself, and controlling my actions, and I am totally too smart, to start, something I can't finish, on the floor of the Rescue Mission, kicked out for sure!  The good thing about not allowing men in the dorms, is, there is no where else, you can get together, unless you have money, which I never do; therefore, whatever I would like to do, is out, and probably against my better judgement!  Parents, you may want to censor me . . . LOL!  For sure!

But, this morning, he would not talk to me, or barely, didn't come into get breakfast, just coffee, and disappeared, until it was time for us to leave to walk, me and Nick, to the library.  Okay, so he heard my blog, and is hurt, but he needn't be, I forgive easy, and forget, even faster, what I even wrote that might have gotten him pissed off, I think it might have been something like, the Polish sausages in the frying pan?  Just ignore that.  You will find with me, that I even suspect my own grandma, who is dead, of being a spy, and against me, and that comes on reliable thoughts, because, friend, foe, client, etc., have actually turned and lied about me, and I don't fucking trust anyone.  I always error on the side of safety, guilty until proven innocent, after years of deceit, and lovers, alike, are thrown into the mix, in fact, they were set up to take me down, and on assignment; therefore, James is just getting what he deserves if he is an agent, and there to fuck me over!

If someone is loyal to me, I am completely loyal, I will go to the ends of the earth to defend, love, cherish, protect, much like the Constitution that I love, but if you lie, lay in wait to pounce on me, or fuck with me, I have no problems, cutting your balls off and throwing them into the frying pan.  We all have decisions to make in life, regardless of heart, love, and whatever, get in our way, and there are conseqences that are attached to our actions.  I really, am not like any woman that you have ever been with, and I am not controlled by my pussy, my lust, my love, my attractions, or any of those things you have been taught in school, I just don't roll that way, I always hope, that a man, will rise to my, very minimal standards of decency, that you don't sleep with me, if you are being paid to fuck me over in other areas.  Remember, all is fair in love and war, if you want your feelings protected, protect me, or don't be with me, at all!  PERIOD!

Love is a game, that you don't get to straddle the fence on . . . all for, or all against with me, fucked over by too many.  I am open, but not stupid!  


P.S., on the vengence part, James was cleaning off the tables, after snaking me all morning, obviously, different to everyone, much as I had done to him with the younger guys the lunch before.  So, it was perfect, when Charlie, a fun loving, cool, guy--many there due to a DUI, and no expungement statute or law, working on that tomorrow, but, I was joking, with Nick, about the word, hot, and sarcastically referred to myself, in the flow of the moment, and said something about being hot for being 60.  Just as on cue from on high, Charlie pipes up, loud and awesome, given the morning, and he said, you are 60, damn, you make 60 look good!  I couldn't have planned this better, Charlie, just like with Chris and his cousin the day before!  LOL . . . there is justice in this world, once in a while!  LOL!  James didn't look up, and didn't find it amusing, but it was!  Like I said, the entertainment is free!  Have a GREAT DAY! 

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