I Cut My Teeth on Wedding Rings!
The government, has their dudes, their studs, that are trained to seduce, entice, beguile, melt, temp, and get you under their spell, and I believe, I have participated in their training sessions a time or two, witnessed through nano-technology, by younger agents, being trained in the seductive arts, of the male spy, who is to get information from a woman, such as myself, when one of these guys, gets the pleasure of being with me, or lucky enough, to actually get me in a motel room, or bedroom, which is rare in deed, ask the guy who propositioned me yesterday, and the cyber spies who heard the whole thing! LOL! I had a lot of practice as a young Mormon girl, who's father told her not to kiss a guy, until she was sweet sixteen. Many a high school stud, athletes, officers, cheer leaders, and the like, heard, near and far of my reputation, for waiting until the ripe age of 16 to kiss a guy. Many tried and many failed, and that reputation and reality has followed me to this day. I am more adapt at refusing, catching and releasing, that I am to being caught on their line, or tripped up in their traps myself. Again, men, tend to underestimate me in this area too, but I am well versed, not necessarily in the art of love, or romance, but rather head games, challenges, the battle of the sexes, or the battle of the mind, for ruler over the largest sex organ, the human mind or brain, which I am very adept at, and generally, win my prey, while they are thinking I am the prey. Men are traditionally, and historically, the hunters and women the hunted . . . but, I am good to play the part, of the hunted, while watching the hunters, hunt me! LOL!
The Bounty Hunters Were No Match for Cinderella & Blue Birds!
My innocence beguiled them, reeled them in, made them, less suspect of devious intentions to foil their plans, to catch me, arrest me, detain me, without charges, no hearing, for an unverified amount of time in a detention center, FEMA camp, or the Billings Woman's Prison, never to be seen or heard from again, for being a female activist, homegrown terrorist, or enemy combatant. After six days of failing miserably, they turned in over to the trickery of inside traders, whom I had to deal with at the Butte Rescue Mission, and by the way, I had the time of my life, thrilling, chilling, exciting and adventuresome, 30 or so spies, and meetings, times and bedtimes, to contend with, without getting caught, arrested, blocked, or whatever their intended outcome would be. Even the Copper Lines Bus drivers were in on the gig, if not undercover cops, who would scheme and theme the cops, as to where I was, what my intended stops were, for what reasons, and at what time.
This morning, I ditched out of the Mission, at about 4:45 a.m. and went down to the bus terminal, thinking about getting out of town, before the crew woke up. Last week, by the grace of God, I got sick, and was able to come up with viable excuses to miss intake meetings that looked staged, with undesirable outcomes, and time and time again, the scene was set for my take down. People came and left the Mission, cops dropping off, alleged homeless, or the mentally ill, as part of the retraining, of the cops, to handle domestic violence calls, and wellness checks differently, than tasering and arresting them, or shooting them, as in the case of the Missoula PD. The Montana Legislature is also, dropping the jail times for 8 misdemeanors, which is a great idea, since the jails are overcrowded, with petty criminals, who smoked marijuana, failed to register their car on time, or were late on insurance, fix it tickets in the good old days, or whatever, non-violent offenders. I loved one of the female legislator's comments, who felt that many people who were in jail, didn't belong there, but she didn't have the energy to fight a bill, when she either, had others in the hopper, or was burned out. She had compassion, therefore, I would guess, she was a democrat. Republicans control the House and the Senate, as in Congress, and she probably knew, she could not get the votes to change things, is my guess.
Utah Boy, Going to the Bakken, Constitutional Law Questions
Never tell people, you are either an attorney, or better worse, at constitutional law attorney, if you want to get out of town, without anyone noticing you! LOL! So, this guy, looking like a member of the unofficial Mormon militia, a Rand Paul fan, asked me about some rule, of the party conventions, Republican in this case, having believed that Mitt Romney, stole, many delegate votes from Ron Paul, whom, I know in Montana, was promised at least 5 delegate votes, and was somehow, upstaged, or strong armed by the Romney goons, to turn their votes for Ron Paul over to Romney. I know, that while I was out on the west desert, just 17 miles outside of St. George, with one of my client's fathers, out in a debunked polygamist community, that was all but dead, but still connected into FEMA, search and rescue, Homeland Security, and others in Area 51, at top military and government facility, right out around that area, but, he is self-sufficient, has amazing equipment, to get the news, generate electricity, and get briefings by the government daily, was listening to Russian News, via his equipment, and he told me to watch this program, before the 2012 elections, right around the Republican Convention, in Florida, and it was reported, that jack booted thugs, working for Romney, appeared a caucus meetings around the area of the convention, breaking fingers, and twisting wrists, of even pastors, with caucus meetings being held in their churches, and forcing people to vote for Romney over Ron Paul, so I knew where this guy was coming from, a bit.
He said, he took a property law class, 20 years ago, and said, that there was some rule, that there had to be 5 of something, and at the last minute, the rules were changed, aberrant from the normal, rule making process, that made if mandatory, that there was 6 of whatever, it was, I forgot, the term he used, and he said, that won the election or the nomination for Reagan, at the last minute. He also, said that, should have disqualified the convention, then, and for Bush Jr., and also in the case of Romney in this last election, that particular rule was bent or manipulated, bringing a nominee, that perhaps, should not have been the one, that was right under the rule. I told him, that the only place that I could see, where it might address rules like that, of constitutional mandates, was in Article II, of the United States Constitution, and I doubted that, but said, that I would guess that the conventions rule making body, were the ones, that would have the power, to change a rule, maybe by amendment, at the convention? But, I told him, I would do some research and write my blog on it, when I figured out what he was referring to. And I will, because he was concerned, with Bush and also Romney, rearing their ugly heads, that this rule changing process, he felt was illegal, might happen again, and his boy, Senator Rand Paul, of Kansas, your man too, allegedly, Mr. James Kennedy, might not get a fair shake at the electoral college, or at the Republican convention, that has been, by the way, moved up to July, rather than I believe September, like last year, due to the large number of candidates.
Is Law School Easy? Not Necessarily, Easy, but Doable by the Disaplined
This man had a college degree, in business, and it was in a business law class, that he heard about this issue, during the Reagan years, from an escrow law attorney, who told his class, that they needed to understand the basics of the U.S. Constitution, to understand property law, or any law for that matter, it should be at the roots of every law in this federalist system of ours! He also, said, which is also true, that you will not be able to get this information and learn this from most attorneys, and he is correct. Many, not only don't understand the Constitution, but don't understand even our legal system, they don't even get it that we have a civil and criminal system, nor that there are both federal and state issues, involved in every issue, that is dealing with about any case, law, statute, and especially a constitutional law issue; therefore, most attorneys, and those wanna be attorneys, like my sister, that would give her virginity, whoops, she lost that at 15, to be not only an attorney, but, actually me, are so simplistic, that their analysis will fuck up, say, those who believe that she can direct cops, lead the legislature, or analyze complex legal issues, simply, because the cops, or the family, or the Mormon church, decided they liked her better, because she was nicer! LOL!
Than may be so, but you are barking up a tree, that has no roots, and a little bit of knowledge that she has gained from studying my cases, reading my blog, or doing research on her own, still doesn't replace, the digging, the thrashing through the trenches, in all areas of law, like I have done, to get to the proper legal and constitutional analysis, to get the RIGHT ANSWER, rather than the one, the payor wants . . . a true, constitutional law attorney, will not be able to even guess, what the outcome of a legal analysis will be, regardless of who made the request and the desired outcome, because you have to go through about 8 to 9 levels of analysis, and that is, if you know what the fuck you are looking for in the first case, to get the right, not necessarily, the party line, or the church line, or the cops, line, and then, regardless of who is pissed off, you have to give them your best educated opinion on the issue! That, my dear, is the problem, most people, try to approach an attorney, like myself, who is bought and paid by no, one, or if I am paid, I can't promise, that I will find for them, and that is the bottom line, I can't say they will win, or should win, and they hate me for that! Shelley, Kay, Kelly, Sue, Rachel, Tiff, the girls, club, will give you what you want, by way of bull shit! I WILL NOT!
I am not for hire, if you want, your intended outcome, because, you might not get it, and you shall not, if that is not the way the cookie crumbles! PERIOD! You don't pay a constitutional law attorney, to fight for your side, if you want to know the right outcome, so you better be prepared for the analysis coming out, either for your side, or against you, and you need to accept, what the attorney, a surprise to them also, at times comes up with. Call it risk management! Not an advocate for your side, per se . . . now that is from a real constitutional law attorney, not a fraud!
Trip to the Library, Sabotaged, Sorry, Cop Waiting!
I encouraged the man to get a hold of the Montana Citizen's Guide to the Courts, as I have encouraged readers to do, for a great overview, not only of the federalist court system of state and federal systems, but also to understand courts of limited jurisdiction, like water courts, and bankruptcy courts, or to get a birds eye view of Indian Law, which are both at issue in the Salish-Kootenaie Indian Water Compact, but far be it from me, to educated, those who refuse to be educated, who claim allegiance to the Constitutions, while supporting a water compact that clearly violates both, state and federal, plus state law, water law, and Indian law, or the Hellgate Treaty of 1855, but who am I, when you have non-attorney, doubles, who will sweetly, lead the legislature down the prime rose path to hell, giving you false hope in an asinine compact, that at least last time I read it, was full of shit, and trouble, for Montanans, being duped by the fear of taking on the feds and the Indians, together, horror of horror, so lets, cave in, rather than trusting the Constitutions, to pull us through, regardless of the size of our alleged enemies, whom you will find, are the Wizard of Oz, if they don't have the SUPREME LAW OF THE LAND BEHIND THEM!
This man, said he hadn't slept, when I told him, to catch the city bus, go up to the library and get a copy, right in side the right side of the library door, if you can keep the three stooges, the legislature is listening to, who keep blocking the view of the Guide to the Courts, by putting the Free Butte Record, or whatever the rag is called, making it look like I am the liar, and they really are not there, or they don't want, you, the public educated, for fear, that they have led you astray, and they have, but what do I know, I am just the real attorney, they the fakes, but they do have big tits, or they are nicer, and they will cost you in the long run, by feeding you the other sides, lines and fear tactics, because, like the world bankers, these guys are funding both sides of this war, and want to exhaust the resources of the state!
Three times, I have accidentally, typed by error, the word, BUY, they have bought, the other side, whatever, that is, against me, because their issues, are not to help the state, as my intentions are, free, but to fuck me, regardless of what it costs you! But, I wanted this man to have this information, as much as I want you to have it, and the cops girls and the cops, obviously don't want you to have it, because, by some one's alert, they were standing at the doors of the library, I am sure to surprise me, or stop me from getting someone from Utah, since their court self-help, SUCKS! But, as I rounded the corner, there was a cop car, and then, of course a cop, not a normal occurrence, at the library, unless you are me, on a mission for this guy! LOL!
I told the bus driver, who just might be an undercover cop himself, who might have warned them, in the hour run, before I get there, leaving the bus station to the south part of town, then back to the terminal and uptown, after that. Nonetheless, I am not going there, especially, when I ditched the mission, just this morning, with a likely coup, staged for my intake meeting at 1:30 p.m., make-up for their failure to catch me last week, due to sickness and brains, when extra workers are there, and all of them, come, and keep checking on you, to make sure you stay, which I am known, to be a ghost, as I have done, already . . . something is up! LOL! Never stick around to find out! I told the bus driver, never mind on the stop, and told him to drop me off at McDonald's, and he started to type something on his text messaging, while driving, alert, of change of plans, that I would be at the Golden Arches . . . changed my plans after I saw him type, and had a great 99 cent, chili dog at KFC! And sat and watched as cops, cruised past me, and went around the back of McD's! LOL! Later a spy from the mission came in to eat, and tried to turn on a neon-sign, but it didn't work! If God is for you, who can be against you? Nobody! Oh, I also, saw boyfriend, James Kennedy, out of his jurisdiction, probably crying in his soup, for not catching me, before I left!
Your No Good, Your No Good, Your No Good, Baby Your No Good! Using Love to Get Me Caught! Brutally Handsome, but Still Underestimated Me! I Eat Wedding Rings for Lunch! LOL!
As two of the undercover chicks from the Mission, boarded the bus with me, and we took a tour of the south part of town, the first time, someone pointed out that James was on the side of the road walking? Too bad, bad boys finish last! LOL! I had a husband, out of the rank and file of the Inter Pol, cesspool of cads, a biker too, or rather a government infiltrator of bikers, and he, mind you, this is James Bond, material we are talking, but they work with woman, like the ones I mentioned above, the type who ride Harley's bare breasted, lay a hog if commanded, and try to catch hot dogs on a string, while their boobs, are bouncing around, for male entertainment, so not a stellar crowd for which to train, while dealing with me, darling, but, Frank, code name, aka, AB for absolute bastard, once said to me, I have never been treated like, you, by another woman, and I said, up your anti, hub, you are not dealing with bar flies and mall rats! I am a god-damn, good attorney, and you need to up it a notch or two. He, I guess wanted to impress me that I was lucky to be with his sorry ass, and said, that he had slept with over 800 women. I said, that I had turned down sleeping with over 800 men, including him!
You my dear, have to put something into that effort and those women, I don't! I just say no! You tell me, which of us, is the master of the other sex? Smile . . . James, are you listening? Sorry, I did like you, but brains are worth more to me than brawn! I know, I am not a man, thank GOD! Grow up, and come see me in Kalispell, once you get over, not catching me, cops and all, spies and all, Mission and all, Guy and Mark and all . . . Glacier is nice in the spring, and I am very forgiving, but I doubt you are, or you would be a anomaly, in your crowd, they all want me dead! LOL! Not this time . . . smile! Song on the radio, here at the Silver Bow Mall . . . Yeah, you will come back to me . . . we'll see? I am not trying to destroy you, so, the ball is in your court, I am just along for the fun of it all! No, sense of humor? Come on Sweetheart . . . Kiss.
Sorry, Mr. Utah, I Owe You 2 Dollars for the Bus! But, I Will Do Your Constitutional Analysis, and We Will Be Even! America, will Benefit from Your Question . . . 2016!
P.S., I just pulled up the bounty hunters, after trashing Guy and James for a few weeks, and the ones with the new show on Animal Planet, are not these two, shit! At least I had half a chance, with James, he liked me, Guy hates me, but, I just consider the source, I guess they are just normal cops of some federalist flavor, feds, locals, or state? U.S. Marshalls, Texas Rangers, but, James might could pass for one of the bounty hunters, who were in Kalispell and Missoula, right about the time, Guy and James showed up, but, whatever, bounty hunters, cops, feds, all one in the same, chasing my sorry ass!
January 23, it will be my 3 year anniversary, being a member of the United States Supreme Court! How cool is that, and cops have been trying to get me ever since, in fact, tried to stop me from ever making it to Washington, D.C.! Stop underestimating women, and you will be more effective and your jobs, but wait, until I am through with my tenure track! LOl!
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