The Dream That Tells It All . . .
After my friend's new pet, a baby, kitten, woke me up, by playing with my hair, I drifted back into the deep, REM, sleep, the state of sleep, that most dreams come. I had a dream that, not a client, because I have chosen not to activate, write the Montana Supreme Court for admittance, or re-take the bar exam, not being sure I really want clients, or to practice, or do much other than I have done, testify at the last Montana Legislative Session, almost two years ago, do constitutional law, legal analysis of things, like the Salish-Kootenai Indian Water Compact, still a hot topic issue, or write my blog, helping people through legal coaching, pro bono, or pro se work, and once going against attorney, local, Mr. Dudis, in the alleged Judge Robert Allison's court, after my client, Georgeanna Hartunge, in the matter of Dorothy Darrow, had a melt down, and turning to me, for help, because I was, well familiar with the case, having at the time of court, written at least a 20 page brief, and later, another complete, slam, with evidence of wills, living, powers of attorney documents, and as a matter of law, conditions for the activation of will provisions for guardianship, activation, at the time a physician, deems, Ms. Darrow, either incompetent, or other situations that might merit a guardian. But, other than that, even though, judges from several states, given my U.S. Supreme Court bar membership, with Shelley, stealing it, and paying Georgeanna, and the fraud pod squad of Kalispell, among others, to lie and say that it is here, not me, who is the attorney . . . I challenge that bitch to write a blog a day, rather than taking credit for mine! LOL!
I am sure that Shelley is mortified, as she should be, that she ever agreed, participated, worked with, or tried to be me, I will eat that bitch alive, sister or no sister, along with all the other fucking Southwick girls and guys, including my own mother and father, who are right in their, from the get go, with daddy encouraging the gals, his favorite ones, the alleged active Mormons, or the ones with little butt fucking boy scouts, the end all, praise all, for grandpa and ma, but, wanting to trash my kids, right along with me, but being unable to do either . . . LOL! Read the New Testament, Daddy, try, if you set a trap or snare for someone, you fall in it yourself! I'm lovin' it! I will love the day, when all your sorry, Mormon asses, are fried in hell, along with Mitt Romney, Hank Brock and Jay Rice! Take fucking Mark Shurtelff, former AG, right with you, you sorry fucking, son of a bitch! Good God, Almighty, throw these money changers out of any temple, out of this country, out of any Church, you are associated with, cleans Utah, as early Mormon prophecy states, starting in SALT LAKE CITY . . . THIS IS IT, BIG BOYS! LOL! Hey, and you DC contingency, you little, nerdy, fucking NSA, FUCK YOU!
Every time I swear, God, my Intel guy, reminds me, and sends a Buick down the road, B-U-ICK! LOL! That is exactly what I am trying to do! Now, a local contractor or construction company, Swank Enterprises, to me, symbolic of actress, Hillary Swank, of Million Dollar Baby . . . hell, yeah, and the movie, Conviction, where Swank, who's brother is framed for a murder he didn't do, actually, gives her two boys, to their father, goes and gets and undergraduate degree, and then a law degree, and eventually gets her brother out of prison, after 18 years, on appeal, but sad to say, in real life, he dies, 6 months later . . . now that is the type of love, a brother or sister ought to have for their siblings, not hatred, jealousy, envy, coveting all that is theirs, but rejoicing in their success, that was never, never, never, rubbed in their face! EVER!
I got awards, I never even attended the social function to get, gave Kris Knowlton, the trip to represent Utah, at the Clinton, Violence Against Women Act, luncheon, where we were to be honor, with me writing the grant, designing the book, the graphics and the style, in a user friendly way, bullet version of the law, not text intensive, with graphs that are still used by the Department of Justice, the 8 section wheel, of isolation by a perp of domestic violence, or human body trafficking, plus writing the cop portion, and with Kris taking total credit after I was allegedly out of the picture, the helping Shelley perpetrate a huge fraud against me, and she should be prosecuted! The law states, that a person has to be fucking dead for 100 years, to take or give credit to someone else, and even that doesn't make sense . . . I dibs Shakespeare's writings, how absurd! Whatever . . . the reason, they could get away with this total 360 degree take over, is because, I never took credit, never attended award ceremonies, and quietly went about my work, as an attorney! Holy shit, it took a total theft of everything I am, was, and could be, to get me to take credit! WOW! I got an award for being the toughest professor on the University of Utah campus, with law schools, and medical schools, a huge, prestigious university, and having the toughest grades, hard combo . . . an never attended to get my award, check Shelley's collection of my awards!
Hell, the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals, I believe made me a special certificate, with an Eagle and lightening, that cost me $200 just to mat and frame, Rachel? This woman didn't even know how to use an email, or type a resume, last I checked, and I believe she used my resume to win her election on the town council in Bloomington, because she had no other reason, not to let me read the resume that Emily, her little bitchy brat, wrote! You don't get to claim my stellar children, Rachel, Shelley, Sue, Kevin, Mark, Frank aka Allan, Michael, Jack or John, Tony . . . none of you, take your own shit, you raised them, I get mine! The fruit doesn't fall far from the tree . . . yours are rotten fruits, probably actual fruits, because you are rotten to the core, bad to the bone . . . you can't produce good fruit! It is a fundamental impossibility! Mother and Father Dearest, the only reason, I am as good, non-materialistic, a pure as I am, minus the swearing that will only be a result of frustration and a stress release, due to your actions, is because I checked out of the family, by about 2nd grade! With God, as my witness, he was my Father!
I am sure that my family, my parents, felt that it was unfair, in their socialistic family view, of the greatest amount of good, for the greatest amount of people, thus, deciding that, their non-product, who grew up wild and free, loving God, not man, left the family early, clinging to a totally different value system, thank God . . . the materialistic family, that so well fits with the Bushes, Cheney's, and fascism, worshiping, G.O.D., gold, oil and drugs, among image, the perceptions, clothes, style, body, don't worry about the mind, the big boys at the top will take care of stealing that from sis, who paid the price of a law degree, took the bar, practiced law, at the highest levels of Utah government, and in private practice, got four bar memberships, always with Certificates of Good Standing from the Utah Supreme Court, at the same time, those they supervise are trying to take my license away, so the gals can get credit, with Billy Walker, a former boss, knowing, I collected more for the Office of Recovery Services, in one fucking case, than my predeceser, (spell check turned off!) assistant attorney general, over 8 fucking years, no . . . my work was excellent in every area I touched, to the last drop! I collected almost a half a million dollars! Beat an attorney, in the defense bar, gaining the respect of the defense bar, and being invited as a force to deal with, having never been to court!
At This Point, The Dream About My Daughter, Telling Me to Get the Picture, That Without, There is NO Trace, Connecting Me & Her . . . Is all YOU Need to KNOW!
- to protect Nicole's privacy, at her request, that was the most popular name in her age group, so hardly able to connect, other than, the guys, or gals, I hope are on the side of justice, locking these criminals up, forever, without mercy, for they had none, lives with her husband, and her two children, outside Washington, D.C., about 45 minutes, and was, until a month ago, a resident of Louden County
- Rachel, Sue and my mother, if you can call her that, went to visit Nicole, when she had her baby, since, my father kept, over $3,700 per month of my private and public disability money, jealous even of that, kept my profits from the sale of my home in St. George, and is probably still collecting my Paul Revere Disability Insurance, that I should have received until I died, that magically stopped, at the pointed date of my death, 2002, and when I didn't die as planned, the money, allegedly stopped, on a glitch, really dad, when I called, they said, that it was still coming, and he may have collected up to $350,000 over the time period, then someone called back and assured me that stopped at the 2 year mark, that bribe money, has kep the lies going for years, and still it . . . so, because I could not travel, due to expense, after being ripped off by my own father, somehow, Sue and Rachel, or both, bury me at the mother, of not only Nicole, but Elliot, Chris and Greta, respectively . . . as if this had been in the works for years, when I said I was getting a divorce, the sister brigade took me to lunch, trying to dissuade me from going through with the divorce, and said at that time, which I find very interesting, that if, I gave Zeke, or Richard, the kids, and went to law school, whatever my children did, I could not take credit or have bragging rights to . . . WHAT THE FUCK! What father, when only one parent generally gets custody, has not claim on his children, do you think jealousy is at play? They, the family, wanted my children to fail, right along with me, and we all thrived, excelled and beat the hell out of their own offspring, therefore, they want to claim mine . . . was that a foreshadowing? I was with my children, more than my globe trotting, card playing, sister shopping, absentee mothers, I was actually with my kids every weekend, driving my son, Elliot, and Isaac, Shelley's son, who took the music, the fame, the money and ran, plus set me up on the marijuana, plus, tried to get my second house taken away in Parowan, a total piece of shit, just like his mother, and his grandfather!
- when Nicole, was young, in first grade, going from Polk Elementary, with the picture, I am going to describe in a minute, the picture at issue, that might actually be the actual link, with everything else erased, going back to the last time, Nicole, visited me in Salt Lake, with her Air Force, Buddy and Boyfriend, Grady, but, in first grade, at the gifted school, in a school, at Dee Elementary School, where my aunt Althea or Ali, Southwick also taught, Nicole, told her teacher, I will be good, because my mom is good . . . and she is excellent, always was, always will be, like her mother, minus the mob, family, government, Mormon invasion, the Body Snatchers . . .
- Nicole, won the Reflections Art Contest, in kindergarten, with a picture, the most darling, cute, and greatest interpretive picture, full of creativity and imagination, and shockingly good for a kindergartner, but the sky-scape of New York City, with multi-colored buildings, not quite straight, with happy, yellow colored light coming out of them, and tons of them, and a blonde bombshell, Lady Liberty, with live hair, tons of make up, lipstick, mascara, blush, eyeliner, noticeable eyelashes, possibly a colored dress, but, holding the flame of freedom! She won region and the picture, as I recall, went to state, where I don't think she won, but they kept the picture as it seems, from memory, as probably the cutest Statue of Liberty . . . foreshadowing of mother's profession, constitutional law attorney, with a daughter, who teaches her Mormon Church young women, about the U.S. Constitution, and runs girl's camp like a SERE, POW camp or training, passing on the confidence she got herself, while in the military, stating that she can't imagine where she would be without doing service to her country!
- had my family had their way, the Mormon Muffin way, my daughters never would have gone in the military, never would have married who they married, never traveled to 19 to 23 countries, and would have been cloistered as Mormon Muffins, waiting for their knight in shining armor to save them . . . my daughters wear army boots! Mother and daughters that fit, sons too, who would never have been little rockers, never have been skaters, or snowboarders, with Uncle Mark, saying he wouldn't let his kids walk across the street, to meet my son, and Shelley's Isaac, before he got corrupted by materialistic assholes . . . now, they all want to claim my kids, whom I gave total freedom, within reason, with guidance . . . to do exactly what they wanted to do with their lives!
- in the dream, there were many compartments to this kind of apartment, that in each room, there were connections to my past with my children, my younger three, especially, my ex-husband, Jerry Owens, who was probably undercover since my law school days, after I scored top, I believe in my constitutional law class of 180, with my professor asking me to be his research assistance . . . because Jerry tried to no end, to get me to stop going to law school, and to abandon the fight for the U.S. Constitution, as a losing battle, with me willing to go down with the ship, wanting to go to Washington, D.C., if necessary to save it, as taught, that it would hang by a thread, looking back, it is the elders of the CIA and FBI, with 70% Mormon, who hung it out to dry with Bush and Cheney . . . but, looking back at the picture of my Air Force, military trained linguist daughter, was I the model for my daughter's, Lady Liberty . . . possible, back in the day!
- I went to a Salt Lake apartment, allegedly with a client, friend, and several other sisters, of her's or mine, just to serve divorce papers, because this woman didn't know what she was doing, so I decided, as I always do to help her . . . in the process of serving her husband, I lost my shoes, my socks, couldn't keep track of anything, and in the search for various items, the rooms, connected me to like the Salt Lake apartment my sons moved into for awhile, then to a room with connections to Jerry, but on the floor, in this mess, losing personal items, and looking around there were three, huge, fat cats . . . gray, my sign for CIA, sneaky, stealth, old due to the color but, bloated, and massive cats . . . symbolic of the old school, REDS, retired and extremely dangerous, that have done this to me, want to claim my kids, for already stolen music, covering their asses, their failures as fathers, etc., Frank (Texan) aka, Allan Rex Bess, and friends, Jack/John King Strode/Ware (Pennsylvania water money), Michael McClintoch (allegedly born in Salt Lake, adopted to California rancher), can't remember his fake name, but he was also the fake judge, who I believe stepped into the Kalispell, Darrow case, off record, with a predetermined outcome, that Shelley, CIA's JoAnn, gets credit for my awesome writing, and Tony or Anthony Osthemeier (Pennsylvania Quaker, easy Mormon), all Harvard, or other distinguished schools, back east, before the Mormon Missionary CIA, FBI, NSA days of today, but men of character, prestige and honors, back in the day, with nothing to lose, and everything to gain . . . the T&A boys, that probably got sexual access to any of these government hookers, as part of the Mormon polygamy bull shit, that is why Tony joined the Church, but wife #1 wouldn't go along with it, but that doesn't mean he stopped believing!
- in the dream, the wife, and her husband, came out, arm in arm, and decided not to get a divorce, blog yesterday, or day before . . . but, the most informative, was Nicole, showing up, of all my kids, not as a child, but more, like right now, and she said, Mom, get that picture upstairs, I was not sure what picture she was talking about, and she said, if we don't get that picture, there is no way to trace me to you! I woke up, immediately after the dream, and started to cry, thinking, that all the fragmented rooms of the apartment, were symbolic of the fragmentation of my life, from that Salt Lake apartment, when I was working at the Utah Medical Association, which Rachel, claims, with my father, keeping a letter, from Leon Sorenson, Val Batemen, and all the doctors, thanking me for my efforts, literally to save, the doctors, not only in Utah, but across the country, with perfect timing, and the regret they have with my terminal illness . . . my Intel, guy, just sent by a Coors Light truck, for some reason, can't remember, but that may represent, Kay Baby, my dad's term, when he substituted Kay Burningham, in my place . . . bragging rights retained? My father read a novel, or screen play, that Kay had written while I was practicing law, and he loved it, or said he did, and after I was poisoned, maybe with a malice of forethought, Kay started to take my place, with Brett, refusing to divorce me, and Kay, stepping in, not only being the girl she had been jealous of since 7th grade, but getting the family, she always wanted, and best buddy, sis, Shelley, willing to share and share alike with Brett, the swinger, who would not divorce me . . . all fits, nice and neat, but Kay doesn't want her kids, she wants to claim, mine, because her and Brett, with the rest of my family, didn't just stop at subbing me out, but also Elliot, then they tried, to do so with Chris, Kay has a Chris, and cop kids, for the rest, but my kids, didn't fall apart, they thrived, and eventually, were so much cooler, than the cop kids, they inducted my kids to their side, either known or unknown, survival with spouses, shit!
- the fragmented, life, probably inspired the day, Jerry, Rachel, and Marcie, started making the record of alleged mental health issues, forcing me into the Behavioral Health, at LDS Hospital, it was all planned and all in the family, way back, Shelley getting my drivers license yanked, after me not driving for a year, Rachel, mom and dad, showing up, trying to force me to take meds, which I refused, dad telling me I had a choice of going into the St. George, Behavioral Health, again trying to force meds, wanting to establish a record of mental health, having me arrested, and on and on . . . dirty, dirty, dirty, corrupt, corrupt, corrupt, Shelley trying to get me put in a group home or a nursing home . . . and they are the ones stealing my cases!
- after I had been poisoned, probably at the hands of Shelley, biologist from hell, Rachel calling me to see how I was, and stating that I had written a note, Humpty Dumpty, sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty, had a great fall, all the kings horses and all the kings men, couldn't put Humpty together again . . . I just didn't realize, that Bush was the King, or Jack, and they were not trying to put me back together, they were taring me and my kids apart!
- I had two houses, totally furnished for my kids, hell, I didn't need them, but Chris, my oldest son, said, and the only thing, the kids, ever requested, was a home to come back to for the holidays . . . so, of course, what did the Mormon mafia take, the two homes . . . Shelley sitting her ass in the first house, 24/7, and she wasn't responsible for Isaac, and his alleged marijuana, the reason for the alleged raid the day before the May 8th, 2011, trip to Denver, to argue a $357 million case against the state of Utah, Shelley saying, the constable, who had been to the house several times, knew damn well, who I was, and who that lazy ass Shelley and her worthless crew of dead beats, were . . . oh, JoAnn they must have thought, I was you, so they took your furniture and all, practice and all, thinking I was you . . . allegedly, your sister is an attorney, and two sisters are not saying they are named in a lawsuit, and have a judgement against them for $33,000, without a hearing, notice, or anything, the reason they took MY furniture, to cover that judgement, what judgement? Better collusion with Judge John, fucking, Walton!
- Brock and Rice, Cheeks, all took bribes, before the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals, before they took or hatched the plan to steal everything I owned, taking ever dime I made, that went to making a home for my kids, NICOLE, you are sleeping with the enemy! Sue, Kev, grandma and pa, Shelley, you name it, Rachel, all of them, long planned your demise! They literally, beat the living hell, out of your mother, from that apartment in Salt Lake City, in late 1999, to 2000, when they wanted the prestige of my general counsel position, not to mention the rest of my resume, and the plan was set forth, to destroy my kids in the process!
- you and your mother, are enemies to the Bush doctrines, the Patriot Act, the fight to kill the U.S. Constitution, your mother was at logger heads, with the fascist Bushes, and their Mormon boys and girls, why do you think that grandpa, had a picture of George W. and Laura Bush, long after President Obama, was elected, and a second time, beating that fucking MITT ROMNEY, who stole $118 million of my contingency fees! Read between the lines, look back, think, look at George, everything that took you away from me and your family, isolation, control, even to home schooling, getting you to quit, not only working with the Republican county commissioner, where you would be respected and were, but known, and the senator who also wants your help . . . George, keeping you out of the limelight, not letting you see me, and refusing to let the grand kids see me, think back to little Meggie Schmidt, just happened to stay with you and George, not Sarah, go deep, look back, take the shackles off, this was planned before you ever got home from the Air Force, taking both your mother and your father out, simultaneously, with dear little sweet grandmother, stating that your father never would have been fired, if he had been Mormon . . . both parents, who could have protected your brother's music, or you kids, taken out of the game, and most likely considered dead, or worse . . . denying my life, think, honey, what does the picture symbolize? The very thing, Bush, family, Mitt, Mormons, FBI, CIA, NSA, and possibly your husband, hates . . . they want a one world order!
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