Justice Sonya Sotomayor--Face on 60 Minutes Ad
It is funny, that as I read the interview between, FBI Director, James Comey and Scott Pelley of 60 Minutes, with many questions, doubts, the need for answers, skepticism, conflict, going from wanting to believe this man, who put his job on the line, stopping something the President had wanted done, and his rejection and objection of that request, even rushing to the hospital, to get to U.S. Attorney General Ashcroft, who was on his death bed, to stop the effort, and messenger of the President, I can't help but wonder, if this is just a monkey grease job, by the government to make the public think, that this man is totally working to make sure that surveillance if done the proper way. He talks of cywatch, as secret location, in a big warehouse, where the FBI can train many agents for multiple missions, and wondering why, as I talk on my cell phone, at times, it sounds like guys in a large warehouse are listening, with a large room, hollow walls, or cement, and an echo that is so annoying, I usually make my conversation so quick, so as not to here myself repeat what I just said, also suspecting someone is listening to my conversations.
As I was reading the 60 Minutes article and interview, I noticed a picture of Justice Sonya Sotomayor, in an ad on the side of the page, advertising a service to have access to more interviews and episodes. The reason it caught my eye, is because at first I thought is looked like my older sister, Shelley, who has been impersonating me with great success, stealing everything for multi-milion dollar cases, high profile cases, taking credit for legislation, work on the Salish-Kootenia Water Compact, and other legislative issues, talking to elected officials, clients, friends, even places I want to rent, jobs I have applied for, claiming credit for this blog, and apparently, with the help of your FBI, or is it still former directors boys and girls, Friesh or how ever you spell his name, you know the guy who was under the Bush administration . . .
FBI agents showed up at the Frank Moss Federal Courthouse, in Salt Lake City, Utah, on January 18, 2012, when I was blocked from my federal e-filing account, stopping me, not only from filing under my old account, which I firmly believe with Shelley having access, first in St. George, later in Parowan, to my cases and computer, with me often travelling, in court, or meeting with clients in several states, but also unable to get a new account through the federal court, to file from afar, making me take the trip to Salt Lake, come 4 hours north, only to find and FBI agent, running to the parking machine to beat me to it, and grabbing his suit coat, revealing to me his FBI badge and his gun!
And surprise, surprise, surprise, both, to the shock of the clerk, IT people, were out of the office at the same time, which had never happened before, making it impossible for me to check on the computer glitch, which I knew all along, was not a glitch, but an orchestrated conspiracy to stop, take credit, defraud me out of not only the case, but the contingency fee, and for an alleged twin to take my place, with glee on her face, like Justice Sonya Sotomayor, who was missing from the U.S. Supreme Court, the day I was sworn in, with my double, with government help, racing to the nation's capitol, to beat me there, do a photo op, be sworn in Sunday, January 22, 2012, with the help of the secret service, FBI or CIA . . . and you expect me to fucking believe you, as you do the public, that you don't do surveillance without a court order . . . hell you broke in the U.S. Supreme Court, with a white limo waiting outside, blocking off the roads, making me move, and then from the back of the courthouse, seeing people run, this way and that, at about 9:30 to 10 p.m., committing the fraud on the court!
The happy camper, looking much like Sonya, is just beaming with pride, taking credit for all I have done, for my resume over the last 20 years, for my cases, my blogs, my life, and even my children and grandchildren, in an orchestrated, sinister, cywatching plot with me under surveillance 24/7, or under constant contact, so the FBI can know, just where, what, when, with whom and to whom, I go, talk to, write about, try to get a job with, rent an apartment, purchase a car from . . . so, you can send your fucking agents in to either bribe, cut a deal, threaten, kill in some instances, those who will not cooperate with you and the crew at the FBI, with CIA, right there by your side!
I like Justice Sotomayor, have a connection, took 32 pages of notes during her senate confirmation in 2009, but guess what, your fucking asshole agents, since way back in 2008, started fucking with my name, telling my political friends, to take my name off my emails, with many being yanked right off my computer, while I haven't touch a key, just like having to fight to publish this blog, having two sites, if not more on the dark web or deep Internet . . . really, you got a court order, to do exactly the types of crimes, you and the FBi, are allegedly paid to STOP! Good GOD, almighty, 7 fucking, god-damn years of your fucking surveillance, your games, your bull shit and helping Shelley, who is fucking half of the FBI and CIA, shadowing me, or you covering with your new cywatch, making it look like I am either somewhere I am not, like, the deep web, I can write from Montana, and it is bounced around to volunteer sites, and ends up with an IP address of Shelley's, or one of the other crew!
Don't Hide Behind the One Time, You Actually Did Protect Us!
So, they selected a guy, James Comey, who at least, at one point in his career, actually, was acting with a conscience, something that was rare in the Bush administration, in any agency! One agent, or attorney, who in connected with one act of valour, and that is going to over 7 years, even since the PRISM program was in operation, I have had surveillance, if not out right plot to set me up, as a serious criminal, with Homeland Security sending criminals, acting as detained, Egyptian refuges, who want to work with me on immigration issues, claiming to be trained at law in England, but really wanting to practice and learn the American system, with the U.S. Constitution in mind, and within days of coming to my house, this fucking undercover agent, is reaping havoc around the courts, the jails, and with clients, setting up wire tapping equipment in my crawl space, and using a home computer to record history of kiddie porn, because I was representing a kiddie porn king against ICE or the Immigration Customs and Enforcement Agency!
When I threw his ass out of my house, within about 2 days, taking his shit to the federal building in St. George, dropping it off to the FBI, who then took some of his stuff, and went up to where the secret building Homeland Security was using, with the agents there, probably FBI, standing there is shock that first I knew what they were trying to do, set me up, to kill the case against ICE, but acting, i a dumb stupor, like they had just eaten a canary, with the feathers, still sticking out of their mouths! This is such totally and utterly annoying, criminal behavior, unconstitutional as hell, and totally fucked up at BEST!
Start With Cleaning Up This Mess . . . I Have Handed You Heads On a Platter . . . You & Your Agency Has Done NOTHING, Other Then Bug the Shit, Literally Out of ME!
While I am educating the people about the very document, that you claim to have allegiance to, you or your men and women, are stealing all I do, taking blogs, parts of blogs, while blogs, or stopping me all together with your cywatch! And when asked in the interview, if there is any surveillance, without a court order, and answering as if that is the most inane question, that the FBI is above reproach, By the FBI? No. We don't do surveillance without a court order . . . are you talking about the blanket court order allowing the agency, once ever 90 days, to have a FISCA or surveillance court, rubber stamp the FBI request for a warrant that allows them to get into every phone record, or computer account of the whole god-damn nation? THAT COURT ORDER? REALLY?
I know, that your little agency, what was it called again? Did you say, the FBI or the Federal Bureau of Investigation, who has harassed, intimidated, threatened, followed, tracked, fraudulently conveyed my intellectual property, helping the real cyber criminal, Shelley, or Kay, Rachel is just the body double, or now Sue, the legislative double, you are the terrorists, the agents of something foreign to America, treasonists, and serious criminals, not me . . . take me to trial, televise it, so the people will know what he real, JoAnn S. Secrist is . . . not the one, married to the wonder boy, who is just stealing my work and claiming it as either his or his, alleged lay, or me, wife, Shelley, SHIT!
Get out of the spying on American gig, and go after people like the Boston Bombers, you know real threats, or your own agency is a great place to clean house, and I would start with every goddam MORMON! Which you yourself may be . . . get this right, people are PISSED, people like me had stories, dates, times, places, evidence, evidence, evidence . . . and your are blowing out your asses, or you are in on it! I would be mortified if I was the director of just a criminal organization, one better than the American ISIS, the CIA, but criminal, none the less . . . take one blog, that is anything but trying to get this country back to the free nation we were intended to be, before the universal cry of NATIONAL SECURITY, WHEN YOU ARE NOT EVEN CONCERN ABOUT SECURING OUR OWN BORDERS!
Either a UFO or Surveillance!
I believe the night was last Thursday, is is not old stuff, this is real, relevant and raw, as you can get, and happened in the last few days . . . Thursday, John Bagby and myself, were parked up at West Shore State Park, on the Flathead Lake, just sitting watching the harvest moon rise from beyond the mountains, near Bigfork, see blog written that night, entitled, And a new star . . . when I was writing about the heavenly manifestation, or so it seemed, that night, on the Lake and as we entered Kalipsell. But, while we were siting at the beach, parked, a vehicle, pulled up, bugging the hell out of us, with it dark, you could tell there was not room, and we had occupied the only space there really was, not even being a parking place as I can remember, just pulling up, to take a bathroom break, answer a text or two, and to our surprise, see the moon come up. So what in the hell is this dip shit doing, pulling up behind us, then to the side of us, even seeing how narrow the space was that we were parked in . . . with both of us, turning to glare at this stupid people, but with me, as always, wondering if they are just getting close enough, to see what John's license plate number was, as has happened, another time, that there appeared to be an assassination attempt, up at Hungry Horse Dam. It soon left, but the thoughts didn't leave me, as they never do, with constant and relentless surveillance on me . . .
Saturday, night, we had gone up to the 10 Lakes area, came down for supplies, thinking we wanted to camp out, and deciding to go up to Hungry Horse Dam, rather than going back to the long distant campground, we actually never found, while we were up at Weasel Lake, a place John had frequented as a child, or even lately with his hiking parents. So, we found our favorite spot, nestled back in a cove, right up by the water, with a stream, the stars, and a quiet peaceful night. One night last week, we had watched the lunar eclipse, so I had been awake for several nights in a row. John is my kind of camper, we just go, not sleeping bags, tents, or provisions . . . just get the hell out of the city, and rough it, sleeping in the car, listening to music, reclining the seats. Which is what I was doing, John, however, who I believe had just lost his job . . . earlier that very day, I was warning John, that he had been a protection for me, and he needed to be careful, that Dave, Jeff, Micheal, who had tried to warn me about the CIA and NSA, down in Nevada, ended up dead, and I didn't want that to happen to him . . . go figure, he gets fired that very night at work, after 7 years on the job!
Coincidence . . . do ya think? Hell, NO! The powers that be, probably had surveillance on our conversation in the car, and realized that, yes, John, had protected me on several occasions and kind of has an open policy on me couch surfing, while I am trying to stay long enough to land in my own apartment. I would bet my eye teeth that John was fired to make ME more vulnerable! My pa, fucker father from hell, and connected to the CIA, or the undercover CIA, the OSI, that he used to belong to, with a fresh sewn baseball cap with the initials of an agency that was allegedly merged, disband, or changed to the CIA, and a fresh hat, where in the hell did Rachel's old nanny, who followed, my own daughter Nicole, into military service in the Air Force, I am pretty sure! Or is this other Nicole, my Nicole's double? Because Rachel, as well as Shelley, is one of my children's other mothers! I am buried so deep in dog shit, with the dog pile of sisters, friends, clients, attorneys, that I am not to be found, with the help of the FBI!
We Need to Get the Hell Out of Here Before They Shoot Us & Send in the Clean up Crews to Get Rid of the Bodies!
So, John, awakes me out of a dead sleep, I would say, around 3 or 4:00 a.m., leaving me wondering first, why is he awake, and why isn't he tired, he drove the other night, of the eclipse, almost all night, almost to Missoula, looking for a spot to assassinate me, dump the body, two days in a row, going up deep into the mountains, or around the Flathead, John missed turn offs, he has known his whole adult life, and he is missing turnoffs and taking me to unknown areas? I would hate to accuse a good friend, but many a good friend has done the same thing, either been an agent, before I met them, playing the friend, or taking money for putting me in harms way, either doing it themselves, or in some cases with John, him looking like a willing participant, like the last time at Hungry Horse, he laid back his seat, but had his eyes oh, so slightly open, acting as if he was asleep, when a car, abnoxiously pulled up too close, with a direct shot to me, with John out of the way, and another car, waiting in the trees, . . . I insisted we book it on out of there . . . books, symbolic of Shelley, the reader, the book seller, the dealer in librarians and school libraries!
But with the two previous nights activities, John's unending energy, with a huge lack of sleep, taking wrong roads, and staying up all night, and this night, staying out, taking a lawn chair, drinking a beer, and then waking me, about 45 minutes, after the alleged aircraft of some sort, he said, either UFO or surveillance, not acting alarmed or afraid, saying he saw this light, that came out of the sky, and seemed to land on the car, or close to him . . . no, it used to be, that John, even at the mention of cops, surveillance, or being tracked, would freak out, and flip out, not wanting to know anything about the government. He liked our friendship, but didn't want to know any of my government activities, and was very grateful to me, when I did, out of concern for him, leave town, if I thought there was a threat, when in reality, I believed the threat to have come from either John, DJ, Shannon & Greg, or David Russo, who just happened to show up to the Salvation Army breakfast, as did his mother, Georgianna Hartung, the other day, stating . . . oh, there you are, I thought so, after not seeing her for months?
The Stress Case, Is Calm as a Summer's Day, Losing His Job of 7 Years!
Without a care in the world, John tells me about this science fiction, or drone activity, seemingly, out of the normal, not having a care, a scare, or thought and worry in the world, markedly so, just casually mentions, the event or the surveillance, stating that he alawys did want to see a UFO. John was freaked out one night, when Myrle, my old roommate was watching strange phenomena, on the fucking TV! He was so scared, he went into the other room and took a shower, and this fearless guy, is now, sitting all alone, on the banks of this huge lake, seeing this light come out of the sky, land on the car, and he doesn't wake me up? Both the serene calm and the night event make me wonder what is going on? Something is up, the set up?
Maybe, I am just the one who writes about this stuff, and John, like so many others, is paid to say that it is one of the other chicks, allegedly taking my place, nice, easy, with every person I know, making the same claim, and some dead who didn't, or wouldn't, easy choice, turn her in, just claim that all the stuff you are doing with one JoAnn, is in reality the other Joann . . . they play with the small "a", to make people think that there are two of us, when in reality, there is only one, but there are several copycats, yeah, my term for CIA!
To lend credit to the constant surveillance, another out of the ordinary event took place yesterday at McDonald's fast food restaurant, on Idaho Street, I generally get up early, and McDs, opens at 5:30 a.m., which is the perfect time for me, to get a Diet Coke, breakfast, or whatever. The buses were not running yesterday, because of Columbus Day, so that seemed to give me reason to think that Tammy, a former, person from Salt Lake City, who was a tenant, in my very young married days, living on Highland Dr., in Holiday, Utah, managing 48 apartment units, the Monico Apartments I think, back in about 1975 or 76, while my husband, Richard Clifton Secrist was attending the University of Utah, as a geography major, but I never knew her, and she said she was afraid of me back then! LOL! Maybe she had a foreshadowing of what I would eventually become! LOL! She also followed my career from the Utah Attorney General's Office . . . she was working in criminology, or something related.
Nice gal, and very necessary to have state that I am not the real JoAnn, with connections dating back to the 70's, my real early days, with my daughter, Greta a baby at that time, turning 39 this last week or so . . . time flies! I run into Tammy on the bus, every once in a while, and did just the other day. We always have a lively conversation, and the thought crossed my mind, that Tammy would be one person, who would be hard to not only get to lie, but she has I believe the equivalent of 2 PhDs, or is quite educated, so a formidable attachment to my former married life, and Utah AG days, not to mention early days on the bus, and in Kalispell. So, yesterday, she shows up, and pops into the McDonald's Play Area, where I like to get there early to plug in my computer, with only one of two plugs in the whole place! So, it kind of surprised me that Tammy, out of nowhere, just comes directly into the area I am at, doesn't act surprised to see me, as if someone told her to go spy me out, and then report me as either there, having written on my blog that I was writing from there, or stating that yes, JoAnn is there, but it is really, Joann!
Sad, to Say, I Think the Later Was the Case
Tammy was great, shared her breakfast, since I didn't have any money, and best of all got me a water cup to share her Diet Coke with, so I could get refills, through the transfer of her purchase, to me, when she left, which I was extremely grateful for, being an addict, with no money, and none in sight for a few days. The first thing she did was ask if I was writing, yes. She told me that her computer was broken, we talked about seminars I had attended lately, two educated chicks thrive on new sources of info, and smart people, making us smarter, I told her of the Friendship Force or Peace efforts, with a gathering tonight at FVCC or the college, but she doesn't drive, so night events are out. Then she did a very strange thing, she asked me if I had a license, I told her I did, until December 2013, until I let it lapse, to get a Montana license, seeing they would not let me have two licenses at the same time, and now I was having trouble getting my California birth certificate . . . so, her offer of a car, to drive, would have to wait, until I could get my license here, which is proving to be a big pain in the ass, with the first step, being my birth certificate that I paid for, I paid for, leaving John's address, but either never receiving it, or John intercepting it, as I believe he did with my Walmart Money Card, back around January, but intercepting the mail, and giving my birth certificate to the Joann with money, or Shelley!
When you only have a few friends, and they keep you on the run, spending ever dime, you take a couch or a bed wherever you can, especially, since these assholes, contact the shelters, the food entities, buses, and other stops someone in my situation might frequent to stay alive. So, the thought of rats, cats, and bats, pointing me out, than lying about me is a common experience, and sure enough, I believe they got to Tammy, because, yesterday, on top of showing up, without notice, or shock finding me there, she also, as one point, looked out the glass doors, and nodded to a chick, I didn't know, standing on the other side, alerting her to something, with the girl, promptly, ditching out of sight! Either to rat me out, letting cops know where I am, or enemies of various sizes and shapes, or sisters, who have not put her on the pay roll, or FBI, covering their asses, and making sure I don't get another blog, in and under, or around their surveillance, making sure that no more damaging blogs are blasted to literally hundreds of millions of people throughout the world!
Tammy also, did a strange thing, she said, that she was going to adopt me, and I am older than she is, and when I said that, she looked and said, but you look so young! That is part of the problem, people think I look too young to have practiced law for 20 years, hell, I didn't start until I was fucking 40 years old, and I am turning 60 years old in two months! But, I am too young to have had my kids, too young to be who I claim to be, and everyone, even women like Tammy, might, after talking to me for two years, either actually question if I am the real JoAnn, she remembered, or thinks she was duped, even though I know everything about Salt Lake and the stuff she is talking about . . . doubles are trained, with 24/7 surveillance, they know my stories, and hell they are sisters, who heard it when it happened and probably so jealous back then, it was imprinted on their memories . . . raging with envy, now seeing my youthful looks, actions, and energy as my enemy, not my ally, and that is true, John keeps thinking I am 49 years old, and every time, with pride, I remind him that I am almost 60 . . . but that my come into play, as a ploy for my doubles, too young!
Tammy left, shortly after that, oh, but first, she wanted to adopt me, give me her mother's house in Bigfork or at least let me rent, until her father was gone, she wanted me to drive her around, once I got my licence, but this seemed strange in and of itself . . . she reminded me I had met her father, and he knew me from Salt Lake, and had followed my blog, and was a fan . . . she would get me into the upstairs . . . security just came.
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