President Obama, Abandons Prepared Text, and Asks Why?
"[J]ust last month, at least one top Republican in Congress said that tax cuts for those at the top are -- and I'm quoting here -- 'even more pressing now' than they were 30 years ago. More pressing. When nearly all the gains of the recovery have gone to the top 1 percent, when income inequality is at as high a rate as we've seen in decades, I find that a little hard to swallow that they really desperately need a tax cut right now, it's 'urgent.'"Why? What are the facts? What is the empirical data that would justify that position? Kellogg Business School, you guys are all smart. You do all this analysis. You run the numbers. Has anybody here seen a credible argument that that is what our economy needs right now?"
The Economy & the Hot Dog Analogy
I remember this article, I read in some newspaper, about the time the recession was declared, out of who knows what newspaper, somewhere likely in Montana, but a father, I believe in Chicago, or some large city, had a son who was attending business school, at Columbia. The father was a street vendor, selling hot dogs of all flavors, shapes and ingredients, and he was doing so well, probably paying for that high priced higher education of his son's, that he was going to finally move off the streets, and build a hot dog store restaurant. When the son heard this from his father, he said, oh, no, haven't you heard of the recession, that we are going into a very dark economic future, and you better hold off on that new store, and stay on the streets. The father protested, and said, but we are making record numbers, we have plenty of cash in the bank, and I am sick of being on the streets in inclement weather, and I am getting older. The son, insisted that was a bad business move for his father, and finally, the father, acquiested and deferred to his son's knowledge and inside information.
Well, that is much the mentality of the sky is falling, baton down the hatches, crawl in a cave, until it is safe to come out . . . when that is precisely the attitude that caused the great depression of 1929, freaking out, losing faith in the banks, and financial system, and this time there is probably merit to that, but thanks to President Obama, his staff, professionals in all walks of business, the economy, and even billionaires, who stepped in with the belief in the American system, America, is once again, gaining back the financial growth and prosperity, promised in the Preamble to the United States Constitution, of prosperity to me and my posterity . . . thank you, for your guidance, caring, tenacity in light of sceptics and nay sayers, for those who have criticized you, denigrated your efforts, even when it benefited them, and for setting a plan for financial recovery, that is taking root, and going forward, in spite of the dooms day critics!
May the Force, Continue to Be With YOU!
Yesterday, while I was perusing my favorite new sources, I came across, notice of the speech, President Obama, gave to the Kellogg Business School, at Northwestern University, near Chicago, hoping to inform the bright business and economy builders of the future, the ones, who not only voted for the President, but are smart enough to rely on the facts, before making their decisions, and starting their career paths, encouraging them, in their planning, to take a few other Americans with them, for that is what it is all about, not just about you, but about US! Any educated person, knows full well, that there were many people along the path to knowledge and success, that laid the cornerstone, sacrificed, and got them to where they are today . . . kind of like the hot dog dad, that braves both heat and snow, to put his son through college, only to be stopped, when that education actually hurt the father, rather than helped him!
One of the main reasons I supported President Obama, is because he is smart, not great at promoting himself, but very intelligent, is not driven by ego, but driven by a concern for his fellow Americans, who have not been as lucky, advantaged, or had the opportunities that he, himself, had, it is that community organizer spirit, that drove him to seek higher office, to enable him to help people in communities with housing needs, and he did that in a big way! As you will recall, in 2008, when the shit was hitting the fan, with the total mortgage crisis, banks, insurance, and financial institutions were going down, after making horrible, bad, terrible, egregious, decisions, preying on the American public, many who didn't even speak the language, getting them in homes far above what their incomes could stand, then gleefully going after them for fines, fees, default notices, and foreclosure and evictions at record rates, while on the other hand, making money hand over fits, taking bailouts, mortgage insurance up to 9 times what the house was worth, and then taking the house back on top of that, offering the people mortgage modifications, that they could never get, but taking tens of thousands in fees, to turn around an gouge them, kicking them out of the house, when they had maximized the money they could get out of them, being the ones to put them in that situation in the first place! Fuck'em Prez!
Citi to Subprime: 'Out, Damned Spot'
Citigroup's History in Subprime Lending . . . Citigroup is preparing to ax OneMain Financial, the unit that makes small subprime loans to U.S. customers. Chief Executive Michael Corbat says OneMain is a 'terrific business' but doesn't fit the Citi model' of focusing on high-end customers in bit cities. But subprime loans have a long history at Citygroup.
How is that for an elitist, arrogant, bastard, who was part of the record profits, during the recession, due to their creative predatory lending, robo signers, and whatever, to fuck the American people out of their homes. And if you will recall, it is that fucking, President Bush, who was vying for his buddies, the rich business owner, who just stood back, along with his appointed Secretary of Finance, Henry Paulsen, of another benefactor, Goldman Sachs, who orchestrated a scheme, so clever, so cunning, so aberrant to American values, and standards, that he said, this is just so, complicated, that we just can't figure it out . . . hell, I can't even balance my check book, and I could figure out what was going down, We the PEOPLE, were getting screwed! Timothy Giettner, paying no taxes, like GE, with record profits, hires all those 700 plus tax guys, to make sure they pay no more taxes, than Mitt Romney!
Thank God, that a community organizer, such as President Obamacare, stepped into the mess of the century, that almost put the whole world in financial peril, as one by one, countries economies were dropping out of the bottom, and did something for Main Street, are you making the connection between the name of the group that Citigroup is dissing . . . you got it, ONEMAIN! There is another irony, in the name, because all things are symbolic by nature, and intents, hearts, and thoughts cannot be concealed, from what is really going on, that intent will surface somewhere, another play on the word or group, Won Main! The good news is, our White Knight in Shining Armour, who happens to be Black, so you won't give him any credit, is amping up regulations, which the absence of, caused this mess, and going after, or at least monitoring what these assholes are doing, so he can put, plans and efforts in place, that like Bush's hideous ones, that the Obama administration, got blamed for, with Bushites, doing all this just before he was leaving office, like the 1200 to 1900 executive orders, that fucked the people as well, but the Prez. is taking precautions to protect, Main Street, rather than Wall Street, who the Bush admin, bailed out . . . they were just too big to fail . . . BULL SHIT!
I hope you don't forget, AIG and Baer Sterns, and their lavish retreats, even after receiving bail outs, and don't forget Mitt Romney's Bain Capital, that took $30M in government bail outs, really? Good God, there were some of us, watching in horror, as money was laundered into Boy Scout Arrow manufacturers, Mob Museums, race tracks, and these don't sound like mob activities, because that is precisely who was working the system and getting pay outs! And active citizenry is what it take to stop this shit from happening again! All these trader, treasonous, bastards, should be in prison, that is plain to see, and maybe, after the U.S. Attorneys, figure out the sinister plot, to bankrupt America, they will go after even presidents, who were involved, and you better hurry, Bush senior is getting up there in years! If I can help in any way, let me know. Note: this article came in the Great Falls, TRIBUNE, Money and Investing Section, C1, Friday, October 3 . . . my daughter's birthday, 2014, so yesterday. And I am proud to announce for the newspaper, this newspaper, rivals the Wall Street Journal, but it is more fair and balanced! Good job, I used to have your CEO or CFO on my email list, until the government, NSA, shut it down. KUDOS!
Economic Highlights From the Northwestern Speech, Great News!
Now, I am going to apologize to the President, I was not provided with notice, that this speech was happening, or I would have prepared more and had a note pad, or something, I was running out of time, and so I took notes on what I had at hand, which was three library post cards, with old writing on them, so scratch paper, and a manila folder, I got from the Women's Rescue Mission, with a staff, trying to help me reconstruct my life, after, go figure, two former financial planners, Utah Republicans, 70% of the CIA, over financial crimes, the perps, FBI, with Mormon connections, family, friends, gang raped me and stole my case, like many home owners, I had not other paper, so I took notes on what I had, and that was on four or five things writing on all sides, with tons of notes, but I will do my best to feature the great things that are taking place, hoping that will get the money, the ideas, the investing rolling again . . . with what President Obama, the alleged socialist said, that CAPITALISM is the greatest vehicle the world has known . . . what his speech . . . CALLED, President Obama Delivers Remarks at Northwestern. Typical No Drama, Obama style, so I have to put the juice in it for him!
Structure for Financial Recovery Foundation--The Plan
- strengthen investments, research in clean and sustainable energy . . . America is now, the # one producer in the world for oil, producing more than any other country, 6 years ahead of schedule
- wind turbine producing energy has tripled, and in addition, has reduced the carbon footprint
- we have 100 years of natural gas stored, and combined, these efforts have created 10,000 new jobs
- the motto around the world, is if you need something done, the world is coming to America! Whether it is to learn about free speech, or for protection against ISIS, or India, seeking American investors, when at the end of the Bush administration, India, Brazil, and China, were the up and coming economies; we have recovered better than any other country, LEADERSHIP!
- people like Mitt Romney built his fortune on outsourcing jobs to China and other countries, but after years of cheap labor, manufacturers and factories, are starting to come home, because, not only is the labor cheap, but the products are cheap and shoddy in construction and quality, and companies are spending so much on recalling items, and in quality control, that the profit margin is being eaten up, Buy U.S.A. MADE!
- America exports and sells more goods to the rest of the world than EVER BEFORE!
- public education is improving, drop-out rates are dropping, schools are getting high speed Internet
- the goal is that America will lead the world in education again, there is a race to the top, teachers in 48 states are training kids to win in a global economy
- investing in community college tuition, grants, scholarships . . . I know, I read the Daily Inter Lake, Kalispell, Montana, and Flathead Valley Community College, has been getting money for manufacturing, technology and industry degrees, with programs beefing up, NASA and other grants are coming to Montana colleges
- more young people a gradating from college than ever before, partially to the job rate, the economy, while it was improving, the Obama administration was making money available for college, to women, vets, and others
- colleges, currently have more women than men, and that is partially due to some limitations for traditional male jobs, but women's pay, needs to be equalized, equal pay for equal work!
- before Obamacare, there were double digit premium increases, the insurance companies, many who didn't need to compete, and had a corner on the markets in states, would only insure the healthy, making money hand over fist, and those with pre-existing conditions, and they would not insure them!
- there has been dramatic trends in the drop of insurance costs, as state exchanges, and new providers, showing up on the scene and able to get into the market, filling niches that were not previously available . . . remember that old capitalist notion of supply and demand, millions of uninsured have now flooded the markets, and that is driving the cost of insurance down
- employers are tied for the lowest rise in insurance premiums ever, while the worker may not feel the immediate effect of the health care reform, you employers are, it is like getting an $1800 per year pay raise, with the decreased costs of health care to your employer, hopefully they will pass that on to you!
- the consequences of reform are to make insurers compete for your business and premiums, with your insurance following you from state to state, rather than being tied to a job, simply to get insurance, you can take it with you, or try out that new business you have dreamed of, but were limited, due to needing insurance
- (1) it is slowing down the cost of health care; (2) increasing the number of insured; (3) compare and compete, frees you up to move and groove; (4) increase in health care costs have slowed to a 50 year low, or the slowest the rise has been in 50 years; and (5) the independence has been worth it, and by 2020, $188 billion less in health care costs, and savings . . . not bad, Congress, thank God, you didn't pass one of those 40 to 50 repeals of the law! Rejoice America, that we have a totally inept Congress!
- get the wealthy to pay a little more in taxes, and I would add, get them to just pay their fair share of taxes would work miracles!
- cut the deficit . . . which has been cut by more than half! And it appears that this foundation will continue to make this deficit go down!
- pass a minimum wage bill, 28 million people will benefit, 7 million already have, thanks to President Obama's working with governors, business, volunteering to increase the minimum wage . . . I remember one state, back east, New Jersey, or Iowa, Ohio, one of them, that not only took the President's advice and challenge, but they voluntarily raised the minimum wage to $16 per hour, and it did so much to help the state's economy, that that state is going to raise the wage to $20 per hour, it releases money into the economy, in business, companies are starting to limit the bonuses of top executives, that are not living on minimum wage, and taking that money that doesn't even make a dent in a CEO salary, and dispersing monies throughout the company
- people who work full time, out to be able to live on that wage, children are hurt, when parents, both, have to work 2 jobs each to make a living a family can live on . . . we will pay down the road in juvenile courts and jails, not to mention school shootings, we need to consider the larger picture!
- while this seems contrary to pro-business ideals, and benefit, it is exactly the opposite . . . Bloomberg News, just reported that corporate balance sheets are almost as strong as they have always been . . . THE FACTS SHOW IT!
- capitalism at its best . . . business begets business, money begets money, loyalty begets loyalty!
- the policies are on the table, they are working, foundations have been laid, and the President, joked that he is not going to tell you who to vote for, but it is implied! If you think your vote, or who you vote for, doesn't matter, think again, with the Republican control of the House of Representatives, and only two seats, and they will control the Senate, it fucking matters! Mitt Romney, in the final debate of the 2012 presidential election, agreed with President Obama, on about 6 key issues, and finally, the Prez. said, then why in the world would you want to change, and elect him? Don't let party labels fool you, and fool you they have, look at the voting record, what losing the Senate would do, to these American gains!
- this is the part of the speech that President Obama, diverts from his prepared text, and turns directly to the students, to think about what the Republicans are saying, that the top 1% who have been the ones who have benefited the most from the economic recovery, and have not been the ones to build the economy, why in the hell should we give them more tax cuts? The middle class has always been the ones to carry the economy, create the jobs, send their kids to colleges, and when the MIDDLE CLASS DOES WELL, AMERICA DOES WELL . . . DO THE NUMBERS!
- Obama's recovery plan is just starting to pay off, most Americans, have heard that it is improving, but have not yet felt the effect of that, but give it time, look at the whole we had to dig out of! The President, needs a Congress he can work with, who will support the gains, and not sabotage these efforts for political gain, fucking their constituents for mere guile!
- this is our moment in history, to define the next decade, set the stage for America's GREATNESS!
- while many of these things seem, to be for the greatest amount of people and the greatest amount of good, it actually is a statement about, Capitalism, which the Prez. says is the greatest force in the world, given the greatest amount of freedom known to man, and we all do this TOGETHER!
- we need to support the middle class, there are not silver bullets, we need policies that would grow faster economic growth, like investing in our infrastructures, like putting 2 trillion into roads and bridges, that we can pay with tax return money, make America's dilapidated interior, after spending all the money abroad rebuilding places like Iraq and Afghanistan, and keep the money here at home, making it attractive to us, and the world, creating tourist money . . . Glacier National Park had a record year, and i know there was not one English speaking person, at times I was up there, bring in the money, through the beauty!
- make it easier for first time home owners, there are allegedly 70 jobs created for each new home that goes under construction, it is putting people to work, I am seeing building going on, all over the state of Montana, I know building permits are up . . . Gov. Bullock, a Democrat, is following President Obama's recommendations, in many things . . . and it is working!
- we need to invest in clean angry, for job growth and sustainability, invest in new American energy sources . . . just before the 2012 elections, there was $9 billion worth of investment money, lingering in off shore banking and Swiss banks, just waiting for Mitt to win, well, he lost miserably, and great, so drag that money out, and start investing it in America! What the hell good is it doing for either you or the country, in other countries? Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country . . .
- statistics have shown that pre-school education, can help kids later on in their educational development, especially from disadvantages homes . . . it gives kids a safe environment, education, and gets them enrolled in high quality programs, made to make the economy stronger, plus it helps parents . . . we need real world training in high schools, real, relevant, and raw!
- we need to make it easier to pay off college, student loans, and make sure that graduates have an opportunity for success, some of you fat cats, with huge bank accounts that add up yearly, dig deep in your hearts, like Rupert Murdoch, and tons of you, 1%ers, and pay off some bright student's loans, incognito, that yearly $49 million per year, is just doing nothing, other than sitting in a bank, they have found that the 1% or billionaires, contribute 1% of their incomes to charity, while their less affluent middle class, contributes, 3% . . . amp it up to match your middle class, peers, or betters, as Christ would see it!
- we need immigration reform, bring the best and the brightest from all countries to attend school, create new jobs, new avenues, or bring their great ideas from other countries to make ours better, that mantra of bring us your tired, your poor, and your hungry . . . has worked in this melting pot, it is an opportunity to build American prosperity! It worked before, how do you argue with success?
- America isn't slipping, we need to invest! Raise the minimum wage . . . it all boils down to hot dogs, have faith in the recovery plan, believe, invest, and grow! It improves the economy, always has!
- we need equal wages, it gives the economy a boost, women with degrees, need to make a good wage, and husbands, should want this, it helps your whole family . . . take it from President Obama, with an attorney wife, who was making more than he was, he smiled and said, husbands, you want that equal wage, smile, Michelle was making a six figure income when she met the Prez. or he met her, and I remember hearing, Governor Chris Cristy, smile, because his wife's large income as an investment or financial manager, or something like that, gave him the opportunity to dabble in politics, this is not a bad thing, there are women would are really smart, and will bring the added female perspective, that compliments a male, perspective, kind of the ying and the yang of economy and business, and they are finding the most rocking companies, have women at the conference tables, with many new CEOs being women, of traditionally male markets, like in the GM car manufacturing and marketing . . . oh, yeah, she has decided she was too nice, and she it getting tough, Yellan over the FED, the day and age has come, there are people of both sexes, that are brilliant, and will make a difference in this world of ours . . .
- we need to pressure our representatives to pass minimum wage and wage equality bills, and encourage women in the areas of math, science and technology . . . the e-book, the Science of Power, in the author's final analysis, said the day of the fighting man is over, and we need the female psyche to save civilization! Give her a chance!
- None of these things, on its own, will save the economy, but the cumulative effect, is HUGE! We need to continue with the plan, until more people FEEL THE GROWTH AND RECOVERY, these polices are right for the economy, the President is willing to work with either side, as he has evidenced in the past, even adopting, whole scale, some of the Republican theories and doctrines, and implementing them, but, if the people fail to elect a Congress that will proceed in the interest of America, he will continue to do it on his own!
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