Voting, Is Not Like Knowing What Goes Into Making Your Hot Dog or Sausage . . . You Want to Know the Make Up Of the People You Sent to Run the County, State & Country!
I know that this is a limited sample, but, I for one can't vote in this election, nor for reasons within my control, and for more than one; however, the main reason, is I have been the victim of an identity theft, that goes back to about 1991, as I figure. While I have voted in most elections, due to having longevity connected to my Utah Driver's License, having had one, or during a time of possible death, either from genetics, or government poisoning for exercising my political options, and voice, along with my 1st amendment right to free speech, in redressing grievances with the government, often at an up and personal level, having worked 5 statewide jobs, teaching at 3 universities, having trained many professionals, in several areas of expertise, writing two manuals, both still in use, from around 1996-97, with national entities, using and adopting materials, and having gone to the U.S. Supreme Court, and every level of state court, plus writing this blog, that is at threat, of being deleted, paragraphs missing, shut down, with total blackouts at time, or with the NSA, doubling up on the name of my blog, or using it to make money on the blogs they like, when I refuse to advertise, or take money, staying clear of advertising influences, or anything that would compromise me in anyway to just tell it like I see it, letting the chips fall, where they will, and being up on issues, candidates, platforms, arguments, etc., I am being prohibited from voting, because my enemies, control all the government vital statistics, driver license divisions, motor vehicles and other things that I need to vote, like getting, simply, access and a copy of my Birth Certificate from California, already having sent $100, and running into fowl play, interference, even to getting an email, stating that I was too mean, so they, a government agency, will not send me a copy that I actually EXIT?
Stopped at the Polls, or Stopped From Being Me . . . Perp, ID Theft for Political Gain!
I have been hanging around Montana, while being tormented, pursued, and chased out of almost every country, city, and whatnot, either because of lawsuits, that got the attention of law enforcement, or current blogs, that upset, one government entity or another . . . freedom of speech! You see, the problem is not that I do not know what I am talking about, it is quite the opposite, I know too well, what I am talking about, the issues, the hot button topics, the Achilles Heels, due process and equal protection trouble spots, for the government, always, always, always, on the side of the PEOPLE! There are not enough attorneys, who themselves, even know and understand the U.S. Constitution, let alone, their own state constitutions . . . the common thought in Utah, up to the time I filed a $357 million lawsuit, against, the state's top attorneys, including the attorney general, who has oversight over the errant securities division that was perpetrating and participating in over zealous, over reaching, investigations and prosecutions, meting out revocation of financial planners, securities license, 110 for the division, 0 for the planners in the state of Utah; three plaintiffs in Iron County, who literally had, not one or two of their constitutional rights violated, but their residence, their bodies, and their very safety of not only the sanctity of their homes, but the safety of their children, who might have been home at the time about 50 law enforcement officers, just wanted test their new, flash bangs, and blow the glass windows and doors out of my client's new town home!
On several occasions, with 24/7 surveillance on me, likely from aerial satillites, that can see the freckle on my nose, locating my every move, have gone to the Flathead County DMV or DVM, whatever it is called up here, having been, at one time the assistant attorney general, who represented that entity in Utah, handling all DUIs in the state for them, but pissing them off, because I actually, would read the cases, consider the facts, and at times, make deals with defense counsel, that the DMV didn't like, being fucking Nazis, that now, yank your license, and give you 30 days, to have a hearing, to get your license back . . . claiming that as a privilege, rather than a right . . . and I could argue against that too, try habeus corpus, arguments, holding my body, restricting liberty, 5th and 14th amendment issues, commerce issues, due process, compensation for the government taking . . . what is a privilege before you get a license, becomes a right, property right after you have one, as long as you follow the rules, within your other substantial and procedural rights! You see, there has to be someone, even when working for the government, which happened on more than one occasion, that must, as an oath keeper, stand up for what is right, regardless of the price, which I pay daily . . . three trips to the DMV, and surprise, surprise, they have been in training, or whatever, can't get an ID, even when my Utah license was still valid, then got it hi-jacked in Great Falls, never to be seen again . . . facilitating ID theft, the very agency that is to help provide protection against that!
Ditch the Witch . . . Keep the Fake Bitch!
Now, that my Utah license, probably being used by a sister double, or another attorney, as her second Id, with DUIs from these less than fine ladies, will actually go on my record, where the DMV in Utah is willing, even while I was standing right in front of their fucking faces, with two picture IDs, with a license or ID dating back to 1970, when I first obtained the privilege of driving, magically, can't cancel my driver's license and my state ID, because, the government double is using it, and I will have to start completely over with a new number, which stops the unbroken line of identifications, allowing for the theft, the property right transfer to them, making them me, and me an new licensee! They have more games, that you could ever imagine . . . and now my sister, who has been a drinker, has been passed as me, probably a lot longer than I want to even guess, thinking it came in recent history, realizing the more I look in retrospect, at events and the insurmountable issues, just to get a fucking birth certificate, now that they have stopped the connection with my past, that took, what 43 years, of a great driver record, having suspended my license, recently because of a DUI . . . I don't fucking drink, never have, never will!
From the Mouth of Babes
Try that one on for size . . . they got me, stopped me from getting my license, and baby sister, look alike is a lush! Old United Airlines, flight attendant, lifestyle? So drunk, one night, when she lived at 3770 Sugar Leo, that I was conned into taking, along with inheriting 10 people to provide for, including 2 of her children, and a few strays, that when me and her new husband and a friend, from across the street, Wendy, Rachel's drinking buddy, who, together drinking, ended up one night, crashing or parking the car they were driving, up on the lawn, so, as we laughed, and some had beer, not me . . . all of Rachel's own children, not to be confused with my children, and visiting friends, actually blocked Rachel's, then my, driveway, to stop her from driving drunk! My children, who know damn well, their mother is a Teetotaller, as daughter, Greta Hyland, wrote in an article, last fall, for Utah Adventure Magazine or Journal, called Three Point Two . . . Celebrating Utah's counterculture of home beer and brewery parties, talking about her strict Mormon upbringing, especially with regards to drinking!
Responsibility to Protect, Became Facilitators in Crime
So, due to government, Mormon church, FBI, CIA, NSA, sanctioned and facilitated, ID theft, and taking all forms of ID, including my Utah State Bar Card, picture ID, then later, or just recently, paying someone to take my Social Security Card, that I got at 16, the original, with sister, Shelley, back in 2004, actually having in her possession, my Utah driver's license, my ID, and a typed, but not yet signed, Social Security Card, replacement, along with my original, which I was shocked to find out, and took all but the fake SS card,back immediately . . . Daddy/Daughter, mafia duo . . . dad took over finances, collected all ID, and sent it to big sister, Shelley, the original ME--Shelley had cops, revoke my driver's license, a year after I had voluntarily stopped driving, thinking I would die and kill others--all part of the plan that is in place NOW . . . again, going back further, than the Brock, Cheek, Vail, Lamoreaux, and a ton of other cases, totally $700 million, all against the government went, back before I collapsed at the Utah Medical Association, back in, I believe, December 1999, when I was diagnosed to DIE! Added to the to watch list by 1991, while in law school . . . How to stop an attorney, who is willing to take on the Patriot Act, in a head-on collision, with the PEOPLE, on her side? Fucking take her out of commission!
With former FBI agent and Church Security Director, father's cousin, connecting even more dots, P. Bryce Christensen, nephew of Judge, A. Sherman Christensen, knowing what my constitutional law grades were, and with the Patriot Act, in the workings during the Clinton years, glad to say, he would not sign it into law, nor support it, but Bush and boys sure as hell would, ultimate power to police, I would surely be a threat to that, as a straighter than hell, little Mormon attorney, and more so, as I beefed up my resume, with their fears, coming into fruition, as I killed asset forfeiture and later, took out 9 federal attorneys and investigators, as general counsel for the Utah Medical Association, coming back after a 9 year hiatus, and slapping the state of Utah, with a nation watching the SEC and financial world, loving my work, but hating me, and what was not palpable coming from my hands, was surely acceptable and lauded, from, baby sister's fake teeth smile, third boob job, lipo-sucked ass, thighs, tummy tuck, and peck muscle uplift--you brought this on yourself, Rach! LOL, as the Mormon church prepared for Mitt's reign of terror on America . . . they wanted to claim my works, but not the person--acceptable to help Mitt, with the money guys who would contribute to his campaign for my work saving them by the Constitution . . . or rather, a flight attendant, mascaraing as an attorney, with the help of the Utah state bar and others! LOL!
Prefer Being Beat By Flight Attendant, PE Major? LOL! Sure as Hell, Not, ME!
If I was the boy's club, I would rather be beaten by a bad ass con law chick, than a dumb ass, waitress in the skies, or the Sarah Palin, look alike with blond hair, or maybe, she is Sarah Palin, die the hair, put glasses on, and there you have it, sub her in for the real Ms. Palin . . . CIA speed! LOL, wouldn't put it passed them, and it is a credit to the USA, to see that a bumbling idiot, no matter how fun to make fun of, cute though, being one heart-beat away from the President of the United States of America, was just too fucking scary! Boobs or no boobs . . . how stupid, they thought they could cover her dumb ass! Rachel's too! Fly the friendly skies, but keep her the hell out of my life!
Almost a Blog a Day . . . Political, Constitutional, Legal, Informed . . . Why in the Fuck do You think they Want to Block People Like ME from VOTING!
P.S. . . . Greta had to tell me what, 3.2 beer content meant! Just a babe in the woods on the drinking lingo, so, who got the DUI? Diet Coke, is my beverage of choice, as it is for Rachel, when she is not drinking! LOL! And driving for that matter! But she, has two, driver's licenses, so guess who got theirs yanked, even before it was renewed, in Utah! Not the drinking and driving fool, but me, who doesn't even have a speeding or parking ticket, I wouldn't want her to vote or drive, let alone represent ME!
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