Saturday, October 25, 2014



Last week while I was in Shelby, Montana, or allegedly my government, Mormon double, sis or alleged attorney, love what I am writing, like about the Dempsey/Gibbons, World Class Heavyweight Boxing Championship, that was held in Shelby, July 4, 1923, my hits will allowed to skyrocket out of the ballpark, with them, manning two sights, both under my name, my blog, my picture, my credentials, my writing, and my legal analysis, or coverage of an issues, with them taking all the hits on the bad ass con law chick blog, notice the lightened, "ass", giving the blog the appearance of being the same sight, as the one they have blocked since the first three weeks, bad ass con law chick blog, I started the blog, back in September 25, 2013, with the hits the first week, being around 1, 500,000, to 5,500,000 to 13,500,000, that is millions, then, the NSA, Mormon run, new sight, as of about 2 years ago, with headquarters, near Highland, Utah, just around the mountain from Salt Lake City, Utah, location of the Mormon Church headquarters, there, and with 70% of the FBI, CIA, and now, NSA, being return missionaries with language skills, of two years, living in countries around the world . . . add that to the fact that Mitt Romney is planning another run at the presidency, with me guaranteeing that my memory is just not that short, and I will blast, reminders of his dismal record on outsourcing jobs to China, taking $30 million in government bailouts from the feds, to shore up, a failing Bain Capital, Romney's company, that put so many successful American companies, out by charging huge fees for consulting businesses on how to downsize, fire, and outsource, that it hurt the economy, with some of this going on during the 2012 elections, then burdening the companies that Romney and crew, allegedly were helping, but really destroying, being stuck with outlandish fiscal output to pay the over the top fees for Bain services, and don't forget that Mitt only wants to oversee, 53% of America, pays less taxes than a McDonald's worker, as I sit here, at McDonald's on Idaho St. in Montana . . . but of course, the fucking NSA, FBI and CIA, has paid friend and foe to lie, that it is really the double that is here at McDs, not me!  Fuck'em!

And your tax payer dollars, are going to lie, cheat, steal, perpetrate fraud on the American people, who like my blog as do millions around the world, with record hits of up to 155,000,000, not only once in one day but, twice!  Then they buried the blog in the deep web, or the dark Internet, and that is why my friend it dead, he taught me about this buried Internet source, having worked with the NSA and CIA, as a government contractor, or as an agent, he was too scared, to tell me, outright, the connection between him and the agencies, that he reported had done atrocities, beyond, what he would and could tell me . . . he died for giving me this information, and allowing me to pass this onto you the unsuspecting public, or giving you a means to escape what I am writing about, as we speak, and I write, ratting these cold-blooded killers out, who are now fucking with my work, and burying the truth about the Mormons, Mitt, my cases, my son's music, this blog, and my very identity, the roots of my children, you name, any criminal enterprise, and these assholes, operating either under the auspice of national security, or acting like they know better than you do, who you should vote for or not, or even where my money, that I chose not to make on this blog, so they decided, they would make it, after deleting any damaging writings, doctoring locations, scanning, and fixing it before it even hits your computers, except for a rare blog that goes uncensored by these fucking pigs, like happened, a few days ago, when I wrote for 5 hours, and they deleted the last 2 to 3 hours worth, and I, didn't give up and wrote and even worse blog, that I said I would write the next day, fucking fooled you dumb asses!  (blog inching back up in the millions, a few hours later . . . )


You can tell, that Steve Daines, must be one of the anointed ones, that these fuckers, feels is necessary to get Mitt elected, rather than Curtis, that can help President Obama, get the necessary numbers of Senators to keep control, so he can continue to help the people, instead of whom Republicans favor, corporate America, the rich, the 1%, those have the ability to help themselves, but sure as hell, not the middle class, which they are rapidly getting rid of, so they can control the masses, extract ever dime out of the poor, the elderly, the Vets, and other members of society, working several jobs, just to feed their families, and provide housing, while the Republicans, are favoring those, who contribute to their campaigns, the other 53% that Mitt wants to claim, while paying less than the people I have talked to at McDonald's this morning, or Mitt, and crew, who stole $118M of my money on a huge securities case, what Kay, who stepped in either as me, but worked up the details, and Shelley, wig in tow, walked in this conspiracy to defraud states insurance, under national insurance pools, out of the $357M, on the case, with Utah paying a mere 4 to 6%, and the rest of the money that ended up in Mitt's campaign, from my 1/3 of the case, rather than in my pocket, while they have used the state and nationwide battering systems to chase me, with unfounded warrants, that go on and off the system, or are extra, warrants system, not even traceable, to keep me out of Utah, or never letting me land, get a job, or get an apartment, as a sitting duck, because, my sisters are allegedly me, with Kay Burningham claiming to be me, as Kay Baby, my dad's second daughter, with her showing up WITH MITT ROMNEY, IN GERMANY, IN UK VIEWING OF FILM, AMERICAN CHURCH, AMERICAN PRESIDENT, the day after the U.S. Federal District Court, Judge Clarke Fuckups, Waddoups--same judge who just decriminalized polygamy, just up and terminating the case, when his, arguments, not the defaulted, government attorneys' arguments, could get or stop me, he couldn't either, so he just up and closed the case, he was hoping to send to a state court, hearing a federal question or a case filed under federal civil rights, not state civil rights, statutes and constitutional violations!  Amazing!

Note: NSA just tuned in, and shut me down, and low and behold, writing about Utah, Mormons, NSA with 30,000 Mormon spies, housed in Utah, unbeknown to the government, they just think great work force, with language skills, not, messing with USA politics, Mitt, again, and world affairs, like Benhgazi, with Mitt, speaking about it, even before the President was briefs, and amazingly silent, on the third debate, with Congressman, Jason Chavetz, (R) Mormon; Navy SEAL, Adams from Utah, Mormon, saying they were told to step down, and Mormon CIA, both in the field, and in the State Department, changing talking points . . . come on, a presidency was at stake! And, I was writing about polygamy, the reason, behind Mitt, Judge Waddoups, the fuck up, decriminalizing polygamy, just a month ago . . . this CULT HAS A PLAN!

Montana Cowgirl Marriage vs. Mormon Polygamy & Marriage

The Daily Inter Lake newspaper, here in Kalispell, Montana, ran two articles dealing with marriage, the first on, was entitled, Husband killer files appeal, and the other one, Mormon leader had teen bride during polygamy days . . . what, up to and including TODAY!  Sorry, while the Mormon Church, as this article states, tries to distance themselves from their history, which is being totally dishonest, because, not only does, current Mormon doctrine, in the accepted, and practiced, scriptures, entitled, Doctrine & Covenants, Section 132, to be exact, refers to the new and everlasting covenant of marriage, and speaks of the 10 virgins, I have often compared to, and contrasted to the better deal that Allah and the Muslim bombers get, when they sacrifice this life, for the 70 virgins they will get in the next for giving up their lives for the Muslim cause and Jihadist God.  To emphasis this point, in the last 7 years, the Mormon run, Utah Legislature, actually, deleted, the original Article I, Section 22, of the Utah Constitution, that forbids polygamy forever!  To change that, Mormons would have to get the approval of the United States, a vote of the people, and a vote of 2/3rds of each branches of the Utah Legislature . . . that is the easy part, with 85% men!  And the Mormon women, as progressive as many who hold office, might be, they will also support, what they see as their Mormon wife's duty, to follow the priesthood leaders, whether in or out of the church, even in state affairs, with no separation of church and state, with many members of the Mormon Church, even active, practicing polygamy, with the Church alleging that they will excommunicate members who practice the doctrine in modern days--BULL SHIT!

Montana Cowgirl's Attitude Toward Marriage

A Kalispell, woman, has appealed her murder conviction for killing her husband of eight days, by pushing him off a cliff in, Glacier National Park.  Her attorneys, are petitioning the court, to reverse the woman's 30 year conviction, as her defense attorneys, argued that Graham's actions were extremely reckless but unintentional, and suggested that a 10 year sentence was more appropriate . . . and they also, claimed that prosecutors, distorted the evidence, and changed the government's version of the facts, several times; therefore, suggesting, possible prosecutorial misconduct, malice of forethought, and vindictiveness, after all, she is upsetting the status quo, women don't kill their partners, only men do . . . as I remember from several claims, Ms. Graham and her attorneys, have argued in briefs, and hearings as the murder case has proceeded through the courts.  My point being, there is a total different attitude in Montana, women are not duped into thinking that their eternal salvation depends on marriage, and if you want the highest level of the kingdom of Heaven, or the celestial, you are facing living with multiple wives, as the new or higher order, blah!  They actually, as Christians, believe, that is Christ's duty, not their husband's, to save them, that is!

Ms. Graham's version of the facts, is that within days of her wedding, she had doubts about the marriage, which, she may very well have had prior to the marriage, but hubby, we don't know his side, may have persuaded her that things would be better once they got married, and they were not, she wanted out, or, like some boyfriends and husbands, while charming to the public, are all about power and control over their wives, once they think they have them . . . just speculation from a suspicious, attorney, former assistant attorney general, having written the training manual for cops and prosecutors, among others, teaching the dynamics of domestic and dating violence, which, could be over-looked in this case, just a thought, but, while up at Glacier National Park, arguing over the relationship, he allegedly grabbed her arm, and in reaction, she turned away, getting free of him and then pushed him, over the cliff, to his death, with hands on his back and arm . . . that sounds plausible to me, if there was domestic violence, and a history of dating violence, unbeknown to the rest of the world, and it could have been considered, self-defense, was she in fear of being pushed over herself, or did he threaten her, and it was either him or me, mentality . . . very typical of an abused woman's thoughts, when they reach a certain point in the relationship, hell, I hit it as a law student, in my 30's, with a stalker, even considering the fact that, since I couldn't get rid of him, we were getting to the point, of him or me!  Sorry, defense attorney as heart.

Mormon, Male Speak, You Have to Have One of Us, and If We Want More of You, We Get Them, Wives, We're Talking About . . . Nice for the Men!

Joseph Smith, Founder & Prophet, Married a 14 Year Old

For an authentic, historical and well documented, account of this marriage, in a book, that the Mormon Church put the kibosh on, and even threatened to two, professors of history, at the BYU, church school, rival, the University of Utah, God's first university, in Utah, that went the way of other universities, like Yale, Harvard, Columbia, and other religiously started schools, turned over to state run universities, now considered heretical and heathens, with excommunication, if they didn't stop lecturing, promoting, and selling the book, as I remember from the early 80's, with women coming on the heels of the Equal Rights Amendment era, the 70's, going from women's organizations separately run, to being brought under the authority of the priesthood, in an effort to consolidate the power, under an all male dictate, with the controlling church correlation committee, taking away Relief Society autonomy, separate funds, raised through bake sales and church bizarres, making them subject to male, alleged, authorities, and though . . . service & tithes without representation . . . a religious play on taxation without representation, but if you want to know of the relationship with Joseph Smith and the 14 year old, read the book, Mormon Enigma!

One of my friends, Marilyn White, married to my ex-husband's friend, Lee White, still active Mormons, I think, as of last I saw them, 20 years ago, was the typist and graphic artist for the book, and good friends with both female professors, and actually had a special lecture, about the book, the letters from Joseph to Emma Smith, the first wife of Joe Smith, and, after purchasing the book, I know it is in there, because, being very active Mormon at the time, I was so disgusted, not only, already with polygamy, but reading the account of the 14 year old, and Joseph Smith, promising that if the parents, gave him, their 14 year old daughter, not, like FLDS prophet, Warren Jeffs, convicted for raping a 12 year old, by a Texas jury, on the same case that Utah overturned the conviction, allegedly due to leading jury instructions, rather than the fact that Utah males, and their polygamy induced inductees, just wanted to protect future, Mitt, penis interests, but, Smith, promised her parents, salvation, which he can't do, if they would turn their innocent, 14 year old daughter over to him, not for sex, like Bill & Monica, I guess Joe Smith figured out what the word, is or sex means . . . to get out of that one, but I am sure he just wanted her to babysit his other children!  LOL!  That is the age, and the good someone that age might be.

My mother taught junior high, at South Davis Junior High, yes, I do exist, and she was always, completely furious, back in the day, when she had daughters, 6 of us to be exact, not 5, or with Kay, even an alleged friend back in those days, when these girls, in polygamist cults, alleged FLDS, or fundamentalist groups, would pull these young girls out of school, the second they reached maturation, and marry them off to some old geazer, who was a big shot in the church, with roots in Mormonism . . . the fruit doesn't fall far from the tree!  And that is scriptural, if the tree and the branches are corrupt, the fruit will be also . . . if the shoe fits, where it!  We, in America, are all alarmed at the Pakistani girl, Malala, who just won the Nobel Peace Prize, because the Taliban shot her in the face for standing up to the terrorists, speaking for the education of girls in her country . . . believe me, there is a Mormon Taliban!  There are tons of Mormons, active in the church, who are practicing members of polygamy, they just dress different, or live in separate houses, or even different states.

Aren't You, Dr. Jordan's Daughter?  Yeah . . . My Mother is not Dead!

One of my sister, Susan Southwick Schmidt's, friends, from high school, and just an acquaintance of mine, Sue graduated in 1974, me in 1973, from Bountiful High, in Bountiful, Utah, was on a trip in Hawaii, on a boat, cruising the harbor of Maui, or somewhere like that, and (yeah, I am here in Kali) JoAnne Jordan, her high school name, introduced herself to another woman on the tour, who questioned her, and said, I am sorry to hear about your mother . . . JoAnne was puzzled, because, as of that date, she knew of nothing wrong with her mother, cancer, my mother didn't die of cancer . . . Aren't you, Dr. Jordan's daughter . . . yes, didn't your mother just die of cancer . . . NO!  She questioned the woman, and found out that Dr. Jordan, was sharing residency with a wife, in Hawaii, who had 6 children by him, so a totally different family, those long doctor's hours, waiting days for a baby, must have given him the time, money, and excuse, for Mormon women, are not to question their priesthood member husbands, for this asshole, father and husband, to go to Hawaii, and carry on a totally separate life, enough to have six children, who were probably as well off as the Bountiful family, from what JoAnne's mother knew!

You see, there is a very unbalanced male/female, power grid and structure in the Mormon Cult, a woman's very salvation, her eternity, her level in the kingdom of God, is reliant on a MAN . . . an a man, who, due to his faith, service, belief, is entitled to 10 virgins, if he can find one now days . . . LOL!  And for a woman's faith, service and belief, she gets to share her alleged, righteous husband with 10 other women, but, she does get to pick the other wives, allegedly, if she knows about them!  And many, fucking don't, especially, men of wealth, stature and prominence of the Mormon male hierarchy.  So, women, beware, you may be living a polygamist life, and not even know.  

Like most affairs, the mistress or sister wives, generally know about the first wife, or may even know her, and only Mormons are going to justify their affairs, their adulterous relationships, decriminalizing them, and classifying second to ten wives, as merely sister wives, without a license, therefore, meeting the one woman, one man, Utah constitutional section that Mormons are hoping, to use to ban unconstitutional marriages and circumvent, traditional marriage between the man and the woman, leaving an escape clause, for polygamy, but shutting off, gay marriages . . . sneaky, Judge Waddoups . . . nice fuck up . . . and Utah has a non-solemnized marriage, that is just as legal as any licensed marriage in the state, which has been amended, thanks to me, again with the Calvary coming to the rescue in the Utah Legislature, fixing that too, for male advantage . . . and we don't need more women in elected offices!

Polygamy Puts Mormons in the Cult Status . . . Using Beliefs to Further Un-Godly Agendas

Christ, came to fulfill the law, to bring the sward, not peace, he fulfilled the old blood sacrifices of the Old Testament, the Law of Moses, and did away with it, and in doing so, he did away with polygamy, which God was not digging anyway.  If you read, about Sariah, then renamed Sarah, who gave her husband, Abraham, with seed as numerous as the sands of the sea, the Lord was not pleased with Sarah, mother of Israel, giving her handmaiden, Hagar, the mother of the Palestinians, getting the 2,000 year or more connection, as a concubine, then when Sarah gets pregnant, she casts, Hagar out, into the wilderness, and God, protects her and blesses her and her seed . . . but that one act, is causing a ton of grief in the Mideast, and for the rest of the world, with the current situation in Gaza, the West Bank, and other regions, with both of the seeds of Abraham, fighting over the City of David, to this day!  And the Bible is a fraud, just allegories, Bill Maher!  Think again, many of the current fights, going on around the world, are not only Biblical, but of Biblical proportions!

New Testament, Christ, Husband to have One Wife! 

By, the book, that Mormons claim, is the book that will get men, closest to God, again, nice, in the Book of Jacob, in reference to old school, kings and prophets, who had, like King David, who had 700 wives and concubines, and still wanted Bathsheba, Uriah's wife, David caught, taking a bath, and then laid, God, found and it is written, that more than one wife, is an abomination and concubines, a man is to have none!  And, since Joseph Smith, translated the ancient text, and was most likely bothered by that, having asked God, about the practice of polygamy, in the Old Testament, wanting to restore all things, the bull shit, that makes many in the Mormon Church, think that it has to come back, nice brainwashing, and with God, clearly listening to the cries of the tender wives and their children, when the men are asking for more than one wife, he says, no, but there is a caveat, added, that, when God wants to raise up a righteous seed, fast, like in Joe Smith's time, he can allow taking more than one wife, even taking 14 year olds, those tender fresh girls, that I am sure, God was trying to protect from the dirty old men, who liked those school girls, kind of like Japanese businessmen, who want the whores in the school uniforms . . . sexy!  At least they are willing to pay to cheat on their wives, and don't promise, eternal salvation, for the adultery and free access!

The Department of Justice, under the federal government, needs to go into Utah, restore the original Utah Constitution, changed unconstitutionally, with polygamy disappearing all together, let alone, being forbidden forever . . . article and other sections like those dealing with corporations, with the section going from 20 down to 4 . . . you might check out the group that pushed the U.S. Supreme Court's decision on Citizens United, probably Mo attorneys, hating Hillary, who might put powerful women in office, to counterbalance the men, especially, that at the time, everyone thought that Hillary, would be the Democrats nominee, in 2008, not President Obama, with Mitt running then too, corporate dark money connections, I would venture a guess!  But, in the early days of the Church, when Utah was a territory, the U.S. government sent in governors to take charge of the place, trying to separate church from state, as per the U.S. Constitution and laws, plus public disgust with the practice, especially Europeans, whom the young country, while winning the Revolutionary War, still wanted to impress the mother country . . . with the Brits thinking the practice unbecoming of civilized nations, themselves, dealing with tribes in South Africa, who were also practicing and still do practice polygamy, and seeing that not right for civilized, wealthy countries, and somewhat excusing the third world countries and their archaic and barbarous practices, polygamy and slavery, which America was dealing with both, so, Johnson's armies, came in to get control, my own great-grandfather, rustled 1,000 head of cattle, from the armies food supply, sending it, the army and appointed governors, packing up and getting out of this Church run territory . . . and it hasn't changed!


Going to a much more fun topic, and subject, and one of the loves of my life, especially at this time of the year, having myself, grown the fun orange squash-like plant, with so many memories and fun at this time of the year, making all Halloween parties more festive, there is a great article in the at home, section of the Daily Inter Lake newspaper, my source of endless blogs, and information . . . just a few fun facts.  This year, Glen Martin, of Wisconsin, and president of the Wisconsin Giant Pumpkin Grower Association, winning the grower prize for a pumpkin weighing over 1,700 pounds, on display at his home for Trick-or-Treat kids and parents, to see, shocking the socks off little witches, and such.

The all time record for growing these horrendous giants, goes to a man from Switzerland, with a pumpkin weighing 2,096 pounds!  The growers have to nurture them daily, here are some fun facts By the Numbers:
  • Giant pumpkins frequently exceed 1,000 to 1,500 pounds.
  • The current world record is 2,096-pounder grown, as I already said, in Switzerland.
  • Giant pumpkins gain weight as fast as two pounds an hour!
  • A plot for a single giant pumpkin may be as large as 25 feet by 35 feet.

Eat Your Heart Out, Charlie Brown! 

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